HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-06-25, Page 1Vol. XV. ;04tio* a>'4.3 Q 0 • 00 a 414 • ' We have a nice range of fancy hammocks to ohoose'from • Best quality and reasonable in price,0. 0 - "a ll •i 40, 0. A nice line of boy's baseball mitts, bats and ballsrAn prices, •• leaner a d Sweeper 4 The Krantz Vacuum Cleaner and Carpet Sweeper is a use, Q, o article around the house. ',leans rip the dirt and :dust and: 0 • sweeps the carpet with one operation. Price $7.50. • .011 Cook Stoves 0 We are having a big run on New Peri: ction Blue Flame :anal • Oil Cool; Stoves. No kitchen complete Forthe summer : without one. ' You can use it for cooking on, ironing, : e Oi• l Cans 0, For automobile owners; Mede purposely for carrying under 0 � the seat :t,nd'vvi113�o1d a gallon of gasoline or oil. guaranteed �' Oe not to leak, Men's Straw Flats. • Now is the time for Straw Hats. We have a bag stock of the tvery latest, We also have a new 'line of Men's Silk Hats, Nice 0 for motoring- and boating, @• Men's Shirts m ,A, new wad. up -to date line for summer wear. s display on Saturday.. 0 Zimmer Knit 0 ® Men's -Zimmer Knit Combination underwear. a®,. 85 cent., per suit. re _l See window Short sleeves Men's Socks In all colors 'White, Tan, Green, Maroon. Waists, .Aprons and Blouses . m. • Received another shipment of Ladies' ©Waists, Aprons and ® Miody Blouses in the very latest styles. Special line of �`oor° Mats, 9Octs Ladies' Organdie Collars And cuff setts, 25c, 350 and 50o. Embroidery Flouncing for Ladies and Children's Dresses•. • 0 • • m • m m 0 A 0 • • m • i> s 4. cis m e • Y • • 0 0 O 0 e • ••0 4 9 0 0 0 l:1 ) Nw : at p AND '� A7�T to D �►T/HE( �, 16th p ANNU&Lr 1�9 NG O AHE. Saab r , Turf One of the Best Race MeaiS in Ontat'ib all the Best Horses, $2100 in ur s ;, Come to4th July, lst .,,, n d 2nd Viand in Attendan.. M. Broderick, Sec. W. Govenlebck, re$ is N Cr J NE 25, l9 5. .'r e:iids On Vacant.Lots, �;, udcs:lik,nally aoustitntcrs a fau'inors 'vho are tib' i 1unost 3t1Ott t dceop their ,'' £ r r r :yn is the crop of weeds ronnd gr c.. i . ,,n vacant lots and: roadsides in me'. ;v;ound our towns and, eitios. '1 ht c meant lots are . often. nothing inorr less than nurseries anc'4 breed- ing laces for all kinds., oil weeds. 4. Tris especially true of:towvn —where -0 1ar-y ii,reas adjoining have beam subject to ; ,.ldcat subclivisipnin-g; and have he;cd nadways ploughotla foami'o g lad - NO 4 ii,[; &laces for weeds, which are a lowsd to grow unmelesbedi. These pr trice countless nt'»aubeir of seeds, , to• fa blown and scattmd+by the winds ,' • r ot:r the farms. So, flab,: bulletins, �) article s and advice psi-Asia:nog to weed control have been directed et the far4,„ 4, car. A glance at tbs.coaadiiitaons fount j in inoF,t of our citiana ara',�� �<n e. in the m not entirely to blainmatter _oil,: aide 43, and towns will ' uve convincing the farmer • ' a W � I 1 vantar Our stock of shoes for summer wear is' now complete.. We have never shown a larger or a prettier range. See our line of White Pups,, Outing Shoes; White Canvas Shoes, Sandals a;; d the newest in Tan, etc.. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes; The Home . . , weed aed producrian anti, distributi©11 In the west the+weed inspectors si.e! ,Ii...,r being' trained ,and 'instructed along LOCAL NEWS, Dorniuion Day, next Thursday. Miss E Melrose of Baden is visiting her uncle Mr Thos Johnson, Big slaughter in brooms,; prices 20c, 25e and "300 for Saturday only, at blartleib's.• Mr and Mrs FIST Hess attended the Dry saale Ortwein nuptials at Hensel).' on Wednesday. Mr G S Howard acted as examiner for the Entrance examinations at Hen. call this week. Messrs Garnet Magel and Andrew Smith, Jr., of Detroit, are visiting friends and relatives. here at niesanb not deferred until the weeds ripen and It has been decided to hold ro `;,cotter their seeds. 4. 4. 0 0 0 0 f Good Shoes lines that will arable them to assist the farmers iniweed control, whim at the sante tine, provision by law, is made to prevent any farmer from al I lowing his £tern to become a breeding I place for weeds and a menace. to his IV neighbors. In most towns. there are by-laws covering the weed problem hat too often they are not enforced. Those living in towns and cities should co-operate and do their bit in the war against weeds. This is an important matter,' and should receivelk strict attention by eyery town council 1 lction should be taken at once and public school picnic at present. - rater on a date niay be arranged for holding one.: Dr. E. S. Hardie,' dentist, will be at the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wed, nesday, June 30th' and Wednesday, July 7th. , The Field Sports, which were to be held last Friday eve, will be held next Friday evening. For a good nights sport you should attend.• One rinkof bowlers, sk?pped by Mr. P, Lamont, journeyed to HPasnll Tuesday evening and played a friendly gain with a;?iensall rink :skipped by Mr. P. Busch.. At, the end of eighteen endsthe=Hensall rink was three up. Mr IE. Yungblut brought &few stalks - of.barley ,to ourofficeon Wednesday. which measured no less than for feet in length, „.'Phis was grown on his fano a fewiniles north of the village .and seems. a remarkable growth of spring grain, even in this section. Don't experiment when you paint your house. All experimenting has been done for you, and the result of years of experience in making Paint and of innu- merable practical and scientific tests is SWP, Sherwin. Williams Paint (Prepared) . There is an exactness in the formula, and a thoroughness in the mixing s grinding of the pure ingredients that insures n,€, and €1 perfect painting results. A gallon of SW? will cover more surface than you ever thought possible and will wear so long and hold its color so well that its use is genuine econo1 '. • eo Produce.o. all kinds taken .elephone lNo.9 EETE U Hon; Dr. Pc.no, minister of educat- ion, is ?;till determined that Ontario children shall be taught proper man,: nets and morals, despite the . With- drawal of the first book on the,subjeet `ivhieb. he authorized some years ago: "The' -Golden Rale Book" 'is -the °latest: sot that the minister hasauthorised•, and he notified Chief Inspector Cowley of Toronto, that those books on Man- ners and morals mist be in the. handy of the pupils by September next. He leaves it to the trustees to say whether ,the Board of Education sulplies them free to the pupils or whether the pu- pils be required to buy them for them- selves; MEM L r I1::-• '+GI'L+r'f' Look up your binder canvas nciv S0 be ready when needed. We repair El then promptly and satisfactorily. fl F. Stade, Zurich. Mr andMrs John B Laporte, of near Drysdale left last week for an extended trip to Montreal, Jolliette, the native home. of his grandfather, Three Rivers, and Ste. Anna de Beupre. They expect to he absent for some weeks, and have them repaired, they will samistaam Incorporated 1555 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERV $8,00,000 98 Branches in Canada A. Genera, Brnnkind' Business Transacted Ir.ot,TP AR LETTERS O1'ai gi,i BANK. MONEY ORDERS Sayings BangDepartment Interest at tiig1,cst, eurrenf, rates Zurich Branch .1% DUNLOP, IVIaikag § u•• r rt.tr":e, E D E L S !; ;�;dll'll,llil'iBlh�6' i �,i^;�•:,� ,.PI. li.',I��! p� �.:,:Illlll;l,!I'lllllh�rll;.',":I'!,.�;���;gli�i('.I;,II�I�IC��if011li 1i'HI(i � o re you oing to paint this siring? If so, we oan supply you with: the famous 3LEP A T BRAND Ready -Mixed Paints For floors and verandahs or anything that needs paint. None better and few as good. New and upmto-d to Shoes at popular prices. More new waists, aprons and ready -jade dresses. and dress goods just opened up. Althat All our lines are stocked up with the latest and, best money can buy. Come and see for yourselves and be convinced. BLAKE DOUGLAS ONTARIO Il,fl„�'9lllil Ik.;: i.�,iiwll�liil!;, l„�.:ili'i:!I;I,IOJ!Ih!lill�f L A T E S T 0 Y L S AILOEI NG Chat is deci,leklly ria;t- pr thin). tiro price would sewn to. warrant, style all h°t.'t at ri Yir1111 �' ;Ind tie', ',Hilt 1',.seldom eal'l alled—these arc some: tlllit yc�ii c4 1, �. , reasons why you should give t1ti 1, ,1,l,tl. l lzesr :(i1. ;, 011 \ 1181.1 they' e . new—fit of 1 l ., ? 1!,111'0 of genuine satisfaction as has never ly=ole, ���11tu they're cilt�t, and ;,��, �,tc It erre, ;, boon � ii .ileal. bt)I';ire in oaroar't':�i't'r'it�11t'['. You <'<lll cm i11 here and look to ettr' (!a 11oart'S Altera, and 1l you'. ro '11:1t, ,'tat,istiayd with what you .sec) yon 'Won t+ be asked. to buy, The C othier