HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-08-06, Page 1Vol. XV l 4 ♦ 1. s s v ♦ ♦ To clear o:.t as -much of our • Summer Goods ics possible we are offering the nat the following ♦ reduced prices. Von �ge¢ the benefit, we get the room. • ZURICH, . FRIDAY MO ..,,m.,.1. r • 0 s •• 4, 4 a - 4 0 0 0 •. a 4, v m 6 0 0 0 •• 4 •0 0 • 4, e 0 . 44 4, a a 0.. • • 0. 0 •4 4) • •0 0 m p• • • ♦ t it and Ladies white lawn, organdie and ♦ voile waists, very latest. 1-3 off • Ladies and childreus middy blouses newest styles. 1-3 off p Girls' dresses in checked gingham's, .neatly trimmed. 1-3 of 1. res c.'oi <t .covers i n crepe ♦ lace, = -3:... ,♦ Ladies wllite petticoats, 1 deem • IIt embroidered. flouncing for • • dresses at reduced prices broideryo, 1-3 of 0 • em,. • • e • 3only a .111 ladies hot � e�rthel parasols '44 ♦ to clear at 85 cents Ch ns strata hats alt Price ors and mens straw • lists to clew° ♦ at 1-3 off • M• t • . Children's- nmner Coats • ' We have a few children's coats left which we aro clearing fo $5:00, regular $1 50 and $2 00 4, e W. • ♦ Khaki Coats ..and Trousers t Just received anew Tine of mens khaki coat: and. trousers, also • ♦ boys khali i knickers • e Silly Striped Shirts . ♦ We have added to our stocka new line, of mens fancy silk striped o shirts, Something very nifty. Sizes1i to 36. '.Price $2.00 t / A West and taA l;`_.g"est f01.i1y6alititee it =- Irx.4===.44.44==.r=4 \ Two only e tO, eS to dear Below Cost R Z . en • .p1Yb1kX11tLtid.,.Yn•/m4146.4=1.14.44.= 4, 0 4, • • 0 4. 7i4 4, 4. • fr 'phone.No, ti u NINO AUGUST'6, 1915. F+u��ac� El ••ti'l •�•�'ir PATRIOTIC FUND LCCA;:, NEWS An Appeal to Baron County From tltel,anadian Patriotic Fund. Mr Albert Gies of Berlin is spending ' ",'he following letter- was r, eceiv- his holidays with his parents here. cat by the Executive of .the Huron County Brunel of the Patriotic ,Yend, and is by them submitted to "*thepeople of this County through the local press. The appeal speaks for itself and should call forth a response from all those places in the County which have not yet sent any contributions to the Pat- ei,ntie Fund, \Ve are now drawing from that Fund. over $1,000 per month to meet the allowances made to the. families of soldiers who have en- listed mom this County and there will bo a continual increase its other men enlist. Can. we not "do otu' bit" still more by further eon. "tributions to the General Fund, which as is shown by the letter, is being so severely taxed? And the end is not yet. - ~Aild contributions intended for this fund may be sent to our Treasurer, Mr Andrew Porter, Go11'erich,wiio will clulY aoknowl• -edge sane and forward the amount to the Executive at Ottawa. By order. H IV43Olinton, Chairman. ;lames Mitchell, Secretary. Mr William Lehman of London visited his mother, Mrs•-. Lohman of town over Sunday. Mrs J. B. Dennis and children, of Galt, are visiting at the home of her father, Mr G Holtzman. Aft: 0 Patterson, postmaster of Caro, Mich„ visited at the home of his broth er-in-law, Mr Wm Lamont, this week. Dr Caiton and Miss L Brown, of London,were visitors at the home' of Mr and; Mrs H Brown, .14th con, on Sunday. Dr. E. S. Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wed- nesday, August 11th and Wednesday August 18th.` Mr Louis Praetor and family, of Stratford, .and .Mrs Steaey of Dash.- wood ashwood were visitors at 'the home of Me J. Preeter, on Monday. y 111r A. E. Moritz, wife and children motored from Guelph and visited the foriner's mother, Mrs P. Hauch, and• other relatives here over Sunday., The big sacrifice sale being condnet ed by JJ Merner will continue until August 14th. Mr T L Wurm takes possession of the store on the 16th, See our Malleable and Steel Range es, eornplete with reservoir aridhigh closet. at $45,00 before you pay ped- dlers $80.00 for the same stove at Hartleib's. Mr and Mrs Samuel Oliver, of Berlin, and .the latter's sister, 1,Iiss Flossie Kibler also of Berlin, are visit- ing relatiyesin Zurich and Dashwoo51 at present. :Laws? oeial:-under. the am. ces of the Y. P. A. will be held. on the eveningof August 12th on the lawn of b[r EI. Ewen, formerly Mrs S. Rannie's home. The prize lists for the Zurich Fall Fair have been delivered to the sec- retary and persons interested can se- cure a copy from him. The fair this year will be held on Septeinber 22nd and 23rd. Messrs J Hey, Jr, and H Bossenber• ry were in Guelph on Monday, where Rosie Winters, took fourth money in the 2.80 class in the races held there on that day. There were eight horses entered in the race. Mr Ed Beaver of Sarepta has accep- ted a position with J. Preeter. Mr Beaver takes the place of Mr T. L. Warm, who severed his connection with the firm on Saturday after a number of years service with I\L Preeter. r 2Z UR R C H as xx w 4, (copy of letter) . { Canadian Patriotic Fund, • Ottawa, 23rd June, 1915 As time goes on and the number ot men which Cs.nada is sending to the iront increases, the demands on the Canadian Patriotic Funct constantly grow. This month we shalt assist upwards of sixteen thousand families at an expenditu- re amounting to nearly $300,000 Go. During the summer and early fall .we expect this to be still further increased. - In looking over what the various e rrt± arc doing.,I find that. i hale your ooi ntv'gftttTtof 100000 a.iuont.h is beings . regularly paid,' there does .not eern to be any any money coming in from Huron County as the result of voluntary subscriptions, During the ; past few weeks we have received a number nt cheques from different parts ref Bruce county where: I un • clersttand they are holding patriotic meetings and stimulating interest; but from. Huron, with the excepti- ori of $135.25 from Hensel' received on the . 26th April. nothing has come in during the past three anon, the. Would it not be possible for your committee to nndertike to stimulate interest throughout the Counfv in the Fund? W'e shad need generous contributions if the work is to continue, and Lam sure that there must he many people in Huron County who cannot go to the front and who would be willing to pay, being unable to fight. With snob a valuable auxiliary as your county press. you ought fo be able towork up a splendid campaign.. I shall be very glad to hear from you on- this ,ma,tter at your , early convenience. Yours truly. Herbert B Ames, Honorary Secretary. ,, ,.,, i 1 ° i' ' ' I �I � I , i I 'lilillllilllli 1.IBi.Illli till�Jllillttiliihltllilllllillllllilt111111111111811,ILNItllltltl,.�ill��llllLllllll411111 uJ,IIIIIIII1111111111HINlipllBllilllllllhllll,IlBilllllllillilllllll I fi,,.u��,�,,,�,u .. I nt Ilh f li I i A song service will beheld in the Evangelical church next Sunday Ev- ening, when the beautiful exercise, "Mary the Doubter's Daughter," will be. rendered by the choir. Varied other selections will also -be given. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Among the successful candidates who have passed part one of upper 'School examination for entrance into faculties of education at the University of Toronto we note the name of Miss Flora Hess, daughter of Mr and Mrs. F Hess, Si', of town: She attended G oderich Collegiate Institute, • q r. 41 Lac..orpoi".;tet A iGc:,ti� v 11. r... BANK CAPITAL and RESERV $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A .Genera. Banking Business Transacted SECTION 141 OF THE LIQUOR LICENSE ACT fig re you goy to paint this spring? If so, we can supply you with the famous ELEPHANT BRAND Ready -Mixed Paints For floors and verandahs or anything that needs paint. None better and few as good. New and n4to®date Shoes at popular prices. - u - d'v-made dresses More, new �v aists,�,, apppi o aid � °ea and dress goods just opened up. 1`a•I1 our lines are stocked up with the latest and best that money can. buy. Come and see for yourselves. and be convinced. - R. DOUGLAS BLAKE - ONTARIO Ut�l �iliiiltlllll,L�nn �Y.Illli;lli,�l, ,.,,:Ih!hh' ���l14,•,lil i'.il�l ,li .l' 11�!fif4! �I'..i, SII?:�:I'nl°,I,I:diu�IL��.,,t ! .. r,�i �' ,n I��IIiIIlNilti�t111�.i1 =•1 • The Ontario License Board of Coni- missioners have now instructed their officers to lay all informations for drunkeuess in Canada Temperance Act counties ns well as other rio rlieou- tt' under section 111 se mnrrcltitle ,lea 'which reads as follows:--. vection 1.41 Whore in 0 ruff rft i - F,' polity in which e t',,t n1 f Tpiinn py.1,ox ti510 tori'^ eri1 4'.11.tIl no !.sifts n c;r shop 1te'n`I?'l is 1 i��.'.1 11. 11^tr» 111 i' X'i l found :1pon a street. or in - any otl €'1' U public place in an intoxicated corluiti•^''-' on Owin to the drinking o£r liquor he shall be guilty of an offend" against this.kit, and neon any prosecution for such an .ollencc'br shall ,11 com- pellable' ale to saute the name of Iffe nes son fr: a whom ,and the Place in which 'ho obtained such ligtt'or, and in case (Allis refusal to do so, he shall be imprisoned fns a perotet ofnot ex- tentlIng throe months. or uaztl'( he 1111;• closes'sucli infnrmntion, 2 Geo. V 0 5 5, s 1 F1. lied. ,71) --Provides the penalty for vmlolion of rrhove. elailoe and imposes It 11",1, .0f h'Ora :.?,0 to $50 :1•nc'i costs for offence, " 1'.1 t,, :l',300 to the accond Z4< 1. �s:il knowknowyour dear kiutl fn•ce, offence, unci fol' a tl1ir(l offence !bier , meet At heavens gate, months in jail with, but the Option of1'tlt`Il a fine. I:liAloving wito andchilaven CIRCULAR LF,Ti'L;13.SOFCROW BAN (31bi)El3.S Savivis Bak Bo' art t • Ieterest it;• if „r. a c t rn:n tot. a Z, II r,mtaell DUNLOP, Wash kai •ey Men's Furnishings We are headquarters for all lines needful and necessary for men's wear. Our stock is more com- plete than ever, and we take pleasure in showing our many lines. See us about Tailored 'Suits, Ready-to-wear • uits, Odd Trousers, Shirts, Underwear, Hats, etc. >t , AP?'EL b "7"1.1(3 01 .1 '1. '.: v:l''-ate..^ rIllre...-•„r DIED Brisson—At St Joseph, 00 July 31st, Mus A Brisson, aged 78 years. In loving 'memory of o00 dear father, the late henry Rupp, who de' parted one year ago, Afton wears of life together you were called away, To the ire ttliful isle of somewhere, Forever there to stay. Sono swot (lay we. will meet again: 'Till then [ grieve V and wait, of All Styles ZUBiOi T ani We make a Specialty Hand Tailored Suits. We can please you I LOOK UP YOUR LABEL Take a look -at the label this week We have corrected our subscription list up' to August 4th • and those who bare no id the;r subscription account during the -past several weeks should find that the correction of date has • been remade, If you find that the label doosnot retia ;r5 it'shonld call at the office or tiwrite us and we will. see that the cos esti-'n is made. And by the Walk', wry 1.c, a few --who have not had any crit}lr^ 111na, itn ileac e label in `0l 1e 1ii'.i '1'1i0 l cri13» tions sinoubl ho 11.^,rd ratereee. •-