HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-06-25, Page 3FROM BONNIE SCOJIAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER 'BANKS AND BRAES. What Is Going Of in the' Highlands. and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. The Postmaster -General has ' now sanctioned the establishment of a telephone exchange and call office at Ballinburg, and the necessary work is now in. hand. -' A laborer residing at Rosyth Naval Base Mansion has died in. the Dun- fermline and West Fife Hospital from the effects of injuries received in, Rosyth dockyard. The death is announced at Ber.- wick. of Alderman T. A. C. Nesbit, He was elected to represent the. Tweedmouth. Ward in 1896 and con- tinued on as member. Mr. John M'Knight, headmaster of Lempitlaw Public school, near Kelso,. has tendered his resignation to Spranston School Board in conse- quence of failing health. The carters and vanmen in . the employment of St. Cuthbert's Co-op- erative Association • in Edinburgh have applied for an increase of 72 cents per week in wages. Mr. George Nelson, of Nelson's College, Glasgow, has received in- formation that his nephew, Private J. •Lauderdale, 2nd Scottish Rifles, has been killed in action. The Strathondrick Agrieultural So- ziety,established in 1816, have de- sided not to hold the annual show this year. This is the first year that the show has been abandoned. The trawler Vesper, Grimsby, which had been operating in Ice- landic waters landed a catch of 70 tons at Aberdeen fish market. The total amount realized was $6,700. Up to date the National Bible So- ciety of Scotland has sent between 400,000 and 500,000' Scriptures to the Scottish troops at home and over- seas . and the armies of the allies. At a meeting of the Highland and .Agricultural Society directors in Edinburgh, it was decided that the Edinburgh show, due to be held in July, should not take place this year. A memorial tablet to the, memory of G-ordon Stewart Ness, killed in ac- tion at Ypres, has been placed in the burying ground of the Messes of Eraco .Castle 'in Ardoch churchyard. A. serious fire occurred in Queen Street United Free Church .manse, Castle Douglas, occupied by the Rev. Norman Nicholson,' and most of the rooms on ` the upper story were burned out. The trustees of the Carnegie Hero Fund have„ awarded John Watson,,. ferryman, Cromarty, who twice res- cued a man from drowning in Cro- marty harbor, an honorary certificate' and $100. Three men, T. McCubbin, A. Mc- Allister, and S. Telford, all natives of Stevenson, were instantly- killed in an explosion that occurred at the Arrdeer. factory of Nobel's Explosive Factory, near Stevenston. Damage to the amount of several thousands of dollars was caused by•a fire that broke out at a fish restaur- ant, Perth. Tie whole of the build- ing was totally destroyed. • A Dangerous Animal. The dormouse, and many older ones, belongs rather• to the Wonderland of the immortal Alice than to the realm of zoological fact; his nearest rela- tives are Bill the Lizard and the. Cheshire Cat rather than the house and field mice of our acquaintance,. Asociated as he is with.the comedy of fiction, it seems quite natural to find him the hero of a comic episode in the recent biography of Sir John Lublock,—later Lord Avebury,---by Mr, Horace G, Hutchinson, who re- latesthe difficulties attendant on the dispatch of two. dormice •by mail to'. Sir John'sdaughter. "I have the honor to inform you, wrote some serious-minded authority from the general post office,"that a packet addressed to you, containing a live Dormouse, is detained at this office: it being contrary to Law to forward through the Post Office any thing likely to injure the mail bags, or to do harm to any officer of this Department." "We wrote ,to the general post office," Sir John Lublock related "that even if dormice could injure the officers of the department in sunlnler, they were incapable of so doing in winter, because they were dormant." TJpon this assurance of safety, red tapegave way, the postman took courage, and duly forwarded the par- cel containing one dangerous dor- moUSe, dormant, Equally amusing was thenotice acorded to another odd pet in the Lubiock family,- One of two illus- trious 'queen ants, sovereign of • one "L of the colonies" upon which Sir. John based his famous studies of the • ways of the little creatures, attained the venerable age of fourteen years, and then died. Several scientific journals spoke of her decease, and the news penetrated to ?France, *herd in whose mind, insttfciently aqualli'tha ed with, the possibilities of Ia7nglish orthography, ants and aunts • were ev- idently confused, offered profuse con- dolences to Sir joint "on the loss of,. his aged and valued relative." When a !' o1nnan Suffers With :Chronic Backache There is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting .family, women often break down with nervous exhaustion. In the stories, factories, and on a farm are weak,' ailing women, drag- ged down :with torturing backache and bearing down pains. Such. suffering; isn't natural, but it's dangerous, because due to diseas- ed kidneys. The dizziness, insomnia, deranged menses and other symptoms of kid- ney complaint can't cure themselves, they require the assistance of Dr. Hamilton's Pills which go direct to the seat of the trouble. To give vitality and power to the kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and liver, to free the blood of poisons, probably there is no remedy so suc- cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. ;For all womanly irregularities their merit is well known. Because of their mild, soothing, and healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are safe and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. 25 cents per box at all dealers. Refuse any substitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. 34 AUSTRALIAN.; GOLD MINES. Yield Has Been Gradually Declining For Twelve Years. The Australian gold mines,' for a time among the most productive in the world, appear to be 'giving' out.' The 'yield has been gradually declin- ing for twelve years, and that of 1914, according to reports to the comptrol- ler of . the currency, was the lowest since 1896, 'amounting to only 42,300,- 000, as against $79,300,000 in 1903. The yield in the state of Victoria in 1914 was the smallest since 1851. The Australiangold yield, in fine ounces, has been as follows in the last three years: 2,048,910 in 1914, 2,205,- 061 in 1913, 2,321,343 in. 1912. The highwater mark was in 1903-3,827,- 064 903-3,827;064 ounces., The state of Victoria has given the world, since her mines were opened in 1851, more than 1,435,618,000 of gold.; Her Iargest. production in a year was in 1856-3,053,744' ounces. Thestate of Western Australia has been the premier Australian gold - bearer since' the beginning of the pre- sent century, having supplied in the last fifteen years 23,000,000 ounces, as against 9,000,000 by Victoria. The third largest gold -producing state ifi Austialia is Queensland; SONG OF THE COLONIES. James. L. Hughes, Toronto. "We are sons in our mother's house, We are masters in our own," And when mother shall need lier sons She shall' never stand alone. We are partners with her for aye, We are bound by love sincere, And her faith in the right and true We shall evermore revere. We shall prove that we're brave and strong, As her sons should ever be, .:Whenshe calls us in honor's cause To •fight for liberty. His' Description. Judge—You say you caught sight of the assailant. Describe him. ' Witness—Sure, your honor, he was a small, insignificant man about your size, ;your Honor • A GOOD THING When It Conies Along Don't Let It Get Away From You. "I really feel that it is hardly possi- ble to say too much in favor of Grape - Nuts as a health food," writes a lady. "For 9 or 10 .years I had suffered* from indigestion and chronic constipa- tion, caused] by the continued use of coffee and rich, heavy foods. My ail- ments made my life so wretched that I was eager to try anything that held out a promise of help. And that is how I happened to buy a package of Grape -Nuts food last spring, "That ended my experiments. For in Grape -Nuts I found exactly what I wanted and needed. From the day T began to use it I noticed an improve- Ment, and in a very few weeks I found nay health was being restored. "My digestive apparatus now works perfectly, and chronic constipation has been entirely relieved: I have gained in weight .materially, and life is a very pleasant thing to me so long aS I use Grape -Nuts once or twice a day. I have found by experiment that if I leave it off for a few days my hearth suffers. "A physician in our town has great success in treating stomach troubles, and the secret of it is that he puts his patient on Grape -Nuts food—it al- ways brings' back the power of , dips: Nem ',ivei) i Canadian ` 'a FRER RT SERVICE TO RUSSIA G,P.R, Will Represent the ' Russian Government. The traffic arrangement by which the C.P.R. will represent the Rus- sian Government in providing for through freight .servieeS from the Dominion to Russia by the Trans- Siberian Railway and the Russian. Volunteer Fleet, which is an auxiliary of the railway, is an amplification of the connection which the company has sustained with the Trans-Siber- ian Railway, which is a state-owned system. The Company has offices in laroscow and Petrograd in which it does business, the only railway on this continent to have such officas in Russia. If it would seem strange that the Company should do business in either city, it need only be men- tioned that the C.P.R. isthe only railway in America which is a mem- ber of, the Round the World Confer- ence of which the executive of the Trans-Siberian Railway is a chief element. The Canadian Pacific, in its round -the -world tours, uses, of course, the Trans-Siberian Railway line, which the average Russian al- ways calls the "Transcontinental" line—this being the notion the sysz temi conveys to his mind. On this line there are three types' of engine the wood, oil and coal using engine. The wood engine is a special type, which is not built at all on this con- tinent, but it serves the purpose in the physical circumstances on the system, which is differentiated in. several ways from those on this continent. WHEN BABY 18 ILL When he is troubled with constipa- tion, indigestion, vomiting or worms, give him Baby's Own Tablets. They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels and cure all these troubles simply' because they banish the cause. Concerning them Mrs. Philias Duval, St. Leonard, Que., writes: "We are well satisfied with Baby's Own Tab- lets, which we have used for our baby when suffering from constipation and vomiting." ,The. Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Vulgar Display of Wealth. "My face is my fortune," said the conscious •beauty. "Well, it isn't necessary for you to be constantly flashing• your roll," re- marked the male cynic, • • I was " cured of Bronchitis and Asthma by, MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. A; LIVINGSTON, Lot 5, P.E.I. I was cured of a severe attack of Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINI- MENT. ' Mahone Bay. JOHN`MADER. I was cured of a severely sprained leg by MINARD'S LINIMENT. JOSHUA A. WYNACHT. Bridgewater. The Same Thing. "Say, ma, have you noticed how fat the cat has grown lately." "No; but I've noticed how,.,scarce the mice are."- Minard's Liniment uUed by.PhysieiEin"s. Turkey's.. Chain of Spies. Turkey boasts of more spies to the square mile than any other country, as anyone who has been to Turkey will agree. The peculiar` thing about these spies is that they themselves cannot be trusted, so that a regular chain of spies is the result. There are spies, to spy upon the spies: The• Government officials have their own spies to watch other people; but even the great authorities themselves are already being espied upon. ,What is more, the method of spying is quite open, for the spies will stand by wherever two or three foreigners are gathered together, and listen to the conversation: Visitors to Turkey naturally get worried over such at- tentions, especially when it might be their bad luck to be followed about for weeks or month s. It is the "uninitiated" visitor who usually receives the most attention, since he or she will carry on conver- sation in a quiet undertone. The per- son who knows Turkey converses in a loud tone for all and sundry—the spies especially—to hear that he is only engaged in pleasure or legiti- mate business. Polities are naturally given a 1?ack seat to avoid unneces- sary trouble. The Only Way. Crawford—Do you think it right to quarrel with one's wife over the tele- phone? Crabsha'w-•-That'sr the.'¢ fly time to 'at „can shutaher , ,if before hn getiaiii,ieel� tlptd. Reaso". Ever read the above letter? A now one appears fi;em. Who to tithe. They are scrivener true, fun of human interest at , In regards height for military service begins at 5ft. for infantry and 5ft. 3m. for. cavalry. Just That. Johnny—What is an expert, pa? Pa—A fellow who tells others how to do the things he can't do himself. Keep Iifi*lard's Liniment in the house. Not Difficult. To teach a child is to give him ideas; to train him is to enable him to reduce those ideas to practice. And it is not difficult to train children. They are adapted to training. No willow to form a basket was ever woven more easily than children may be influenced in right ways by wise parents. They can be fashioned : as readily as clay is fashioned in the potter's wheel. SGranulated Eyelids,. 4,..�_ Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by Marble Eye Remedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. !brine Eye balveinTubes25c. For Book oilheEye free ask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co.,Chicago A Tough Problem. Isn't the servant problem ter- rible?" "Very. The good ones get married and the poor ones don't stay long enough in one place to develop a romance." , LOW FARES TO THE CALIFORNIA EX- PDS,ITIONS VIA CHICAGO & NORTH- WESTERN RY. Four splendid daily trains from the New Passenger Terminal, Chicago to San Fran- cisco, Los Angeles and San ,Diego,... Choice. of Scenic and Direct Routes through the beat of the West: Something to sea 'all the way: Double track. Automatic elec- tric safety signals all the way. Let us plan your trip and furnish folders and full particulars. B. H. Bennett, GA., 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario. Kaiser Wilhelm once confesses that he owned 18,000 neckties. Ask for Minard'e °hnd take no other. Agle,iea r,$tand.,d 4 CYola M:0orHin/PM0,or" R iCyot/: Cyiinr*dor *0to. alahofl C001. ,,y a*tlo 0p ,oIk0: �*o,•tbratton Controtc ,, lie.th1000, 0*0tor •or e0tpne.�l:xtr,m,iy i ��I,l+[ ��},� •00ndmIOai 0n toot. U,ed 00.*Ondard 000Ip. ,p0f0n, ey over 60 per cont. 01 the wor10 a -p . w,. l0*dIOQ 000* 0WId0r. 00*0*000n r0o Vel* a 1160 to 1300 dapoodln¢ on 000*0mant, 'r.-� �• CE t(TH MFO, CO. Oapt 1 ' B►It611, M,Ich !� 'ii HdME- STUDY Arts Courses only. SUMM ER SCHOOL: JULY and AUOUST QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTAIIIO ARTS EDUCATION MEDICINE SCHOOL OF MINING GE, CHEMICAL MINIMCHANICAL 5 CIVIL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GEO. Ie. CROWN, Registrar The UNIVERSAL, Price Delivered anywhere in Canada $.23.75 This Bicycle Is positively Guar- anteed. It is ab- solutely the best value on tie Canarlian market, fitted with powerful coaster brake, wood rims, beautifully enamelled, strong mud- guards, tool bag and tools, guaranteed -- detachable tires, :write for our hand - seine PEEITa (Catalogue. Our low : price_, will stagger the most ' sceptical pur- rhtteei s, Get ouzo. <1 geaibsi''. lroposi tion• ndlU;e*iupr .w'prepay toYerytb»,ae'. .Our. goods are dell.Verea to yelii• doer for. thio same price you see in the'Cat Ta uo,j j < Vitt Irlv:iVERSAL MUMPS a'0., S ..e St. (Dept. 10) 1 Lawrence 'B11vd., Montreal One. ED. 7,. ISSUE 26—'15 EPIDEMIC OF TYPISOID. Fever is Raging Among Troops and, Civilians in Asia Minor. An epidemic of typhoid fever, is raging among the troops .and civilian population of Asia Minor, according to reports from •Constantinople. Sev- enty -Ave physicians already have sue- cumbed to the disease, There is imminent danger that thea Constantinople water works system. will be compelled to suspend opera- tions because of a shortage of coal and. the output of flour mills has been restricted for the same reason, with the result that there is an insufficient supply of bread. The situation is said to be so serious that many Ger- man families are leaving the Turkish capital. It is claimed that ,there are seven of Shakespeare's autographs in exis- tence. 0h Cure Guaranteed Never known ' to ore fail; acts without pain In 24 hours. Is soothing, healing; takes the sting right out. No remedy so quiek, safe and sure as Putnam's Pain- less Corn Extractor. Sold every lvhere-25c, per bottle. Tired of Him. He -I always, pay as I go. She — (yawning) - I don'tthink you'll ever become bankrupt. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend Cor Pays frvr itself In Seven Days ! I for ever"?' SP it'll* 8rnd RISC °'E..,° R r'P ¢rani 1y mums e>l of tireirainily 6.100 SHOE BEAMS rzrzmmamaaminammawariaiammena- King. George sees his physician every day. FARMS FON. RENT. JF LOOXINC.r FOR A FARM, CONSULT Jl me, I havo over Two Hundred' on my lied, located in the best sections of On. tario. Ali sues. H. W. Dawson, Brampton. 111CWSPAPEES PDS SALE. ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND 3013 Offices for sale in: good Ontario towns, The most useful and Interesting of all businesses, Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Com - MISCELLANEOUS. CANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ET C.,• internal and "external, cured. with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Hellman Medical' Co.. Limited, Coliinewood:Ont. OOTTEP1 & FOSTER Mixt RANI mope; eemer, Pent. .SF an bo Ford owners write for our catalogue. SEARS -CROSS peedometer Station. 79 Queen Street West, ORoNTO, - ONT. >•,.t-.„ .. ,:1.n,-,, •„,W,,. V Aottorn $550 ria any Railway Station ' in 5 Ft., Beam 3 Ft. 9 In.,. ti.NY ROTOR FITS. request. Get our quotations nd Pleasure Launlches, Row D, PENETANG, CAN. THE STOVE THAT HELPS YOU HURRY m. ITIS a NEW PERFECTION Oil Coblcstove you don't have to wait for the fire to come up. just scratch a match the NEW PERFECTION lights inttantly, like a gas stove. Your areal is prepared and on the table in no time. A NEW PERFECTION in your kitchen means cool, comfort- able :cooking all summer. Made in 1, '2, J and 4 burner sizes. At Hardware and department stores everywhere. If your dealer cannot supply you, write 'us direct. ROYALITE OIL , "NOW SERVING GIVES , Tye E. t o I ON 2or o0U BEST' RESULTS Kt [IO1KiS" 61 , COQ] 5 ES' , THEMPERIA.Lmited OIL COMPANY Li 1,, 13,174NCFt` ,S IN At.L CflfE,S Made iP