HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-08-13, Page 5EVAN. CHUB,CIi :SERVICES. Suhdtty, German 11,00 a, Sunday School 945 Junior Y, P. A, '1.00 p, m. (Service) English 7.00 « - Teachers meeting 8.00 Mon., Trz•Mu Brotherhood 8.00<' " r Y,' P. A. 8.15 Tuesday, Wednesday Piayes.Meeting 81100 �, Friday Teachers Training r, 04155J7,80 ,t « `= ohotr practice' 8.80 Ladies Aid meets 1st Monday • of 80.04 month at 7.30 p.m, LUTHERAN aI1'URCH SERVICES German, Sunday 10.30 a. in. English 7,30 p. m. Bible School ` 9.00 a. in, Men's Mis'n'ry S Tuesday 8.00 p.. m. Luther League Friday L A S lstWeds'y of month 8.00 p, m. You aro cordially invited to take an active part la all these meetings and services..:,, "Blessed• are they that hear the ?word of God, and keep It. Luke 11.28, in.. a< LOCAL. NEWS .Wednesday was Cala Day at Grand Bend. Miss Alice Johnson ;is spending her holidays in Goderich, The baseball team, is playing in. J?arichi11 tonight, Friday. Miss Mathilde, Well of Detroit, is visiting at'berhome at present. Misses Mayme and Maggie Lamont are Visiting friends in Toronto for a few days. 1 Andrew ` F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT P'oR GREAT WEST PERMANENT: LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED, ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich Miss Flossie P ord of Centralia is the guest of her cousins the Misses Gruen of the Parr Line. 11Ir F E Hess, and. Miss A Watson, of Loticlon, were visitors at the home of iiir F Hess, Sr, on Wednesday, Your label should read paid in adv- ance. Many have attended to this but their are quite a number who are in arrears. William Bender has disposed of his interest in the Commercial Hotel, Hensel], to Mr Atcheson, and gave. Possession on,Tuesday. Freeland•—•Johns--At Varna, Meg Ethel Johns to Mr' Stanley nee., land of Toronto,. DIED Clarke—At Varna, on Friday, July 30th, 1915, William Clarke, aged 73 years; Armstrong ---At Bay City, Mich.; on. July 30th, William Armstrong, a native of Stanley township, Ont., aged 65 years DASHWOOD SHOE STORE A large stock of Slippers Pumps Satin Pampa, reg $3 On for $2.00 Patent Pumps, reg 3.25 for 2 50 Tan Oxfords reg 3 00 for 2.50 Patent Oxfords reg :1.25 for 2 50 High top white canvits 2 50 for 1.75 . Tan Shoes reg. $1 00 for a3 00 All our Ladies' Pumps at Owing to illness, Rev G F Brown was tenable to take the services in the Evangelical church last Sunday. We are pleased to state that he is recover- ing. Many people do not think that ducks are a paying proposition, bet Mrs W Finlay, of the Town Line, c,n prove that with a little attention they will well renay for the trouble of raising, them. In 1914 they laid 205 eggs up to June and this • year they have laid. 220 eggs up to the present time. Surely as egg prodncers they should be one of the Most profitable on the farm. SCOTCH DOUBLES Following is the draw for the first roumi of the Seo'chdoubles to be played on the local bawling green beginning to -day. LOOK UP YOUR LABEL Take a look at tbe•label this week We have corrected our subscription list up to August 4th. and those wlio have paid their subscription' account during the past several weeks should find that the correction of date has been made. If you find that the label does not read as ib should call at the office or write us and we will see that the correction is made; And by the way, there are a few who have not had any change made in there label in some time. Those .subscrip- tions should he paid at once. SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES • Greatly : Reduced: Prices David Pfaff Dashwood - Ont MASS 1-1111? IMPLEMENTS. 1 P Lamont Dr A. McKinnon T P Ran Ferri Hess E l3nn,ver W O'Brien '• R Ftrta'ii T' Praetei E Koehler. lit Brown W H FToffmn,n A Eaighnffer G 'McBride W G Hess HICKS FORECASTS Tbo 'Mist Regular Storm Period is central nn the 10th, coincident with the nsw Noon, or Moon's conjunction with the Snn and the Earth. .The stoma din„ reel shows that the oncom- ing antninna.l equinox will begin to be a teeter in storm and weather condi- tions by time, The Moon will not only"be caninnction with the Earth and Sun on the 10th, bub it will be at an eclipse node. This fact will add greatly to probabilities of excessively 'nigh temperatures, menacing barome- tric readings, and violent to dangerous storminess. The Moon i also on the celestial equator at_tbe close of this period, on the 18th. The temperature will remain ,pbsnomenally high thrott• ghout this period, making n. prolonged "hot spell" from the preceding re„ae- t onaryperiod, and reaching a culmi- nMtye crisis on and touching the 13tb. Low barometer, with very black and ominous clouds, and blustering thund- er.storms, will set in to thewest on and about the 10th, and during 11th, 12th and 13th, storms of rain, high„ winds and thunder will pass over the• country, growing in extent and sever- ity as they reach and pass the great central valleys of the Missneri, Miss- issippi and Ohio rivers. This period will break up by rising barometer, change to westerly winds,andwelcome respite from very warm to decidedly cooler weather for several days. The Second Reactionary Storms Period wili center on and touching the 16th and 17th. The Moon is at first quarter on the 17th, approaching its greatest south declination. Distur- bances promise to be moderate at this time being no combination of astron- omical canses indicating abnormal results. By the middle of August, however, it must be kept in mind that West India storms may begin their ravages as far northward as the gulf to i ons and on the south Atlantic coasts. Binders, Mowers, all kinds of Cultivators, Discs and Fer- tilizer Drills, best and light- est made. all steel. Manure Spraders and all kinds of plows and repairs always in stock. Look at our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies, and Wagons before buying else- where. GAY MOTOR ENGINES 11-, H. P. $75; 2� 11. P. $85; 4 H. P.$125; 6 H. P. $175; 8 H.P. $235;, 12 H. P. $375; all warranted first class. At the old Stand:— 'Square tand:-- tScivare Dealing Our Motto LEGAL °ARDS, • i'ROUDFOOT, KXLLOEAN, & PROUD: FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notnrite Public &c. Office, on the Scinare, 2nd door from Hamilton St, Goderch, Private funds to loan at lowe_t rates W. PROM:Wan' 1``. •C: J, L. KILIW oAN,' W. PrrounFoor, Ja. Notice is nereny given teat the list of laud for sale for the arrears of taxes has been prepared, that copies may be hail at this office, that the list is being published in the Ontario Gazetre of July 24th, 3lls1d, August 7th. and 14th of the year 10915, that in default of'tbe payment of the taxes and costs thelland will be sold by public auction at the Court House in the Town of Goderieh on Tuesday, • the Second clay of November, 1015, at 2 o'clock, p. nl• W M. HO1LM S of Huron Treasures of the County Treasurer's Office, County of Huron Godevicb, July 27th, 1915 • VOTERS' LISTS 1915 Municipality of the Township of MEDICAL CARDS R A. J. MacKINNON late .House' Surgeon, Erie County :Hospital, Buffalo N. V. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House, Staff, New 'York Polyclinic Medical Scho.)1 and Hospital. ' Drug stt re in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont; J F Rickbeil L W Hoffman A F Hess G R Hess E Oescb Dr 13 Campbell W Siebert E Wurin T L Wilrm. ,Jacob' Deichert F. Hess & OIL A new shipment just in of Bon Bons, Chocolates, etc. The best that money can bit} A large variety of Corrie, Patriotic, Scenic, etc.,. Post.. Cards, all prices: We also have the Flag Gum, Spearmint, Ltc LIladind Brands of Ciders. Neilson's Famous , Ice Creani MctORMICI.'S RESTAURANT Hay. O(76NTY OF :HURON Notion is hereby given .that I have transmitted or delivered to the parsons mentioned in $eotiorr 0 of "The Voters' List Act" the cop ies required by the said sections to he:so transinited or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act, of all°persons appearing by the last revised Assdssment P.oll of., the said Municipality to be entitled to vote inuthesaid Municipality at EletOtt• ons for members of the. Legislative Assembly and at Municipal El -esti ons, > and that the . said : list was first :iiosted up at my 1 office at Zurich on the 20th clay. of July i9i5. an%1 `remains:. there for inspection. And 1 hereby call uponall voters to tako immediate proceedings to have any errors or omalissions cor. reoted ncoording to law. Dated the 20th day of July 1915. F. HESS, Sr, Clerk of Hay Township. A Man's Ability is his Passport" Prank Weaver We }handle the most improved Stable Equip - m ent on the xuarlcot; Farmers, fit your stables in a modern and sanitary way and you will be well repaid for.the extra oast by the increased results. Get our prices on, Stanchions, Water Bowls and Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc. 'i' e recently installed an outfit of stanchions manes fmxtt,r?S for John Ernson Ling and parties interested are wutoorn[ i,t 1ri i'c nt e, rue b; $mo, We also illistall equipments of Every kiid .See us about it did R ILOUIS PRANG Professor of Music London, Un`, j Teacher of Organ and all bran:h s'i • of Piano Playing; Voice ►Culture a d Artistic Singing a Specialty. Sixte n years practi,gal experience. For terms apply at the Haslet. Office. F1 T s1Z.E I have a. carload of Fer tilizer on hand Parties wishing to buy some in any quantity can secure it from uie at any time at my farm. • Have all kinds on hand, ranging from. $10 to $40 per ton. JOHN HEY Jr. Agent for Canadian Fertilizer Co. BEST • BY TEST Zurich Mee MARKET DEA.LErtS IN� Fresh ar.d Salt Yeats Edcfa :S4::Ff£., dC CASH 11?OR SKINS & HIDES T.n.gbiut &a I F Deichert I Pel l;'�IE,a t)11113ERTAKING LF • Prompt Service Moderate r:nat-g's Tailor Shop and Laundry F . 1-16 FF A Zuri elf. - Ontario I4 5`1`11).•0 4r,00.4'7 -.. .e. r' . Fa 12. t Insurance Agent Ont Zurich High Grade Copper and Aluminum Lightning Gon- ductors. Am very busy, please hand in your orders earls', as 1 do the work myself, Prices right on easy terms. Telephone LET PEOPLE KNOW Lost;, strayed,. fort aaie*, wanted,:: found, to rent, card of thunk,, aid all want ads, for insertion in this column will he pi-wag- ed 1 t'g-ed for at it rate of 25c esieh in'ertiori prov- iding they don't exceed, 5 lines, payable strictly in advance, FOR SALE—Twelve thoroughbred. J erkshire pier Ready to wean a , liet;iaiilmng,Af Amt f,l19b4 Appt to �17raliitliotl Fee. :Mtoney'1'o Loan --I have val iods sums of -Private funds to loan on airs( mortgages. Current rate of interest.•. Apply to :Andrew' 10 Bess, Zurich, .ea c vas= Oarioad of. .. r Posts For Sale iso C.KALBYLBISO] ZURICH 19 COUN 55= = o For General Stores i r11; are selling agents for Ai pleford's prices are the sane as city . tI avellers charge you for ihem. Let us know your popular count€r check hooks. Our wants and we will cheerfully show you samples and quote prices. Herald Printing Co. Phone3010••••11.9•••••01011•10.1 reasizam.ameagairnteer-Tnuew:rtm,..e,c3=sasainsaanernmermamprmat*• lla'bitof reading vertsela�.erits. Many persons read the ollghly as they read the news 11111 tier. N EWSPAPERS would be fess 'enjoyable, il7strtictire and valuablevaluable than they are if they contained no ad .advertisements quite as thor This is jut as it should be. Ths more advertising, the more hiving. The mire laving, the greater the consumption of the goods or ser- vice advertised. More business would be alone by the merchants of Zurich if they adver- tis 1 mita an 1 it mgrs of tllenl alvcrti ed, ilItlh bliineis goal to thi big city nl>it order-h.ius:, b:3c:t'ise th iy 1v0•'tii 3 'L` 1030 hooves w3uid c3:l 3 t3 d:,11' b:141n `4i EC )111 this. win. m 1 City if they c.3L5lt1 ti advertise. To the NI erchants of Zurich Advertise more; and the big city mail-order houses will get less and less bnsiness from this coinilluuity", and you will get more. Advertisement -Reading is North While