HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-08-06, Page 51 re -41 I., ft. Oil. go - • CHTJROI1SERVIJES- y, Garman 11.00 a., m. Sunday School 0.45 " un,i,or Y. P. A. 1.00 p. (Seivice) English 7.00 " Teachers aneetieg 800 Tri;Mte Brotherhood 8.00 day, 'Y. P, A. 8.15 nesday Player Meeting 8.00 " day Tettehers Training Claes 7.30 " choir practice 8.80 Jadies Aid, meets 1st Monday of h month et 7.80 p. m. THERAN CHURCH SERVICES man, Sunday 10,30 a. m. 7.80 p. m. JIG- School 9.00 a. m. fls Blierfry Tu'esday 8.00 P. be. ether League Friday 8.00 p, m, p,jdWeds'y of month 8.00 p, .ou are cordially invited to take, an me part in all these' Meetings and ices. - • Blessed are they that hear *he. rd of God, andekeep Tri Andrew Flees • Coetvireeueormro, mem FIRE INSINIKNOS PLATE GLASS LIstiRANOE AIITOMoBILE INSTRAN0E PRIVA.TE FUNDS-TO:LOAN • AGENT VOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN '00.. Ai:10061TM COLLEOTED • AGOODENVINsIIRANCE Herald. Office Zurich DAS 00 0.1It rfJIF A large stock of lippers•& Pumps tin Pumps, reg $3 00 for •$2.00 tent Pinups, reg 8,25 for 2 50 n Oxfords reg 8 00 for •2.50 taut OKferds reg :3 25 for gb. top •white canvas 2 50 for 1.75 n Shoes reg $4 00 for $3 00 All,evir 'Ladies' Pumps at Greif*. .Reduced Prices Pfff gisirwood Ont 1 IMPLEMENTS. .•.C. Binders, Mowers, all kinds f Cultivators, Discs and Fer- lizer Drii1, best and light- Mr3.de. all steel. rriure.Spraaders and all inds of plows and repairs lways in stock. Look at our Cutters ' Sleighs, Buggies, and Tagons before lnulang else- where. RAY MOTOR ENGINES 1* H. P. $75; 2H. P-$.85; 4 H. $125; 6 H. P. $175; 8 H. P-$285; ff. P. $375; all 4v,orated ;fist ess, At the old StancL— 'quare Dealing Ouu' Motto' e -ss o 11.Nlitt A new shilmnent just in of ..kelleins, Chocolates, etc. ,•Th e best tbn. money can ley . A large variety• of Comic, . attics t io, Seee i c, etc., PDS 1; , trde, a pneos.• Wit a1ie.1 lieve the 1.fl. $pefltr i to E teo ' 1,Padind 8rolid5o Cidars, eilsan's Famous Ice Cream ITOCAL NEWS,1 Sparks left on a trip to the western provincep last Week. Tho heavy 'reins iheljast week are 're• tarding harvest operations greatly. Mr Reg; neld Moeite is the guest of his cousin, Wara Fritz, at present. The masons are working at th brickwork of H. Datae'S new dwelling Mrs Wing, of Perlin, visited at the home of hor inother., Mat .P.Hauch on Standee*, SMUT DAMAGES CROP Damage estimated at 15 per cent has been caused to the oat crop in On- tario by the prevalence of smut,' ao"' cording to information 'received by the doper fallen t of ag t. o al turn. Smut has also ceased some damage to wheat barley and corn, but not to a serious extent. . • Depaetment exPerts look for a four to five per cent loss from smut under normal conditions, but tbe damp *ea - o ther tl i has r tea s snmanerp omo the , growth on the fungus td an unusual degree. See our. big steak of Furnithre and prices just a little 'cheaper than the orelmaryerein, ab lIartleab s ' We have a few single sets Harness left Rubber lima Niekle, regular price $20be 18;00, ab Hartleib's. ' Classified Ads '11 LEGAL oARr)s, PROUDFOOT, XILLORAN, & PROUD, FOOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public ea, Office, on the Square, 2ad door from •Hamiiton St. Gocierich. Privato fonds to loan at lowest rates Paocaroor, IC. O. J. L. KILLORAN, W. PRDITOYOUT, JR. The reports received are a strtking MEDICAL CARPS testimonial to the preventive value of forrealine treatment of seed, Where the seed was treated the fungus bas caused very little damage. On the • farms opela,ted in connection with the nal intiintiotis where esed treatment is reenired, praetically• no met has been enconntered. It is estimated that the average yew.- ly loss 60 the oat orop from smut and rust is About $1,800,000, and to oats, wheat, barley and corn, '2,720,000. The &owing for the lucky ticket for the +bed spread (billeted by Mrs W. G. Wagner will take place on August • 24th. • Mr ndrew Thiel, son of . Mr and Mrs Conrail Thiel, has opened a but- cher'shop in Preston., We wish him success in bis venture. . NOTICE-- • All children 14 years of age and under will bays to be off. the streets by '9 o'clock eadle'night. By order of the Trustees. Dr. A.. 3. MoKinnon and Mrs Mre Kinbon are visiting at the former's home East Oaledon, being called there on awe -tint of the illness of the Dr's mother. The Many friends of Me Jacob Regier, who met with Stith a serious accident a few weeks ago, will be pleased to Teat n that be is on the road to ragavery. While returning from Hensall on Satiarday, the horse driven he Mr E Ducliorme took- fright n.t, wissing auto and ran away. The budge, was' badly wrecked in the anixtip- &tickle, the occupants escaped unimt t. Rev. 0. 0, 3, Manes of Preston, Oro' connected with the Retina •Tournal will. conduct the morning and evening services in the Lutheran church • home next Sunday. Rev. Maass is a. former pastor df this ebureh and Many friends will be pleased to 'har. and to meet him again, FALL FAIRS Zurich Sept 22-23 Exeter Sept 21-22 Seafortb Sept 23-24 Goderich ..... ........ . . ...... -Sept 28-80 B1 y th Sept 28-29 Toronto. Aug 29 -Sept 18 London Sept 10.18 Brussels October 1 13ayfield October 5-6 SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Notice :a Hereby given that:the list of laud for sale for the arrears of taxes has been prepared, that copies may be had at *this office, that the list is being published in the Ontario Gazetre,of July 241h, 31sb, August. 7th and 14th of the year 1915, and that in 'default of the payment of the taxes and costs tbefla.nd 'will bo sold by public auction at the Court Rouse in the Town of Goderich on Tuesday, the Second day of November, 11)15, at 2 o'clock, p. IT NI • HOLMES Treasurer of the County of 'Huron Treasurer's Office, County of Huron •Goderich, „July 271h, 1916 VOTERS' LISTS 1.915 Municipality of the Township of flay. COUNTY 09' HURON Nntice .bereby given that While Me. toehlerand familye“were, have transmitted or delivered to returning from it, visit with rewires, the persons naentioued in Section 9 at apder on Sunday the horse- took .ftight at an oliject =the nixie of the• roed atid becatho iinfnanageablb Mi. and- childeen out of the rig but the horse got away afterwards etina.51111og the rig badly. , . Because the fly is email and does. not roar like a lion or devour its prey one, end that the said list eves first wasted rip at my office at Zieriole on the 20tb -day of July 1915, and remains there for 'of rhe Voters" List Act" the .cop required by the said sections to beso tranemi red or delivered of the lisl made pursneet to soul ant, of , Noeliter succeeded in getting leis wife all .persons anpettrino. by the. last revised. A ss.essmant Roll of the suit] Ninnici pal it y -to he entitled to vote int -he sabi Me raeipa 1 ty it. Este to ti: one fear members of the Legislative Aeseenblee end at Mainicipal Vecti• at a artouthful, mankind •pays little at tendon to it. But the fly is as deadly 'a foe to eivilieation as any of the peste of more fearsome aspect, which man InePeet4 makes it his business be destroy. The And 1 hereby call upon all voters tako immediate proceedings to fly's atte•ok is insidious and therefore the.more to be. guarded against. He buzzes into the house, drops his deadly disease germs where they will fertilize and buzzes out again to pick up a fresh cargo. Swat bine. He is your enemy. With the hot weather the Humane Society appeals to Immo owners to .discontinue the USG of the tight check rein. Penalties of $5 and costs have been imposed on men using the bight overhead check. Leading firms in Toronto absolntely prohibit in the case of -their cm% horses,. The check. rei n is condemned by veterinarins the cense of many evils among the distor- tion of the windpipe. The loss of efficeney is however, with 'many own ere the mein consideration for a horse -pulling a load with his head held he by a •checkrein caunot throw his weight in to his collar, and is thus hin- thod from gleing his body that position Nelda istheir most natarat and affeeti- .wee, ROD AND GUN The A agest issue of the Rod mid Gun in Canada published ab Woodstock, Gat:, by W. 3, Taylor Limited, and now se the nem stands, makes good reading for the eperts, Its stories of hunting and fishing and "been there" deecrintions of Vit 140 US outings in Oarettlien woods or on Canadian waters e•rein line with the vacation season unit the magazine is one well worth while tricking into the club or dannage hg w en settime out on the annual n !nor eau thin. STRAYED Porn Lo b 15, con 11, Hay Town RESTAURANT hruldle cow, with white spot 1 1,11 front Shoulder, Telephone 1 ora 3L litrich central. Herman Bender. have any errors or ommissions cor- rected acoording to hew. Dated the 20th day of July 1915. HESS, Sr, of Township, Clerk F. av FERTI*.LJZEI 1 have a carload of Fer tilizor hand Parties' wishing to buy some in any quantity can secure it from me at any tale at my farm, Have all kinds on hand, ranging from $10 to $.10 per ton. JOHN HEY Jr. Agent for Canadian Fertilizer Co. BEST BY TEST •' G. 1-10LTZMA:‘ insurance Agent Zurich Ont High Grade Cope r and Aluminum Lightning Gon. ductors. Am very busy, plea,,:e hand in yotit orders early, as 1 do the work Myself. • • Prices right on easy terms. Telephone 34. R A. 3. MacKINNON late Aims. Surgeon, Et ie County Despite', Duffel° N. Y. Late aesistant reef- deut Physician, 'Manhattan Maternity goKlital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic NEk dical Schoel and Hospital. Drug st re in connection, Office, Znrieb, Ont. "A. Man's Ability is his Paseport" •Frank Weaver • , • • Stable »111111pilient, We handle the most improved St thle Equip- ment ou the market. Farmers, fit your stables in a modern and Sanitary way end you will be' well repeid for the extra oist by the increased resnits. Oct our pacts on Stanchions, Water Bowls and Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc. We recently installed en outfit r.f stanchions and fixtares for John hIrb, BronSon Line, and parties interested are welcome to iii] ect untie We also install equipments of every kind See us - about it ••r . 0111 c4 PRA.NG 1,,. Professor of Music London, Ont, , • Teacher of Organ and all branches ' of Piano Playing; Voice }Culture and Artistic Singing a Specialty. Siete( n — years practical experieuce. For terms apply at the Herald Office. Zurich -fiat ilARKET DEALERS TN' Tyesh and Ealt Wats Pc7cfra Serfafer, ft CASH ,FOR, SKINS & HIDES 1,7° mgblut Deiclext PWIND ZURICH Ca, load Oe 14142321=EiNiSeSSeteS UNDERTAKING eiee. - ' \-eeeeeze,fdly, Prom: pt Service Moderate Tailor Shop and Lau rid ry .1=allarry11.1111.0.1 li 1 Herald Printing Co. Phone30 ii, FFMAII I er r P For Sale C. '9 IB;0; a ZURICH UN "r E Check"k;kg.. "N„, ...v" For General Stores .-E are seHing tigents for At pleford'S popnlar IlOoke:. Our prices are the 8111116 as city tz avellers charge you. for ihem - Let us know your wants and we will cheerfully sbow you samples and quote pric,es. t 3 Zurich. - Ontar io ,VntalsogniBUM",',W,VONiMaitt montolinwillfteMerasoms.otartoussometeemtnemomomot, -• inegarm-,01623PC.1...ri abit of reading Advertise eats NTEWSPAPERS -would be less enjoyabl4, instructive and valuable than they are if they contained no advertisements. Many persons read the -advertisements quite as thoroughly as they read the news ma tter • This is jut itS i ShOniti be The more aclvertieing, the more -• buying. The mere bnyiiig, the gt•eater the conenmption of the goods or ser • vice advertised, • .1103.0 imeitieee Ivould be done by the Merchants Of Zurich if they advcr- To the 1 tisal m n't 1 if in ire of then a:l'urbi11ub b 1310833 0)4 bI th) hit; city m lit note:: h ma); b lett th •;) 11 10 45 honees w cees3 t •e v been 143 fe) a this 3 Uti ni1iy if t'ley eaes,id 13 advertise ,erch9,uts of Zurich .Adyrtise more. and the big city mail-order houses will get less and less business fvoin this coiimilmil y, gml you will get more. AreOlseihent-Reading is Worth Whiie • , 4'4 t 7,7ASat, • gr41,