HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-07-23, Page 4THE ZIERiALic) issued every Thursday afternoon from the 1'1E' RALO PRINTING OFFICE victoria $t. Zttrich, by ANDREW F. IIESS and CliESTElt 1,. SMI1ii BSGRIPTION PRICE QQ A"YEA' U. S subscriptea Isr,so strictly in advance, ADVERTISING TERMS; Rates for display and contract advertisements will be given on appliatinn. Transient notices such as legal, cot potation, s oc t etc., to cents per line'foi f}Ct tnscrttr and 5ce isiie the for each subsequent insertion, Notices of entertainments, socials etc, at whidhka &amiss ion fee le.charged .or a special collection taken will be charged for at the regular advertistngg rates Notices ofrehglous or other meetings , the ob•ect of a which 's the'benefit_ore. community; and net for per.. onaiorsectarian interest: or gain, will .be 'cheern,lly nserted free, Estray advs. $t for three insertions. No paper discontinued until all arreerages are paid. Changes for contract advertisements mast be in the of$oe by 6,p. m. Tuesday, otherwise they will be left Over until the tollowing week. A.dvertispients without specific dbections will, be Inserted &anti forbid and charged accordingly. Tran- sient advertisrnenrs must be paid for In advance. Address all communications to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1915 SAFETY WHEN MOTORING The automobile seasonis .in full` bloom._ There never were so many b rautiful and luxurious cars to be seen as is the fact to -day, The genertd use into which the motorcar has come, in both city and country, is 'enonstrat ea Olt' ' city avenue or country higittray. . Th' owners of . these 'cars are invariably entbnsiastic over their purchase, They seer in chorus that they wonder they were without a car for so long a period. They will tell . yen that e pleasure they receive is not to be 4fined in words; buy one, they say, acct ou will neverregret it And this is p.l �?at?I?' all true -provid- ed always that the naree, will with- etttnd the luxury, TLe gran -lug company of aut3rnobil-. -fists demands the t there sho al d be an increased obiorvanee of the runt -a that; Blake for saf°tu`: Ir seldom leeppens than an accident in these cars is una- voidable. The exercise of a little judgment and control of the sp:odmi- crobe that ems to ledge in every motorist's ur' nd will save life ar d ear wear and tear, The Long Island Rail- way Company" has begun a campaign, along this line that &tight well be tak- en up •be every railways company and , 'automobile aeeepiation A feature of this campaign is the posting of great signs at many of the crossings of the railway, bearing these.words: THIS SIGN. MAY SAYE "s"til7ll Lir.,: 71O•DAY. P, S. Graduation. The following students were staoeess- `1 ful at the Junior Public Sehoolgradu- anon examination held in June. The marks have been sent to the teachers and the diplomas, will be emit when received from ,the Department of Education: To pass, a candidate: shall make 40 per cent:on each eubject and 60 per cent of the total; The pass mark is 660 and honors 826. The highest percentages received in each subject are as follows; Oral Reading --Oliver Kirke, 88. Writing—Lily M "Errington, 00, English Literature—Genevieve Zet-' tel, 93.. English Comporition—Violet Kil- pattick, 80. English Grammar -Leonard Birk 02, Spelling -Ida Bol tledge, Kenneth Routledge; Ernest Stire, G Zettel,,96. Canadian History—Isla Routledge, 79. Geography -Leonard Birk, 90. Arithmetic --Milton. Heyrock 97.; Algebra—L Birk," 'It Routledge, I Ducharnae, M Heyrock, E Laporte, C Pftle, Beryle Johnston, 100. Art,—Genevieve'Zet'tel, 67r+ Seieiice—Nesbitt Woods, 48. Book-Keeping—Leonard Birk, 85. DASHWOOD SCHOOL Leonard Birk 863, Walter E Fassold 806, Karl Graupner 661, Harry Guen- ther 688, Myrta Hoffman 732' Ida Routledge 702, Kenneth Routledge 785 Ernest Stire 721. DUNGANNQN SWIIQOL. Iva Carr 674, Lily Farrington 702 Gordon Irwin. 686, Beryl Jehnston 704 Oliver Kirk 683. ZURICH SCHOOL. . Dennis Ducharine 692, Milton'Hey- roek 823, Gertrude. Kaercher 740, Edward Laporte 796,ClaytonPt'ile.665 Genevieve Zettel 841. • BLAKE Mrs McDougal and childred of Stratford are spending the holidays with Mr and Mrs P Capling. Mr and Mr G P Keys of Leaming- ton are visiting the former's patents, Mi and Mrs John Keys, CORRESPONDENCE MS Smith of Seaforth is: visiting friendein this vicinity:. Mr and Ira. J B Nichol and dangh- ter of Paikliill visited at the' home of Mr and Mrs B Essery.. of London called on' friends here o& .Wednesday. last. 14Ii and Mrs Hy ROW mid Mr and 'Mrs NL Haidinger aratl aaanilies, o Zurich spent Sunday at the h0ine of 0 Smith: SAUBLE LINE SOUTH Mr and Mre Geo. Wilhelm of ,Mil. ' verton spent: Sundayat Mr and Airs Scliade's. h as A most enjoyable holiday tv, spent at the home of. Mr and Mrs Henry Sohade, by Mr Clark D Wilson ' and Mr Stanley 11 Manley() "o:t Tot onto. During their sojourn they became greatly interestedin lanai life inso- much as making full use of opi5ortcni ties presented by their hosts. Tile pleasant time. The big freight - boats week was fully occupied with at the harbor interested thein most as the surrounding farms and music was they •had never seen such' large boats rendered at each of the places wisitod. before. Mr ?Filson rendered a, sacred solo in pee of the thin babies �f -rt .7 the Presbyterian church, Grand l)eincl. Grensebach died on Monday and was buried at:Listowel on Wednesday.' r . A number from here e e attended the big picnic at Grund Bend on Tuesday DASTT WOOD David Tiernan has the foundation newhouse e f t'htS0 e , Win Rotherrnal )n14401;1e of bis Ping ere amputated.. Dr's. Balfour and. McI innoir performed the operation, Mr and Mrs C Steinhagen and fa}icily spent Sunday with friends at ParkliUi. A number of the boys motored to Gaderich on Sunday and report a and was accompanied by Mr Manlove. To complete the enjoyment of the visitors a musical evening 'was ;given on July 14th and'.passed of vel.y`:,suc- cessfully. This was a;ttenrlecl'b ' Mr and Mrs R. and Miss N Q npkeli :V1r 11 •, and Mrs Neiman Tuinbu , -ll'��n and ' John .Routledge ' of ,the :'Molsotis Bank staff, Zurich, is `spending .lis holidays .at' his home here., . IM's Wm Schade,'Mr,andMrs P lSehade Mr John Schafer of, Parkhill spent I Mrs Jack Taylot',., Misses G(. and B icor e Kellerman, roprietor of the: g. p Mr and Mrs Grordon Turnbull,'Mt and Sunday. with friends in the burg, Turnbull, Miss S: Schroeder end Mr ( Dashwood Planing Mill, is oonipelled H Yearly,of Crediton an "numerous l to run the:mill"tivelve hours a day to Running Race; open to all, 100 other's- ' keep up'ivith the orders coming iia Lard dash es t earn a i r. Sept: • London1915 Canada' $30,00QOO in Priz�s t... r t a �. a t Ci 0 n s this,.' r Prizes increased ear_ wo S � peri � . . . ,. ,. �� �E . t� Daily., by$3,000.00 i ti ew 1.. ► ver Niht. Excellent: Program of New Steel Grandstand. : tractions Twice Daily. .Midway Fetter Than Ever. ,sic bythe Best Available Bands, OVERALL A Zr�o RAILWAYS �° ".��+.� I A.YS West of Toronto, and Fare and One -Third from outside points p. Prize Lists, `Entry Forms and all information - from the Secretary. W. J. REID, Presicent A. M. HUNT, Secretary FIELD SPORTS' Th second Field" Sportsevent nt will e be held' at the Fair Grounds, Zuiiob, oh 'Friday eve, July 23rd. Sports" to start at 6;30 sharp. . The following' events will be competed .for." BEATER MEA:D0W The crops in this section are looking fine and the farmers look forward to a bounteous harvest. Mr Chris -Erb of Bacde i orient Sun Our threshers are getting ready and • Running Race, boys, 14 and under. 1 , l ',Running r will soon be at vgqc]f, as several ftelcls, l g Race, .goys; 10 and under, et wheat have been cut. : Mrs Mary Schlundt, beleved wife of Michael Schlundt, passed away on Monday morning at the age - of 68,. years. The funeral was oil Wednesday day at J Gasche's Rev A D' Gisobler acid Mrs Gischler 1 and family of Milverton palled on friends Iasi week. ' Messrs W H Pfileand Milne Rader have each purchased a Ford- -touring: car.. "Girls,' -wear ;a smile." Mr and'Mrs J Horner and daughter lViTyrtle, spent Sunday visiting friends near Seaforth. Miss Muriel Livingood of . Berlin is. spending e few -weeks s ,ac her home here. ST. JOSEPH Mr R N Douglas over Sunday. Master Clifford IUlanson of Toronto eecautions iii tab world All the t.. is visiting • his grand another, Mts will not save the lives of those who suste-- r other friends In, this yyi-- -eron and drive automobiles recklessly over rail-- inity way crossings, When approaching a Mr and ntrs Bolden and. family of railway orossing stow, look and listen- $ensallyieited at the home of ea A, T ' , doi"f= our rart. Won't you Q J q� ei 'We rite, .. „ ��uglas recently 1 otirs;i }t v seldom does any automobilist. stop at.a railway, erossing to seriouly inquire if a train, running perhaps at sixty Hailes an hour, is coming. He has crossed, the railways hundreds of times, end has never been in danger; hence, he regards the Ltossingfs as quite safe. Yet what the railway company says in its notice—all the precautions in the world will not save the lives of those who drive automo biles recklessly over railway crossings is perfectly true. The. generation in which we live is privileged beyond the dreams of the generation that has passed on just hese of t ' isone mob file The automobile ahead. privileges. Let those who are happily able to enjoy ib be careful not to abuse the rights of others, the rights Of those who entrust themselves to the car, or the rights of the motor car itself. London Free Press. errs W J Stevens and daughter is visiting friends in Dutton this week . miss Green of Grand Bend is visiting at 3tr H Zapfe's ate A Meyers spent Sunday under the sarental roof ' miss amnion Douglas of Hyde Park is visiting friends in this vicinity this week, STEPHEN COUNCIL The council of the Township of Stephen 'convened in the Town Hall Crediton; on Monday, the 5th of June 191 at 1 p. ian, All members were present. The mint tes of the previous meeting were read and tidointed. Mawhinney—Webb. That By law no 221 being a by-law to commute the % statute labor charged against the ,southerly 40 acres of Lot 1,in the L R W Concession of the Township; of Stephen. having been read three . times be massed and signed by the reeve a,ncd clerk and the seal of the cotp oration attached thereto. Carried. A large nunaber of accounts evere passed, Council adjourned to meet it ngnin in the Town [Tali, Crediton; o Monday the mid of August 1015 at 117,: rai. Henry Silber, Clerk. +t'e 4w 11 :. '0-04 00. C AUNTY NEWS Samuel Hueston, of the Bauble Line Stanley, has moved to Bayfield to re- side. e. A new pipe organ has been installed in Knox churcb,:Goderich, which will cost nearly y$i, 6000 when completed, H. -Smith who conducts Grand Bend summer hotel, pleaded guilty to selling liquor before the magistrate atreExeter and was fined $50 and costs. R. 3. Cl tiff, a prominent business roan of Clinton, died suddenly of heart fai- lure at his home on Friday last in his 65th, year. A wife and threedatlghters survive hini. Po}d MrN 11I:Cantiin spent Sunday at his home here, Messrs Alfonso and Peter Papinean of Detroit are spending a few :days visiting at their home, here, Mr L Nieman of Buffalo paid a business visit hereon Saturday last. Ile made the trip 'by auto. The haying will be ooiiipleted in a few days, - The crop was a very light one in this section. Mr and Mrs G Wilhelm of Milverton spent Sunday evening with friends here. Mr Irvin Smith of London spent Sunday at his home here. A large number attended the C picnic held. at Grand Bend on Tnes- day. All report haying a good time. John Sherri tt, of Stephen township, has: been given a government position to supply all the cattle needed for the Provincial institutions, such as asy- lums, jails end prison, farms. Nora Craig, the .5-Yea1•old daughter of Mr. and Atte. Craig, Godetieb, was severly burned the other' day while playing with matches. She set fire to her tlothes'aud before het mother cou- ld extinguish the flanges the girl was terribly burned around the body. Running Hop, Step and Jump. Sack Race: Putting the shot, boys. Running High Jump, open to all. Bicycle. Race. �?akin th afternoon. She leaves to mourn here e e Pole, j loss a husband, two sons, George and Girl's Race, open heti Ted, at home, and a sister, Mrs G I Girl, s BacA, 12 and under. , - Nadiger, Wheelbarrow Race. A large addition is being added to the gristmill by "the '.owner, - Mr J Kellerman, which will be used as a chopping mill. Owing to the large increase in business during .the past two years thishes become necessary. Nail Driving Contest, for men. Slashing the Bananas. Boning in Barrels. Pole Vaulting: " Rooster Race. The committee reserves right to obangeprogram Silver collection. • EXETLi 1. The canning ;,factory: has started operetiooe for the: ceaS:on, Pte. Jas, Morrison of Staffa,;a mem- ber of the Strathcona "horse, is report- ed among the wounded in France.' Ed-. Triebner of Stephen township who has been Ina London hospital` for seven weeks, has returned home cnuch improved/n health;. Rolm. Rowelrff, has left for an ex tended trip to Calgary and other west- ern points, Thos Penhale and Ward McLeod are assisting in the Connor, 112ac,hine,shops for the surnmeeesa., Mrs W. S. Cole and son are spend- ing a few weeks in Lucas'. Miss Mabel Groff. spent Sunday with her friend, "Miss Rose Hees,, Zurich, House Near Hensall Destroy- ed by Fire. On Saturday morning, while all the members of the family of Alex. Bueha,nau, who resides about a : mile east of Hensel., were enraged `in milking and other duties at the barn, some of them trotieed stnolie anf1 fittnibs arising tram the suaulner kitchen, They at once rushed to the house, but the fire had gained, such head -telly that nothing could be clone. A : tele" phone message for help was sent to Hensall, and in a short time several auto loads were on the scene. The furniture and bedding was carried out in a few minutes, but not a second t6 soon, as the flames made rapid-pr'ogrrr ess.arid soon destroyed the heusee The reeirlence was of brick ,with metallic roof,' and was built 'r?iEGny. years ago by Mr Stoneman, who for- merly owned the farm. The insttiSince on the .louse was smell -only $1,0001 w1iieb will go but a short way towards replacingthe building., As'k'.Cr'"and Mrs Buchanan bad e sort Ititioa by +b' HENSALL Mr and It's `,john 'Elder, <of the 2nd con., mourn the death of their 6 year old daughter whioh took place. last Wednesday,, She had underwent an operation- for appendicitis, but pneum- onia set in with fatal results. Jas Bonthron Sr., is ' able to be around again after his illness. H. J. D. Cooke and 'family, Will. Welsh, JosephCase and family, i l a , and Dr. F. S. Sellery, all of Torbnto are visiting relatives and friends here, Louis Atkinson, of Seafortb,while unloading baled hay at the Brucefield station 1 on Monday, bad the misfortune to slip and dislocate his knee cap, Mrs, Wm, Hui.lio, of the 13th con., Mei lloyt i$sr Leadbury, committed 41414,441a 14t16 l aturdfn'.v_: morning by. Wm Rlel1ay, principal of our school ind his brother, John, `nave1 ef t or a hipto "Western Canada,. Mr and Mte J V Millson have left for Mt Brydges, where they will make their future home. f Monday, Augueb 2nd, is Hensall''s civic holiday. • The Sunday Schools Will hold: a union picnic at Goderiob on that day. Wm Welsh has sold his residence opposite the planing mill toJohn Dinedela, of near Kippen, -ho will move to Hensall some time in August, STANLEY TOWNSHIP Tuesday July 201h, was Varna's civic holiday. All plaoes of business were closed and the people of the vill- age and the surrounding co witty spent the day set Bayfield. The :Presbyterian church, Varna, will hold their anntiel 8'tatden Party on McAsh's lawn, Varna, on Feiday etre, July 28. Musiie will be furnished by the Clinton 13and. TIL All sizes of first—class tile on hand x d RICK! For all. uses purposes BEST QUALITY SECOND TO NONE Prices Right St Joseph Brick Yards Louis Foster, Meeniger. Telephone No. 8 0n.-85 Zurich Central. What:.AboutVour Vacation? Ti;'you intend taking a ti -Ip we cnn su;.rii7y your wants in the line of Travelling Goods: 'We carry a nice: lino of. to `' F nk r i".rieso to choose from at. reasonable prices, We also carry n frill line oif. Harness, light and heavy, Dusters, Fly Nets, Etc. Light Work a Specialty F. STADE ZURICH 1. SEAM WANT I have madearrangements" with Silverwoods Dairy, London, to take ,.eream at • Residence, ' Zurich, any time n�y�e during the week. Cream is tested when brought ` to' my store and paid for on delivery. Price paid this week was 27 cents per pound. LIUDSON, ZURIC COMING! Prof. E. KATZ The well-known Eye Si h't S eCialist known to be the most skilled optician in Ontario, will be 1 at the Dominion Hotel, Zurien, on Monday, July 26 Will examine eyes by the method', that never fails. Prof. Katz is well recom- mended by thousands for his good work in relieving eye sight trouble, eye strain, every etc., in case. Prof Katz has been around here for years'' and cannot be beaten tin: l tri., ._ COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal' All sizes �C U ALF. TO �. Hensall. A reliable man to sell HARDY CANADIAN GROW STOCK IN ZURICH and ,IITJRO Cuun ty Steil now at the bust selling, tiro 8 d for ltst of Spring Offerii find terms to agents. Liberal miesions. Hati ..some Free Outfi StoneCr We1lingtO The Fontliill Nuseries (Established ,;183 ung 4 Mon Tnef Wed Fria L each LU Ger Enc Mee L 1 acti reeryl 'wOa • S Sa Pik; Ta,' Pit 1I; Ta GI P. 12 eta ,f