HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-07-02, Page 8_11101,,,.I.i10M e .sonabie Summer rmer Goods Wu 1fGavi� exeelb rat values in Ladies' Ureas Materials for sin xner wear, s.uelh as riot+ Maid flowered Voiles, Silks, :rel es, di ens, Piques, Organdies, Mullins, Embroideries, etc. New Laces and Embroideries .. floe va'riety of Laces, Insertions on 1 Embroideries on hand, n. all the newest designs. Penman's Underwear !Tei}Mali's underwear in porous and plain knit, for )nen wo- • men and ubiidren. Also cotn.binaiioii,, corset covers, underskirts, • night gowns, to. . LadiesHose A snap in women's hose in black, white and tai) pi for 250 Straw Hats all styles Now that the warn) weather is here you will need. a starw hat. We can supply you with the newest styles for men, boys and girls at reason able prices. A few Bargains for Quick Sale 4 only men's. rain coats, regular $8 00 for $5.50 8 pieces lnuslins and mulls, regular 15 for 10c yd - Ladies large aprons to clear at 50 cents each Men's summer underwear, 50 cents per suit Men's cloth fiats, regular 25 cents for 15 cents Fresh Groceries always on hand. Produce taken in exchange RIJBYand GASOIIO PHONE 17 J o'"x _a_• Vlillineiry Opening We beg to announce to the' Ladies of Dashwood und;vioinity that -we ;birve acldid a Millinery l)epartinent to'our business. Our Spring Opening in charge of Miss Crawford will be held on • Tuesday and Wednesday March 23rd and 24th and following daa,ye. You are cordially invited. See Our air Flashlights ew Neat and Safe Fine Stock of Jewellery Just Arrived. W. Ileus & a • ,, G. KELLERMAN & SON iDararlwoota LOCAL MVIA,RKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter. Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat ..... ....... ....... Oats Barley. Buckwheat.. ..... Flour... Bran Shorts.... ... Low Grade. ........... . Live Hogs fob Hensall...... • 8.60 • FLOUR, FEED Se SEED STORE Having purchased the business lately conducted by I, -Hudson, beg to notify the public that 1 have a complete stock of Flour: FIVE ROSES, MILVERTON, ROYAL HOUSEHOLD and • EXETER BRANDS. Also Feed of all kinds. All kinds of Field and Garden Seeds Groceries, Salt, Stock Foods, Etc., Etc. Eggs taken in exchange, for •goods eorge McBride Telephone 23 My Country, My''District, My Home. Mrs Laura Idose Stephen of Hunt, indton, Government Deletate ;of the Wemen's institute. MadamPres, and Ladies - of the Institute.—I am. delighted to be with,: you today and I brine to you the • hearty good wishes of your Superm tendent, Mrs Putnam, '11Iay this In, stituto year be your voxy best ---May every old member, join ,again and many new ones be added to your. ranks, 'I always like to tell some story that may be of real help to you, this time it has to be a yery disagreeable one, It is about the moat dangeu)us-animal in the world -the common little house - y. Where flips abound it may be taken for granted that sanitary conditions; are bad turd th€'tt there. Are nee,rby Dov o.QO 19 05 30 :1,00 $1.00 50 50 60 65 70 8.75 • 1.00 $28.00 30.00 88.00 Local News. Do not fail to see the boys walk the slippery pole, at the Fair Grounds on Friday night, July 2nd:, Mrs W -Kiser, and' Alma Axt and Del Z;iealy are visiting at the home of Me E-Axt, for •a, few weeks. 'Bayfield ow has a; public library. How long. will Zurich do without such n impartant.institution, From t'o day to the end of June we will sell Army Locketsin our Show Cases at 25 per cent discount. F W Hess 8e, Company, Jewellers. Look up your binder: canvas• now and have them repaired; so ,they will be ready when needed. We repair then•), promptly and .satis£ae rily. F. Stade, 'Zurich. " You should not fail to attend the sports at the Fair Grounds tonight, Friday. The program will start as soon after 6 o'clock as possible. Many: events have been arranged to make an interesting night's sport. The many friends of Mr Grant Beaton, who has been in the west ` for the past couple of years or so, will le pleased to hear that he is snaking good use of bis time, He has just completed hisfirst year at the Wiri- ipeg Medical College' - and not only passed his examinations with • first class honours but took, first„ standing in the school and won a scholarship.. Mr Beaton is teaching at Vanguard, Sask., for the summer. Clinton News - Record. A very nice and enjoyable picnic was held at the home: of Mr John Decher, Sr, on Friday afternoon, June 25th in honor of 11Irs N B < Vickers, daughter of Ur Christian Hey, 'who is home from Drumheller, Alberta, to visit her parents and relatives, and also Mrs J Wickens of Ingersoll, ,dart- ghter of 11r John Rey, : sr. The music was rendered by Airs 'N B Vick-. ers on the piano and John Geiger and Ur Merner on the violin. A song was given by Mr Christian Rey and a clog dance by Mr John Decher, Sr.. and 'Mr' Christian Hey. All 'sorts of games were played. In a horse shoe contest„ 'Ur John Hey, Sr., and Mr Philp Fassold carne out best. Every- body enjoyed themselves and after all the fun was over a speech was given by Mr JohnDecber, Sr and Mr Cx. Ronndtree of London. ZURICiI 5, CLINTON 3. Zurich and Clinton baseball tennis met on the local diamond. last Friday evening and played an interesting. gaffe of ball. At the end of play the score was 5— 3 in, favor of Zurich. 41111 .1i0'��� ► 4 urn Oil arG-asoline DETROIT VAPOR' STOVE'S: W ca r k Li ke G,a s' ditlOnS of filth. r' rt7r'"�n'�'i++tkxuuar�:�f�t r�r.�:.,•, ":'_' �': .»µ.,.,.yAti Th b recreations 11l be yours using a labor e a Bove recre w'by Flies .are not only a" trbublesoiiie, nuisance but a very potent _agent in spreading such dangerous diseases as typhoid fever, tuberculosis, cholerain- fantum, summer complaint, etc.. The average fly carries en' its body' 1 mil- lion germs. Flies, are such indisiri- urinating scayangers, ,they visit things both.laidden and revealed. They,care not that they have just conte from supping at the rim of a spittoon .to have a bath hi your cream pitcher. Plies breed profusely in filth. They reproduce themselves in `.countless thousands in the open manure pile or yard,, in places where the household slops' are regularly deposited, in the vault of the out house. Each female fly lays about 120 eggs, which hatch into maggots in 8 . hours. The maggots: or larva feed for 5 days on the filth the eggs were deposited on, then change in the pupa stage. The former white grub now resembles a hat fawn shiny0 the size O brownish egg grain. At the end of five days the shell bursts open and out crawls a full fledged fly, which to stretch its legs and wings crawls over the: filth, takes its first feed then flies to sweeter pastures—your cake plate or mine, if it can get at it. Plies don't grow, a little fly was and always will be a little fly, and a big fly is `just as it came out of its shelf' A flv'that vas an egg jilt ten . da;ys ago, can start in and lay eggs to pro- duce more flies On e'fly if no harm came to any of her offspring could be responsible in one season for 74,-73- 1b7,068,800,900,000,000 4,-73-1J7,068,800,b00,000,00Q ,i'l;iss Only comparatively fewtliea,aurviye the winter. What every one wants to do just now is to kill every possible fly. By so doing you are slaying millions. Don't wait until July to battle ' with this deadly enemy, get after the : foe, single now, and be in earnest over it._ Don't` leave them a breeding place if you can help it."Sprinkle all such Places with kerosene, or a light cover- ing of lime every few days, this will destroy eggs and larva. With a` dare respect to keeping placer clean, and getting after the live flies early in the season this great an- noying menace to one's personal health and comfort can be largely' removed. But it -must be. a neighborhood interest, otherwise a- neighbor's lfith is but,the breeding ground of the hords of flies that' almost worry to death the. people who are striving to' better con- ditions. '� Remember flies are dirty' creatures.. They carry disease and death on their wings. Let us each do what we can to rid. our country of them, And now for my. announced. talks rl lady in; commenting on the topic of my talk for this afternoon said, she thought I should begin with the honk and then:go to the district and .foci it to the country. I said, nay only reason for nay arrangement was that t would rather be travelling.::to- ward home than going from it. Study the snap of the Dominion and you will find, that int comprises 1-15of the world's area and forms. nearly 1.3 or (30%) of the area of the British Empire, so peat is the land which we call our 'cm: nifty, Take a train at Sydney, Nova Scotia and go across the continent to Tian takostetk COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lacka.wanita, & Western Coal Co's. .5cranton Coal All sizes SCRUTQN Hensall. ALFd F.LT GQ 11413L't Invaramoe Agent xp urieh Out Zurich Hiatt Grade Copper and htainx Goo. Aluminum L.tg g doctors. y :1' Aur) ver busy. please hand in your orders early, as t do the work I have a carload of Per tilizer on hand Parties' wishing to buy some in any quantity cansecure it frond me at any time at niy farm. .nave ell kinds on hand, ranging from $10 to $40. tier tori. JOHN 1-IEY Jr. r� Agent for Catiidian Fertilizer Co. BEST BY TEST HOUSE';l{'O: .W x swing cook stove. .• The Detroit- Vaper stove works just like a has- stove - simply light the burners and.put cooking on at once. It is cheaper to cook with than wood or coal. Sen styles to select from costing from $10.00 up. Come to see them. rine 12 roomed brick dwelling, ,newly built, for sate, situated in Zurich. Furnace and modern improvements are irtstalled. Good new stable on Warerniet:s and one•half acre of land. Thegatne was an exciting one, altly•ongh eouyer, and as you speed along, note We also sell New Perfection and Florence Oil Stoves MARTLEIB, PHONE t3 H HURON'S LARCEST COMBINATION STORE ismesatessammensimmi A�s tlnusttally attractive Display of mart, For Spring aid Summer We earnestly ask your inspection. To see them'is to want one or more. Reasonably priced. - ow is the time for dew :Li�aoleuns9 Oil Cloths and Curtains' during Meuse cleaniu.gtime Child's Suitings Note these Prices New American percale, 1 yd wide, for 12•c a yard Organdie, Crepes, Muslin s. Piques. in all colors, from 150 to 25o a yard we have seen the local team put to much faster article of : baseball. 11 c- Caugbey, the slab artist for the visit- ing team fanned no lees than twenty men, while Hoffman, the local twirler got away with eight. Clinton. had three men on bases a mmnberof tines but failed to get the hit to allow them" to score. Mr 5 E raust made a satin factory umpire, The Zurich team lined up as followe Pitcher, L 1V Hoffman; catcher, F Ilowald; .1st base, W Brown; 2nc't base, Clayton Hoffman Ord base, E I1 I(albfl,eisch shortstol , T L Wurm; out fielders; Clarence I1offrnaln,IE Ilowald, and A C Edighof- fer. acini the coal amines, the /umber limits, the fisheries, the orchards, the grazing herds, the waving corn fields, the MI - measurable carpet of golden grain, the mountains rich in mineral wealth. Five long days•of constant' change „of scene, awonde=rful trip through a won- derful country and only'by such a ielnsley can. one arrive :ata correct idea of the size of the Dominion of Canada. • Its rich and abundant and variey.resa urces are eetelled by no eonntry nor is its beaut}r less renowned' ltfantain'mid lake and river and vale all add • their- charm anti' u''vhen we combine with these the in- vigorating health -giving olilnats, pro- • v„the heat of it to;sununet; old Special Suiting for ebilds wear in plain colors at 16c a yard, Underwear We have a large selection of ladies children's and men's underwear for Rummer` wear. r3Oauoe of all kinds . wanted ji Zurich apt , �<-, sir ei y a�•;� ..t, i l • tiaa The Keystone one -wheel Tongue Truck For Harvesting and Seeding Machinery ' The truck, is guaranteed to give satisfaction. It is easy on the horses neck, a comfort to .horses as well as the •driver. A. conven- ience that every farmer should have for his implements. Let us show yon sample. Many now in use Lia this section. l'Artirirta PP A 1,,T Iii •POWER WASH C MACHINES operated by GASOLENE In different sizes, 1, W and 3 tub. ' Just what you have been looking for. Why not save your wife or housekeeper some of the bard labor by adopting improved methods. Call and see rnachine in operation; 1,11,111,034,