HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-07-02, Page 4L1? +D 'a rap _ .�e l' . "h t d' afternoon jsslted every l u s ay' frIHIRAID en1NTIl41:a oroce Victoria St. Zurich by A.l' IO,l;\V F. Zi SSS and a..STERL. Shltl'i usioR'IP' ioN ?1tw'gE 00 J. YEAR subscripton 44,5o strictly in advance, ApyEt'rrmiNG TERMS. hates for display and contract advertisements will be givers on appli:it£on, Trat�sieft notices such as legal, corporation, s s tet er 't te„ " w cents per line fps firsts os� rain and 5 c t p rine for each'subsequent inser Notices o£ entertainments, socials ere. at which an Ftdnttss fon fee is. charged or a special rollectian taken will lae charged tar a the red tlr rind,; P ttistae g'etat rates Notices of religious or other meetings which is the benefit of the community and not or pen. oval orseetariau interest or gain, will be cheerfully Werted free. Estray advs.,$t for three insert ions. No paper discontinued instil all arreerages are paid. Changes for contract advertisements must be in the once by B' p, m:,'7:uesclay, otherwise they will be left ever tantalite following. week. Adyertistuents without specific directions will be inserted untitl forbid and charged accordingly. Tran- sient :advertismenrs must be paid for la advance. Address all communications to 31{E HERA,Lbi Au"tcle Ont. THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1915 CORRESPONDENCE a+ r y w er+x,ta'La y? are y' y ra.tee My Horne. the Gold of winter, we can inde est CeV with thankful sincere hearts: "O beautiful and grand, My own, any native'land, DASHWOOD EXETER, Of theel boast. Great Empire of the west The dearest and the bast, Made up sof all the rest I love thea most; Nations write their biographies in' Bev J H. Grenzenbach is all sniffles His wife presented him with a pair of baby boys on Smithey. Ea E i hoffer and family of Ml ,Cd d g sake Yale, Mich, is spending a few w with relatives here. Jacob Rupp of Forest spent. a few days here putting up 5 tomb stones sold by his local agent, P Melsaac, h The campers are passing throug here daily on their- way to Grand COUNTY NEWS The annual meeting of the Centre Huron Liberals will be held at Seaforth on July 6th. John, Bell of near-Hensall, has rent- ed his farm, and has leased adwelling in Exeter where he will reside in future. Joseph Lawson, of Crediton, has secured the contract of constructing' two bridges near Grand Bend for the, county council. J F Ross has been engaged as head master of the Seafoith Collegiate In- stitute at a salary of $11,700. He has been mathematical master in the scho- ol for several years. Miss. Agnes Cummings, an esteemed resident of Tuokersmith, passed away on June 18th, at the home other sis- ter, Mrs Duncan McGregor, of Ki ppen. She was 62 years of age. A deputation of ladies of 1turon county were in London on Wednes- day of last week, when they presented afield. kitchen to the 83rd Battalion of Huron. Mrs . Fitton, of Exeter, teed the address. The new dwellings . being erected tri Hensall are being pushed rapidly R for- ward. M. Drysdale's is nearly com- pleted and worinnen..are busy on the, brickwork of R. Cudmore's and T. Welsh's being erected near the London A quiet wedding took place ein June 23rd, at the borne of Mr and Mrs Janies Jewell, when their daugh- ter, Miss Minnie was united in . lame• age to William McAllister, by Rev W G H McAlister: T E Handford of Ingersoll was in town last week. Ile is taking' a nt.am- ber of Oxford young men with hien in July to the Peace River,. country, 000 miles north of Edmonton, where the ,tuns men will be settled on farina Will Stoll, son of : Eli uell, as threeenenuserlpts,--a book of deeds, a book of works, a book of art. Can - ado, is' but a .young country and is only in the making of history. of any kind but her records so far : are good and it is ourThity�to seethat in our time no blots ' will appear on the pages. In the present awful war crisis, Pend, S h Canada hasprovenherself to be the ° ��uitaan Tfellerliian is shipping his assed his. anedleal examination cud na'�ahtet Bgtx _,- til,.. Q. 1; � �' . ,. p i,« ntrf . f h' tlrnpire race horses to' ingly and witholding not her sons,- or two New Hamburg He 11 race them on July let. b&s efslisted with the army corps. with ;�yalty and love, giving unfllnch- Several from here are spending the' 1st of July at Parkhill, James Balfour is spending a few weeks with his brother, Dr Balfour at this place. Mr P Mclsaae, manager of the Hay Telephone system, is making several changes in some of his lines, will nye it a much better. for the snbseribers. road, Mrs J ' McDonald and daughter, of near Hay, met with an aceident recently which might have resulted seriously. Their horse tools. fright .at a passing motorcycle and jumped into the ditch, upsetting the buggy and throwing the occupants- out. They escaped serious injury but the buggy was smashed. The Committee in charge of "the church services in the Park at Grand Bend have secured the services of Mr William Gibson of London, Rev. Mr Osterhout of Thedloed and Dr Dougall of Askin Street Methodist church London. The Services will be continued through the months of July and August. Preaching at 11 a na and 6.45 p and Bible Study at 10 a m on each Sunday, the first of these ser- -- vices to begin on Sunds.y, Jaly 11. On the -evening of that date a song service will be held at which the best available talent will take part. Miss E Kellerman who has been teaching in Toronto has returned home to spend the summer. Our bowlers'mede their first appear- ante on the green this week, Mr C Goetz of the. Molson Bank; London, is spending his holidays at hie home here: • i E attest= and family Wt last week for their manner at Grand Bend, Melville Martin, a former Exeter boy, and Liberal M. P. for Regina is likely to join the Scott government and become provineial treasurer. , Rev 5 F Sharp and family have left for Simcoe to spend several week's vacation. Mrs Fred Bloomfield is recovering from a severe attack of inflammation, neuritis and anenia. Exeter residents will vote on a hydro -electric by-law on July 16th for the purpose of raising $20,000 for the cost of a plant to distribute' electric Power. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Rey D t G Powell, field secretary for Huron Co. temperance alliance preach- ed at Goshen Kippen and Varna last Sunday a week. He also took up a subscription in aid of his work. Miss Maud Lyon of Londesboro spent the past week with ,her friend, Mrs S Errata. Miss Effie Snowden formerly of. Varna who has been visiting friends, around here for the past two weeks has returned to her home near St. Thomas, - Mr Ralph Stephenson of Parr Line- has gone to the West to visit his daughter and sister., who reside in Southern Manitoba. q, •,.,•yis 17'ef,5' C t er _ ... t. ,._, . cilears' ► ueriRe i'a,,, rrc .l',.�earty Mr.'Robt Stephen, Thos. Stephen, John Dawson and wife have returned hhme after a visit with friends at Wingham, Dr. J. W. Peck, one of Stanley's boys, has finished his medcial course and has located in Hausal. where he will begin his practice. We wish him success. On Tuesday of last week the W. M. S. of Varna held an "At Home" at the parsonage, to whieh they invited their sisters:froin Goshen and I?:ievan auxiliaries. An enjoyable timee was spent, , Rev. R. Murray of Chicago has re- turned home after a visit with rola• lives in Stanley. 2-T. F. ess Agent -uric A TRADE MANES deceives CoPYFdie'MTS &i: Anyone sanding.A sketch and description ire/ gtiiekir ascertain one opinion free R older an invention 18 probably patnntfl1) e. Cnmrnnnlel . Mons strictly confidential. HAitutiOuK onPat :ent;, sent fi'-Oe.Oldest a,reney for $ecur l,g eatents. Patents taken'throu�fb Mum .e Co. recelvn epreial notice, Witlibut Charge, in tb0 Scittintific eric ft. t handsomely illustrated ,veekay. Largest err. o latlot. oe env 'scientific journal. Terms trot Canada, $J a year, postage prepaid, hold by ail nq,ysjl n1erin HEN SALL A"number of the local -bowlers at- tended the .tournament at London last week. Messrs C. McDonell and P. Lamont were successful in getting in- to the fourth round in the Shea trophy event, but failed to land the silverware. N'oservices were held , in Carmel church last evening as the congregation worshipped at the Methodist church on the'oceasion of the farewell sermon of Rev, R. Hicks, who leaves for Wind- sor, F . RM OR SALE The Undersigned have been instruct -1 ed to sell that splendid 50 acre farm near Hensall known as the south half of lot 18, con. 1, Hay township. On. it ie a good brick 2 storey house with brick kitchen ata frame woodshed, a barn 84x36, stone foundation, cement pigpen 24x18, drive shed 36x20, a good windmill and excellent well and apple orchard of over one acre. The land is rich and productive, well fenced` and drained with tile. All under cultivation except about 7 ' acres in hardwood bush. This farm is on, the London Road, only nuke 'South of flensall, the leading farmers market of Huron County. Apply 'not later than Jule lst .. for ternis &c to G-ladnian, lC Stanbury, Hensall -and �xater, money, food, or 'comforts,' As . we think of the allied forces , and their' tremenduous struggle to have right not night prevail, we murmer on bended knee's. ' - One hearts, our hbpea, ars all w tih thee, Ourliearts, Tour hope's, . oar prayers, our tears, Our faith triumphant o'er our fears, Are all, with thee, are all with thee. - And yet not all,: for are we no. ttold to pray for ourenemies, and my deep sympathy.goes out to the devasted countries.' We wilt far more ' than ever a country made up of something good and bad of every 'land,' The ` Women's Institute will have a greater work, a more serious problem to face than ever before. To do our duty 'we must help these strangers \eho have or will come to dwell with us. We must safe guard our country to keep it Can- adian and British.. Let our Canadian born- children be the worthy example for others to follow. It will need a lot of patience and tact on the part of out Institutes to prove of real value to the women who are inose in need ' of help. (Concluded. in next issue.) Miss Margaret Johnston' is slowly recovering from a severe attack of throattrouble. After a illness ofovert>'o years duration, Robert Stewart, "tae of oar best known and most higbly'respected, citizens, passed away on June 26th. He was a native of Scotland and came to Canada at the age of fifteen. The following members of his family sur- vive him: Mrs Tapp, Vancouver; Dun- can, Tuckersmith; uncan,Tuckersmith; Mrs Thos Elder, near Seaforth; Mrs W M Bell, Zurich road; Robert and John R., near Hen sail. THE WESTERN FAIR LONDON, ONT. September 10th to 18th, Queen's Park at London, Ontario, the home of the Western Fair, isa very busy place at present, as active preparations are in progress for the great Exhibition to be held in Septem- ber. Every since the last Exhibition the entire Grounds and Buildings have been in possession of the Military ary authorities. The City of London and the Board of Directors 'of. the Western Fair Association have been very pleased to be able to help our Government in ,solve srnall way in these strenuons tunes and so the Grounds and. Buildings were placed at their disposal entirely free. As the Soldiers are :now: nudes canvas a great deal cif \votk-will have to be done . to prepare the building -4 for the Exhibit - Jot. Owing to an. liufortunate.lit's in The Greed Stand the old strncture is entirely demolished an a new and np- to dato steel stand with a soating cap- acity of 5000 people is in, course of erection. This will very much add to the -comfort and convenience of the \`ignore clsle ery heat ill tho now stand will give t. fall vow of 'everataliing tii,king lelaco'on the track and platform. •a'ora y Ex- hibition n information regarding the x- .. hibition write thct' Secr°etery, A. M. Hunt, London, Ont. DRYSDALE Mr Harry Howard attended the garden party at Hillsgreen'on Monday evening. Mrs Chisopher 'Dncharme left for Michigan last Thursday where she will reside with her son, Peter. Mr Joshua Snider is busy picking strawberries this week. Mrs Geo Jeffrey is the guest at the home of Mr Peter Corriveau, Call and see onr new stock of infant shoes. L Brisson. Mr Frank Corriveau has moved into his new home. Mr Wilfred Laporte found his cattle DIED Dingwall --At Rendall, on June 23rd, Roy K., infant son of Mr and Mrs John Dingwall. • Stewart;: --In Hensel', on June ` 26th, aged '81 years. ILE! All sizes of first-class tile on hand - B'RiCK1 Foy all . uses purposes 'BEST QUALITY B� SECOND TO: NONE Prices Right St. JoscpB Brick Yard k Joseph r� " Louis Foster, Manger. Telephone No. 3 on 85 Zurich Central. A number from the village attended the garden party et Hillsgreen on Monday evening, The largest area ever sown to wheat in Canada" is how the Canadian Government describes present con- ditions in the bulletin just :issued.. The bulletin. says— Wheat is estimated to occupy this year a total of 12,896,- 000 acres, which is: more by 1,602,- 150 acres, or 14,8 per cent • than the area shown for 1914, and by 2,602,100 acres, or 25 per cent„ than the area harvested in 1914, the area'so.wn for fast year having been reduced by 939, - which strayed away Sunday night. Mrs Ernest Denomy was a visitor:' in town this week, "Itoudh on Rats" clears Quit :Rats,' illice, etc.Don't Die in the Ilo'use. 15e. and 25o. at Dins and n try proor im. BLAKE 600 acres. • • Haying is the order of the day. Mr and Mrs Elias Shants and, Miss Cnida and Mr and Mrs D Good feona Berlin motored up to J and al Steckles over Sunday. Mr Robt Boyce iq expeeti ng his tent- ing car this week, Miss Lillian Stevens retur.led home on Thursday last for the holidays, Me and Mrs Dan Geed accompanied by Levine, Daniel and Merino Steckle and Lnida Shantz inotored to Grand Bend Sunday last. Quito a, number attended the 5 5 No 4 School pionia - held at the lako on Tuesday last. A lawn,soeial under rice auspices :of the Pt'elbyterian church Blake, will be held on the lawn' of Mr A T Douglas, on ¶t'nesdey eve, July 6th. Short add- resses by prominent speakers a nd the Zlensall Band willbe the evening's Stores;- What About Your Vacation? If you intend, taking a. trip we can supply your wants in the line of .Travolling:Goods, A e carry a nice line of s Trunks salt Cases t oto: �• to choose: -from at reasonable prices," also carry full line of We _ Harness, g light- and heavy, Dusters, Fly Nets,." Etc, Light Work ` a Specialty R. F. STADE ZURIGIi CREAM WANTED. I have made arrangements with Silverwood Dairy, London, to take . eream at My Residence, Zurich, any time during the week. Cream is tefited'when brought to my store and paid for on delivery. 'Price paid this week was 27 cents per pound. IIUDSON, = ZURICEI Oarioad' of Cedar Posts For Sale C. ICALBFIEISCH - = ZURICH pliti Es "Sr Beauty . of Form Graceful Deportment with F Manyladies have beauty of form and yet move and `[ walungracefully. Generally it is because they are wearing corsets built in the old time fashion—stiff, heavy and terribly cramping the wearer. a Coilene Corsets while fully supporting, permit complete free - dont of movement. They mould the figure lines to the contour best adapted to this season's fashions, and •are -at the same time very comfortable, sitting, standing or bending in any position. This is due to the wonderful boning used in . s, ,Although unseen, the boning is the most important feature in any ?/, corset. On it depend length of wear, comfort, fit, and ••whether the .��. ;f corset will retain its shape indefinitely. There are many imitations of"the famous Coilene boning, but no equals: Since the corset is the r foundation of your outward appearance, you cannot be too careful etwhen choosing what corset you will wear. Remember that Coilene i ?Corsets are quite differ=ent from all other makes. Ladieswho wear ga y f' them once, realise they have found the '' - 'trite far .Corset superior corset. They are sold at high, ,/' • class stores only, . at prices front $2.50/*^; Fashion Booklet—Free! up—the best designed, best fitting, beat: !4�� . We will be pleastii to mail you value corset on thee market today. our latest book of corset fash- i rite far i see booklet without delay. , ions, fully illustrated, • Your �►:� �,"� • name and address ori a post "Wilt hot break or rest or iear� c�Ry,,,;. dare brings it by return matt. Collette Corsets–madeforwear I,t Yw Sold only byJ. Pi;E'I Eli v «+'" Zurich Ontario a'"°1,� �, •.►' x°li 41 J �