HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-06-18, Page 4THE _L"f J,3ERt'LL .., . asstcd every Thursday afternoon front the AilE1RALD PRINTING OFFICE Victoria St, Zurich, ity ANDREW HESS and Ciiesten L. sett ret s RSCRIPTI.Oli PRICE $1.00 A YEAR U. S• subscriptoi, t,$o strictly in advance,' Aia'VERTIsilttci TERMS. i ,!Cates for display and contract advertisements will sae given oh ttppliatinn. Tr i'unsient notices such as legal, corporation; societ ante., to cents per line lot first insertion, and $ cetusksr int for each subsequent inner, art. Estray advs. $r for three insertions, No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Changes for contract advertisements must be itt the office b Y b p• m. wingTuesday,Wee otherwise they will be left, ;suer aural the soljowint; heck. due ti r S n frac t5 without sc c diecious will i rhe' ort ins cdt' ttn rii forbid and charged accordin do Tract"' ,steak ndyertismenrs must be paid for in advances Address all communications to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. • 'THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1915 MARRIED Westcort—Fahner-At the residence of the bride's parents' Con. 7, Ste. phen on June 9th, Edward • H, Westoott of Usborne, to Louise 8. ac'Iaughter of. Mr and MrsJohn 4stlrner, • Duncan - Hiankin — At the residence of'. the ,bride-pareirts, Usborne, on Jane 9th, ttobt. G,:Duncan, tis..:)1'Iyi•tl Jane,(bugbear ' of Mr. and M Thomas Hunkin - all of Usborne. Wiggins- McBride—At London, o June 9th, Mr Percy Wiggins, o Hensel!, to Miss Grace McBride, o • London. BORN. Brock—At Mensal! on June 9th., t Mr and Mrs George Brock; a son. DIED Clarke --•-In Stephen 04:Township, o June 10th, Celia Clarke, aged 3 year and 8 months. Campbell—.In Tucker'sinith, cn May 81st John Campbell, aged 7 ,i years Dearing --In Exeter, on June R, Jan .Mitchell widow of the late 1ViIIie Dearing aged 78 years, 3 months 27 days. Albrecht ---At Zurich, on June 15th Adam Albrecht, aged 77 •years,' month and 4 days. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mrs Near Koehler, who died June 15th, 1914. We miss thee from our home dell Mother, We miss thee from thy place, A shadow o'er our life is cast We miss the sunshine of thy face. We hiss thy kind and willing hand, Thy fond and earnest care, Oar: home is dark without thee We hiss thee everywhere.. Gone but not forgotten. Henry Koehler and family COUNTY Following are a few of the more im ,SA.tJBLE LIQ, UTI portant measures dealt with at the June meeting of Huron County Coun- cil held in Goderich. An interesting event was celebrated The executive coulrnitee reconlmer;d, I at the hoine of Mr Ed Desjardine, 14th ed that on seerlint of the e :tri,ox. con, Stephen, on Tuesday, June 8th, pendittrre this year no action be taken when their daughter, Miss Susan, be - as to petitiuu to hdi,ye t,itt•7 liceus(:s came the bride of Henry Devine, asreits eta, h.i;r t'lr; liir'nitiriril to have son of John Devine, of the Salable a�lunicitial (lcctifil„ ofi1�' oiled fn tate Line. Rev 11Ir Carrier performed the t•eai's be accepted. Titan un (teflon to cel'elnonyr, Many guests were present pecial legislation governing Hydro and the gifts were numerous and n;adials in tris Con be taken until costly, the report (If the Hydro commission is t�••�iJ�.a receivedThe '. inn if•t was <lcloptecl, a••�N1SALL The roar! ana bridge e cony niittee re- commended that IN ill) a'pret dice to the several bridges needing• repaies in the county, the engineer be instr'u dad to look into. the metiers ai,a ' deemed neeessaiy., the - —� rF proceeded work will be !vine, - No grants will be ladle this yeartothe Huron County 'C-'oniti y and Pet Stook show, norto the purchase` of a fie'M kitchen for use of the n "rel re.. ginient in alining daring tate summer season. The jail errs examined by the conn. ty property committee and found neat. and clean with four prisoners :collfin. ed. The equalization assessment of the municipalities in the county was left the sante as last year. A by law was passed to raise the sum of $90,315.46, for general and ether purposes for 1015, " requiring a levy of 2.4 mills on the dollar, oa the equalized aSsesalnent wn, passed. A inolaw was passed to raise the sunt of $4,250.40 for a provino[a.l war tax for 1915. 1 mill on the dollar of equalized assessment. The amount Hay township to liable. for under this by-law is $2,407.00; Stephen township $2,798.80; p 8titniey township $2,135.10; I:fensall $250.40. "kotxt~itt on Rats" clears out Rats. Mice, etc. .Don't Die in the Rouse, 15e, and 2 rc, at Deng au'l Ci mn tr'y Stores. CORRESPONDS DAs ' W001) Mr 0 Mackay, principal of Herman public school, conducted the (Unita - mental examinattons Unit aa- mentalexaaninattons here this week. 1Ltr Sam Willett of B uffalo is wish-; ingleis brother, Mr H Willert, at Present. An umber uaeliber of campers have passed through here on their way to Grand Bend, On Tuesday, Mr W Ehlers received word that his son, Milton W Ehlers,. was seriously hurt at the Massey Harris wort, Brantford, where he was working. He was on an elevator when in some way control' was lost of the liftand Ifr Ehlers was crushed between the roof and .the elevator He - fell four stories and sus-. tained a broken leg, a broken arm,, broken nose a broken thumb and fracture of three ribs. He is lying in the hospital in a serious condition but hopes are entertained for his re - ------11 "A Man's Ability as hie Pas I Frank Weave Professor of Music. London, Ont. Teacher of Organ and all branches of Piano Playing; Voice lOultilrle and Artistic Shilling a . Specialty. Sixteen year praotieal experience. • 1 ----�_� The Blake branch of ,the Woolen's Institute will hold their June meeting at the home of Mrs Dawid Tough, on the Bronson Line on Friday, the '25th, Mrs. Stephen, of Huntingdon, F will address the meet ing ` on "H ouseBuil"lngana Home. Making." An adieu are cordially invited: to aktenrl, EXETER. G. L Burdette of ,the Batik of Conn. ineree staff has left for Ayr to relieve for a week. He has received notice of his removal and will not return to Exeter. Mrs Wm. Dearing passed away on June 2nd at the age of 78 years, 3 months and ,27 days. . Shehad been stricken with apoplexy a week•:: before her death. One hundred and fifty sheets were presented for use in the military hosp- itals at a sheet shower held recently in the Main street. Methodist : Chalet. Mrs Stanbury, who has•' been living with her son, Mr j. G. Stanburyn has Ieftfor Bayfield where she will occupy her summer cottage. W. J. Mallett, of Central Hotel, bas nearly recovered from the injuries he received in the recent train wreck on the L, H. &B. Gus. Handford, of Renfrew, and Thos. G. Handford, of Dousman, Wis., are visiting their parents,' Mr. and Mrs T. G. Handford. Rev D, C. McGregor, of London, conducted services in Cavell Presbyter- ian church last Sunday. COUNTY:NEWS 0 Whitemore, of Clinton, has op ened a barber shop in Bayfield. Mr Percy Jones, son of Mr and alis Wes Jones, Crediton, was ordained for the ministry recently. L Bolton, of Stratford, has pure has ed the barber business of W Gottschalk Seafoth. who is'going west. George Mullholland; of Seaforth, son of W.iIlia1n ,Mullholland, Left last week for London where he will take a course in military training at the Stanley barracks. 111r Jbhn Campbell, a well known fanner of the Township of Tuekersnrith died at his hoiue on the third Concession after an illness of several months with pleurisy. Mr Campbell was 70 years ofage and unmarried, While 1'Ir Weston, of Bayfield, and a companion were returning home from Seaforth a few days ago, their ear turned turtle on the hill !,rad throwing bosh out and injuring .111r Weston about the head and shoulder!; The car was badly damaged. A quiet wedding took place recently in Owvei) Sound when iiliss Mabel Knott, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jerry Knott, formerly of Exeter,'"bc came the wife of "Mr Russell Bloomfield of Exeter North, They will reside ill the north end and have -the best wish•' es of their friends, A very pretty wedding took place Rev. E. G, Powell bonduet3t they ttt faze h?isle of alar and 11Irs John'. morning service ' Statue!, of G'redition onl Wednesday, last Sir,- , a 111 Carmel .°hunch i ,.nay and in the Methodist +June 0thf when their daughter Louisa onurecetureh in the evening. .He spoke on, ( A. was united in marriage to l\Ic .Eds e> r,:,,�A ward Westoott, son of Mr and Mrs Win Westeott of Usborne. The nnp Mal knot was tied at 1 80 p in by Rev E E pecker, in the presence of a large number of invited guests. County Court was hold in Goclericlt last week. Four oases were on the list but only one came .up for trial The Case of Johnston was an notion in which W Johnston of Blythe sued T 0 Johnston of Delefvare for '5G0 as commission on the sale of fams. A verdict of ,Ji330 in fnror of the plaintiff wins given. August Gel)) of Seaforlh, Max Panner of Goderirrii and Ifivel Lebel of Blythe applied for naturalization papers, A very pretty wedding took place on Jane 9th, at the home of Albert Wilson, London, when Percy \Viggiee of .I`Tensajl was united hi marriage to Miss brace McBride ofLondon, in tits presence of a number of guests from: Pleural!, Aylmer and London. Reiv W H Harvey porfozmed the ceremony. The bride looked beau( ful in a y of white silk C repo, and wore a bridal Veil and orange bloeenme. Many ieeal preasions in admiratu it of her bemuti yY: were heard. After a sUnrptuous ding brea'cfast wed the lair . 1 e 0 Py u i •.I for Buffalo anti points east ora lei( wedding tour. their Dr. Bean is having the dwelling be recently purchased improved and en- larged. Mr and Mrs Jos Case of Toronto. visited the Ietters parents,°ilfr and Mrs Wm Moir. Miss Margaret Johnston is setiousl ill with throat trouble, y Mrs Malloy and sister Miss Hazel Drake, left last week for Buffalo and Cleveland for a few week's visit. Walter Lancaster, wife and family, of the west, visited relatives here last weals. The final payment on the town hall has been made. The contract price was $6998.00 and $86,00 was paid for extras. It is expected that Rev. R Ilicks. will leave for his new charge at Windsor the first week in July. A. McPherson has nearly recovered from his recent serious illness. A quiet 'wedding was solemnized at the 11 Zethodist'parsouago on Janie 9tb, by Rev„ R. Ricks,' when Miss Ethel Clark youngest cap tighter of Mr James Clark was united in marriage with John Mason, a prosperous farrier of wano$h tCwtY�j3FP.l,, For teems apply afr the Herald (Moe. TILE I All sizes of first- class file on hand B-RiC-K .. For all- uses purposes BEST QUALITY SECOND TO NONE Prices Right - St. Joseph Brick- Yards Loris Foster, Manger. Telephone No. 3 an 85 1 I have made arl'alig�rlrezi'ts W1G.k1 ailvc�rwoods Dairy, London, to take eream at illy ,Residence i ;-- . ' r! , tlY .. C� y Burin ..� the Cream is te,;te � ween, d when broil ht to , and pada for on delivery. , my store, vd pellvery. ?rze pall 'til ls•. Wad 27 cents per pound. ffiT1WnTu� , zORf Carload o Cedar Post For SaleKAL FLEISC zukictif 5: Zurich .Central. ,P NE. } ` .* tc9I LENS t14; A 1.7. Beauty of Form k•�, i ` with Graceful Deportment' k( .‹.;„1,) � Many ladies have beauty of form and yet.mov t walk ungracefully. Generally it is be a and i4(";..14.) wearing corsets built in the old time fashion are ` . 4 heavy and terribly cramping the wearer. len--stiff, {" Coilene Corsets while fully supporting, p� free- dom of movement. Theyhepermit cto the etc 4` k 6 best adapted to this season's fshions, andha a at the same timet ver comfortable, sitting, �� ii due to the wondeul boning used bending n d'ng in any p°siCion. This is t. 0 (40 1'SL• •3'Ii' ate" -i a � 42� '�' � {( M,r i� ♦` *r �..„; 41 f J'.4 Although unseen, the boning is the most important feature in any : corset. On it depend length of wear, comfort, fit, and whether the corset will retain its shape indefinitely. There aremanyimitations of the famous Coilene boning bu t no equals. Since the corset is the foundation of your outward appearance, you cannot be too careful , when choosing what corset you will wear. Remember that Cortene j Corsets are quite different Froin all other makes. Ladies who wear them once, realize they have found the g' `J Write for Corset superior corset,. They are sold at high- .n ' Fashion Booklet ----Free; up—the-best designed/best fitting, best iat bices from to ' merit We will be pleased to mail you value corset on the market to -day. our latest book of corset lash- Write for free booklet delay. �►" Ions, fully illustrated. Your name and address on a post "Will not break or rust or tear.! card brings It by return mail, Collette Corsets—tirade for wear Sold only by J. PRE . 'l l Zurich Ontario Thr �s the famous Coe ane boning .e1; tits ra i» rfdeo-14ei til CANADA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER "The War Summary" Almost from the very day the ereat Ituropal:an war began in August Inst, the outstanding teatime in Canadian journalisiii covering the conflict )liar been "The War Sulninary" flatly on nes 3. and 2 of '.r.Fn7 G=,onn., In the concisost iiossible form the writer has given his readers a pen picture of the developments in all parts of the world, while the details of the nioveaueuts along the extended frontiers h overlooked, the . reader's of Tar • have not been intcllit,c•ntly and with confidence the GLOBE ntiiues•:of the stupendous conflict, "The War vyuuuiary" of TUE OLO1lii is reproduced daily by several palters throughout the Dominion. he blrewnr it - ;urna*1y + t ud g The Editorial Page GLOrtL+a on its editorial page bus striven to place before the pub,tc in proper perspective the.. broad background of the titanic struggle. This series oi' irticlos has attracted the !Attention not only of the Canadian people, but of leading !nen and journals In all parts et the ,world. The causes lc,tdlug .tip to the war, the elements entering into its conduct, and the results likely to flow from the cessation or hostilites have been dealt with in that bold and clear-cut form charge. teristle of TICK (1LOi3E'S editorial iia e, •. News Service The ober& features, In addition to n ruble and letter service from the front immolated in Canada, have placed 3`I3341 (xLOI3I7 far in the Canadian papery, and partly explain. the 'phenomenal increase of 3s 13 per cent, 1n TAM GLoBi't .cirettlatlon..durina recent months. Other Feature,! The sporting pages, the financial and comrereial pages, the women's pages, eta,, etc., With the additional Pages in Wednesday's,issue devoted to Perm and Country Life," are maintained at 'n li'iah•standard of excellence, a Standard that 'has instilled TIM GtLOi$tii in its • title of Canada's National Newspaper, and has given it by many thousands tie 1tirgeat eirculatfon Of any Morning paper In the leo ninton, Local and City Papers Ry all moafis take your local paper, but In the field oi' metropolitan ttewspapers ItJ tlltO;wt>s untitiestionably oiFora you the greatest value to be -had in Canada. Order deb it to -day, 4 cents per nittrlt r; ono dealer for foul' inpatha thi+ee daltars•ire! year, • THE 'GLOBE, or onto'.