HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-08-20, Page 1Vol. XV l HE A ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 1915,, N0 4 • • • 4 •••••••••••••a`•O•••••••. • • • O • •• O Z • 4 • • • • • • • O • • • • i • • • • • • Preeter's o � � Ir. • • • •miSui • w 4. • • • • SALE• • • To clear out as much of our Summer Good5 as possible we are offering thereat the following reduced prices. You get the benefit, we get the room. 1 4 • • 4 • • •• . • 4 •• a 4 '.• .4 •4 • • 4 • • 4 • . • • • • • .a • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •_. • • • • • • • • • 2 • Ladies white lawn, organdie and voile waists, very Latest. 1-3 off' Ladies and childrens middy blouses newest styles. 1-3 off Girls' dresses in checked ginghams, neatly trimmed. 1-3 off Ladies -corset covers .in crepe and lace. 1-3 ofd Ladies white petticoats, deep em- broidery. m-broidery. 1-3 off Ladies embroidered flouncing for dresses at reduced prices 3 only ladies hot weather parasols to clear at 85 cents Childrens straw hats Half Price Boys and mens straw hats to at 1--3 off clear Children's Summer Coats We have a few children's coats left which we are clearing fo $1.00, regular $1 50 and $2 00 Khaki Coats and Trousers Just received a new line of men's khaki coats and trousers, also boys khaki knickers Silk Striped Shirts • e We have added to our stock a new line of mens fancy silk striped • • • 4 • • •• • w • • • • 11Y IPd1411 5; ;f hta'. • 4 Q 4 • • • 4� • • shirts, Something very nifty. Sizes 14i. to 16. Price $2.00 EDAL INE Longest and Strongest e fully guarantee it Two only Gasoline Stoves to dear Clow Cost ,®.... .......*twasnittArzeramanaii.escreastsrmeammatternmestemosamenevals Produce of 11 kinds taken on.m..tlanemar......alonanweamxic.....emicannallisernscoonxemattc.n monnroorz.ersternearmevanaer jaf e. e.p11one No.•� E E :T . Z UR C 11 4.4,44+++++++++++++++++, • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• •• •e • • • w • • • O • s • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • e • • • a • • s • • O • • • •• e • 4 • • • • • 0 4 • 0 • O • • of LOCAL NEWS Fine weather. Ten more days and school re -opens. Pte Peter Randall of London is visiting relatives here at present. Mrs C Fritz and Miss P Wurtz were visitors in London on Teescla,y Miss V Webster, of Toronto, is a guest at .the house of ReyG F Brown at present. Miss Melissa Smith of ' Detroit is visiting at the home of Mr. W O'Brien for a few weeks, Mr H Yungbliit and family, and Mr Jacob Deichert visited relatives in Auburn on Sunday last.. Mr William Lane, of Goderich, clerk of the county of Huron, was a visitor in town on Tuesday. Rev C C J Maass, of Preston, • will conduct the morning and evening ser- vices in the Lutheran church- next Sunday. . Dr. E. S. Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wed- nesday, August 25th and Wednesday Sept. lst. Mr and Mrs Daniel Steinbach, and son, and Mrs Charles Kalbfieisoh, of Detroit, are visiting relatives and friends here at present. Mr August Weseloh and wife, .of Berlin, Mr John F Weseloh and wife, of Waterloo, and. Mrs Jne Hohner, of Berlin, are visiting relatives and frien- ds here at present, The inelnbees of the Luther League of the Lutheran Church held a bonfire picnic at the lake shore on Monday eve. A presentation was made to one of the members Carl Miller, who will soon bidhis friends here goodbye, An enjoyable time was spent by all. The baseball teem. journeyed to Parkhill. last Friday evening and played a three inning game with the team of that town, resulting in a win for the latter by a score of 7 to - 3. Rain delayed the game and darkness stopped it at the end of the third innings. The return game will be played herein the near future., Saturday was the last day of business transacted in Merners store under the name of J J Merrier, Mr Merrier has been connected with the mercantile business in the village of Zurich for many years and in that time has made many warm friends in his dealings with the people. The store has been closed for a few days this week owing to stock taking and when opened will be in the name of the new owner Mr T L Wurm. SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL The attendance at the lawn social held on Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Y. P. A., of the Evan- gelical church, was quite large although the dool weather no doubt kept many away. The lawn was prettily decorat• ed and the programme rendered very entertaining. Short addresses were given by Rev. G, F. Brown and Rev. J, H, Grenzebach, of Dashwood. A reading by Miss Pearl Wurtz, entitled "In the Amen corner," was much appreciated. The solos by Miss Oest- reicher, of Dashwood, and Miss E. Rennie, of London, delighted those present. The other numbers were also well rendered.. Enlist At Once The clay has come for every man to tisk:himself if his business is here or in F1i nders. It is a question which can, only be answered by the individu- al himself. Canada has done splendid to the call of arms, but there is room for many more and there are right in oily' midst men who could enlist at this moment. There are family men who depend upon day labor for their sustenance who feel they could not go because they have their families to look after. In this they are mistaken their families would be looked after better with them in active service, in malty instances than they are now. The pay is $1,10 per day, or around $30 per month with everything"found and an allounce made for the wife and children. Take for instance, a man has a wife and two children dependent on him.- He allots to her half his pay or $15 per month and to this is added $20 a month from the government and if the case is deserving a further suer! of $15 per month comes from the Patriotic fund. This will bring the wife's living up to $50 per month and besides that $3 per month is al- lowed for each child, a total of $56 per month, much more than many linen are able to earn. And after his fomily is properly looked after he has 115 to spend as he wishes. Enlist at once. The call is extended to you. - The Outlook, (Outlook, Sask.) HICKS' FORECAST The Seemed Regular Storm Period is central on -the 22nd, extending from the 20th to the 25,inelusive, . The Moon is in opposition to Earth and Sun on the 24th, the autumnal equinox is gaining in force, and the periods of both Mercury and Venus lyra beginning to be felt. The combin- ed causes are sufficient to excite ex- pectations and very decided disturb- ances during this period. The period will come in with falling barometer and growing cloudiness in western ex- tremes. Conditions at the same time will be changing to warmer and throat - ening further east. The falling bar- ometer will shift to eastward daily, and storms of wind, rain and thunder will pass gradually to central and east- ward parts of the country, from about Sunday the 22nd to ' Wednesday the 25th. Disturbances of this period will reach the culminating climax within sixty hours of sunset on the 23rd. This warning will be of increased im- portance during the remainder of this month, and into September, People in exposed districts along the southern coasts are in the greater danger, be- cause they erroneously suppose that these destrective, equinoctial storms and tidal waves erre not due until about the middle of September. Should great barometric displacements and violent equinoctial storms occur in the southdluring any of these late August periods, atmospheric tides will drift from northerly regions and very cool weether for the season will spread over most interior sections from northerly parts of the country. STAY IN ONTARIO Plans for a far-reaching campaign to save for Ontario the farmers who n,re year by year leaving the province for the wheat fields of the west are, it is understood, being made by Hon G EowardFergason, Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines. The preliminary educational work will be done at the Toronto exhibition this fall. The real work will be done during the winter, when through the district representati- ves of the Department of Agriculture and others, the colonization Depart- ment will be kept informed of those l ,farmers who are thinking of moving+ into new fields. in another colmmn of the Herald you will held the heading. "Lot people Know." 1Ls has born started with the idea of helping you as 'well as ourselves. If you have anything to sell, or for exchange or a notice of any hind for the small sum of 25 cents o I cLl1 let the people know about it; at once: Try it. 111111. gm Walt b48'•*'lH •1•111 f #111011114 illotaqts4-11041040110.1000. WHITE AND T Q .: - - Our stock of shoes for summer wear is now complete. We have never shown alarger or a prettier range. See our line of White l'Iumps, Outing Shoes, White Canvas Shoes, ,Sandals, and the newest in Tan, etc. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. I • 4. 4. 4. e. FRITZ Zurich 1 The HornR of Good Shoes 444 4i i44 4 0 444 44 4t 4449x1 F444111rM+i4w 111111!IIIIIIIIIIfIIIIIIVIIllilllllllllllll(IIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!Illiiliidl'!!u(III!IVlllllilliiflllilllllllll!IIIVlllllllllllillilf Ifllli!Iililllllllllllllllllllllll!1111!111!1lliili!lil!IIIiiV91(Ililllllllillillll !IIIIVIifllll!IIIIIIV�, a3re yo goingl to paint this spring? if so, we can supply you with the famous ELEPIIANT BRAND Ready -Mixed Paints For floors and verandahs or anything that needs paint. None better and few as good. New and up-to-date Shoes at popular prices. More new waists, aprons and ready-made dresses and dress goods just opened up. All our lines are stocked up with the latest and best that looney can buy, Come and see for°..yourselves thid be convinced. R. N, DOUGLAS BLAKE �IVII!V!!lilt!fl!ilii!(UfIItu!!!I!I!I;IIII!I'�flnlludll�Id; II;I" � i' ''' ONTARIO I ,I, i i I .t!I!!+p;!i! i;dl!Pt?�ili(R!, �eI!li6'ilt!iltlfll!IiVll!I!!ft ', � !!'R'� rill !' i,I!'Ilf!i;'II!Illll!ill!111!s11119Filli� BARGAINS in Boy's Clothing 1 Following are a few lines which we are offering at Bargain Prices. 80 BOY'S SUITS AT A SNAP $1.40 to 0.50 Suits for eI.00 3.50 to 4.00 Suits for 2.50 4 50 to 4.75 Snits for 2.05 5,00 to 5.50 Suits for 3,25 6.00 to 6.50 Sobs for 4.00 • 7.00 to 8.00 kuits for 5.25 Boy's Pants Boy's Cotton Knickers, regular 500 for 1;5c All kinds of wool Knickers and Bloomers .:t IIALI+ PI'UCE Boils Overcoats at Cost and Under. Don't bliss this chance for cheap clothing.; Above prices: Oash, But', r or Eggo--. E, APPEL - .ZURICH "The Clothier MANY LABRE ons k,'S FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA - F,FGOING TRIP WEST" "RETURN TRIP EAST" $12.00 TO WINNIPEG $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG GOING DATES ammo, Awl and 26t0i-Front Masten, Tichborno Jct., Sherbet Lake, i anfrow and!Saab In tlu . Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, including later acdiate Stations rind :; branches, 1u;ac iFt end 1161:11- ro m Toronto, Sault Ste. 1Iar1e, Ont., , and Zest t'0 ia otF Ontario, including intermediate stations and trauehe9,butt110 East ooil Ino1udt,A Ixingatoe, richborno Jct„ SharbatLako il o$ Boa at4, kUauat 24tti. And 20t11-11rom 'Toronto and stations west and Nortel In the Province of OntAriel but riot including. stations on IiWO North of Toionto to Sudbury tit, ;:, Sault Ste. Mario, t)nt. 'n' Lull tuttielllara regarding tran9Dortallon west of Winnipeg, etc.,soe nearest 10,'t'.fi, Agent, Or write - M. 0. MURPHY, District Passenger Agent, Cage. I'ac. Fig., TORONTO