HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-06-25, Page 8tionmitemor
5easo ;a. "l Summer Goods
\v, l,atli., A ;,;8 Mata'ri;k for
tLllii il„wOre,:l 7i1C!,, f41..11i.s, l ' eh,
1111{llik 15a�1i1'. 1 , a• 1 �.'. - - ;
Linens, Piques, 1::mliroideries, etc,
5 1141 bi.older
1` ;x
A Tlli;•!' 3. a• �.. �( 1•.' .lr.'(.•1'tl •ib i ;11! 91.,lr it rH,1L': L?in li'i+ • �
i t • l t'i, ,„,
;., i111 t � kl'.�� •
: ala !.5„e.
' : S . n �e °wear
l' IS111:ill" 11ii1!1,;r.il! illp),,u,,s 1111:1 irerun'l rill, f il' 111,.‘11
ille!). tlahi .•::il-t1T.), AISO Uai111Uilfa,!1r11 , corsQt cover;:,
till t, 1':liik't ,
rilg:11 i. orf s 1a;4
soap in \l unaclt S hose hi black, white (ilii tan r l+l lar
.,:5 1'
Straw Hats all styles
Now that the warm w,,at et• is here you will need .L stzum bat.
We can supply you with the newest styles for men, boy, and girls
at reason ble prices.
A. few Bargain s for Quick Sale
4 only men's raid coats, regular $8 00 for $5.50
8 pieces muslins and mills, regular 15 for 100 yd
Ladies large aprons to clear at .50 cents each
Men's summer underwear, 50 cents per suit
Men's cloth hats, regular 25 dents for 15 cents
Fresh Groceries always on hand.
Produce taken in exchange
See Our.
Millinery Opena,n s OBITUARY
'SVe beg to announce to the Ladies of Oiae of=flit) pion' ere o'' fins' '1`o•sn-
, j)al;:hvv'nod and 'v luvaity blame we hate ,11ip lissed`ary y ] i t wriclay ika tl.ac�,
ta<Icleel a lslilliuel) i)e artuat;nt to our ;p r -son of •To'eph O,,sh lad , in, ins
year, Tile ciao t a r,T !lad been in
" tS u . Spring Opening , health ioa 40111C lklnc) and • (1111'•
in charge of Miss Crawford jog thela,'i fowr seeks of his I 1t ;,
hc11:l;:ona it \vnti sar) (.)uld not live
tlas lig t
a z Safe
Fine Stool? of
Jewellery Just Arrived.
P. 1g
y j�
Having purchased the business lately conducted by 1, »Hudson,
I beg to notify the public that` 1 have a complete stock of Flour:
EXETER BRANDS. Also Feed of ail kincis.
All kinds • of Field and Garden . Seeds .
Groceries, Salt, Stock foods,, -Etc., Etc.
Eggs takenin exchange for goods.,
Telephone 23
Deleware, . Lac laxanxaa, &
Western Coal Co's
, cra.t.tOf Goal
ill sizes
rich Ont
1'.r o. per alai),
r *,r ?bd
liini.n: iurn Lightning on»
Gln vrvey busy, please band
;yni'ir+?l.dc,x5 early,
as I dothe work
1)'1t; Hp was of ab Honest nerd : h,o i1"
ueada F �kLk Wean..e .., � T werhing tlieposition and do in4 his
l'tilArch 2'.ecd and aM +L lik(+t1k114 1Lel 1, made Many warn tOmni ...
lie moo .to 1fay Township 'many
yr ars ago, 5ci11+:d on the lltilt enn-
oin are cordially it 1 la i lt? }nnlnn 11
rt•int111)A}11{ R 11, �ltil �. C� 1'3
ui Ileeleetle.gilli e.)
-.._. ea p E �.iij o h p+ ti11i0 of l ie dee Ili( eviiluly,
land two sues at home David and
Samuel, survive hirik: The funeral
rr-a i hold on Mout.'.ay int;irmo!at taking
(,lace in the Amish cemetery, Pre
Daniel Steinman, of Baden, conducted
the ceremony. Among the many who
Corrected every Thursday. attended tho funeral wore: 11fr A
Kiper and' five sons, of New Hamburg;
Butter , 10.20 111'r ,Jacob Oosch, Jr,, \veliesle;l; Mr
Eggs 19 and Mrs 1 Zehr, Wellesley; Mr Jacob
Dried Apples 05 Schwartzenteazber,. Baden; Mrs D
Potatoes 30 Jautzi and llirs J Gilagerich, Baden,
and folio\vin;; clays.
YT 1' lly invited,
:7dr . c)
Buck wheat ......
Low Grade
Live Hogs fob Uensall
50 50 A well known resident of Stanley
60 65 Township passed away on Monday in
70 the personvf Christoalier Ducbarme,
8.75 1.25 in his 82nd year. The deceased bad
$28.00 boon in failing health for some tine
80.00 and his death was not unexpected. He
88.00bail made his home on the: Sanbto Litre
8.00 ,north of Drysdale for many years and
during his lifetime bad mademany.
warm and true friends. • Ilis wife
surviues hin.,, The funeral was held
on Wednesday, interment taking place
in the Drysdale cemetery, and was
largely attended:
Local News
Air D S Faust has greatly improved
his store front by a coat of paint.
Mr Alvin Sueruurnedhis
home, Tis sday, fors
h stsummeroholi- DEAD AND LIVE VILLAGES
days. +' .Village life is often associated with
Mr and Mrs Oliver Johnson of nanraowness and stagnation. There is
Clinton spent Sunday at the home of not the slightest necessity for this.
his brother Mr Thos Johnson.
A circle of half a dozen friends may
Do not fair to see the boys walk the be as likely and stimulating as a circle
slippery pole at • the Fair. Grounds on of a thousand, Any village or town
Friday night, July 2nd. may make its choice between narrow -
The many friends of Mr Roland ana cl'iriillnus• and the intelligence and
Geiger, of the Blronson Line, will re- enterprise which are falsely supposed
gnat to hear o1 Iris- .,serious it lless at to be monopolized Targe' towns and
present. cities.
The lvI ter'bas now hi mind two
Ten thousand'be (suedneore automobilen- nOntario villages, one of the slow and
licenses have beon, iia.in• Ontario the other of a r'ively type.. The slow
this year than last year..: No sign of one is thea bigger and wealthier, but it
has:( tulles in that inclwstry. lacks the enterprise andpublic spirit
From to day to theend of June WO 'of its rival. Alllhhat isnereessaryis the;
will sell Army Lockete in our Show will. There-lshaerlly and village. SQ
Cases at 25 per cent disc cunt: F W' small that it' does, .not contain talent.
THe.s ctr. Company, Jewellers. energy and'' intelligence enough to
School closes todn.y for tibe's73illner , make it ;a centre' of iintelligence and
holidays, We understand filet the progress.
present staff of teachers have all been Parks libraries, club, 'Ire not privi-
re engaged for the next term. geles of large cities al'on'e,, Any village,
Mr and Mrs P. Dbickerft: of 'the ran have these things,. - Any village
Blind Line, have returned fronira. few can organize its-wbole•peptvlatrvn into
week's visit with friends and relwtives n, club, without waiting'for a palatial
in Mitchell, Stratford .and Tavistock, building or a staff of - servant. Any
We have moved ollr shsereflai,rs6op village population�oau,ailbpt th�e�motto
to A. G. D+ dighoffet's old, stand. All . "Boost, dont knock.'.''' Any Tillage
kinds of boots and shoe repaiurieg populatioh canlnakei up' its mind to
a+ seek out and develop native talent,,
and to look with abroad] charity upon
tiro failings, of its weaker reoillbere.
There are whole Niagara( -of energy
.waiting to be developed' in the 'steelier
their daus'hter, Harriet, to Mr. William towns and villages of Ontario, • There
A +riy, of Kindersley, Sask., The near are hundreds of beauty spots to which
i iage will take place the batter end of travelers could be drawn. • ,There is an
June. immense reservoir of intellectuaal and
mi. and. nes:.Gee,Breyauerr returned moral power which only needs to be
to their .home in Midland, Mich;, on drawn into'channels, Wb '1re if may' do
Monuhy,. after a visit' with relatives its work., The size of a communitybore, and attending the funeral of the is of comparatitely ft'bhte hitportance._
Filter's lter's fatber, the Iate Adam Albrecht Itis the spirit• that eounts.-- Torofto..
last \veolc.' Star.
iIlore '. 'irne, For
This •
4i ' •
The above recreations will be yotirs by using a labor
saving cook stove.
The Detroit Vaper stove works just like a gas stove_
simply lilt the burners and put cooking 011 at once. It is
cheaper to cook with than wood or coal. Sen styles to
select from costing from $10.00 up. Come to see thein.
1 have a carload of Per
Wiser on hand Parties
wishing to buy some in
any quantity can secure it
from lie at any time; at
my farm,
flame all kinds on hand,
ranging from $10 to $S 0
per ton.
JOHN 1-11E)( Jr.
Agent for Canadian Fertilizer 00.
We also sell
New w erfection
F1014,021e0 (toes(
New boots and shoes made to order,
Pt Bender..
11Ir and firs. John.S ,Cameron, .of,
Bruceaelcl, announce the» mnllrisge of`
'r.7474 ,:a2
An Unusually Attractive D 1a3 o
We earnne5tly ask your inspection,.. To .gee them is to
scant one or more. Reasonably priced.
Now is the tint»& for
New Lhioleu s, . i t Cloths and
Curtains' during house cleat l 1 lire-.
11r TT Williams, of London, sand Dr's
Mi iiinnonn and Campbell, of town per- In asserting that the falling off in.
formed( a emcees:i d ope 1'a Lion on Airs business is nob wholly due to the
Win Walpee, of the Closlaonn Line European war, 3'. A, Porldrollz, of
setitb, recently. A tulnOr was retrieved. Houston, in his animal al address as
and the patient is getting along .splen
tui lly+
A !fleeting of the Women's Institute
will be held in the Town Hall, on June
26th, at 2 o'clock, p m., when Mrs
Laura. Rose Stephens will give an add -
res i on, "Mit Ootib.try, My District,
My Home," ' •All ladies are cordially
invibed to attend,
Owing to the wet weather last Fri-
day .evening it was impossible to
proceed with the program, of sports
which had been arranged by Mr. C.
Friday for the'occassion. We tin der -
tan l that Mr 11+rite is going to hold
he sports at an early date.
Ontario's now board of liconse,coili
nli sioners intend to make during :the,
year n personal ins,poction of every
lot 1 applying for license in 1.010,
Applicants will be notified to put hi
tl sir applications not later than Jttly»
15 next. It is expected that the In-
spectoral system in the province will
be reaxranged', withone provincial
inspector, no as nous local inspectors
,» me .
sat/ be rn�i1Fira�`l, .: ,,The • 0roviitce
HOUSE P011 S-1' LE.
,i2 •omed britcic elsvelling,
,i roomed.
newly built, for'
soler, situated in Zoirich
inrnace;and modern iln3novanennt:=
arc installed. Gooc, now stable on
1)Ja)natsr.'s;airdnra-half are. of land
N .te these
New American. percale, 1 yd wide,
for 12,1,so u yard
0rgandiei, Crepes* 1C9nslins. Piques.
in all colors, from i o 'to `?5c a yard
Child.'s Suitings
Spesia. Suable for Childs 'wear in
plaiar colors at;18a a yard,
We•have a lade seleatisan of ladies
children's aria" Men's underwear
for summer wear.
Produce of aUl, i .ds vanted
president of the ;G'oxas Bankers' As- ='
sociatioan, at Waco on May 18 stated.
that the tendency of •people to live be-
yond thein• means is one of the contrib-
uting factors and should bo reckoned
with. He declared that too Many
people are driving Packard( who should!
be driving Fords, too many are driving
Fords: whte should be engaged in push-
ing a. wheelbarrow, and too many play
golf who are unable to pay the caddy:'
Thisis the talk we need for an extrav-
agant continent. Living within the
income, less credit and more cash will
Jeffrey --_-In Stanley, en Jitnel7th, to
Mn and ',NirshLeori Jeffrey, a Eon
Cummings s --- At Hippo% - on. Mon-
day. June 1.4thr.
1015, Agnes Ouin*
- lnlangs, aged 02 years.
17n(.11ilaillle —At Saub10 Linc; Stanley,
;tine 20th Clir1
istoeh.Duchariiie, r
in his 02nd year,
Oescl •At'l.ltll corny, flsy, on June
The •Keene
one -wheel
Tongue Truck
For Harvesting and
Seeding Machinery
The truck is guaranteed to give
satisfa.,otion. It is easy on the
horses necks, a tromfort to horses
as well as the driver. A conven-
ience that every fanner should
hn,ve for his implements. Let no
show you sample. Maley now in use
in this ,section. •
operated by
In cliffererit sisez, i, 3 and 3 • tub.
,Just what you have been looking
for. Why not save your wife or
housekeeper some of the btied. labor
by adopting iriil)rovc,cl ilei .,,els.
Call and ese machine in oirnr•atlom,