HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-07-23, Page 1Vol. XV ZURICH,, 4 4) • 4 •a .4 gi 0 4) 4) • 4) • ,0 • 4) ar 4 4 .• • • • To clear out as Bruch of our e I er ooi5 as p ossible we t the following ♦ ^y �. t offering �y 1 "�e 9aJl Yl r f � ,♦ are � reduced prices. benefit, we get the room. You get the 0 Ladies white lawn, organdie and • voile waists, very latest. 1-3 off Ladies and childrels middy blouses newest styles. 1-3 off dresses checked ginghains neatly trimmed. - 1.-3 off. • • Ladies corset covers in crepe and lace. 1-3 ®f ..� deep em -1 - "Ladies �wh:xte pctt�.ec�a�s, •. bro dery. 1-3 of '11. Ladies e' broidered. flot.•inc.ing for dresses at reduced prices • •. . 3. only ladies .hot ��v e. atlie�. parasols l to clear at 85cents • Children- strata hats Half • Price Boys and rens straw hats to clear. ♦ at off • Children's Summer • Coats . I o, We have a few • children's coats left Which we aro clearing for .♦ '71.00, regular $1 50 and ;2 00 • ♦ Khaki Coats and Trousers • Just received a new line of,znen's khaki coats and trousers o boys khaki kniclrers • 4) a d i 4) e • ♦ • • e l' FRIDA IVIS` N N pry. g LOCAL NEWS - Ly14`rA�vlLr f � Ji' dYz i/ <.3' _4 JULY 23 1915. EXAMINATION RESULTS plight School Entrance and P. S. tiraduation Do not forget to attend the `f"icacl The following high school entraizce;. sports at the,Fair, Grounds Ibis oven- candidates have been passed by the*. in g. Mi Arthur wolf. of Detroit, Mich., is visiting at the hone of his parents here: Mr E, Appel is holday i g an .1-Iatxi - bui'g and, other eastern points for a week, The second Field Sports nightwill, beheld at theFair Grounds on Friday eve, July 23rd_ Misses illaida Rottledg.o and Both Grenzebach of Dashwood were guests of Miss V Seibert over. Sunday.. The intermediate baseball team Played the return game at Dashwood k next week, Particulars te last slight, Fa Mr and i\1rs \V' F Finkbeiner and daughter, Miss Hazel, of Milverton, visited relatives here over Sunday. The members of the Sunday School of the Lutheranchurch will hold a picnic at Grand Bend on August 25th Miss Gladys McNevin, of Wolseley, Sask„ and Rose, of Goderich, were visitors at the home of Mrs E. Appel the past week. •• • l • • • • • • Silk Striped Shirts ed •We have added to our stock new line of mens fanov silk striped I shirts, ' Something very nifty. Sizes i442 to 16^ Price $2.00 ',Marti of Examiners and approved by the Department of Education. A carol giving' the narks in each stiiblcct will' be sent to each =success - gill candidate. The of the successful'. candidates will be sent to the teacher or secretary of the school early in A ugust, The standing required for pass is 40 per cent in each suieet and a total of 890 marks and for honors a total of 487 uiarhd. T!ie highest marks obtained in each t;ul eet are as follows:. Reading—Jil aplienia- McNeil 49. Writing Helen Kidd 45. Spelling ---Kate Handy, Hazel Young, Hilda Williams X48. Literature—Nellie O'Oallaghaino 93. Arithrnetic--Carl Miller 100.. Grammar—Mary Day 90. • Geography -Jack Marshall, Wilson' Woods 88. Composition ---Ethel Murdoeft,, Lau - r ra Watson 81. Total -Michael Bowler,. Jack Mar shall 529. ZU1iICH SCH00L. Alias Lennisr Merger Minnie Foster Roy lililler Carl honors. HENSALL SCHOOL- Bell Elliott GlennMabel Mackay Russell McDonald Edna Whiteside Albert Caldwell Nellie Johnston Mervin honors 1VIcDonell. Allan Snralla,coznbe Freda honors BAXICfl LD SCHOOL. Terence' Miss Dorothy 'Truznener,, who is training for a nurse in one• of Toronto's' hospitals, is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs; II.. Treem-: ner, of town. Rev. A. D. Gischler,, wife and fami- ly, returned to their hone in Milverton on Tuesday,, after a pleasant visit with' oldfriends in this community, They attended a picnic at Grand Bend on Monday at which all had a pleasant time.. Mr, and Mrs J B Laporte returned last week from their visit to the Provin- ce of Quebec. We have asked Mr { heir tri .Iz -ilthat Laporte for a short sketch -ort and he has promised to supply us with ae#r,t+ �htzsseil a short history for: an early issue of 'Merner Isetta the Herald. .'Jing Muriel Dr. E;W, Stoaliopf, who sustained King Frank a fractured leg and other in'furies by .�Voodn Lucy honors being knocked down and trampled 1)33rsw00nh sozs col ,rCalfas 3iayrnond weeks horse some � upon by e, vicious Guen.�th�er Hauuor ago, is Suffering from a slight attack of Guenthe1 N e mer pneumoina at present; but his many :Guenter e mace friends will be pleased to learn that.he ellerer Ida is progressing favorably. • AirII � rit�•„�^��-'.� r.'�"- X I D MEDALt • ♦.. 4, Longest a nd Fktittrollget Vit• w Tt .Fully guarantee • t.i G WINE 4. 4. 4. P. 4V it ' Kooh Milford We were a little surprised, the ` other Noeb della day to find. fifty dollars on the road Snell Hazel beside the hedge.. a �, the corner of a Steinhagen Lulu prominent 2ar{r1r shouse, and more so elantrrrozr sonooL to find that it had lain for several Brown Maurice, weeks unmolested' and was= beginning Finkbeiwer Edward to look much the worse for exposure. Ilaist Clara The money was in the shapeof a corn Jefferson Aileen planter which will have to be replaced Sambrook Lorene by a new one before another season Sweitzer Earl unless cared for, better. If we had. Brown Royal the money that is lost every year by Gaisei Nola neglect of farm machinery, we would Holmes Mary not be running a newspaper. Lawson Myrtle: GasolineStoves to clear_, Two only:�. ♦Below..Cost • • educe of • • all kinds taken • • ♦ • • w wxt,w =tmm mawigrrnaxm 4 1915 VOTERS' . LIS'il' The Voters' List for Ilay Township for 1915 was first posted up in the clerk's office on. Tuesday, July 201b. The list contains 765 names of persons eligible to'vote in Part T. One hund- red and forty-eight in Part 2, and thirty-four in part 3, while 504 are eligible for Jurors. Sixty names of women who have votes at municipal elections only aro on the list. Tele hone n - ZUR I, 3 II i.,6 •1"l •s.4 +�.;+.1: , ,.1 ,� ;,.i..i t 4 h ..k„1..1.4 1.^g .� K^° ^�r�,+ is 1 �,a«; ,y* �..1.«1,4..1..1.^x,+ anastaxaesosommassm Lncorp;rated 1 855 The PitiOLSONS BAN CAPITAL and RESERV $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada. Genera..: Banking Business Transacted CI13,CUL Alt L1 C'.t1JRSo'6'C,RIOT.a i BANK. 111,OiNIiY 0Rl)fUS SaVIORS Ilank Departmera retrtc:.t -c+7rzdnt'ratce Zurich Branch R. D1JNLOP, Mootia, Sambrook Nathan HAX TOWNSHIP No, 8--Consitt Pearl 423, Love Grace 403, Love Ross 407 Richardson' Vera 400.' ,No. , 12^-Sehillio Henry 479, Sch- och Percy 487: IT, No. 13—Pfaff Alice 413. STANLEY TOWNSHIP No, -8—Heard Vivian, 391, Nigh Matilda 391. North No, 4—Stinson Alice 450, Sootchrner Edna 457, Scotchzner Clif- ford 442, Watson John 895, No. 6—Johnston George 509 (hon) Pilgrim). Annie 1692. No. 7 --Anderson Pearl 892, Cock ramie' James 107, Coleman Mabel 416; Love Stanley 418, Love Forrest 454. No, 9 F9'uliuy Alberta 486 Manson William 431,<Oeseh Merano 892. No, 10 -Mustard Annie 453. 447 435 438 499 427 425` 467 395, 414' 418 51,9 425 508 NO 52 ►4o 40041 + a'Q i4 Its 41 44. , WHITE ,ANTAW 1 0 1 w Our stock of shoes for summer wear is now complete, We have neves shown a larger' or. a prettier range See our line of White Pins-,^ Outing Shoes, White Canvas Shoes, 5 ndals, and the newest in Tan etc, Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. • d e. FRITZ Zurich 1 The Horne of Good Shoes llllllllllllllllililiitimilillllllillllllll!liiiiitillllimilllllllllilliliiilllllllllllli!illllllllllllilllilllll@IIIINIIIIIfiIINiIIIIIINII ilimI{IIIIIlIIIIIIIHiP�l1111111111!111111141!IIIDI'.�Qullliillll!NII!Ifiliiilllilnllll lI1ier__ • II o %o o :416 392 442' 428, 417 487 .413 441 418 464 487 460 463. 391 467 to paint this spring? If so, we oan supply you with the famous ELEPIIANT `. ; D Ready -Mixed; Paints' For floors and verandahs or anything that needs- pf.int. better and few as good. 394 438 436 462 422 450. 469 439 468 428 431 None New and uo>.te Shoes at popular prices.' More new waists, aprons and ready-made dresses and dress goods just opened Ftp• AJ our lines are stocked up with the latest. and. best that money Can buy. Come and seefoi•youuse1ves and. be convinced: R. N. DOUGLAS BLAKE ONTARIO i i Jr.�IN — : , �„ � • � ' ; r � i, r! 14r{illll..l .,,i.111..d r� r u r i , ' , . I ,� t.IL�illi,�,fl,rll .I � � �, G , 4.1liililillllllllll..r,d,f{rt,fl ==�UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiillilll4lllllllllllllil11181111111111,ildllllllillilllllllili,rllllllllill4illill4,Iitdllih�H„Jlr,,lll� litill111ll�l,l I No. 11-•- Fisher Ann , 435, lIyd Laurier 409, honors. S1;fii1'I11:N TOWNSITip No. i---^Hai't Leonard hon, 487, Nail ,\loin 40. No. 2 --Brandon Irene Irene 390, Sbahls Cora 391. No. 3-• -Doering Alma hon, 490, ([ngaitlr 1? nnalie bon, ,506, Parsons �r Roby 120,'Triebner Marie lion, 509. Soparaibscbool No. 6--RyanEliza- bet h'408. 7o.8---Tlanulioc Clarissa 457,, Lovie 1V1innie .11.3. No. 1,1 --Creb 11;dword M 469, (Continlueo, an 176ge g) Men's Furnishings We are headquarters for all lines needful and necessary for men:s,weaz.. Our stook is more com- .plete than ever,,,aud& we•tajke•pleasure in showing our many lines.. See us arbomi Tailored Suits,; Ready-to-wear, Suit,+ Odd Trousers, Shirts, Ucrwrr, Hats, etc. We make a Specialty of Hatn:d, tailored Suits. All Styles We can please you ferrovrtmemmirtno E., APPIEI - ZURIOU "The Clothier” Notice of Registration of i Notice eat Registration c' Nota 1 Lay -Law.. By -Law. Notice is hereby given thti,t a by- law was passer& by the 'Connell of the Township of Hay en the 3rd day of July ii,r, providing for the issue of dobontures to the anaunt of `1701:00,. for the purpose of tele^ phone extension, and that snoh by, law was,.egistereA iia, the registry oiiioe of Goderioh, the county of 1 t'iuron en the 6th day of Tuuly, 1915 Ary motion to quash or set aside rust thereof .a ”, he 0 r tart 1, same any 1 the, ., tis made within three txiontlaa after the first publication of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter, Dated the 10th, day of July 1910;, Vrec IleVi Sr,, Clorlr„ Notice is hereby ,given that a by law Nva: passed by the Council of the Township of f1,.ty on the 3rd day of July,, 191:,, providing for issue of debentures to the amount of $1717,09, for the purpose of tele. phone extensiom, and, that such by- law 'Was registoreci. in the registry capdne 02 Go lericlb, the county of Elm cit. on the filth day of 3111y 1915. Any motion to quash or set aside th9 saline or tiny part thereof must � , a .. "J lr, after •tits made within three ri50i t the firth publioataon of this notice, and cannot be mtule thereafter, Dated tbi6 10th day of July, y101 K,, tired i4cs1r., O1crk