HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-06-18, Page 8seasonable ..Summer Goods We have excelic nt values in Lathes' Dress latorials for cautniner wear, stieh as, rice and fiowared Voiles, Silks, (:repos, ,. Linens, Piques, Organdies, Muslins, Embroideries, etc. New Laces and Embroideries A fine variety of Laces, Insertions atel Embroideries on hand, in all the newest designs. Penman's Underwear • Pepman''s underwear in porous and plain knit, for men wo- tnen and children. Also combinations, corset cover,, enders irte, night gowns, etc, Ladies' i -Io A soap in women's hose in black, white and tan 2 pi for 25e Straw Hats all styles Now that the warm weather is here you will need a starw bat. �Ve can supply you with the newest styles for hien, boy, and girls at reason able prices . A few Bargains for Quick Sale 4 only men's rain coats, regular $8 00 for. $5.50 8 pieces niuslins and mulls, regular 15 for 10c yd Ladies large aprons to clear at 50 cents each Men's summer underwear, 50 cents per suit Men's cloth: hats, regular 25 cents for 15 cents einialittaltinetlawitttiostmen Fresh Groceries always on hand. Produce taken in exchange RUBY and GASCIIO PHONE 17 • Sn:7 See Our 1alig:tB ew �Neat and Safe Fine Stook of Jewellery Just Arrived. F. W. Hess & @o. �i,..�•w,.,!` wa i,:_r :.:'!: ?Attie u�'�;,.<�, :; �: !i. ';-. ',a! s.:. ;3i » .� .3:� u,«a. �<.f.. :''ti�>t..._:: • FLOUR, FEED Se SEED STORE Having purchased the business lately conducted by 1. Hudson, I beg to notify the public that 1 have a complete stock of Flour: FIVE ROSES, MILVERTON, ROYAL HOUSEHOLD and EXETER BRANDS. Also Feed of all kinds. All kinds of Field and .Garden Seeds Groceries, Salt, Stock Foods, Etc,., Etc. Eggs taken in exchange for goods George McBride Telephone 23 COALi COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All sizes ALF. SCRUTON Hensall. JI LT MA N nsura oo .agent Zurich Out High Grade Copper and Aluminum Lightning Got; .- duotora. Am very , busyp Lease hand in �ur orders early, as 1 do the work t on easy tells ne4 Millinery Openings We beg to announce to the Ladies ,of Deshwoot and vicinity ;that we , have added a.;Millinery Department to our business, Our Spring Opening in charge of Miss Crawford will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday March 23rd and24th and following days. You are cordially invited. G. KELLERMAN SUN az . mT•c7C7ca. LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter o $0.20 Eggs 1l? Dried Apples 05 Potatoes 30 Wheat $1.10 $1.1C Oats 50 50 .Barley 60 6r Buckwheat 70 Flour , 3.75 4.25 Bran .. $28.00 Shorts...;.......... ..... ... 30 00 Low Grade .. 38.00 Live Hogs fob Hensall, 9,15 A Letter Fromm The Front Somewhere in France May 29th, ;15. Dear Father and °Mother: " I re- ceived your letter last Saturday after- noon, fternoon, just before we were going into the trenches. ' So you see it was riot possible to answer 'sooner. We 'just. came out this morning after being in for four days and four and omahalf" nights, and believe Me we were in a warm place. Old 'Soldiers" . sa ', that it was the warmedt place and the hot- test shell fire, that has been in this war, especially last Monday the 24th. of May, but we were too good for the Germans. On Monday morning early, a part of our regiment and the 5th Battalion made a :charge and won mib.of the en , sillies strongest trenches, namely lc. 5. Perhaps by this time you have read about it in the papers.. We were cer- fainly lucky. We had but few casu- alities. Cannot"say any more regard• ing the same at present, but will when I am able to return home again. I was fortunate to come out of this battle unharmed, under God's watch- ful and sheltering care. The- following night, two English regiments charged and wore other two lines of trenches, while we were supporting them and digging ourselves in and also guarding about 600 to 700 yards, where we dug ourselves in. Believe me, Father, the Germans have no heart to face the British Tommy and less heart to face the Canadians. I hope and pray that the war may soon be over, but Local News (rod knows best. Allen, (a good friend from Toronto) is also well at least he was last Satur- All accounts not settled by June clay night when we were going into loth next will be handed over for action. He gave me a new Respirator collection. L Hudson.: which came in handy when we were Do not fail to --attend the Field in action. But will close' for this time. Sports at the Fair Grounds to-night+I am well and feelingfine only tired at.6 p. m, and hoping you and Mother are . all Mr 3. Decher, Jr... of the Goshen � well. line south has purchased asecond handl Your Affevtipnate Sr_ n, Ford auto. ! Emers Ili Brolw n. 11Ir and Mrs 111..- W, Bess and Mr , and Mrs E. Axt spent Wednesday at! Granite pie plates Sets each next the Finery.•;Saturday at Hartleib's. Found—A pair of child's rubbers, on Goshen Zine, near Zurich, Owner can have same by calling at this office. Mr and Mrs E. BossenberLy, Miss Leila Seibert; and Mr H. Gellman visited relatives and friends in Berlin on Friday and Saturday. n0 We have moved our shoe repair shop to A. G. Edighoffer's old stand. M1 kinds of boots and shoe repairing.New boots and shoes made to order, h: Bender. DEATH OF ADAM ALBREOHT' Another of the pioneers of Hay 4 ToWnshi p passed away on Tuesday All painters say Martin :Senours mixed paint covers a surface better with 2 coats than any other mixed paint will with 3 coats. C. Hartle% sell it. The estimate for the Hydro -Electric for Exeter has been furnished to the Council. It is $43.70 per h p for 20O. h p. The cost of installing a distribu- ting system is placed at $20,000. This does not include the present plant but an entirely new one. An offer would be made for the present plant or snob portions of it as can be used. While on his way to St. Joseph with. a load of empty fish boxes on Monday Mr E. Warm, liveryman, had the misfortune to sustain serious ininries. In some way the boxes became mis- placed and fell off the wagon to the road. Mr Warm went with them and a number fell on top of him. As they weigh nearly forty pounds each it is no wonder that he came out of the mixup badly damaged. As a result he was badly bruised. The Practical Examination results of the Royal Academy of Music. Lon- don Eng., have been received by Mr R Phillips A L 0 M. Pianoforte play- ing laying of course, was the subject, and the names of the successful pupils are —Miss Anna M Allison, Miss Myra E Morgan, of Thames Road, and Miss Annie L Elford of Elimyille, passed the Intermediate Grad complete. Miss Minnie 14lerner of Zurich and Miss Florence Wood, Exeter, both passed the Higher Division. The examina- tions are of a high order and:the ex- aminer sent to Exeter made them very severe tests, and the candidateS named above deserve to be specially congratulated on this success.—Exeter Advocate. FERTILIZE I, have a carload of Fer tilizer on hand. Parties wishing to buy some in. any quantity can secure it from nye at any time; at my farm, !'-lave all kin 1s on hand, ranging from $10 to $40 per ton. JOHN l-IEY Jr, Agent for Canadian Fertilizer Co. BEST BY TEST HOUSE FOR SALE. lyras 12 roomed brick dwelling, newly built, for sale, situated in Zurich Furnace and modern improvements are .installed. Good new stable on premises and one-half` acre of land. Will besold at reasonable price. For particulars apply to W 11 Bender, Zurich,,` • morning in the person of Ad''am Albrecht, at the advanced age of 77 years,1 month and 4 days. The de- ceased was in failing health for . some time but did not take to his bed: until a few weeks ago. He became gradunally weaker, but suffered no pain, and the cause of his death was due to a cancer He emigrated to this country from Germany about 45 years ago,and set- tled in Zurich, where he laved for some years. About thirty years ago he *Moved to the farm on the 14th con., now owned by Mr John Jeffrey, where he lived until eleven years ago when he disposed of it, living with his children since. His wife predeceased him about seventeen years: ago. The late Mr Albrecht was of as honorable and upright character main themany years of his life in this section had made it host of admirers. He leaves to mourn his loss, twe sons, Henry of Langdon, N D, and John, of Zurich and three daughters, Mrs Geo Brenner of Midland, Mich, Mrs Louis , Scbilbe of the 14th con, Hay, and Mrs Henry Volland, of the Babylon Line, Hay. One Sister, Mrs H Bloch, of this vil- lage also survives him, besides fifteen grandchildren. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon, interment taking place in the Lutheran cemetery. Rev W C Miller conducted the services. BASEBALL Zurich and Seaforth baseball teams battled through nine innings of various kind of baseball last Friday' evening and Seaforth: came out on top by the score of 12 to 9. The play was good in small spots but the bad spots showed up big. Our boys show- ed superiorly in handling the bat but could not pick up the ball quick enough to keep the tally down. However, we have hopes that a little more practice will snake a big improvement in the fielding abilities of the team The line up for Zurich was: Pitcher L W Roffman; catcher E Wurmn; 1St base W Browny 2nd base T L Wurni; 8rd base R Kalbileisch; s s Clayton .Hoffman outfielders 1+' Theil, Clarence Hoffman and E Howeld. Mr Broder- ick of Seafotith'acted as umpire. • Moi..'.I`itrit„For • This a b `. i s ➢ ti T his 4 4 urn Oi1'�r Gasoline DETROIT VAPOR STOVE V,/ork. Like ,.Ga$ 'The above recreations will be yours by using . a labor saving cook stove. The Detroit- Vater stove works just like a gas stove simply light the burners and put cooking on at once. It is cheaper to cook with than wood or coal. Sen styles to select from costing from $10.00 up. Come to see them. We_ also sell Now Perfection and 'iorenCe 011 Stoves C. I-II4RTLEI PHONE t:i ZURICH HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE --- enesmosisommessmossamigsgsznimmoasamegasugaiszwszemoszeint mommasgsmo Unusually Attractive Display of Smart Waists -� 'or Spring and Summer We earnestly ask your inspection. To see them is to want one or more. , Reasonably priced. Now is the time for New Linoleuns, Oil Cloths and Curtains' during house clean ragtime Note these Prices New American percale, 1 yd wide, for 12'Io a yard Organdie, Crepes, Muslins. Piques. in all colors, from 15o to 25c a yard The Latest from The Front A Metropolitan Daily and Your Favorite Local Paper at a Special Clubbing Rate Since the opening of the Great European War last August the cable service of The Glnbe, Toronto, has attracted attention from one end of Canada to the other, owing to its sour- pieteness and reliability, Every day the cable news is condensed and in- terpreted ort the front page under the title of "The War Summary. This feature makes plain and intelligible what would otherwise be confusing to ,the reader- TheGlobe maintains its position as "Canada's National Newspaper,” osis provenby the' fact that its circulation of 87,000 is much larger than that of any other morn, ing paper in the Dominion. Elsewhere in this issue appears an advertisement of The Globe, offering the paper sent to any address in Can- ada for $3.00 per year. A special olubbing offer of The Globe, Daily, and The Zurich• Herald to the end of 1915 for $2,00 is now toads, thus ensuring the best metropolitan daily and the bestlocal Taber at a cut rate. Child's Suitings Special Suiting for obilds wear, 1 plain colors at l5o a yard, Underwear n We hare a large selection of ladies ohildren's and men's underwear for summer wear. Produce of allkids wanted ivinnioTErt, - Zurich musimemisiiimasommenismiskeivissmilimisammismeommo The Keystone one -wheel Tongue Truck For Harvesting and Seeding Machinery The trunk is guaranteed to give satisfaction, It is easy on the horses necks, a comfort to horses as well as the driver. A •conven— ience that every farmer should have for his implements. Let us show you sample. Many novo in use in this aeotion. LOUIS PRANG POWER WASHING MACHINES operated by GASOLENE: In differentsizes, a, 2 and 3 tub, Just.what yott bave been looking for, Why not save your wife or housekeeper some of the hard labor by adopting improved methods Call and see melohane iu operation, ZURICH