HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-08-13, Page 7Eczema. Genuine eczema, is one of the coin- inoaest of skin diseases; and in most • cases is due to bad habits with neglect of healthy cleanlineSs. You stop up • the pores of the skin—eithe y earnnulated dirt or by wearing woolly under -garments saturated with• per- spiration; and nature duly punishes you for the sin against her just laws. In a patch of true eczema you find little orifices, the mouths of the sudo- riperous duct -glands, which "weep"— i.e,exude a tiny drop of fluid. The latter congeals, and forms a crust or scab. There is always itching, and discomfort, everwhen the patches are not actually inflamed, as they may be, Towards cure, glycerine in some form or other is the sheet -anchor. As a rule, zinc ointment well mixed with 7cerine should be smeared on night id morning. If there be inflamma- mn, it is sometimes • better to • put the glycerine in a bottle of lead lo- tion—an ounce of the former to •a pint of the latter (you must get the lotion made up by • a chemist)—and dab on plenty with a sponge. No soap should be used. aneno wa- ter should directly touch the patch of eczema. But withal every precaution should be taken to maintain the entire skin in a cleanly and wholesome state. • Cotton, or linen, not woollen, undergarments should always be worn next the skin. Sometimes there is gouty disposi- tion; and then that must be counter- acted • by a diet of little or no meat, plenty of fruit and vegetables, no salt - ad fish or rneats, no alcohol.—A Physi- cian. Hints for Mothers and Nurses. First. A cross baby is nearly al- ways a sick baby. Second. Never urge the baby to walk. He will walk as soon as he is strong enough. Third. Don't neglect to have the baby vaccinated when he is a year old. Fourth. Don't consult a neighbor when the baby is sick. Get a doctor. Fifth. Don't fail to give the baby water to drink. When he cries he may be thirsty, not hungry. Sixth. You are to blame for any bad habits the baby may form. If the baby is sick to -day, do not wait until to -morrow to call in the doctoh Things that seem little may be really very serious. See a doctor at once, if there is: 1. Vomiting and diarrhoea. These are danger signs. 2, Sore throat. 3, Crying most of the time. 4. Sore eyes. 6. Running ears. 7. Cough. 8. Sore mouth. • For constipation, give baby two to three tablespoonfuls of orange juice, not at feeding time. If it continues, see a doctor. For colic, see that the baby's feet are warm. Put a hot-water bottle at his stomach. Don't burn him. If the baby breathes through his mouth all the time, his nose is stop- ped up and he needs treatment. Enlarged joints and deformed feet. should never be overlooked, resulting as they usually do, from errors in diet or some general disease. Skin eruptions of all kinds should be attended to. Most of them are due to food which does not agree with the baby, but some are caused by con- tagious diseases. •. Convulsions: Put the baby in a warm bath. Don't burn him. • Send For the doctor at once. THE LINEMAN IN THE TROPICS. The Animals of East Africa Have No Respect for the Wires. The Hfe of a telegraph; or telephone lineman in the tropics is not easy, for a service that uses overhead wires is subject to constant damage both from wild animals and from wild men. The animal culprits are of all sizes, from elephants and giraffes down to white ants and spitl.ers. The giraffes of East Africa, when they find their progress checked by a telegrtmli line, .do not know enough to draw back or "duck" their heads, but push on and carry the wires with them, and sometimes the poles, too. Teak is the only wood that certain kinds of ants respect, so instru- ment cases have to be made of that or of metal. Bees make nests in tele- phone instruments, and spiders attach their webs to the porcelain insulators. When the web t become coated with dew, the insulation is for the time be- ing destroyed. In Argentina, spiders breed in millions in the pampas grass. AS soon as the egg hatches, the young spider spins a single web, which the wind carries across the country. Veils DT webs sometimes stretch from pole to pole and eoveir all the wires, Bee. ;le.s have been knoWn to bore holes in iead, cable and lay their. eggs In thenl, n the region round Victoria Nyanza, iie natives tear down the wire to use or personal adornment. Because of hie rattily annoyances that are insepa, able from an overhea.d systean in the ,opics, the wireless system has super- ?,ded it In many places. KEEP CHILDREN WELL bURING HOT WEATHER Every mother knows how fatal the hot summer months are to small chil- dren. • Cholera infantum, diarrhoea, dyeentry and stomach troubles are rife at this time and often a precious little life is lost after only a few hours illness. The mother who keeps Baby's Own Tablets in the house feels safe. The occasional use.of the Tab- lets prevents Stomach and bowel trou- bles, or if troubles come suddenly— as it generally does—the Tablets will bring the baby safely through. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 'OLD DISEASE DISEASE MYSTERY. British Officer Finds Cause of 4,000 Year Scourge. • Lieut. -Col. Leiper, of the London School of Tropical Medicine, has just returned from Egypt, where he had been investigating bilharziosis„ and has communicated an important dis- covery respecting this disease to the Royal Society of Medicine. The disease, which has been a scourge to the Nile delta for thous- ands of years, has been discovered to have been the cause of death in mum- mies dating back to 2,000 B.C. In his report Col. Leiper cited a village where 90 per cent. of the elan- dren are infected. It has long. been known that the disease was trans- mitted by water, but the life and his- tory of the parasite have remained un- established. It has been discovered that the dis- ease is started in a worni which lives in the human body. The eggs of this worm pass from the body into can- als and pools, where they enter mol- luss and there undergo certain evolu- tions. They emerge from the molluss in a form enabling them to enter the human body through the skin. In this way the disease is commonly contract- ed while bathing and washing. Col Leiper contends that the die.* ease can be exterminated by filling the pools during the dry season. • rns Instant Relief Dr p Out Faint on Putnam's Corn Extractor to- night, and corns feel better in the morn- • ing. Magical t h e way "P utina m's" eases the pain, destroys the roots, kills a corn for all time. No paw - Cure guaranteed. Get a 25c. bottle of oPutnam's" Extractor to -day. .11 The Only Safe Way. Don't sleep on your left side, for it causes too great a pressure on the heart. Don't sleep on your stomach, for that interferes with the respira- tion of both lungs and makes breath- ing difficult. Don't sleep on your back, for this method of getting rest is bad for the nervous system. Don't sleep sitting in a chair, for your body falls into an unnatural position, and you cannot get the necessary rela- tion. Don't sleep standing up, for you may topple over and crack your skull. Don't sleep. • Culture. "My brother is going away to study culture," said the boastful boy. "Agri -culture on a farm, I sup- pose," remarked the giggly girl. Montreal, May 29th, '09. • Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Yarmouth, N.S. Gentlemen,—I beg to let you know that I have used MINARD'S LINI- MENT for some -time, and I find it the best I have ever used for the joints and muscles. Yours very truly, THOMAS J. HOGAN. The Champion Clog and Pedestal Dancer of Canada. Going the Limit. "What foolish things a young fel- low will do when he is in love." "Yes; some of them go so far as to get married." LOW PARES TO THE CAZIPODDIA. EXPOSITIONS VIA CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN HY. rour splendid daily trains from the New Passenger Terminal, Chicago to San Francisco, Los A.ngeles and San Diego. Choice of Scenic and Direct Rontes through the best of the West, Something to see all the way. Double track, Automatic electric safety signals all the way. Let us plan yotir trip and furnish folders and full particular, B. H. Bennett (IA., 46 Tonge St., To- ronto, Ontario. • One Dream Come True. "Strange," .said the first tranip, 'meditatively, "how few of our youth- ful dreams ever come true." "Oh, I dunno," said his companion. "I remember when I used to dream about wearin' long pants, and now I guess I wear 'em longer than anyone else lit the country," airtareest Linitnent Oates Diphtheria. English an !MIT= Grain crops in England and nab' promise greater yield e this year tha the last harvest. Forecasts cabled b the International Institute of Agrice lave at Rome, place the Italian whe crop at 189,000,000 bushels, some 20 000 000 bushels more than last yea . The prospective wheat crop of En land and Wales is placed at 63,000,00 bushels, or 3,000,000 more than las year; the barley crop 44,000,000, decrease of 7,000,000 bushels, and th oats crop at 89,000,000 bushels, an i crease of 10,000,000 bushels. Providing. New Mistress—Now, Lena, are yo a good cook? Lena—I think so, ma'am—if yo don't help me. Chronic thin Disorders Now Overcome Quick' There is no hope of getting rid o disfiguring skin blemishes until th blood is purged of every trace of un clean matter. Wonderful results follow the useo: Dr. Hamilton's Pills which provid the blood with the elements it need to become rich and red. Quickly indeed the blood is brouglr to normal strength, is filled with nu Crition, is given power to drive out o the system the humors that caus rashes, pimples pasty complexion an kindred ills. Don't delay. Get Ham ilton's Pills to -day; they go to work a once and give prompt results. ' Mild efficient, safe for men and women o children. • Get 'a 25c. box to -day fro any dealer. BULLET WOUNDS INFECTED. "Clean" Punctures Unknown to Ma Who Treated 10,000 Cases. Clean wounds apparently do not ex- ist, said Dr. H. S. Souttar, late sur- geon -in -chief of the Belgian field hos- pital, in a lecture before the Royal Society of Medicine in London. Much has been written about the clean wound left by the modern bullet, bu the docter never met one in his ex- perience in Flanders, and a colleague who had treated 10,000 wounds in the present campaign confirmed this opin- ion. Every wound is infected, al- though not all the organisms produe disease. Doctor 'Souttar found it was a mis- taken idea a wounded man could ap- ply his first idea dressing properly. It required clean hands and non-inter- ference with the actual wound. His instructions were., • that the -skin around the wound should be disin- fected :with ioeline, carbolic, or eyen soap and water, but the wound should not be touched. External appearances of wounds are often deceptive. Back of a small puncture in the skin may be a cavity as large as a fist, perhaps with a piece of shell or a bullet at the bottom. Tea in the Trenches. • It is said that tea is the favored beverage of the soldiers in the trenches. It is certain that tea is the most refreshing and sustaining drink under the circumetances, and it has good warmth -giving qualities. -It is the first experience of tea for many of the soldiers, and the taste will un- doubtedly spread when they return to their homes after the war. In fact, everything points to a greatly increas- ed consumption of tea all over the world, and as the supply is insuffi- cient to cope with it, the high prices now obtaining may continue for some years. A near argument is one in which nobody gets angry. riTina,rtFel Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. Minister of Marine In French Cabinet" VICTOR AUGAGNEUR, French 1% M linister of arints, (It is rumored that there may be a redistribution of portfolios M tho- French Cabinet, although that country now has what might be ternied a coalition Cabinet.) n Y t 0 t e - A ti t V 1..* 1 v4V,4 ., iiii , •41,i• ( , . .E 9)11- - - 41 , • ,e. EY . g3,,,elyPeer, ' • V1(tv stb '4'il#P.' •,..4,2, -- . .4 ..., " , , II . 1 — • THOUGHTS There is no use brooding over the and apply your r ture.—Duke of Be• who is false breaks a thread : find the flaw when gotten its cause.—H. r Do not not be morrow. Do not i yourself by looking you cannot see and stand if you saw ; . True it is that that education which i everything except . things that relate womanly destiny, , the holiness of ignorance, ' without a word t the temptations Beecher Stowe. FOR THE . DAY, back and forget it, to the fu present duty and will have for- Beecher. to to- and distract to things not under- scarcely call woman the own peculiar the plea of sends her council into life.—Harriet in looking past; energies Wellington. to in the loom, he may Ward answerable weaken forward would them.—Kingsley. one can teaches herself—except to her and, on of just of In YOU If so, remember Bok is by far balm in Canada! so popular? cures skin diseases, • claimed for Our sore? Remember gether different • ments. Most fats. Zam-Buk • any animal fat, • It is absolutely Remember same time antiseptic. allharmful germs. for h roecreonnti o inolurrelz forTest rheoawllydiiffs.ereilntl 115i/eel i. evbeoox.ounbilusren Best for baby's irt 011B '-zijkik—ti facts—Zam widely usecl has it becomc heals sores, does what it let it heal is alto- oint- of animal no trace of matter. is at the and and suitable alike diseases, foattd e rd sZfaomre-Bo uolfc tablet- these the most Why Because it and it. Why not that Zam-Buk to the ordinary of these consist contains or any mineral herbal. that Zam-Buk healing, soothing, Kills poison instantly, It is oulcers,and darnodgssiuo fpoeraino aa n1 sae prZeavmen-BtsufkreeSkolaeps: bath. 25c. ,.- " FARMS FOR RENT. JF LOOKING FOR A PARK CONSULT ' me. I have over Two Hundred on my list, located in ibe best sections of On. trio, ;All sizes. II. W. Damson, Brampton. NEWSPAPERS POR SALE. PROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all.businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Com - FOR SALE. RDOISTERDD YORKSHIRE SWINE —Both sexes; choice quality and breeding, four months old. Prices mod- erate..Wm. C. Wilson & Son, Hawke - stone, Ont. f±. Al LEADING 'VARIETIES of POUL- VI) TRY, geese, ducks, turkeys, guin- eas pheasants, pigeons, rabbits, fox ter- riers, rat dogs, pea -fowls, at a very low price. Must make room for winter. Write for prices. O. 13. Damann, North- field, Minn, MISCELLANEOUS, C1ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC., N..) • internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood. Ont. * ' ' America's Standard i IsiirlAmm• e' 9 irCy,YdillenetYclipnedreratt , liken,. Ali3/4Vi— tAiniVv0e0 •.1 ,-A --21' ingiteitiv,:n„„coNipagi..,-. 4 Cyele Marine Motor" wig VIIIAlgathgeliti; rinse, Meter Car en,s1nr, srlreresir felaredtalt,'Iorgi044V; him en. co. Dm ,•" 4 gettoll, Mich, I., • ,,,,74R.,, , ..- -- , 1( En a Me 1,, ...w. K.,.. , • , Pall Term Opens September 1st. •El -1.11017 roe' i&_l•' , 734 Yong° St., TorooLTTO. A High Grade School, None Better in Canada. Write for New College Ann,...,m..t. Highest Prices Paid G We ate the Ginseng in greatest demand therefore pay prices. If you cultivated Ginseng, latest price have and we highest offer. David Biusteiri&Bro. 162 W. 27th Cash for ? largest America and for it. you the highest have any write list, or ship will submit St., NewYork, buyers of have the We can cash wild or for our what you you our U.S.A. ED. 7. ISSUE 33—'15. INSTOTio Ride. Buttinsky, who heard some travel- ling Men talking about the monorail, adopted his usual tactics, "I rode on one of those once," he piped in, "Rode on what?" "A single rail." "I'll bet you did," replied one of the drummers; "and I'll also bet there was a man carrying each end of the rail." Tire:terve Liniment curet: Distemper, Bananas are fit to eat as soon as they have lost all their green color, and remain fit, no matter how black they may be, so long as the skin is unbroken. In the Middle Ages sovereigns used to be worth twenty-two shillings. •oiyJO3,,8" 4 Lt ,, .06NaV , True. Rubble—It's 'easy to make friends, but hard to keep them. Stubble—Oh, I don't know, I've got a number of friends who are pero fectly willing to let me keep them. Miztard,0 Liniment CureGarget in Cows It is possible that all the world does love a lover—until things react the stage where it becomes necessary to buy wedding presents for him. T-V,104;',.eeenVriTeeee..eeeete- 30 '44 ."Is4. • '10 44, • .5+ • ++. • " acm,==acca=cemamdertaz.......me:ox "Overstern" V Bottom 55013 urissr Motor f;ioat Freight Prepaidto any Railway Station in Ontario. Length 15 Ft., Beam 3 Ft. 9 In., Depth' 1 Ft. 6 In. A NY MOTOR FITS. .Specification No. 2B giving engine prices on request. Get our quotations on—"The Penetang Line" Coinmeroial and Pleasure Lentuchee, Row boats and Canoes. THE GIDLEY BOAT CO., LIMITED, PENETANG, CAN. 0A0 '''41,734;Qt2r4.6Wih. +`Pi*OZSZVCOne.",a,4100 rer.n1 ASIOVIVES: DON'T LET LIGE EAT UP YOUR EGGS—I A few vagrant lice will multiply so rapidly that they will soon have the chickens and chicken -house alive with them. Lice suck all the nourishment out of a hen's' body—thus, prevent hens from laying—destroy the lit- tle chicks—breed disease and ruin the flocks. Even If you see no signs of I leo, bo on the safe sIdo—dust fowls and pens with Internatio it LouseKiller It kills liee on chickens, geese, turkeys ; kills fleas on doge; kills ticks on sheep ; and is absolutely harmless to fowls and animals. It's a white powder, put up ai handy sifting -top box, with tin cover Big box—small price -20e from dealers everywhere in Canada, or by ins.II direct from us at Soo, which Includes postage. Sold on &positive guarantee to refund your money in any case ot dissatisfaction. Reap your chickens ,loan and healthy with INTERNATIONAL LOUSE KILLER. Got a 3000 1,0,0 your dealer to.day. hiltPrniationod nititi towtA,mi naale. F 77 INTERNATIONAL La Ed POULTRY GUIDE The International Poultry Guido wlUbomnflad tree to every person interested in pool - try who reads this advertisement and In writing bo us =ALIO= this paper. • Our Poultry Outdo is a noel, handy little hoot telling you Many of the things You 'want to know.about, feeding poultry. It gives valuable !Morn:aeon 012 what le required in foods to- Make Chickens Grow and to Wats Piens Lay. Also gives Information on TTIII.REES and DITCES. Sells about common ailments and diseases of poultry and how to cure them. Botter, sonenow for youco r lor WRITE DEPT. A while you are thinktug about It. 'international Stock Food Co., Limited, Toronto 50 • 15 ";). 7.4“ 4"z...PEKTek..%.714„4.47,Ets.,t4.T.Q.,!..?; ICE FAM 11 RICKS Ice cream frozen in boxes—enough in each boll to serve five or six—is a method of shipping that the City Dairy has developed until discriminating dealers everywhere have them on sale. A pail of chopped ice and a little salt will enable you to serve Ice Cream at that picnic. We want an Agent in every town.,