HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-06-18, Page 1A ZU e. Vol. XV. • • Warm Weather s z ,• R• • -• • eee es • age We have a nice range of fancy'.harem.00ks to choose from • +Besttquality and reasonable in price, El Baseball Goods- • A mice line of boy's be,seball mitts, bats and balls. [AU prices, 4 Cleaner and Sweeper • 4. ,4 The Krantz Vacnum Cleaner and Carpet Sweeper is a useful • e• article around the house. Cleans up the dirt and *dust and • ,1 -sweeps the oarpet with one operation. Price $7.50. • • e A® Oil Cook Stoves • • 'We are having a big run on New Perf: ction Blue Flame Coal • 4 ' Oil Cook Stoves. No kitchen complete for the summer cooking o 'elk without one. You can use it for cooking on, ironing, etc, • • • Emergency Oil Cans •• ,,t, For automobile owners. Me de purposely for carrying under • -• the seat and will hold a galr"on of gasoline or oil. Guaranteed • .• not to leek.. • Men's Straw Hats ZURICH, PRI -PAY a• -0C 0•••••••+•••••••••• • • • • • WAN HAMMOCKS SPEND YOUR DOMINION DAY at SEAFORTH AND ATTEND TIlE 16th° ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Seaforth Turf Club °e One of the Best Race Meets in .Ontario all the Best Horses • • Now is the time for Straw Hats. We: have a big stock of the • very latest, We also "have a new line of Men's Silk Hats, Nice • for motoring and boating,; • Men's Shirts le A new and up to date line for sunnier wear. See window r display on Saturday. • • Zimmer Knit P •. • Men's Zimmer Knit Combination underwear. ;,11,.85 cent per suit. ele Men's --'— ' Socks _ :• ; In an colors White, Tan, Green, Matoon. • • •Waists, Aprons and Blouses ,• ' Received another shipment of Ladies' Waists, Aprons and 4 +• Miody Blouses in the very latest styles. • • • • • • Short sleeves, .• • e $2100 i , Purses Come to C4th July lst and 2nd Band in Attendance M. Broderick, Sec. W, Govenlock, Pres. 5 LOCAL NEWS. et; ifs iy 4yLY Q3-# J.J 4.9 9� Brown back sweat pads 25cts Next Saturday at Hartleib's. The Luther League of the Lutheran church will hold a picnic at Grand Bend on July 9th. Rev; G. F. Brown and Mr R. M: Geiger attended the S. S. Convention, at Rodney, last week. Workmen are busy Building the large cement tank at the fire hall. Mr ' S. Deitz has the contract. Dr. 33. A. Campbell left for Mt. Clemens, Mich., Monday, where he expects to remain during the week. Rev. J. G. Litt, presiding elder, conducted quarterly services in the Evangelical church last Saturday and Sunday. Keep the evening. of June 24th in mind, if you want to partake ofsome thing good to eat or enjoy a pleasant evening. ' : Attend the ` social on the Lutheran Parsonage lawn. Mr Wm Lamont and family have moved into the fine new home in the north end of the town recently erected • by Mr Peter Lamont, We join in Special line of Door Mats, 9Octs welcoming them to our village. • • The annual meetingg of the PaLmei' sLad>es Organdie Collars Institute will be held. in Hensal on • Tuesday, June 22nd Prof. J. 13. ` Rey- nolds of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, will deliver an add- ress. Martin Snows paint is the only paint that has a government Certificate as a 100 per cent pure paint. We want every paint man to know this. It also covers more 'space than all others. For Sale at Hartleibs. The Senior Graduation examin- ations were held in Dashwood this week. The following pupils from Zurich Public School wrote on the exams: Miss V. Fritz, Gorden Man- son, Clayton Hoffman and Lloyd Ifalbfleisch. The Junior. Graduation exaries are now being held here. Miss Linklater of Crediton is examiner. The Entrance Exams begin next Monday.- PUBLIC SCHOOL PICNIC The date set for the annual Public School picnic to be held at Grand Bend is Tuesday, June 29th. A meet- ing of all interested will be held at 0, . Fritz's shoe store this Friday evening at 8 o'clock. • • • • • • • • • • And guff setts, 25c, 35o and 50o. Embroidery Flouncing for Ladies and Children's Dresses. - • • • • ••• • Don't experiment when you paint your house: All experimenting has been done for you, and the result of years of experience in making Paint and of innu- merable practical and scientific tests is SWP, Sherwin- Williams Paint (Prepared) . There is an exactness in the formula, and a thoroughness in the mixing and grinding of the pure ingredients that insures perfect painting results. A gallon of SWP will cover more surface than you ever thought possible and will Wear so long and hold %s color so well that its use is genuine economy. Produce of all kinds taken PR FETE :telephone No.9 I-144+++++++++++++++++++++ 4.++ 4 +++++•+++ •+4:•+++++ +e ZUR Incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERV $8,800,000 93 Branches in Canada A Genera. Bankini ' Business Transacted CIRCULAR r TTARS OFORriDT( BANK. MONEY ORDERS Savings Bank Department Interest ab highest, current rates Zurich Branch I.1'. DUNLOP, Manager NO 47 Field Sports Mur3h interest is being'teken in the sports to be put on at the Fair Ground' this Friday evening at 6 o'clock. Many interesting contests have ' been arranged and it should prove, amusing as well as interesting to watrb the contestants battle for the some. Come, young and old and encourage the promoter of the -sports by as large an attendance as possible. A. silver collection will be taken at the gate to help to pay for the prizes, Following is a partial list of the events to which more will be added. Boy's Bicycle Race, 14 years and under, - Weel Barrow Race. Rooster. ;Race, Sack Race. Three-legged Race. Pie Eating Contest. Nona Eating Eating Contest. Nail Driving Contest for girls only. Running Races and Jumping. A quiet wedding ' took place at Exeter on June 9th, when: Miss Jesse A, daughter - g of Mr and Mrs R. Mc- Arthur, 2nd con., Hay, was united in marriage to Mr Roy Lamont, son of. Mr Will Lemont. The young couple have settled down on the fine farm on the Goshen Line, Stanley, where the best wishes of a host of friends follow them. Dr. E. S. Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wed- nesday, June 23th. Itis reported that the Ontario Government may do away with the Model Schools this year, " owing to the financial condition of the treasury. A. meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Town Hall, on June 26th, at 2 o'clock, p m., when Mrs Laura Rose Stephens will. give an add resr+0, "IVLy Country, ..My District, My Home, All Iadies are cordially ifivited :to attend, Last year's invasion by the army worm cost considerable in Ontario. The losses are estimated at a quarter of a million dollars, while in Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia are estimated at $50,000. In Ontario the worm appeared in 284 townships and 42 counties. I Our stook of shoes for summer wear is now complete- We have never shown a larger or a prettier rang,—. See our line of IG$114►# 100180itiMr4f+i+.0 3 41001100. # M�siti♦.MrAf4drMws# • .a TAN AIVD f z White Pumps, Outing Shoes, t White Canvas Shoes, Sandals, t and the newest in Tan, etc. .. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. @. FRITZ Zurich 1 The Home of Good Shoes �4a+I+S 1 * 91 f frfosecieffilta011101100100411igelliffile04401110.41144. Illlilliflllllll11111!11IIIIIIIIIIII11111 IIi1!!IgII!Bi1411ItlitittnilliIni111111111111Ilflllllll111llllll I{ In I ia' , m; c i it IIIIIIlIIfIII,,IiI iII�IIIIIIIIIIIHflIJ,,i,flfllllll,L..fll!IIIIIIII!IIL,:,H;!!!III:IId11111"ri!IIN1P•gIPlllllll!1 r .e you: goitit Era to paint this spring? If so, we oan supply you with the famous ELEPIIANT B Ready -Mixed Paints For floors and verandahs or anything that needs paint. None better and few as. good. New and up-to-date Shoes at popular prices. More new waists, aprons and ready-made dresses. and dress goods just opened: up: .All our lines 0.re stocked alp with the latest and best that money can buy. Come and see for yourselves and be convinced. R. BLAKE N. DOUGLAS ONTARIO 1111111111111 1111111111011111111111 m 111 IIMIIIIRIMMIVII11111111111111111111mgm1110111 Il!'CFP96'u9,:i!IC!! i2111,1l10:1 iirh`Ii1;Ieili;Nrhluii1111111111!illflilllllR!!!I,19111111i4MIfUIT111111111111111111Ili!fl!IlHlii!1111!1111n1111!!!!II!111111!!!8!11111.InitIDNIllllllri 1 N E w E T M 0 D E L S L A T S T T Y L E S 1111110®► AILOBXNG that is decidedly better than the price would seem to warrant, style that you can see at a glance fit that is seldom equalled—these are some of the reasons why you should give us a trail They fit you when they're new -fit you when they're old, and give such measure of genuine si.tisfaetion as has never been. Nil lled before in our oxperience. You can come in here and look to your heart's cantent, and if you're not satisfied with what you see you won't be asked to buy. E. Appei,The Clothier