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Zurich Herald, 1915-06-25, Page 5
IJ vAslit. Uillu.i:4t.J.4a a,t:..Ma,'1 �. . Sun(lay, rum ti 11.00 " Sunday . School 9.(.15 " l illil(Yr, Y, P. A. 1.00 p xn. " (Set vibe) English 7.00 " ,Teachers meeting 8.00 " Mon.,'.ltri- tel. Brotherhood 8,00411 Tuesditya, Y. P. A. 8.151( Wednesday Player 1\irreeting.8,00 " T41'1Clt1y Teachers ':f.,'raailixlg . ,• Class 7,86" r r " :choir pradiee 8.00:': r2 Taaaies Aid ildg :Sts ist Monday of each rnbn:th at 17.00 p,1u. IllaTIfl BAN'O[lal tOLL;SL1tVitOES German, Slaladayr , 10,80141, rn, English 7:r', 1.>to. 1n, .3ib1e Solecol 9.00 X11: rll :l\I en's 1\I i<:' 0'ry t,;. rl'11et;(1444' 800 ip. m. c, Luther Teague Friday 8100 p. 111, ..%(A S lo\Ve(ls v of month 18100 p, n1, Yrrtl:a e cordially iilvtke(tl :to take On •active part in 1111 Chase meetings ,and services. "Blerised are they 1tJ1'n t hear the word +1 God, and keep •tit,'Dike 11.28, Andre* E. HessCONvsy.t. 1OTN%', ,1GT0 1± IRE INtrs a'M OEB PLATE dLitSS ItifSI a NOE AUTO fe CTIZ A NOE PRIVATE �EtUt TS' TO Lo arr 'GENT ( PINT' R1(}1' R (Ri( AT WEST .PE1iniANl lr �r LOACo. A aoor1TTs O'Ox LPIOTen AaOrDrifbiin litiSSth$ANOE Herald I' fb a Zurich Mr Albert :ileCort a,iak, of St Jerome; College, Madill, is i"17e11c1111g his hall days at• his lame here. Clinton and Zurich baseball teams Will play on the local diamond, tonight Game called ab 6 o'clock, Miss Ernn:la Ileideman, land nel i aw of Detrt)ib, are goests;at the home , of lir R, Lisideman, atpresent, Mr axicl Mrs Waller doalas, •Of 1~ WOO Thames!ord formerly of Blake, visited relatives in tills eicinity, olqTuesday; The Sunday School of the Evan-. gelical Glitiroil ]vitt bvl'a 'their picnic, at the park, Grand lkamxalll, liras'c Tues' di1y. ": Mr Amos Gleno Riff the Bron on 1!1,I, ,. r ,.-.1 d clitaiited 1vilG\ tete. AlI 11u0e :Milo has salrl hos rcl�l;i�lr�+ to ?\�t \\ alio i°t 7 acres in1:Cey, of the i3e.os'lon. for'. a , llsaidsotaa'e •`culbIl l ',;, ation except - al ,O' ore, ,, lharel+troocl bush. , Tfirs!firm is on the 1th u , .� ,, 1 SOD :'i .111. .. ra a u l� 411 tl 0 I1.,U Q ( , `+tet Hertsl,11, the 'Idadiiilj�:farmers market of Citron Cori .uty'.. r pply not later tkreo Jul} 1st for terms &c .l,o 'GiIMlman & F tk...inlbtiry, lleosall and !Exeter. m t lan(l. 200011oocb, trees of whkh 1.000 aro iu b caring, ISOo�l{ 33 ioil ty o' war, x', good building, well folioed fillet partly drat nod. ii'or particulars apply to Dauiol Smith, :i .:Lt. No, Zurich, • FARM FOR SALE The Undersigned 11a,vE.ber,n inetrllCt- ect to sell that splendid i50 acre. ±aria near :tleo'sali known ns the eolith hi1lf. of lot 18, eai1. 1, xltl,y township. On it is a good lir!ck 2 storey with 'brick lcite'b'ell awl frame- ''Wci td :la`e(l,. la, barn 84x46, stand forirrtlil;liam, :co mou1 pi; -pen 24x18, drive 611:49 43-0,%•20, as good and e1,0la'tand pl•Ea •o'? har(l of over (100 acro:The laud' is't'icla and prodrictive, well fence() I ave ; 'barge stock of all the latest oniLbest iii Ladies anti (hilcii'eu. `does. Cali ansa l; ()lf; over our lines before yc.'(c .,11jl elaewlle'a.: We can save, you -.money.•. Repairing 2ronaptly Done BattOr %(.(1<(t•eggg-3 taken in exchange for ', hoes. avid tbi Das1iwood Ont aax,nadtti'sefomliiiil7rit171i• towards .ttilite. relief of the iclestibir.te people of Rol given aiiiountacl lto:1 2,071,083, m Ito May 18th. \yirs .Tobli fliu 't i and tWO . C1111111 41,011, of 1114R•ell, are%Visiting at the, home 'of! Icer parents 141r nod 1\Irs Salm G•atsc'hol Bronsc n-Toin0,"at present. The strawberry crop promises to be a I.avw 'dile :this year. Some • lime already. been •marketed,,- and now for the :ebralvab:rry shortcake .ts card , [the strawberry socitul4. i any peopled) not sero 'to he aware that the fide for Sebring TOtten 'or 11)41(1 ages 10 stores or 1:wedhies !diel , ;a 111eiony one. Tho 11 roil otra 1. 'Tine t� $'0200 and hy recent reperIs, the law e'i I1 1ip'enfarce,t 'to the §hull •extent, Lleotsle no not seem to knaiv, thnit'Pggs, when br'o'ught to thestor',b.,-are 'Kent in eapar ate lots, and if any lbatl cones. aro anon, them, the offeniller i5 elisily forrn±itout.- Deliorning is such a, sirm'idlta ,odors Mon ,filaait is difiicnl1 tri ,-iaJ' rr,lli wby It is•evor pnstpo,ierl until ttbn'c(rlves•are' tt1'lliy' grown a,n(1 l e C`.441y 4likes ;F.0r salvi.tog them oil To (rrn, sec»•re a: ei,eteil of 00(144 i; p dt.Lii1 at 'a tl•e0g•,st,are. \'Viten t11'•' 05I1f ,Fq tlrl'0'3 days old locate .thy' little. I;not 'luliieh. ittr!1 Bates the young hors., web. ii't ta'nll ru'b 1tvitll the pencil, 11011( in a1 gloved 40o(1. This iR all 'hew is to' the (Pe:ration. It c iustitnt('s.Trnt a . ]few 1(11t.O,tte'S 11"01'11'.a,tid Cailse'i4 :rid 1.1,1.1( ..ti;o tlie,nitirnlil.s. (in'exehauge says ,r; Tit,e pa'y rt1'lpi weer -is a new 'idea, 1'i'hjcia].,-lital«til'ig 1n a s11aIltown in Wisconsin., is spr'ea 1i•11g over t -he -Western States. "The' T.11itos-':. nphy= of the plan is simply that,, blit by; p11y'ing your bills tho othelr fellow is; ab' e its iptay his, and soon i'ln a ect t •of; el dle's chain which 11(1aaIiy cornea: x1)44101 to von 1 -Sill with ,0148 out of• e I debt and no On,' Oil 111)4 you.. '1'hiis all; aa'e (1011.s, tiff; (01111n0l'Cile•'1 Ales 111'41 cl('11r, and a#ry'hody feels helt•er1. Thel 0411y ir)1P1•orc4i1.1t'llt on the }a1,i1a•we 'can' suggest le that May 110 ivstdl:'ebt!,111,l 11181 the .o5145le year round, yq LEME1 `t TSS. Binders, Mowers, all kinds (of Cultivator:„ Discs and Fen. ttilizer Drills, best and light' ,est made; all steel. Manure Spr aaers and all kinds of plows and repairs ;Always in stock. Look at our Cutter's. ;1S1eighs, Bug ies9 and Wagon; 'before haying .else» where. lti_1� IOTOR ENGINES. t11- II. P. $75; 2x IL P. ;385; 4 'I1. P.w1.•25; 0 P. $175, 8 til• L. 12i35; 12 IL P.1-3375; 1111 w«tra'91111ed first yl1L$t2. " At the old Sts --- ` SC1elorfi Dealing Oa- .Uottof1 .n Bo ess «ib a{,a.1 1 rn r Zurich eat tmAL.ERs n,11 F rest' land .: Salt IVIeati.s. 1L7oiEI(,',lra Sai zeges,. c OASE .,,FOR SKINS & 73IUB Irazighiut Deichel " U.. CARDS.« pliati ar'(t(ee, tS11`i,()ItAN, &PHOUD- Si'OO '. l)llt•it•tert, t"ielioltorb, N(atsrieh 1!nb1J( &:. OfI1c a, on 1l1e Stlnarr, and door from II;inliitou St, (odericll,: l'riva.lo fuu,)4, to loath alt l+,W5-t 1at5$ \V, P tut l'r our, N. O. .1. I, 1b1l'.14t)iLtS, li l'la(ir ttrrtipr, ,l lt, 1191;7- 1C/4J- .OAG• D$ A.:I, lltteKIN?0N lase (lolls. Sut•t,,n, Erie County lossittil,. l.ta,resi• c1:rr;. 1'11y r'i'att, 7a1;tl414l1tlnu Ala.terllill 1!oipit,n.1 N. Y. city. Late of the 11' Ilse ;)1 tai; New '.Y(r4h Palyell ni5 li. dioal ; (ht,r'1 and hospital.• Drtig,, ,!,;1•0 iu 000 0e4Ction. (nice, Zurich, Ont. "A l\lati e :\bility is his Passporlc' sank We aver a London, O)t; 'i)cat ll(1r of Organ and all brooches of Pian' Playing; -Voice }Culture and Artistic S:u4ing 0 Specialty. Sixteen yetli"9 prtcticitt experience. For apply at the Herald Office. 4 +•'L^'ti3"i'i:',va,r^ k'• 1 gETtl' acs' :'., "'+,«X.7,1• A .relllable main to sell HARDY ()ANADIA N ', STOCK IN ZURIUH and 1 .uaoN County :It it now at the hest Selling time, i*end for 'list of Spring Ottetint'' and terms t'' 21 gents Li 11(-rr+l ta llli•,Sl0l1S. kl(.ndts('nl©Free Outfit. Ft,+$ Mr.eiliragton Tire Font 'hill .. Nuseriea ((first .lili:•lted' 1887) On Sa1tf1(•111lj' alti'4'll'lrui til'+ T•nilior. Y P A Of the Evetigelif,l1 (heari.•11 1(114 n. i+i(11i•(: on the l'itir (1rc.ittirlc,' oI'ter l0nn wai.a 1''1;acl1 441y sp lamt go s, 1Isplall, 44)4(111ng r11t',':4, i11111 01 ([t"er(�17t Itii.(1a `I.:eddy filer 001'g4('I 11 (little 44410(i, 1111 (tut() 4 1(10 1,1•1!“.11 11(1 I l (' 1110 •f1 1111411. y� T311sE1,e1 C}i°l'e't' !tilt Lowy 0' ]31'1{?il It ve.!i 1 .4. 111051' 141'1 g4,'14.'r(1 41,4011 iutle,h y s!a is alai 1.44 ,0 2144 1.11e1t) W01'4411)1111118 11111111tt ' ('a tile 1110ilto05 II(411' ,111 ttl' ,pre all 411, t1h14.%011.111(1 b^a.n 11(111 d;l (?tail i1 1 •' 11111 11 1.111,-y Ives (•rjnyod tree I suppo1' io'1i1((1tsi-h'. I'ivelybody lia(1 24 go(,rl time a(1(1 some expressed th('11l. solves Ili fraa'(1(04• f lntiin such 00001l' . gatherings. • I 04 [ITCKS F (ll;Ei(,'AHTS :r TOLHERAHLO:, . LLBi:L T ati '.40ertil't1,ornd Daily Glilbe :..:.,_ 375 ei \Weekly Globe 1 75 i^ "" a)ntly Mail and Era Mi pine... 3 '75 is '11 \\teely> Mail and Empire ct 1 'jt(n'nnIn 1)41•ily Saar `u ti 5 • Daily News 2 t~:1 t4 1i'ee](ly Star. 1 1.r., ., 'London Free These 'Morning Edition01:.0 'Evevill;; Edi tioll-2:••J Weekly Edition__ 1 01 as \Corn lug -Edition2 5+1 Iy�:venut�.;Editionw Wee lily 1i.dition_.'s. 1 1'; m1°l aa411 S Dairy 1 75, \Vt eI4I\' Sun 1.80- 1!aoni'l:s Advocate2 40. uil1 0,4 Pam i1v `ser'a1(1 and -Weekly I; a Ll'1 i1 '' \V (0(1(1)' >11041 treal+, Witness 1 (:I5. "'x175 ' '�3Sd1`.`tr 4� «• ctr",. t,,,i:. etz , s -p, 111N ‘...TI V.ry ... It On the Zw°icl3 Diamond e cailed at 6 p, n Fore era l Stores !'.la 'al'() sc?illll' r agents for 1).1.pleI`o1'd's J a ._' 1x1r�.uJr_cnunttil� thee books..Our rives X11'£' tile. Sil'lne lib; 6ity7 traveller's ('lltlrme \rc.lti falx' illexll •• •- Let lib know 'our ,.. wants and we will cheerfully show you sainples and quote prices. Herald Printing Go. Phone3O c. F�L or .4' .1 ° I The Third lir; filar Strum PEri((i t. I c`I- y �h A•iio r 8111i110001 jlist'i11 of.� 13on 13'ln:a, t i,n!(1Nt)11410s, tee. 'Pim best .1411141 ll1 Jn may eia!1 rimy • A large ,1Yfil`t of C! )n1ie, , ro ta • 1 ° i(`, .Scimi5 ' e.c:, Post cFW Ltlt *w (;aof{•n,;arti 11r1009 \118 also have the l'111;;r (41101, 044014401141 • I', <. Leadiir,'r loran& of CiO,ers. Neilson's Pampas 1013 Crea 111 IVtcCORM ICK'S RESTAURANT 1 ,a' ie aertl 051 00 the Viae 25th, cal'eringthe 21r(1 t) the 2tirli.'inclnsiye. The cul • Pox11)ati',lg crisis 4 1011y:.perio(1 ;will fall 11'1 the 25th, 211t14 and .271h, q.bant . 1vlii(1 (n.14 bn(rcailletrie depre l:io11!+ will hi at. their' lil eizli, and t•4. -inns of trio: wit1(1 and thnll(18tr will 1.0 swoop Ing ()aste100(1 th1•(411 h Lbc1 central re '-1+)1101 tint 0 )4101:1•y: (,(",. �..�+. l:r." :y�'! "' ',a,��:.,`yxf,-•�.. :•17"L1;\ Yl?il) Onto lot 20,con. 11,:Tiny 'Towns'Izp, 11 out- yotu' 111(1 heift r, 1'0.11 in C0101', Nii1t (11`a) 41(01+11(14 111 right l:L'i 11+14(` said by. pa (,Cpdri000 ,l•. P. flan, V,o1 ich. L'1111;8P15Si iCel+'t)11t311)1)41N Notice is hereby given that ail tree, naissi 1}; is strictly forbidden 014 14010 10 and .L d', ratite l3,oa(1 Banat concession, J.ItLy 'Tow's4Jlip. Ao y Ao 'parties who do net 11)0.l,tlii tv rning will bo prosecilt 't1tri rho t111t ;stent of b4.o 166 • Clayton C( Brnitll tr; Prompt Service Moderate Pha rtes Tailor Shop and Laundry W. F„ 1 OFFMAN Zurich Ontario alMAIIMIXIMIZzaasMINNESIZ QS Lesson From e Clock CLOCK that strike, i, better talon a 110 i -Si i'1'<iirt;'' ((141;, I! tells Lis the time through olxr e-1" as well as through ourtayrs. It saves our steps. , It signals, spats l) (113, rouses us, speaks to its i11 the dark and from far away. ' .It is useful far 1:eyoli•cl the usefulluL.•:is of the silent clock. SO with tL•t)usiuese liar; aiv'r;'ses A shop or store that ends put Its mires - sage to us iii the form of :tid1vJ11 •se- ments in oar 11ewsjD 1:a1 serves 44e fat beyond the shop of store Unit is s,!ten•t --Mat must be visited 'before its -ser- vice or merchandise team be ktnaciwn. The shop or =lcre bhit advertises saves our time 111111, 100116)'. L'1C . Sp aks to ti 4(1 t i e right time, i 0US1•s (4 1. a'I•-1.tion, • 01 1tirs tis to action \Ve 1)) 11.4v1t1:e rest 1 t talr•ert is- ing, au1 1'e lm y fr(;in' nilverti ochelie-rchairkt2c Put a striker -au itte'ntinn gene an al °use's', a 'ti0)01 lt;:i' 41 1 your ; )110111eSS In other words-- iil\"el't1se • `it1'ike often 1;nd i't ;111,ll i,v 1:0e 1t (, 1, l•, 111,(lvel'tistitilents 111 till 111111(''1 I3Gax`(Il(1 the G ,/ Aitvertiing Vratan.. .•A CANADA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER • "The War ;Sui>nar y'99 . \tinea from the very 41:1y the great EurnpEn wr began in August last tltr' ortstain1111(1 fe111111 in C14141“11:111 jolt r111411:+141 ,. n(aiu;; the conflict :has heed. "Tile W 440 :Seminary" da(i}• „It pages 1 and _ of TEE iiLO11,Il. In t10' ,vm,•i eat pos,iblo form the waiter ices elven las readers a pee pletlne of the developments in all parts of the world. While the detril of the move ife11ts along the extended frontiers have not' iteell overlooked, the readers of '1'0I1 (U,0)1}( 4,4144' helm eualil0,1 to follow intelligently ently and with contidence the 'eneral1 (11(1111(14 of the stnpeudc111s ' conflict. "The War stoma y" of Tilt: GLOBE is reproduced daily by several papers throughout the Dominions The Editorial Page TEE (LODE on it • editorial page has striven to place before the pntlilt r[1 proper perspective the broad hlrkgt•onlul of the titanic struggle. This. s,11t of arlie1 ,+ has attracted the 111) 41tinit not only of the Cau,uilan 111,(1,:o, hut of 1, 0111140 men at114) Journals in all parts of the world. Tho• ((111,+44 11,41•1111!.(! un 10 the Wcu', tlu (40010111'o 1'ntering into 111' couilnet, and 411(4 11 111l Iihely to 110w from 0110 (.tssattanf of 1)04111it14s have 11a"n dealt with 141 (11:11 bull) and eleur-cwt form char50' tcristtr of TIM (1t,00L'S r,litorinl News aServi ce The above features, in addition to a caible and leiter service front the front ltnna•ttt•he,l In Canada. have ],laced THE t.L0111, far in tate lend o1 `'::• Canadian papers, anti partly explain the phenomenal 104rett1e. of 33814. per cent. in T1i0 LIL:OU30 S circulation during recent months. Other Features !r1te sporting pates, the financial and commercial pares. the wonlrtn's pages, etc.. efts., with-tho atddition l pages it1 ii'erlue,tlal'1 issue d,)voted to '1':11'111 and Country Life" are nlnintaine(l (1i' ( high standard of excellence. standard. that hos justified TIM:1.) (1L0liE In its title {)'f C,,nada'$ Natlou111 Newsaneet;1)1111- ittgiaen it l' many thousands the ' lurgist circulation of any morning tlutper in the Dominion. Local and City Papers Iiy all means rat e so11r local paper, but in the held of metropolitan ,4.1.. newspapers TIMI, GLOBES 1ingliestiantibly offers you the greatest value to be had in Canada. Order it to (1gy. '311 cents per month -one dollar for four ulontlls-•three dollars per year. THE GLOBE, Toronto. "%S. -According to Lord F.ito1141011r, the big war has only begun.