HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-06-18, Page 5THItCHURC' `
`urtdny, German' 11.00 a, m.
" Sunday .Seliool 9.45 " "
" Junior Y.12. A. 1.00 p.
" (Service) English 7,09
Teachers ineeting 8.00 "
Mon., Tri -Mu Brotherhood 8.00 "
Tuesday, Y, P A. 8.15. " "
Wednesday. Player Meeting 8.00 "
Priday '• Teachers. Training «
Class , 7.30
choir practice 8.80
Ladies Aid meets. 1st Monday, •of
each month at 7.30 p. tit, . .
-German, Sunday 10.30 a. m.
English " 7.80 p.
Bible School ` 9.00 a. ii .
Men's Al,is'n"dy s Tuesday 8.00 p, m,
'heather Leaj s+e 'Friday 8.00, p. m.
L A S 1stWedts'y of month 8.00 p. in.
You ave diat1y invited to take an
active part dm all these meetings and
"Blessed are they that bear the
word of, God,a•id.4,keep tt...Larke.11.28,
New Acis -Ruby & Gascho, Mad-
la lman &.Stanbury. '
. ,.:tStre our brass bedsteads, regular
$12.00 for $10.00 at liartleibs.
Frank Bossenberry, of Berlin, visited
relatives here for a few days this
Mr C Brill is visiting relatives and
friends in Berlin and .other eastern.
points for a week.
Mr. Ferdinand Howald of the
Waterloo Seminary,' .is spending bis
holidays at his home here .
Mr E. 3..ifess, 6f the London Col-
legiate Institute. is spending a few
holidays at his home here.
Andrew. F. Hess
Herald Office Zuridh
T havea large stock of all
the latest and best in. Mens'
Ladies and .Children Shoes.
Cali and . 1 ok over of! r lines
before yca tltly elsewhere.
We•,ean save you inow6,1y,-.
Repair:hag Promptly -Done
Butter and eggs taken in
exchange for shoes.
De Laval' Separator Oil. Centrifu-
gaily clarified and filtered. Specially
adapted for cream separators and other
high speed ,machines. Don't accept
substitutes. L. Prang,Zurich.
The funeral was held on Sunday to
Exeter cemetery of Miss Celia Clarke
of t/he Goshen Line, Stephen. Deceased
mvas•a, ,sufferer from tuberclosis, and
was in -her., 84th:year. . 'A number
t6remtown. attended the ftineral.
The hay crop will be a Light one in
'this section this year. The needed
rains did not come in time and clover
is already in full bloom, and it is so
.-Fort that a local farmer remarked the
.other day that even a bumblebee had
•to getdown on its knees to find the
ifiower. We cannot' vouch for the
.accuracy of this but'if rains are not
more plentiful the hay crop will be a
(failure in this section this season.
The S. S. Convention of the Credit-
on •District Evangelical Association
was held in Zion Church, Rodney, on
June 8th and 91h, ,The attendance
was good and a live intei+est 'teas
shown by all present. Inangaortavnt
topics, bearing on S.S. world wove ably
disctF.sedd by the varletas speakers.
The fallowing officers were elected:
Pres, J B. Grenzehacli; Viae-Pires, Rey
J 0 iIInrlock; Sec, R 3I Geiger; Trees,
J H Holtzman. I;; was decided to
hold the next eonvention Eat Crediton.
The council of nary Township has
received an invitation ffxonatbe'Hydro-
Electric Railway Aegocmation .of . Ont•
alio to attend . the opening of (the
London and Port Sia IdcfY E•le',tric
Railway which wilt be held .towards
the end of June. This.; is the first
electric railway constructed under the
11 Pt'1ro•Electric Power commission and
will afford all these ti•nterested in
electric radials to see t'Iwe'kind of reads
Ont 1 the commis:ion propose building, A
- I round trip over the lanae :an•cl a banquet
by the 'City ' of Loudon In •isiting
" :delegates are on the program.
I While on his way to tilhe.graval ,pit
the other day i\1r 1+Iatuy Welattou,'
_ e E
engaged with J Fioy Sr., had.,a ear ow
i .P L T E -T sI escape of being seriously anfluaaecl. He
° I was going ;rest on the Zurich Road
and had got) e only a short •distaaace
.when at bolt inone of the •clevitses
fell out: This allowed the.tangue to
drop. to the road. The h+oa•ses trot "fri-
t;btened and in trying to:se:Alta them,
Mr Wheaton was dragged under the
wagon, but luckily e.tcayped with A fee(
brtlifi.s. The OA ni made a wild dash
down the Zoricli Road told upon ,reaach •
dugs . C. Kalbiioiseh,s 'platniaag mill
Inrned in and the wagon collided with
the,00rner of the factory. The horses
:lint 1,tatbecame stalled in the sawdust
.bile. One of thein was badly cut about,
the lege.
The Jackson Mfg. Co., who manu-
ifatatnreit clothing in the old Baptist
,eahta• ttch for about a year, are read r ving
r.. For Sate
210aores,of. good - farming, and
fruit land, :200Q.peaeh;trees of which
1100 are in 'bearing, food, plentyof
water, good building,..i oll fenced and
partly . drained. For particulars
apply to Daniel Smith, R. R. No. -2'
The Undersigned. have been instruct-
ed to sell that splendid 50 acre . farm
near Herman known as the south half
of lot „18 con. 1, Hay township.. On
it is n good brick 2 storey house' with
brickkitchen and frame woodshed, ,;a
barn 84x36, stone fouiidation,"cement
pig -:pen 24x18, drive shed 86x20, .a
geed. windmill and excellent well and
apple orchard of over one. acre. The
land is rich and productive, well fenced
and drained • with tile. All under
cultivation except about 7 acres in
hardwood bush. This farm is on the
London Road, onlyi mile South of
Hensel!, the leading farmers market
of Huron County. Apply not later
than July last for terms;' &c to I ..
Gladman & Stanbury, Iieusall and p
FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries
Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd
door from Hamilton St, Goderich.
Private funds to loan at lowest rates
W. Paouorooj', K C. J. i . Ki aoatdv.
W. PaormooT, 11a.
�R A. J. Mae]?{INNON';litte Nouse
Surgeon, Erie County Hospital,
Buffalo N. V. Late assistant •resi•
:dealt Physician, Manhattan Maternity
-.Hospital N. '.. city. Late of the
):Lohse Staff, New York . Palyclinic
Medical School and Hospital. Drug
store in ronneetion. Office, Zurich,
Check Books
For General Stores
E are selling agents for A.ppleford's
1 popular counter check hooks. Our
prices are the same as city travellers
charge you for Them. Let us know your
wants and we will cheerfully ? show you
samples and quote prices.
Herald Printing Co. Phan
Notice :to Creditors
In the matter of the estate `of
Valentine Kochenis of the village of
Zurich, County of Huron, Carpenter,
Notice is hereby givetr . pursuant to
Statuts in that behalf that all creditors
and others having claims against theg
estate of the said Valentine Kochems who
died on or alp it the 15th. of 'February_
1915, .are revijrad en or before the 2lst.
day et Jun .1915, to send by post preraid
or deliver to Wendel Smith, R. R. No. 2,
Zwmroh., Out., Administiator of the estate
of ,said deceased or to Messrs. Madman &
Stansbury, of the village of Exeter, Solid-,
tors ' for the said administrator, their
christain and surnames addresses and de-
scriptions the full particulars of their
'elaiins the statement of their accounts and
the nature of the securities if any held by
them. And further take notice that after
such last mentioned date the said Adanini.-
•strator will proceed to distribute the assets
'df the deceased among the parties entitled
'thereto, having regard only to the claims
,of which they shall then have natio( and
that the ndministrator will not be liable
;for said assets or any part thereof to any
person or persons of whose claims notice
shall not have been received by thein at I
the time of such distribution. •
Wendel ESmith Administrator,,
Gladman and Stanbury, Solicitors,
for Administrator, Dated a •refer
this 2nd day of Tune 1915.
Binders, Mowers, all finds.
of Cultivator's, Discs and Fer-
tilizer Drills, best and light-
ightest made_ ali steel.
Manure Spr2.ade s and .all
kinds of iplow s and repairs
always in :stock.
Look at our Cutters
Sleighs(, Buggies, and
Wagons b ore buying. else-
11.1 H. P. $75.; 2? .13 P. $85; 4 F[.
P.41i125; 6 H. P. 4;175; 8 1I. P. $235';;
11.2 fi; , P..$;375; tall warranted limit
,:,lass. .. thteir avacbbiues, etc., to. other points.
At the aild Stand:- I 'Wh,an ,the puesent war began they
.c 15r,1t1l1te 17ettliEu: Oar Motto" found it (Moult to procure sufficient
•material to keep a:1 their factories run-
,aWISICILNBoii niug anti consequently the one in Ibis
' place Vat: closed, Another drawback
woe' the bap us- question. The first
year that titre cotupuny operated here a
voluntary subscription was
titin was taken up arra the citizens' of
Zurich, subscribed ihesum of 1200.00
towards sesnring the faae.tory for this
town:. The company we understand,
Wanted the sank: bonus for ` another
year, but it was thought impossible 'to
procure it in We same Manuel; as the
former one and the matter was dropped.
The removal 8f the factory will be a
severe loss to our town as the factory,
when in' 'full operation. employed
nearly thirty hands. It again clearly
We also hare the Flagg shows that Zurieh should have 'a
Gratin, 81);3l1rlltilli, llotirrl of 1'rttcle to look into natters of
. tlri3li191C1.
Leadln Brands sl Ciders.
Neilson's regions Ice Crown
.>t mew shllnnent 10.4 in of
.130n l$aanta, Chocolates, cite.
i"r's4s lkaat that looney c,'in
buy �.
A large variety of Coatis,
Patriotic, lk.tuic, e'e., Post
Cards, .,,11 fll -i 481. .
Onto lot 213, con. 11, Hay Townshi p,
a o ae year old heifer, roan in color',
with two liottttes in right oar, (Avner
ca "r have sante by p tying e: pen:se&
,l P. Rau, Zurich:,'
Zurich Meat
51 ARI( ET
Fresh arid Salt Meats
Fo!ogr:a Sausages, etc
.g'bi,t &
Det the 9tz
IncreashTgT" - YourProsperi
Ar HE surest way to get rich is to increase the multiplier; which means
for the merchants of Zurich -increase your customers rather than
add to the lines you are selling, or the stock you are carrying.
Adding to the nnanber +,f the dines
you sell or to the volume of the stc.cic
you carry is not the way surest to
'prosperity. Indee c1, this bas ruined
thousands of men.
The surer way is to multiply Gusto
mets. No business con prosper o,.
grow that doesn't add many o ustoiners
tach year.
Customers most be added by par•
poseful effort -by seeking them.
Waiting for them to find you is folly,
Seek them by the newspaper. advertis-
ing. This is the only sure way to
build up numbers.
To the Merchants of Zurich
You can naaltiply 3 our customers thrc ugh a series of good advertisements
'in the. Zurich Herald Ask us about the -cost of advel'tisiug .
The Nimble Penny Beats theBlow Dollar
'‘N \\\ \:\
FOR F;i5
and Daily Globe $8 75
\\'en;kly Globe..... 1 75 I
" l)at,ily lail and Em-
pire 8 75
\\' eel t' 1\1 ail and-
l±.luiliae....,.;. ... 1 75
Toronto Daily,Star 2 85
,• Daily News 2 85 i
\Veeldy Star1 75
London Free I'iess
Morning Edition8 50
Evening Edition.,2 00
Prompt Service
Moderate r'ha'rge.s
Tailor Shop
Zurich. - Ontario
4•, ,MrSar.Y
Of course, you are going to "Paint Up"
this spring. There's the bedroom, parlor or
dining room wall to be re -finished.
There are Floors to be painted, stained,
varnished or waxed. There's the Oil Cloth
or Linoleum to be made Spic and Span.
There's the Furniture and. Woodwork to
be brightened.
Here are six " SPIC AND SPAN"
FINISHES that we can freely recommend
for this work c ,
"NEV-TONE" Flat Tints for the walls
aalVOO1 LAC" Varnish Stains
lillAx3ia�+ L5 -E Floor Varnish
'MB WAX", for hardwood floors _
"MOUE'S IJE'S F3�OOR PAINT", the old reliable
°` 'ARIVOIEEIJIE", to beautify and preserve Oil
Cloth and Linoleum,
We know that these Finishes are the
best of their kind. They are . "Made in
Canada" -and we guarantee that you will be
perfectly satisfied with the results you get
when you use any, or all, of thein.
You'll soon be putting up Pickles and Preserves:,
You'll need labels for the jars. Come In and get
a set of bruit Jar Labels -printed and gardened.
We give them free to our friends. ,"I$
.rut.....- s;iW?,W,aO..T,w..