HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-07-02, Page 3A Nest in the Barn.
In daddy's barn there is a nest;
nest in the barn, come to no harm.
On the nest it zny white hen;hen
on the nest, nest in the barn, come to
no harm.
In the nest are ten white eggs;
eggs in the nest,, hen on thenest, nest
in the barn, come to no charm. ,
Inside the eggs are baby chicks;
chicks in the eggs, eggs in the nest,
hen on the nest, nest in the barn,
come to no harm.
Baby chicks are covered with down;
down :on the chicks, chicks in the
eggs, eggs in the nest, hen on the
nest, nest in the barn, come to no
Baby chicks go "rat, tat, tat";
"tat" go the chicks, down on the
chicks, chicks in the eggs, eggs in
the nest, hen on the nest, nest in the
barn, come to no harm.
Baby chicks say, "Peep, peep,
peep"; "peep" say the chicks, down
on the chicks, gone are the eggs (see
—nothing but shells!), chicks in the
nest, hen on the nest (0 my, so
proud!), nest in the barn, collie to no
The Cloud Pictures.
"0 dear, there's the rain again,
just when I was sure the sun was
going to come out!" complained little
John to his sister Ruth.
In some way his mother must have
heard his complaint, for there she
stood as suddenly as a fairy god-
mother, with two saucers of water in
her hands.
"Get me the indelible ink," she
said. "You may bring two bottles,
the red and the black. And you may
get me two pens, and a block of five -
cent paper, for the rougher the paper
the better it will be."
"Oh, what are we going to play?"
cried Ruth.
,,John and Ruth placed the saucers
side by side on the low window sill,
and then their mother told them to
drop a splash of ink into each 'sau-
cer. "Now give the water a quick
stir with the penholder, and while it
is still in motion lay a piece of paper
lightly across the top of the saucer
and press down gently on the paper
Until it just touches the surface of
the water. Take your paper up
quickly, and lay it out flat to dry."
The children soon held tip their pa-
pers, and on them were the strangest.
"Oh, how pretty!" exclaimed
Ruth. "Mine looks just like the pic-
tures you see in the clouds."'
"And see, I used the red ink, and.
mine looks like a fiery dragon," said
"After you have a little -practice in
stirring the mixture," explained their
mother, "you can :make some very
pretty things—horses, trees, or the
pictures like those that Jack Frost
paints on the windows in winter."—
Youth's Companion. "
Have Lost a Great Number of Men
In the War.
A. London despatch says the French
Foreign Legion has been doing bril-
liant work in the fighting north of
Arras.- The casualties in the legion
have been very heavy, and' a letter re-
ceived in London. from a wounded
member states that in his company of
250 men only. 60 are left. The letter
"The legion had the honor of being
chosen to be the first out of the
trenches and to take the German lines
with the bayonet. This was at a point
between Souchez and Carency. . Pre-
vious to theattack, there was a terri-
ble bombardment of the German,posi-
tiosi.° •
"French guns of all' calibres were
firing together for two hours without
interruption. It was lilte an earth-
quake. Suddenly, punctually at ten
o'clock in the morning, the .firing
ceased, and the `Charge' was sounded.
"We were out of the trenches like
lightning. It was wonderful. We
'were like a storm. In ten minutes we
had won the first line of : • German
trenches. But there was no stopping
us. We kept it up hammer and tongs
for an hour and a half, taking three
lines of the enemy's trenches and
driving the enemy infront of us,
"By this time all the officers of our
company were either killed or wound-
ed, so a sergeant took command, and
we entrenched ourselves as best we
could, but finally had to retire about a
hundred yards.
"Here I got two wounds. Four in
every five of our men were either
killed or wounded in that fierce
Black hand Business.
Mrs. Exe—"My husband got a let-
ter to -day saying something dreadful
would happen if he didn't send the
writer a sum of money." •
Wye—"My husband: gets dun-
exec for his bills, too."
Girls upon the threshold' of woman-
hood often drift into a decline in spite
of all care •arid attention. Even
strong and lively girls become weak,
depressed, irritable and listless. It is
the dawn of womanhood -a crisis in
the life of every girl—and prompt
measures' should be taken to keep the
blood pure and rich with the red tint
of health. If the bgdy is not in a
healthy condition at this critical stage,
grave disorders may result, and: future
life become a burden. Deadly con-
sumption often follows this crisis in
the lives of young women. Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills have saved thousands
of young girls from what might have
been life-long invalidism . or early
death. They are a blood -builder of
unequalled merit, strengthening weak
nerves and producing a liberal supply
of rich, red blood, which every girl
needs to sustain her strength.
Over and over again Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills have proved their value to
women and girls whose health was
failing. Miss Jennie Gereau, St. Jer-
ome, Que., says: "At the age of
eighteen my health was completely
shattered; I. was suffering:; from
anaemia with all its attendant evils.
The trouble forced me to leave school.
I suffered from headaches, was 'tired
andbreathless at the least exertion.
I had no appetite, and my face and
lips were literally. bloodless. A good
friend advised the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, and thanks to this great
medicine 'I am again enjoying good
health, with a good appetite, good
color and a spirit of energy."
Every anaemic girl • can be made
well and strong through the use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all
medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for $2.50 front. The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ont. •
One of the Effects of the War In
So rapid were the judicial methods
of Sir George • Jessel that he some-
times did not sit in court because
there were no. cases left for him to
A judge sat on the judgment seat,
A goodly judge was he.
He said unto the Registrar,
"Now call a cause -for me."
"There is no cause," said R agistrar,
And laughed aloud with glee;
"A Jessel's wit has despatched them
I can call ne cause for -thee."
The King's Bench judges are rapid-
ly getting into the same position, says.
the London Globe. They started their
sittings this week with only thirty-
five jury actions in their' lists, and
they have disposed of them all. If
that nation is happy which has no liti-
Potion the war promises to secure for
at least this measure of bliss.
Fourteen Shot at Liege.
Everywhere throughout Belgium
the Germans' are redoubling their se-
verity. They suspect the Belgian
population of favoring the 'national
At Liege fourteen persons were
shot.-. At Brussels a fireworks maker
named Ricard was shot for having
struck a German. At Eccloo a stu-
dent was condemned to eight days .id
prison and $100 fine for wearing a
French tri -color cockadein his hat.
Posters in Antwerp notify Belgians
that they can obtain German natural-
ization within 48 hours. The Com=
tesse Joghe-Ardoye was arrested at
Ghent for wearing a medallion with
the portrait of King Albert. ,
The summer months are the most
dangerousto children. The complaints
of that season, which: are cholera in-
fantum, colic, diarrhoea and dysentry,
come on so quickly that often a little
one is beyond aid before the mother
realizes he is '111. The mother must
be on her • guard to prevent ' these
troubles, or if they do come on sud-
denly, to cure • them. No, other medi-
cine is of such aid to mothers during
hot weather as is Baby's Own Tab-
lets. They regulate the stomach and
bowels and are absolutely safe. Sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williains'
Medicine Co., Brockville,. Ont.
French Free of Cholera.
Dr. Louis Legroux, of the Paris In-
stitute, has made the declaration
that neither soldiers nor civilians in
France need have any fear of the
cholera. Cholera microbes are de-
stroyed, the doetor says, by other mi-
crobes that develop during the process
of the decorriPaeition of bodies in the
open air. This and other reasons,
according to Dr. Legroux, re ,oyes all
danger of cholera from decompt,u ng
bodies. „
French 'Machine Defeats a German
Among the litany stories of aerial
adventure growing out of the war,
one of the best is told by Frederick
A. Talbot, in The World's Work for
June, in a comprehensive survey of
the advance in aviation. The hero is
an American aviator, Frederick C.
Hili, a volunteer serving in ' the
French Aviation 'Corps; -
One day he was aloft upon a re-
coneaissance. The weather was
cloudy; so that glimpses; of what was
transpiring on the hostile territory be-
neath could only be obtained throp.gh
rifts in the banks of vapor. While
careering through one of these open
spaces he caught sight' of : a Taube,
and, his machine being fleet, he in-
stantly gave chase. The Taube turn-
ed, and made for the cover of a bank
of clouds, with Hild in hot pursuit.
The latter worked his machine up to
ninety miles an hour, and was just
about to dive into the cover when a
German biplane was seen emerging
from the cloud. The latter showed
no disposition to run. ' It was armed
with a machine gun, while the pilot
and observer were well equipped with
Mauser rifles and pistols. A hot fire
was concentrated upon Hild and his
machine. The American aviator was
caught at a disadvantage, because the
attack was unexpected . and' for the
reason that the German machine had
the commanding position manoeuvring
immediately over the French ° aero-
This diversion precipitated another
denouement. The Taube which had
dived into the bank of cloud, ascer-
taining that it was reinforced, now
turned round and showed fight. Hild
was caught between two fires. -The
Taube was intent upon ramming' him,
while Hild was exposed to a hot.fire.
He returned the latter spiritedly, but
was threatened by the, Taube. There
was only one possible mean's of .. es-
cape -to dive . vertically towards_ the -
ground. Without a moment's hesita-
tion he jammed his elevating lever
hard over. The aeroplane quivered
and then answered her helm so-com-
ocom-pletely that an involuntary looping
of the loop appeared imminent.
It was a thrilling "nose -ending"
dive, the machine being so vertical in,
its descent that Hild and his oberver:
had to stand, leaning backwards, from
which precarious position he let drive
a final series of quick shots. The dive
was so precipitate and vertical that
the German aviators • ceased, firing,
thinking that they had sent the
French monoplane to its last account
and that it would give a final 'exhibi-
tion of ploughing. But after a -vertu
cal dive of a thousand feet, Hild re-
gained control of the aeroplane, eased
the descent, regained the horizontal
plane • and immediately started to
climb with all the speed he could mus -
The German machines, realizing
that they had been tricked, resumed
the pursuit, but Hild now held the ad-
vantage. The speed of his machine
proved invaluable. The Taube start-
ed a"hot chase, but gave it up directly
it saw that Hild had regained his ori-
ginal altitude and was quite prepared
to resume fighting uperations. The
Taube turned and flew for its life,
but-Hild had his report to give to his
commander, so he abandoned attempt-
ing pursuit and returned to his own
The Chinese anticipated what we
might think to be an essentially mod-
ern convenience — banknotes and
"paper reioney"-so long ago as 2697
B.C.-4,600 years ago! One such
banknote, issued nearly 3,300 years
ago, is still preserved in the museum
at Petrograd, The Chinese called
their notes "flying money," or "con-
venient money." They bore the,name
of the bank, date of issue, a number,
an official signature, its value in
words and figures, and; as an addi-
tional precaution against forgery and
as a help to the ignorant, a pictorial
representation in coins of an amount
equal to the face value of the note.
Holders of the notes were, by an
inscription, exhorted to "Produce all
you can; spend with economy.
It is stated that the notes were
printed in blue ink, and made of pa-
per woven from the fibre of the mule
berry tree.
These notes bore also a warning
inscription of the penalties of
He Was Disgusted.
They were about the roughest, raw-
est lot of recruits the sergeant ever
had to tackle,
He worked hard at them for three
hours, and at last thought they were
getting into some sort of shape, so he
decided totest them.
"Right turn!" he barked.. Then be-
fore they had ceased to move came
another order: "Left turn!"
One yokel slowly left the ranks and
made off toward the barrack room.
"Here, you!" yelled the sergeant,
angrily, "where are yon off to?"
"Ah've had enough," replied the re -
emit, in disgusted tone. "Tha does-
n't know tha own mind for two min-
eetes: runnin'!"
A Nova Seotia Case of 41
interest to All 'Women
Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help
to. Many People,
Halifex, N.S., December 15. --When.
interviewed at her home at 194 Argyle
St., Mrs. Raverstoek was quite willing
to talk, of her peculiarly unfortunate
case. "I was always `blue'' and de-
pressed, felt weak languid and utterly
unix for any work, My stomach was
so disordered that I had no appetite.
What I did eat disagreed, I suffered
greatly from dizziness and sick head-
ache and feared a nerous breakdown.
Upon my druggist's recommendation
T used Dr. Hamilton's Pills,
felt better, at once. Every day I
improved. In six weeks I was,a well.
woman, cured completely after differ-
ent physicians had failed to help me.
It is for this reason that I strongly.
urge sufferers with stomach or diges-
tive troubles to use Pr. Hamilton's
Pills." '
Dr. Hamilton's Pilin„ strengthen the
stomach, improve digestion, strength-
en the nerves and restore debilitated.
systems to health. By cleansing the
blood of long-standing impurities, by
bringing the system to a high point
of vigor, they effectually chase, away
weariness, depression and disease.
Good for young or old, for men, for
women, for children. •'-All dealers sell
Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and
Butternut. `
Defoe's Great Book for Readers All
Over the World.
Every nation has found delight in
the story of Robinson Crusoe. An
article in the Strand Magazine tells'
that W. S. Lloyd of Philadelphia has
spent years in hunting for rare and
curious editions of the immortal work.
His agents, it appears, have . had
standing orders to buy up all editions
that may be found, and he even pos-
sesses examples of the story in Latin
and Greek. Thirty-three languages
are represented in Mr. Lloyd's collec-
tion, and these include: Arabic, Per-
sian, Turkish and Hebrew.
The ;variety' and curious illustra-
tions in these manifold editions are a
striking feature. There is a first folio
of Defoe's great book, however, which
has not found its way into Mr. Lloyd's
collection, and that is a valued exhibit
in Sir John' Soane's very interesting
museum in Lincoln's Inn Fields, with
which every Londoner is not familiar.
Wanted capital•to develop one of the
most valuable natural resources in the
Dominion, unlimited quantity of raw
material to be manufactured into a
commodity for which there is an al-
most unlimited demand. If you have
one hundred to. five hundred dollars_ or
more to invest where your investment
will be well secured, then write for
particulars . and prospectus which .will.
convince you of the absolutely sure
and large returns. Address P.O. Box
102, Hamilton, Ont.
"My dear," said Mrs. Henpeck,
"I'm positive that our boy is thinking
seriously of matrimony."
"Well, I hope so," returned . Hen-
peck with unusual spirit. "I would
not want any boy of mine to be so
unfortunate as to regard it as •a
joke." .
nrinard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Wore 'Em Out.
A teacher had been at great trouble
to explain to her class the meaning
of the word "notwithstanding," and,
on asking for a sentence in which
the word occurred, was somewhat
nonplussed to receive the following
effort from a blushing maiden of
some, eight summers and winters:
"Please, miss, my little brother has
a hole in the seat of his trousers, and
it's , notwithstanding."
64he—But if T can't live on my in-
ecene and you can't live on yours,
where would be the advantage of our
mac -eying."
He (thoughtfully)—Well, by put-
ting our incomes together, one of us
would be able to live, at any rate.
British Naval Expert Replies to
Criticism of Fleet.
Commander Carlyon Bellairs, the
great British naval expert, replied to
the recent criticism of the British
navy appearing in American news-
papers suggesting,' that the navy
might try a little initiative occasion-
ally, sending submarines to Cux-
haven Kiel ' and Heligoland, Com-
mander Bellairs said:-
"The man who wrote that ought to
procure a scale chart and study it
for a few minutes with an Alflerican
naval officer at his elbow. Then he
might learn quite..a lot. Cuxhaven
and Kiel are hidden away behind
miles of heavily mined sand banks,
as well as breakwaters. At Heligo-
land there are only a few German
torpedo boats and submarines. In
naval warfare ' one goes by probabili-
ties, not possibilities. The British
submarine wouldn't have one chance
in a million of getting behind the
stone walls' where the Germans hide
their fleet.
"It is not a question of initiative.
What our submarines have done
scouting around. Heligoland and
around the Dardanelles proves this.
It is just a question of common-sense
"The German fleet only needs just
to coarse out to sea and leave its
stonelocked fortresses for a few
hours in - order to get all the trouble
it ever will be able to seek."
CornsApplied in
0 5 Seconds
S re, blistering feet
Li red fr fpm corn�pin,ched
toes can be . oured
o g Ey by Putnam's Ex -
LI; IPLAfie tractor in, 24 hours.
"Putnam's" soothes
way that drawing pain, eases instant -
!y, makes the feet feel good at once.
(let a 25e. bottle of "Pwtiiam's. today'
Left It To Him.
Mrs. Williams, who had recently
returned from abroad, was attending
an afternoon tea which was given in
her honor.
"And did you really go to Rome?"
asked the hostess.
"I really don't know, my dear,"
replied 'Mrs. Williams. "You see,
my husband always bought the tick-
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sirs;—This fall I got thrown
on a fence and hurt my chest very
bad, so -I .could not work • and it hurt.
me to brekthe, I tried all kinds of
Liniments and they did me no good.
One .bottle of MINARD'S LINI-
MENT, warmed on flannels and 'ap-
plied on my breast, cured me com-
pletely: C. H. COSSABOOM.
Rossway, Digby Co., N.S.
One Good Reason.
Corpulent Individual — But you
can't give me any reason why I
should not enlist.
Spouse -Well, I should miss you,
dear, but the Germans wouldn't.
Minard's Liniment Cures earget in Cows
• Mischa Elman tells a story of his
early youth. He was playing at a
reception given by a Russian prince,
and played Beethoven's "Kreutzer"
Sonata, which has several and long
and impressive rests in it. During
one of these rests a motherly old lady
leaned forward, patted him on the
shoulder and said:
"Play something you know, dear,"
Try Murine Eye Remedy for Red, Weak, Water.
Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting -
just Eye Comfort. Write for nook of the Ey:
bymailNree. hiurineEyeBemedy00.,Chieaga
The trouble with some men is that
they're satisfied with merely want-
ing to do the right thing.
' A'[ivard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria,
"Paradise," by Tintoretto, is the,
largest painting in the world. It is
84ft, wide, 38%ft. high, and is' now
in the Doge's Palace, Venice.
An Expert.
First Trooper Imperial Yeomanry,
(discussing a new officer)—"Swears
a bit, don't 'e, sometimes?"
Second Trooper—" 'E's a 'master..
piece, 'e is; just opens 'is mouth and
lets it say wot it likes."—Punch.
Minard'e Liniment Cures Colds, Etc.
me. I ;have over Two Hundred On My
list, located in the beat sections' ,of on.
tarso.' All sizes. H. W. Dawson, Brampton.
Offices for sale ' in good Ontario
towns. Tbs•most useful and interesting
of all businesses. Full information on
application' to. Wilson Publishing Com-
pany, 78 West Adelaide St., Toronto. •
and, get the top prices. 35 cents for
tub lted wool, 25 cents unwashed.
Large . or .small lots bought. Check sent
same day shipment received. TareIiis &
Sons, 92 Wellington, Montreal. .
CORDS. 10 -in. double side, .60c. each:
Send $1 for special introductory offer .of
two records (four -selections), including
H.M. Irish Guards Band. Catalogue free.
Guardsman $eco"d Agency, 210 Board of
Trade, Montreal.
internal ancl. external: cured with-
out pain by bur home treatment. Write
us before too Tate. Dr. Hellman Medical
Co.. Limited., Collingwood, Ont.
'Americas Stands d 4 C Marine Svfoto '
tCyyc7 lC,llnder t Io1GA.P. ;gith•aCu-
tty. k sIt nt , r.t�ot M r•trigthe, p, Controls
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Meter Car , rtfempe'py
ecenemlgel pr foal. Used as standard equip-
ment byy over ep per cent. at the would'S
Ieadfn¢ boat bullder8...'Catnle¢ an gl es6:
5180 to iiee depandtn¢ sues ulptnep , -
bECMATH Aire: Ce, d,pl:' . ➢ofr,if, (11th
Paddles, Cushions, Oars,
Se:=ts,• Hugs,
and all
Canoe' and Skiff
Pettci'°oroughi Canoe C
Ford owners write for
our catalogue.
Speedometer Station.
179 Queen Street West,.
ED, `6v`'.
ISSUE 27—'15.
..+iJ.'eseeeeet .. \ yr.hov.'oeee :..
1'Overstern" V Baton $5)0I1
Motor Boat
Freight Prepaid, to any Railway Station in
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,G1)e010401an tto, 211 giving engine prices on request.' Get our quotations
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