HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-07-16, Page 1Vol. XV. ••••••••••e••••••••••• i . •. • .♦ • •• e • ••• Z RICH, FRIDAY' 1RNit410, JULY 16, 1915. -� N051 •••r1M,►.*****O*a•i'••*••4 rae :earmirmr4,..0044940411+• • . • LOCAL NEWS., •• •• • r • �eeter's id -Summer SALE • . • • • • • • • •• • • . - • • To clear out as much of our e Summer•. Goods . �s� possible. we ;. • areoffering them at the following reduced prices. You get the benefit, we get the room. • ar- Ladies white lawn, organdie' and voile waists, very latest. 1-3 off • • Z Ladies and childrens middy blouses e • • • newest •styles. 1-3 off 2 Gills'dresses m checked gingham, • neatly trimmed. 1-3 of 4 Ladies corset` covers in, crepe and lace. Ladies • ♦ 1-3 off oatsdeep..en- Whte petticoats, • brodery. n 1-3 oil. Ladies embroidered flouncing for f dresses at reduced prices . I 13 only ladies hot Weather parasols I ♦ i • to clear at 85 dents. r Childrens straw hats Half Price • • Boys and mens straw hats to clear at 1-3 ofd • '4' mem* aommonommompsor . • Children's Summer Coats • • • i 41+ We have a few ohildren's coats left which Ave are clearing for • $1.00, regular $1 50 and $2 00 t e• Khaki Coats and Trousers • is' Just received a new line;` of •men's khaki ooats and trousers, ,also • • boys khaki knickers Silk Striped Shirts' t. S► We have added to our stock a new` line of mens fanny silk striped• ' shirts,• Something vernifty. ,Sizes 14? to 16. Price $2.00 • I• • ;;♦ • a .. . GOLD MEDAL WINE Keep the weeds down. Mrs John Sahilbe of Detroit is visit ing friends and relatives here at Pres- ent. Miss Eleanor H'artleib of Toronto is Spending her vacation ,at her home here. The second Field Sports night will be held at the Fair Grounds on Friday eve, July 23rd. Bev. A. D. ,Gischler, wife and fam- ily, of Milverton, visited friends here during the week. Mrs. J. Deichert and niece, Miss Inez Yungblut, are spending a few weeks with relatives in Detroit. Mrs W, L. Seibert Left on Tuesday for an extended trip to the West, where she will visit relatives for a few months. E Dr. E. S. Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wed- nesday, July 21st and Wednesday, July 28th. If you would have a profitable invest- ment, a pleasant experience, and a particularly nice suit, buy a suit' of. E. Appel, The Clothier. Mr and Mrs A. Stoskopf, Mr ' and Miss Gardner, and Mrs Jacob of Mitchell visited at the home of Dr, E. W. Stoskopf one day' last week. Mrs. F. Kruspe of Sebri*gsville and Mr J. Seegmiller, of Iowa, mother and uncle of ;Mrs G. F. Brown, visited at the latter's home last • week. Mr and Mrs John Woods of Bay- field announce the engagement of their second daughter, Viola M., to Mr T. L, Wurm of Zurich. The wedding 'will take place early in August. Dr B A Campbell; wife and famtl . leave in a feiv days for. Toronto' wh they will spend a two' week.svaeatiorr: The doctor's office will consequently be closed the next and following weeks but he will return again on July 31st. Miss Miranda Brown, daughter of Rev. and Mrs G. F. Brown was .suc- cessful in passing the recent Normal School examinations. The board of S. S. No. 4, Hay, have engaged her as teacher for the next term at a' salary of $600 per year. A Grand Picnic will be held at Grand Bend on Tuesday, July 20th under the auspices of St Boniface church, Zurich. Liberal prizes will be awarded. Athletic' sports will be an attraction. Good music will be furnished. Everybody• Welcome: Last Saturday the new sprinkler was used for the first time. The streets 'were .sprinkled in the afternoon and the town was cool and dustless for the evening. The large tank is being pumped full now and it is ` expected that enough water will be available for fire protection and sprinkling pur- poses. • We•haye seen good barley, also • some poor bailey,; but the barley * brought in by Mr Herb, .Kaercher of the Bronson Lines takes first prize and the bronze medal. It measured no less than 5 -feet: 4 inches in heighth and Mr Kaercher states that he has nearly six acres of it. He also brought 4,! in some timothy which 'measured 4 feet 5 inches, Who's neat. 4. Longest and +4. 4. Strongest t 7 We fully ,guarantee it I : Two only PasolineStoves to clear * Below Cost +• .�°odnc Produce of all kinds talen ♦ . 4. P I EETER ..,,,. . 0 .. ,.. . .1: • Telephone NO.9 + +++ Z13R Gti +. 4.+ +4.+ t'da++ ,+40101 ++3 +SII++ InininginnffallaMalleellereeseeserele Incorporated 1855 y+p''TheM/'\ T V OJ'A. 1 S BANK CAPITAL and RESERV $8,800,000 93 Branches hi 'Canada A Genera, Rankin Business Transacted 0r11,01.1L,A13, LWT'Ers 01' 0115DIt' u: BANif MONM' ORI.YER,S Savin s Bank Department Interest at bighesb current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager Rev. Miller Accepts Call New Castle, Pa. After two years of most effective and zealous work in St. Peter's Ev. Lutheran Church of this village. Rev Milterleas accepted "a most inviting call to •fit Pauls Church in the attraoti- ve •ante picturesque city of New Castle, Pe. Rev Miller always took a deep, hearty interest in all matters pertain- ing tothe'nioral, economic and social uplift of our village and community in general. He was active in all inat-, ters.for the advancement of the young people in the selection and encourage- meat of clean, healthy sports and .ex- ercises. " In him our community* loses a man who not only preached a religi- on andfaith, but who also lived it. He felt with most of us that to be ef• fetual,lheory had to be practised. During • Roy Miller's stay in Zurich he has succeeded in raising the'efficie- ncy of St Peter's congregation to a very marked degree, and to the joy and complete satisfaction of every truly interested, progressive and intel- ligent member of the church. Where fore, it is stating it mildly, when we pay that, St Peter's deeply regrets his leaving and trusts that they may soon be blessed with a successor to pastor Miller who shall carry on the good work in the sanie spirit, ability and enthusiasm. The short time Rev Miller was pastor here he successfully introduced the use of Church Book of the General Council of the Ev Lutheran church of North America and organized a flouri- shing Luther League of 45 members, a Bible Class of over 50 members, a men's Missionary Society of 30 mem- bers, and practically doubled the en- rollment and offering of the Sunday School by introducing an English de- partnient with its own services accord- Iv to the . General Council Sunday Sohbol Book. The entire congregation and various prganizations unitein rand his wishing Miller lle esteemed helpmateand family God's richest blessings in his new field of labor. At the farewell services last Sunday the church was crowded both morning and evening; and those present were treated to two powerful and interest- ing sermons. • to 1110,1100101144,11041011•4110111100100114 $1 $ISftiMMl1•ffMM ff 10N0lsf WHITE AND TAN Our stock of shoes for summer wear is novo complete. We have never shown a larger or a prettier range. See our line of White Pumps, Outing Shoes, White Canvas Shoes, Sandals, and the newest in Tan, etc, Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. C. FRITZ FIELD SPORTS The second Field Sports event will be held at the Fair Grounds, Zurich, on Friday eve, July 23rd. Sports to start at 6.30 sharp. 'The following events will be competed for. Running Race, open to all, 100 yard dash. Running Race, boys, 14 and under. Running Race, boys, 10 and under. Running Hop, Step and Jump. Sack Race. ' Putting the shot, boys. Running High Jump, open to all. Bicycle Race. Walking the Pole. Girl's Race, open Girl's Race, 12 and under. Wheelbarrow Race. Nail Driving Contest, for men. Slashing the Bananas. Boxing in Barrels. Pole Vaulting. Rooster .Race. The committee reserves " right to change program Silver collection. ZURICH .SCHOOL REPORT Sane report for Room III based on general proficiency conduct and attend- ance. Ji' ail Olive Zettel, Lindsay. Warm, Loiiise Howald, Leonard Hud- son, Frederick Weseloh, Earl Zettel (equal) Frank Seibert, Rixssell Preeter, Theodore Leibold, Sr. III—Rose Hess, Jacob' Haberer, Leroy O'Brien, Armina Brenner, Lau rence Ran,; Clarence Brenner, Marjory Fritz, Pearl Waiter,' "Cecelia Hilde- brandt, Earnest Bender. Je III ---:Oven Kalblleiecb, Iva Kolb fleisch, Edtia Zettel, :Gillian 1S esoloh, Lent is O'Ililen, Emma Wvtrm, Dorothy Fritz, Teddy Wagner (equal) Inez '''ungblut, Hilda Neuschwanger, Paul Miller, Bert Seibert, et, Gorden, > Wolper, Whitney. Truemrier, Ettloine Geiger (equal) Margaret Theil, Dorothy Campbell,; Ervin 1+'isher, Gordon Zettel, Laura ,Deitricb, Alphonsus DeitriCh. Zurich I . 4404t btilr10044110MM01114t44}00441111160944�• The Home of Good Shoes 11111111111111111ii11111111iIViIII1111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111lllll!11111111111111111111!Illllllllllllllllil1111111111UIIIIIN11111111111111111111111111(IIIIIIIIU 1111lIIN111E111lli!! 11111811!11111!tl!11111!illili11111111111g1 - 4re your goirig to paint this spring? If so, we oan supply you with the famous ELEPHANT BLAND Ready -Mixed Paints For floors and verandahs or anything that needs paint. None better and few as good. New and up-to-date Shoes at popular prices. More new waists, aprons and ready-made dresses and dress goods just opened. up. All our lines are sed..pwith - u with the latest and best that money can buy, Come and see for yourselves and be convinced. • R. N. . DOUGLA BLAKE ONTARIO ' 'i!I! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIillllllllllillillllllllllllilll{iifiGl,III!1161111;1iIliUiliUl!1111'liliilli'iili!IIIlllli,!111111!I!N X11111111{Jlllfffll!(tlllllllll!!Illfllll!Illllllllffllllll�llllllll1111111!Illlllllnllll111illllilllllBIIIIIIIIIIIFIIII� I(I 11 �« M S Men's Furnishings Underwear, oats, railored s We are headquarters for all lines needful and necessary for men's wear. Ourstock is more com- plete than ever, and we take pleasure in showing our many lines. See us about Tailored Suits, Ready-to-wear Suits, Odd Trousers, Shirts, Underwear, Hats, etc. We make a Specialty of Hand tailored Suits. All Styles We can please you 1 E. ZURICH • "The Clothier" a—u-u---"lr"---"""m"-'"P'I Notice of Registration of Notice of Registration of aw. By -Law. Notice is hereby given that a by- te:* was passed by theo ouheil 3r• of the Township of Hay for the d day of July 1915,p' isBue of debentures to the amount :of $1701.00, for the purpose of tele. phone extension, and that stick by• law was registered in the registry office of Goderioh, the county of Huron on the 0th day of July, 1 Any motion to quash or set aside .he ren f must t rt or only . p a o the sante be trade within three months after the first publication of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. 191,, Datfic1 the 10th day of July FredROOS Sv1, Clerk, Notice is hereby given that a, by- law was passed by the (council of the Township of [fay on the 3rd day of July, 1913,.providing for issue of debentures to the araouni; of $177.7.09, for the purpose of tele. phone extension, and that snob by- law was registered in the registry office of (oderioh, tho county of Huron on the 6th day of July 1915. Any motion to quash or set aside the same orany part thereof be made within throe months after the first publication of this notioo,. and Cannot be made thereafter. bated titin 10ih day of July, 1915,. Fred fleas Sr., Clerk.