HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-07-30, Page 8AY ONLY and shale in these Ve have no room to hem. We have a yd, 5 yds for $1 8 1-2 yds for $1 , 10 yds for $1. ach, 2 for $1 -2 yds for $1 ay only er yard, $1 0, each $1 2 for $1 yds for $1 yds for $1. air for Si All for $1 for $1 ade and hand. g� GASCHO PHONE 1'7 yin : t!_- Esc v -.°. 7v. _ • °; .:Q .�w':*Y�If w� A a!3wss"wFrs�ti:��.._"i^..°o�_�i..°..°.>.... ski See Our New Flashlights New Neat and Safe Fine Stock of Jewellery Just Arrived. SSS011 • OGAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday, Butter ' $0.22 Eggs . 19 Dried Apples 05 Potatoes. 30 Wheat . ............. $1.00 $1.00 Oats 52 52 Barley 60 . 65 Buckwheat 70. Flour.... • 13,80 4.00 Bran.,,..„ $28.00 Shorts . Low Grade....:.....:... Live flogs fob Hensall *.......m� ♦ ate._° �'__,3°_°_° °. . �...•.. ....:..°:.ism i LOUR, FEED & SEED STORE laving purchased the business lately conducted by I, Hudson, eg to notify the public that 1 have a compete stock of Flour: CE ROSES, MILVERTO;ti, ROYAL HOUSEHOLD and :ETER I3RANDS. Also Feed of all kinds. Alt kinds of Field and Garden Seeds roceries, Salt, Stock Foods, Etc., Etc. Eggs taken in exchange for goods George McBride Telephone 23 . . � orGasoline 82.00 38.00 8.25 Local News Mr B Sh3rrlffof Merlin visited fri• ends in town for a few days this week, A good 2nd hand Melote cream •sep- arator for sale. Guaranteed. L Prang, Zurich. Rev E Holtzman of Port Elgin is visiting his father, Mr G Holtzman at present. Mr Desjardine, of near Grand Bend visited friends on the Babylon Line one day last week. A very pleasant picnic was held at Grand Bend on Monday by friends of Rev. Mr Strempfer. George and -David Blackwell, of the Parr line, Hay, had a successful barn raising one day last week. Misses Ella and Isabella Cameron and Miss Hilda Snell, of Dashwood, visited friends here on Sunday. The sleeting called for last Tuesday might to discuss the street sprinkling has been postponed to some future date, Mrs Wm Hill of Toronto, and Mrs A. Thompson, of Pine River, were the guests of Mrs Wm Finlay, Town Line, over Sunday. i r We are g olo ont, Of 1 have decided to sacrifice oar enti, General Dry Goods and (-r at such Low Prices as have never been people of Zurich and vicinity. Ad opport does not come often. Everythirig must give only`o few of the Bargains. All o proportion. All persons who have due coins re- deemable at my store are requested to present same before August 10th, as I am going out of business 3. J. Merner. This community was deeply shock ed to hear of the death of Mrs -Alex ander Voisin, which sad event occured at her home on Monday ,.evening on the Goshen Line south, after a very short illness. The sympathy of .. the section is extended to the bereaved husband and to the deceased's parents Mr and Mrs Krauskopf. Besides the husband a month old baby survive, The funeral was held this Friday morning, interment taking place in the R 0 cemetery. BASEBALL Last Thursday evening the 'Inter- niediate baseball team fonrneped to Dashwood and played the return game with the tears of that town. The score at the end of seven innings stood 7 to 4 in favor of Zurich. The game was an interesting one and both sides play- ed good ball. Mr J. E. Hess acted as umpire. Score by innings: Dashwood 0 1 1 0 0 0 1-4 Zurich 1030210-7 Batteries, Dashwood Graupner and. Kellerman; Zurich, Howald .and M. Brown, PRESENTATION The pupils of the -S S class of Mrs Ferdinand Hess gathered at hero, home on Wednesday evening and presented her with an address and some silver- ware. Following is the address. Zurich, July 28th, 1915 Dear Mrs Hess: We, the pupils of your Sunday School class, wish to thank you for the kind interest you have taken in teaching us our lessons and wish to show you our appreciation in the small gift we are esenting you with. We wish yo► God's richest blessing and continued suc- cess in your work. ISigned by the class Paul Miller, Lindsay Wuvm, Milton Hey, Lloyd Hey,; above recreations will be yours by using a labor .00k stove. etreit• iron r stove works just like a gas stove - light the b ; r ,ers and put cooking on at once. It is to cook = :l 11 than wood or coal. Sen styles to r oM co°y ; 1`1'0 .i.:, 10.00 tip. Colne to ,see them. FilE3 ZURICl Ono of the many growing evils of this country to,dday is the city depart- ment store. In our town, where we met the best of stores, the most honor- able merchants, and where goods are at a margin so small as to afford a re- speebblo living to our business men, i thousands of dollars are annually sent to the department stores of our gtetlt cities. Farmers expect lo TIT merchants' to pay them a fancy price for butter, eggs and poultry, potatoes, apples and tomatoes, and then they take the mon- ey received from our home merchan ts and send it to a city department store, , Thera is neither economy or honor in such a manner of doing bag - boss. Our citizens who patronize them should be compelled to ship their but- ter and eggs to them: There is not a business man in our town who will nob duplicate their prices for the same quality of goofs, and he who turns down his home merchants to patronh e these fakirs is far from being a..lr�val.. T•heta. is and �; • . til Moths Linoleums . 4 ...yards wide, reduced to $1.80 per yard Linoleums, 2 yards wide, reducedto 75 cents per yar d Floor Oil Cloths at 25 cents a square... yard Dress Goods .. Silks Dress Goods, all colors, regular $1.15 for 80 . cent a yard. Dress Goods, all colors, regular 60 cents for 40 cents a . yard Dress Goods, all colors, regular 40 cents for 25 cents a y and Silks, all colors, 1. yd wide, regular $1.25 for 80 cents Silks, all colors, regular 60 cents for 40•cents a yard Satins, all colors, regular 75 cents for 50 cents a yard All our Summer Dress Goods Regular 25 cent Goods for 19 cents a yard . Regular 20 cent Goods for 14 cents a yard Regular 15 cent Goods for 10 cents a,, yard Bleached and Factory Cottons Regular 15 cent Cottons for 12 1-2 cents a yard Regular 12 1-2 cent Cottons for. 10 cents a yard Regular 10 cent Cottons for 8 cents a yard. Rugs Rugs Rugs, 3 yards by 4 yards, ,regular, x;14.00 foi -$ 0-00 Rugs 3 yards.by 3i yards, regular 16,00 for 12,00 Rugs 3L 'yards by 4 yards, regular 18.00 for. 13.00 Bargains on all Underwear Sc., Hosiery Special, Ladies' Hose, 10c a air Men's. a.nil . Boys' suits Men's Suits, regular $17.00 for $13.00 Men's 'Suits, regular 15.00 for 8.00 Men's Suits, regular 10.00 for 6.00 Boys' Suits, •regular 5.00 for 3,00 Boy's Suits, Special, for $1.00 All Straw Fiats at 1-3 off regular price i I1 Men's Smocks and Overalls' ___ - Regular price $1.25 for $1.00 Regular price 1.10 and 1.00 for 80 cents Mall Papers at a Snap All Wall Papers, regular 40 cents for 25 cents a double roll All Wall Papers, regular 25 cents for 13 cents a double roll STOCK FOODS AT A BARGAIN Regular $1.00 packages for 75 cents Regular 65' cent packages for 50 cents Regular 25 centpackages for 20 cents Poultry Panacea, regular 35 cents for 25 cents All Prints and Ginghams, 9 cents a yd cE.ids Special 8 cans of the best peas, corn or tomato for 25 cents s 2 1-2 lb, tin box Biscuits for 25 cents 2 1-2 1b. cardboard box Biscuits for 21 .oeu.ts Green dapau Tea, regular 30 cents for 22 cents a pound All laundry soaps, 6 bars for 25 cents Special Sale on all Crockery . a1e: Cash Trade