HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-07-30, Page 51 I,71•. E. tea'. 1Jrrdie,,den list; at Dorginton Tionon, Zurich, on Wed- esda 7, J ugusG 4th and ; ednesd.tay August 11th All `,clx r ldreii 14 years of W age and under:wdi have to be off the streets by 0 o'clock.'etuclr night. 'By order of the Trustees. 11fr Chas Guenther, Mr and Mrs Tobb Gcteuther, and Mrs Pettcben, of D411$11 -wood; and Mrs. ' : Hofianan, of Tavlaboetc whre guests of Mr and Mrs i Martin, on uu.ndaY. Miss Elizabeth Rennie, ,who has graduated, from the London Conser- vatory of music and is soloist in the Aslrin Street Methodist cherch Lon don, is spending the week at her {home here.' That the Province of Ontario • is bout,to inaug rate new taxes in the ; ape of direct taxation for the purpose of providinghe-revenue which is re -- to covet large provincial under takings,, is• evident. f ole), the appoint - meta of depai t er t: of taxation under flee 'provincial treasury, `• with .T T White as commissioner was a member of.the i.rin of 11fi1ier, 'Ferguson .and Hunter and enters on his new duties next week. Atndrew 'F. l -less , 'OCINIY.tl+ii'A.' TOING, 'ETC FIRE INSURANCE MATE GLASS.I'NNURA•NOE 19JUTO11IO1a11IJE INSURANCE • PiuvnE Ie+.,UN�TiDS'WO LOAN ACl•E•wr' R GREAT WEST • PcfiraA-v rTm ; LOx4tT Ca. 4000I NT'S. COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald„13ffice Zurich DASHWOOD HUE STORE A large stock of lippers & Pumps "atin Pumps, reg $3 00 for -$2,00 Patent Pumps, reg 3;25 for 2.50 Tan Oxfords reg 3.00 for 2.50 Paten ()!fords reg 3,.25 for 2:50 ?High top .wh te-.,canvas.2 50. for 1.75 Tan Shoes reg $4:00 for 43,(16 i1 . • .: : dies" Puiiipe at diced Prices Aid Puff DASH WOOD Mrs FIerrnan Tyler passed suddenly away at her • borne here on Sunday evening- She was:ill for only' about an hour when the sad end came. She leaves to mourn her loss her ,bereaved husband, three children, five brothers and two sisters, The funeral was held on Tuesday, interment taking place in the Bronson Line cemetery. A still born babe was buried with her: Mr blilferd 111clsaac left for Detroit on Wednesday where he has secured.al position with the Maxwell Motor Co. Mrs J Fried ana family of Toronto are visiting at the home of Mrs J Kellerman this week. Mrs Louis Preeter and children of Stratford is visiting her brother, John Eidt, and other relatives. Mt and '1lfrs 4 nrrts-4f .Sarnia attended the innerat of the lather's FOR TAXES Notice IS ooreey; green teat:the list 9f laid for sale for the Arrears of taxes ht;s. beer preeared, that copies may be had at this office, that the lint is being published- the ublishedthe Gilberto theatre of July 24th, 31st, Alai ust 70r:end 14th' of the year 1015, tend that in dcfeelt of the:payinent of the taxes and costs the jlaua wi11 bo sold hy p rbJic auction attbe CourtHeuse in the Town of Ooderich ori Tuesday, the Second day of November,"1915, at 2 o'clock, p• . m. WM. HOLM 4S. Treasurer of the County of Euros Treasurer's.Office, County of Huron Goclerieh, July 27th, 19] i sister"raahnerenn. Sunday.` 4. Mrs'Fd 'Tc1ighof'fer and ' •children have returned to their home in Yale, Mich., after five weeks visit her. • aced Ont SSe AHRL LI3 i.ENTS. • 1 'Mowers, all kinds ultiviitors, Discs .apes F'.er- r Drills, ;beat and�lagtl t- ade ai'li '1. anure Sipr.ailers X11 ids. of itvis `' 3- t,,.pairs a1w'ays ilk .,,r4sicrk ,.. • Look ;fit our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies, and Wagons before {buying ,else /where. CRAY MOTOR ENGINES 1 U. I?. Sro; it..II, p, 85; '4 H. P.$1.25; 6 H. P. $17.5:; (8 H. P. $265.; 12 H. P. 487$.; all warranted iamb class. At the old Stand— •a 'Square Dealing Our Motto" F. Hess dc -Son. A. new shipment just in of. 13e -Roas,.Chocolates, etc:. The hest that money can buy • A large variety of Cotnic, Pa;triotie, ` Scenic, ete., Post Cards; ail prices. Wee autohave the l+ lag.; ,Gotta, Spettenaint, Eta. Lei'lllind Orsadsii I i a." a7. Nellsfs lainous Ice Cream • COUNTY NEWS VOTERS' LISTS 1915 Municipality of the `township of Hay. COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given that 1 have transteitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 9 of "The Voters' List Act"tithe cop les required by the stiid sections to he:so tratins'nited or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act, .of tell persons appearing by the lest revised Assessment loll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote ingtlre said Muoioipal ity at Eletoti- one fur members of the Lesisltative Assembly and at Municipal. Electi- ons-, Lind: that' the said. list{,, was first posted up at my office at Zurich on the 20th day of July 1415, and remains there for. inspection. . And 1 hereby call upon'all'voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or ommissions cor- reoted according to law.• Dated the 20th clay of July 1915. F. H Sr, Mr and Mrs Henry Ricker, of Kippen announce the marriage of their oldest daughter, Maude May, to Norman. Pybas, of Webb, Sask., foi-nierly of Ttickgt'smith.,,which event was, celeb- rated in Regina, Sask., on July 9th. Two old .landmarks near Kippen have been removed. Bell's ,grist mill, which was built by the Canada Com- parry 78 years ago and at the time was the only mill for miles round has been torn down. The other is the residence of the late Robert Mellis built 57 years ,ago. Ira Candy was hronglat up before Seetire Sanders :of Exeter, by Constable \Whiteside, on charge of violating the Motor Vehicles Act, by backing into ,and smashing a rig, beloagiug to banes Walker of the London Road, motoring away, 'without giving bis narne•ieed•car number. A. fine of $50 and costs which with damages arnount- I d to tnea* $,80 was imposed: The voter's' list for the township of Stephen was first posted in the clerk's office on Tully 16th., It contains the names of 1,222 voters. Of these 924 are entitled to vote'at both Political and Municipal ;elections; 233 at Muni • eipal only and 05 at 'Political electi• ons only. •There are 668 •eligible to wire as Jurors, There are 129 female versa on the list divided between the niue polling sub -divisions. BORN - Morley -:--At 'Zurich, an July 23rd, to 11Irr...and Mrs A Morley, .a son. DIED - Tylec—At T.tShwood, on July 2 5t11; Mee i#ernta;n Tyler, aged 37 years l r c`i.,2.1. •days.•" Volstilt Tit Joy Township, on July 20tH, Mrs Alexander Voisin,'. agd 25 years, FOR SAT a.v/P-!valve fl orongbbred 13erlisllr e lj,ga BOA y to wean the beg i ng, of),Angtlt. Apply to \V Lipotonsa nes LEGAL, °ARDS. PRO'UDI?'OOT, KILLORAN,.& PROtJi)• ' FOO'{ . Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries I'ul.alic &c, Office, on the Square, 2n1 • door from Hamilton S. (1oderich. `, Private funds to loan at 1owe�t rates VQ. Paorol•eoT, K. C. J. L. Kri,LOI(AN;. w, 1'Roi�mroo, JIr, MEDICAL CARDS ,'9-�, A. J. MacIUNNON late !brise Surgeon, Elie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant xesi• dent Physician, .1lanhattan 11laternity IlospitalN. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic M dical Soho ,1 aid Hospital. Drug stere in eonnectien. Office; Zurich, Ont. "A Man's Ability is his _Passport" Frank Weaver Professor of Music Lonuou, Ont, Teacher of Organ feel all blanches ofPiano Playing; Voice !Culture and -Artistic Singing a Specialty. Sixteen years practical experience. For terms apply at the If raid Office. ESS Clerk of Hay Township, Zurich Meat Notice to -Creditors In.the matter of the Estate .of 'Thomas Johnston, Jr„ late of the Township of.Hay, in thecor,nty of Huron Yeoman deceased:' Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1914, Chap- ter 121 that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Thomas Johnston, Jr., who died on or about the 25th day of April, A. D, 1915, are requir-' ed, on or before the the 31st day of July,. 1915, to send by cost, prepaid, or • deliver to -Jeminia .Johnston and .James Dinsinore. of the Township of Stanley, in the County: of Huron, Zulich Post -office, the Executrix; and Executor of toe; said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addressees and description, the full particulars of their: claims the .statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. . And futher take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executrix; and Executor wilt ' proceed to distr'ibute' the assets of the deceased atnong• the' parties, entitled • thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall• thent. have notice, and that the said Eaecutr'ix and Executor will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose ch&bns notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated atraodcrich, the 3rd clay of ,July, 1915. Proudfoot, Killoran & Proudfoot, Solicitors for said Executrix and Executor. STRAYED On Wednesdn.y Jrey 21st From the farm of the undersign- ed, one heifer, with few white epots and white spots on forehead, No horns Telephone 13- on 91 Zurich Central. Ed Haberer, R R No 2, Hensen, Ont. FERTILIZES I have a carload of Per tilizer on band Parties wishing to buy some in any quantity can secure it from me at any time at my farm. FIave all kinds on hand, ranging from $10 to $10 per ton, JOHN HEY Jr. Agent for Canadian Fertilizer Co. BEST BY TEST a. noLTZMAN Insurance .gena Zurich Opt High Grade Copper and Alt11niennn- Lightning Gam" ductors. Am very busy, please hand in your orders early, ata clo the,•work; myself, ,'°t Th es right, on easy terms. Telephone 24.' MARKET DEALERS IN, - Fresh and Salt Heats Eolcgra Eeuzegec, dc CASH ,,FOR SKINS & HIDES. 7ungblut & Reichert UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate rhal•ges Tailor Shop and Laundry W. H. HFFMA Zurich, - Ontario MOODZIEWIEMSIMEMEtMESUBMEEMMI We handle the most improve,c {nest on the market. Fern ere,. in a modern and sanitary. exay�1ar avail repaid for the extra o=et,by, results. Getour•pr'ioes on lY Stanchions, nchions, WO er Fixtures, Litter Carr�i•' We reca'utly" installer Erb, .Broa+on Line, and in LOUIS P13 Ced For Sale F. (O. IC L aT&FISC ZUR PHf7NE'masa 'nom I� C UNTE-R Check. Books For General Stores , i -E are selling agents for Anpleford's tit popular counter check books. Our prices are the same as city travellers charge you for ihem. Let us know your wants and we will cheerfully show you samples and quote prices. Herald Printing Co. Phone30 The People in Zurich Want to Spend ]V[oney ONEY is fol' use,.not for hoarding. Most of its want what money will buy more than money, so we are always ..pendind nor money. A1s most of us do not mal<e enough money to keep or hoard it --we n1U5 Spend 1ton necessities. Much ?10611 111000y is spent with. firms outside of this community---- ,withthe big !city mail order hooses; money that ought to be spent at home.. More money would be spent r„ Zurich if ruore r,l' our rnrichaut would adye) tisa•, ntrd if these echo do ndver- ti4e would advertise more. To the People in. and about Zuri.ch 4rt-n g money out of this Spend your money in Zurich; sent -ling community rakesthecotrnuirity,.. re" fez ycttnd everybody eleet Building up out - .. side busiileps.*Gn't help yon any.. ,...,:.•.w... Favor Gaec' to. T11�se Who moo It