HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-06-25, Page 2BRfTISH WOREN HEGISTEH OYER 60,000 OF rum WANT TO DO MEN'S WORK. 11,000 Ask to doArmament Work — Agricultural Colleges Training Women Farmers.' Over 60,000 women have already registered for war service in the la- bor exchanges throughout the British Isles; Of these 11,000 have asked for srnzament work, 9,000 for clerical, snd 7,000 for agricultural employ- ment. About 2,000 have offered to work as shop assistants, 1,200 as tailors and dressmakers, . including those prepared to work power ma - shines and 1,200 as ordinary needle workers. The women offering to do arma- ment work are, for the - most part, women who have not undertaken work before; -those offering themselves as shop assistants, on the other hand, have done other kinds of work, but feel that, as large numbers of young nen are employed in the distributing wades, the greatest immediate need for women deputies might be ex - meted from this quarter. The Various Schemes 4 training in agriculture, which have leen undertaken by the Board •of ['rade have been progressing very ;atisfactoriiy. At the Harper Adams College, Newport, Shropshire, a"sec- and class of 30 students has just fin- ished their course of instruction in :arm operations. These women have een drafted from Birmingham . and Shrewsbury, and are of varying so- sial status, most of them having re- :eived a good general education. The workincludes instruction in stock feeding and tending, dairying, poultry keeping, horticulture, and. general farm work. The Board of Trade inspector, visiting the class be- fore the conclusion of the course re- ports that, without exception, the women appear to be enjoying the work and that they far exceeded ex- pectations in energy, enthusiasm, and capacity. The pupils informed him that they hoped to be able to endure the hard physical labor should they se placed on farms at the completion >f their course. Within the past week about 36 women have been placed on farms maintained in their own counties where farm hands are urgently need- sd. 'Negotiations for 14 others are. in basic!.. ' About 98' are in training' or have just finished their course. Other Agricultural Colleges which are co-operating in the scheme are Swanley, Garforth (Leeds), Sparsholf (Winchester), the Midland Agricultural Training College (Kingston -on -Soar); • - and Aberyst- wyth. The course at most of these colleges is of about three weeks and includes the rudiments of milking. Every effort will be made to use the women in their own counties, and in this way to diminish the housing problem. The women's horticultural societies have co-operated very well, but the fullest advantages of the scheme can only be secured if the farmers will show no diffidence in testing the ability and good will of the women, all of whom are carefully chosen before being sent for training. In other trades and occupations there is very little change in the na- ture of ,the demand for war service. Footmen are being constantly replac- ed and so are light porters, cleaners, messengers, and liftmen. There is a fair - demand for women accountants to replace men, and one training col- lege reports an order for 100 wo- men with statistieal training toun- dertake classifications involving :per- centages. • The banks areemploying woven, in constantly increasing num- bers, and in some , of the outlying post -offices the same thing is happen- ing, But the higher branches of the Civil Service still show a great re- luctance eluctance to admit women who, with similar academic training to the men they would replace, would be willing to act as deputies: Rifles of the Armies. Each army now fighting in Europe uses a rifle diff front different that used by each of the others. The Russians have the longest rifle, the : French. the longest bayonet, while the Aus- trians use the heaviest bullet. The rifles with •the largest calibres are those of the French and the Aus- trians, The German rifle attains the greatest muzzle velocity. The Brit- ish have the shortest ri"i p but with the bayonet added the weapon is longer than the rifle and bayonet of the 13elgians and Austrians. The twenty-six letters of the alpha- bet may be transposed in many mil- lions of different ways, All the globe in- habitants of the lobe could not in a thousand ,-ears write out all the possi- bletranspositions of the twenty-six letters, even supposing that each wrote forty pages daily, each page. containing forty different transposi- tions. PUIE I I..•E C E n� our t=oetor WILL tell you is a very nutritious and highly digestible food—but it must be Pare—Ice Cream to be safe !must be made in a perfectly sanitary Dairy. When you eat City Dairy ice Cream you get the benefit of the inspections of Toronto's Health Department. The more Ice Cre m you eat in summer, the better health you will have, if it is City Dairy Ice Cream, because, "If it's City Dairy It's -Pure that's Sure." For Sate Ly discrNsnTrusting s:hapkeepers ever,ywJAsra.. Wo want an Agent in every town. a buttered pudding dish, and hake it in a slow oven until it is firm, Pineapple Wax, -- Pbieapple wax is especially deliciouson ice cream or other frozen desserts. The receipt is as follows; Pare a fresh pineapple, and cut it into cubes of uniform size. Put them into a steamer, and steam then until they are tender (until the cubes look clear). The juice that resultsis not used, because it is too strong, but it may be of use in flavor- iiig other fruits. It shouldnot be Wasted, for it has a very strong pine- apple flavor. When the cubes are done, make a thick syrup of .water and sugar, and, when it boils, drop in the cubes, and cook them until thy again look clear. It makes a preserve a little stiffer than a marmalade, and when it is poured over a frozen des- sert, it becomes a wax that is very delectable. Muffins.—This receipt was intro- duced to a certain household by a ser- vant from Hungary. In Hungary, she explained, she used salt pork, but she found bacon better than pork. She sifts 1% cupfuls of flour with iia teaspoonfuls of baking powder, a teaspoonful of sugar and a half tea- spoonful of salt. Then she adds 'a beaten egg, 'a teaspoonful, of melted butter and half a cupful of sweet milk. After beating smooth she adds half a cupful of bacon. The bacon is first fried or broiled until crisp and then chopped and measured. The muffins are baked in hot muffin pans until done and they are eaten with- out. butter. The bits of bacon throughout the muffins give sufficient flavor of the sort butter would supply. About the Household uncooked ousehold Selected Recipes. Beray Eggs. -Fry some sausages. Warm some tomato sauce, fresh or preserved. Add a little meat juice. Fry some eggs in butter, and 'ar- range round the sausages with the tomato sauce. Souffle of .Fish.—Take fish that has been left over from a meal, re- move the bones, andcut it into small pieces. Add an equal quantity of 1 ' Buy. Safe Securities While the Market is Low. Our Approved PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN enables you to buy safe dividend - paying issues in any quantities— ono, five, ton twelve, sixteen, thirty, by making a small .first payment and balance in monthly instalments as you can afford— $5 $10 $20, $30, $40, You re- ceive all dividends while making payments, and may sell securi- ties at any time: Many securi- ties are selling at below their normal level .. and at present prices yield a most attractive in- come. copy Of FREE BOOKLET M 4ILEP a N REQUEST. it contains valuable information, which will appeal to thrifty ped- Vestmdenti seeuritiea.umulate in- DItYANT DUJNN & 00 04 St, :E`la>lcoto r aviee Street, Montreal, MS5G31:Its CONSOLIDATED STOO1 EXCHANGE O} NEW YOltKi uncooked marconi, and cook wh in salted water. Drain it, and add one-half the quantity of grated Swiss cheese; mix everything well, put the whole in a `baking dish, and small pieces of butter, and cook it in the oven. Serve it hot. Orange Mint falad.—Remove the pulp from four large oranges by cut- ting the fruit into halves, crosswise, and using a spoon.:; Sprinkle it with. two tablespoonfuls of powdered sue gar, and add two tablespoonfuls of finely chopped, fresh mint leaves, and one tablespoonful of lemon juice. Chill it thoroughly, and serve it in glasses garnished with a sprig of mint. If the oranges : are very juicy,. it is well to pour off a portion of the juice before serving. Bachelor Buttons.—Cream together one cupful of sugar and one-half of a cupful of butter; add one egg and ea the mixture; then add one beat , cup- ful of bread flour with a pinch of salt, and three tablespoonfuls of almonds chopped fine, and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Drop the batter by tea- spoonfuls on a buttered making tin, and spread it in the forum of buttons, 'being careful not to have the dough any thinner on the edges than in the 'middle. Place one-half of a nut on top of each button, and bake them in a moderate oven. Cauliflower Pudding.–Break a cauliflower into sprigs, and soak it in cold salted water for half an hour; then drain it. Cover the mixture with sweet milk and boil it until it add one-half of Drain it,. is tender. tear or embroider a dot'•over the worn place. If you wish to prevent green vege- tables from boiling over, drop a piece of dripping the size of a walnut into the centre of them, just as they com- mence to boil. if a glove splits at the thumb or near a seam a sure and permanent way to repair it is to buttonhole the kid either side of the split, then sew the buttonhole edges together, In using butter with meat the first thing to remember is that the -butter should not be burned. Burned fats„ of any sort are exceedingly indigesr tible and ruin the flavor of the meat. Irl using a white sauce with meat, which is a usual procedure with the French cook, great care is 'taken to have the white sauce thoroughly cooked before it is added to the meat. According to a man who makes iiy paper, the resin used to make the paper sticky is soluble in castor oil, and any article which has come in contact with the fly paper can be cleansed if the spot is soaked in it. When snaking a steamed pudding put a piece of well greased paper over the top before tying the cloth. . This will prevent the cloths from becoming greasy, and they are no trouble to wash. The Banana. •The banana is the housekeeper's main dependence among fruits. It supplies the table all the year around. Banana Float.: Place four ripe bananas in a moderately hot oven for 20 minutes. Remove the skins and reduce the hot fruit to a pulp. Iiave ready the well -beaten whites of two eggs, and while the banana pulp is hot, rapidly beat together, with two teaspoons of sugar. When cold serve with whipped cream. This is deli- cious. Fried :Bananas. -Peel:• and slice lengthwise in three parts. Have hot ST VITUS DANCE IN YOUNG CHILDREN Can Only 13e Cured by Enrich- ing the Blood and Tolling Up the Blood. One of the commonest forms of ner- vous trouble that : afflicts young chil- dren is St. Vitus dance. This is be- cause of the' great demand made on the body by growth and development, together with the. added strain caused by study. It is when these demands become so great that they impoverish the blood, and the nerves fail to re- ceive their full supply of nourishment that St. Vitus dance develops. The remarkable success of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in ; curing. St. Vitus dance shouldlead parents to give this great lard deep enough to cover the slices. blood -building medicine to their chil Fry a light brown,,.and very carefully dren at the first signs of the approach lift with a flat cooking shovel, from of the trouble. Pallor, listlessness, the fat to kitchen paper to drain a inattention, restlessness and irritabil- few minutes. Lightly sprinkle with ity are all symptoms which early show. sugar and send to table hot. Banana Fritters.—Peel two bana- nas and slice in thin circles. Dip in a batter made of , one cup of sifted flour, a rounded teaspoon of butter, one tablespoon of'sugar, a pinch .'of salt, one egg and . one -half cup of sweet milk. Fry in hot lard. Serve with this sauce: Beat the yolks of two eggs with half cup of sugar. Add two tablespoons of orange juice; steam until smooth : and- thick. Then add two well beaten whites : of eggs, dust slightly with grated nutmeg and serve. Banana Layer Cake.—Bake a white cake'batter in pans. Ice each layer over the top witha thick coat of icing and over that put a thick layer . of. round banana slices. Place the layers of cake one over the other sweet cream the cupful of thick h app , t well -beaten yolks of. four eggs, one- half of a teaspoonful of salt, a pinch 'of ground mace, a dash of Cayenne, two tablespoonfuls of soft butter, and the juice of one-half of a lemon. Mix everything well, pour the whole into that -the blood and nerves are failing to meet the demand upon them. Here is proof of the great value of Dr. Williams' Pink "Pills in cases of this kind. Mrs. Alfred Sochner,; R.R. No. 5, Dunnville, Orit., says:. "Our ten - Year -old ..daughter, Violet, suffered very severely from St. Vitus. dance. The trouble came on so gradually that we were not alarmed until it affected. her legs and arms, which would twitch and jerk to such an extent that she could scarcely walk and could not hold anything in her hands steadily. She suffered for about five months before we began giving her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but she had not taken these long, before we found that they were the right medicine, and after she had taken nine boxes she rad fully recov- ered her former health and strength. and ice the top and sides. 'It should I can strongly recommend ,Dr. Wil - be eaten while fresh if in summer. In Hams' Pink Pills to every parent hav- ing a child suffering from St. Vitus dance or any form of nervousness." In troubles of this kind no other medicine has inet with such success as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You can get these Pills through any medicine deal- er or by mail at 50 cents a box or six: boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. tion.". very cold weather, the banana cake will keep for a few days. The filling needs no other flavoring than the bananas. Things Worth Knowing. Vinegar heated to the boiling point will soften paint brushes that have become dry and hard. When boiling a ham leave it in the water in which it, has been boiled un- til it is quite : cold. This will make it juicy and tender: Oneounce of Epsom salts added to a gallon of water makes an excellent rinsingmixture for colored blouses and -'washing` dresses. When, a hand embroidered blouse begins -to s11o'ei weals and little:holes .14 Honest Confession. Marjorie --Everybody seems to no- tice whether you go to church. .Madge :Yes, dear, that's the only reason I" go. Commander Samson is the youngest appear, simply buttonhole` around the commander in the Royal Navy. I3 3MPO'60FIE MIAOWING INOR 04 ENVIA tONONE O1 MR PROS/HATE ocnIe. ONATEOFSUqOARIIP steam, THE FRENCH TRICOLOR. Has Been the National Banner of Our Ally Since 1830. The French have always favored the colors of red, white and blue, and throughout their history red banners, white plumes, and blue scarves have been largely used in connection with royalty and the army. The French national flag, the tricolor, however, which combines the three popular colors of France, is comparatively modern. The flag was first adopted about 1794. A decree was issued which gave to all flags a knot of tri- color ribbons at the top of the staff, and later the red, white, and blue design was chosen for the national flag. Some years after it was abol- ished for the white flag of , France made famous by Henry IV., and it was not until 1830 that the tricolor came into its own again. Since then the flag has been the national ban- ner 'of France. The divisions on the tricolor are not all the sane size. The red occupies: the largest space, the blue is slightly smaller than the red, and the white, is the narrowest stripe of the three. The space occu- pied by the colors has been scientific- ally worked out in order to make the flag visible at long distances, a ne- cessary asset for naval purposes. France had numerous national flags before it adopted the tricolor. Al- though its present banner is not par- ticularly artistic, its predecessors ranked amongst the most beautiful flags in the world. The first French flag was extremely quaint, It con- sisted of a blue hood hung on a cross bar and represented the cloak of St. Martin, a saint greatly revered by the French, and years ago his helmet was carried by our allies in their wars to inspire the soldiers. The second French flag was a beautiful banner of red, with its loose end cut into three tongues, resemb- ling flames, between each of which was a green tassel. Some picturesque banners were at one time carried by the French war- riors before the tricolor waved over the French battlefields. There was the sky-blue cavalry standard with the golden sun of Louis XIV., the white and gold banner of Joan of Arc, magnificently embroidered with the Madonna, angels, and lilies, and the famous old banner of the city of Paris with its white ship on a blood - red field. The tricolor forms the base of nearly every flag connected with the army, navy, and merchant ser- vice of France. A Horse Story. One of the British horses is a candidate for the Victoria. ,Cross, writes a lance -corporal' at the front to his schoolmaster at Leicester. "It is a true story of animal devotion," he adds. "The troops were charging at the time, and as one ,rider fell from his horse wounded• the animal picked him up with. his mouth byhis clothing and taxied him away to safety." 1 i.. t1 t.. 1. a ..-..... ,I' Is :- ''++ , I gg I , ji i Ips J r 117 i� . ,all , •.c.t,u� ,::i I`I► �Il� �� !i ! i Y'I( 1 . t :ta......l "j.. ... ,t ..... d A . , „u {I. .�_ � ,t ;� ,[ i !phlt.. 111 lun ! t: I 1 ! i t I{i�I Mil :JIIt t„ Si ...,t , ( ii t��� u k. .4 • ill lLI. t„ llj . !ilill,�t�lliwlli4 IIn411.411>- i- il� 'I r ;Niit lod4: ... !lll ii II Ili ! III! t t..,...1 i :°. tll I .,,w, .,,4ni11 1 ,iip ' ` �ipPili.' ` II) ` Il I ��� ii.4„ 1p�l iiiiiii I IiIIIIIIIIiiil Il11 ,1. .4 , ,l�I� ill ,,lc' tl I !.' °:. ,.L,.G Ili�l'�I,� ' ,l) lel II Ilii ((I 11)11,101!:11.A11111!".: I ! I !mn,,, i M . � II i E, Il I��I 1 'I J' 11 products ..,•111, iii sin 1 • ...., �.: Pew I, I ! , . ,11 uIl !r ( II J r r,, ..... ,:,,lllutntni,,. 1'111!!!( t I, + t • . „II , IIIIlIII 11t4t:I II house hold itive i a�� • I� WI 'v al1111 Iii llit�,the, gap' from "things of s �tty years, ago as has n 1 1 Canada's first refined sugar, "Ye Olde Sugar. Loafe" of 1854, was REDPATH so was the first Canadian granulated sugar, in 1880, and• the first Sugar Cartons in 1912. '�-r ,r•r, 7 The leader in every advanoe, Sugar stands to -day first in the estimation of ten of thousands of Canadian families, 13'1 Ask for "'REDPATIP in IndividualPackages. 2 and t lb. Cartons. 10,2N 50 and 1001b. Bags. CANADA SUGAR RUINING CO.,' LIMITED. MONTREAL. ita