HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-06-11, Page 8Prints and Ginghams The now Priuts told.Ging1nn:ns have arrived titd we have aw large tassertutent of colors r,n patterns to choose from. We 41sa have the''anions steel cltu1.((Ralaatt'a, en extras long wearing cloth. suitable ;oa' oltiidrens' clsesres, suits and ladies .house dresses. Aew Curtain Goods' Our range of e ir(atins ant curtain materials is now complete Should yon require anything in the line of draperies, curtains, blinds, oto, Do nct frail to. omit rand see our lines before pur- chasing elsewhere,' Wall Papers Now. Wall Papers now. to hand, in a large variety of new up to date designs at prices that will interest yon. • Waalso :3 ve, ,• 'i a z a ar',a a• ;; a, `su31I 0$ Ldn. olettuis, Floor Oil Cloths, Rugs, Carpets, etc. No trouble to -show goods at any tine even if you are not just ready to buy. We would be pleased to have you Dome and see all ear now lines of 'seasonable goods. D r:ORN We leave a large stock of the following varieties: Wisconsin nnsin No. 7, Improved Learning and White Cap Yellow Dent. Fresh Groceries always on hand. Produce taken in exchange it II:Y and GASCIIO PHONE 17 See Om: New ew • tcia Fine Stock of Jewellery Just Arrived re FLOUR, FEE & SEED STORE Having purchased the business lately conducted by I, Hudson, I ba g to notify the public that 1 have a complete stook of Flour: I'VE ROSES, MILVERTOi , ROYA14 HOUSEHOLD and EXETER BRANDS. Also Feed of all kinds. Al kinds of Field and Garden Seeds Groceries, Salt, Stock Foods, Etc., Etc. Eggs taken hi exchange for goods 54 1 a McBride Telephone +shone GJ a'°"1 -c 11.44 fewax•e, iLa.c':aa.vvLiorma, \\ eestexn Coal `~o's Scranton Coal sizes ALR 5C UT I . Hensail. 4-4.„ MAN �wr4..'RaJ d 9c&t .l'r it l Gr ,. e Copper and Aluminum inuxt iii . htn ng Go n. �+ a Au. very imsy, please ' liaa,irel in yonr.nrders c aril;', as X' dot K,li s work myself, Prices right on easy teruas. Telephone 3 I have a carload of Per tither on , hand, Parties wishing to buy some- in • any quantity can secure it from me at any time at. my farm. Have all kincl•s on hand, ranging from $10 to :$40 per ton. JOHN F IY J rtl. Agent for Canadian Fertilizer Co. BEST BY TEST HOUSE FOR SALE, Pine < 12 roomed brick: dwelling, newly built, for sale, situated in Zurich 11 inu�e° and modern improvements are in:itaI1ot1. God near stableon: preanises and one-half taeye of land. Will be soul at reasonable Brice. For particulars apply to W 11 'Bender, Zurich. • Millinery Openings We beg to announce to the Ladles of Dashwood and vicinity that we have added a l\lilliuety Department, to' our bast tress. Our Spring Opening in charge of bliss ' Crawford will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday March 23rd and 24th and following dam You are cordially invited, ,. KELLER,YaAN.i' SOK Di=asal-a.-woo OC'AL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter $0.20 Eggs ,r 19 Dried Apples.., 0 5 Potatoes . 80 ...•.. `1.20 x;1,20 Oats 55 55 Barley.....,. Go Buckwheat..........; • Flour • 3.75 .4:25 Bran.......... $28.00 Shorts 80.00 Low Grade' 38.00 Live flogs fob Hensall 9.15 BLAKE.,,,,.. The monthly tasting of the 'Wold_ en's Missionary Society was held in the church on Weduesday of last week. Mrs Lrratt, graduate of the Deaconess Training School of ''Toronto, gave aa. very interesting address on the work done by that institution, which was `much enjoyed by those ,present. Mr and Mrs Wm Douglas are visit- ing friends in Marlette,. *Duch., cool will attend the annual union picnic while there. Mr and Mrs S Hey ".spent Sunday with friends in Zurich. Miss Ethel Zapfe is vtsitiug friends at Point I$ctward and London. Miss Anna Pearl Douglas spent a few days in ilensall . visiting her grandma and other friends. Mr and Mrs Geo Campbell' visited at the home of 1\Ir and 1VIr•s G Freckle - ton's on Wednesday last: Tho Woolen's institute held it's regular monthly meeting foe June at the home of Mrs Sam Hey. Mrs Mc- Donald, Vice president, .presided in the absence of the President, A. good 65 deal of business was transacted; after 70 which Mrs G l+reckleton gave a very interesting paper on i, orestry. The roll call was responded to by recipes and many. good ideas were. given: The attendance was large which helped to make the meeting of 'special in- terest. Local News Mr J J Merner, M, P, and family visited relatives in Parkhill on Sunday 14liss 0. Woods, of .Dashwood, wa the guest of her friend, Miss M McBricl on Sunday. Dr, B. A. Campbell and Mr. T. .L Williams paid a business trip to Lon don on Monday. Found—A pair of . child's, rubbers on Goshen Line, near Zurich, Ownor can have sale by calling at this office Miss Celia J Hess returned last Sat- urday from a two week's visit with her sister, 1\Irs G.A. Bissett, Saltford He- ights. • Nearly 2,000,000 De Laval' cream separators now in use. This is posit- ive proof that itis the best niaade. .See and try one before buying a separator. L. Prang, agent, Zurich•. Mr, and Mrs, D. S. Morrow, and children, of Beeton, visited at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Iticklieilon Sunday. ''Miss Diana Rickbeil accompanied them. The Latest from The Front A Metropolitan Daily:; and Your Favorite Local Paper at a " Special Clubbing Rate • 1 Since the opening of the Great s European War last August the cable e service of The Ginbe, .Toronto, has attracted attention from one enol, of Canada to the other, owing to its coin- _ pleteness and reliability, Every clay the cable news is. condensed and in- terpreted on the front page under the title of "The War Summary." This feature makes plain and intelligible • what would otherwise be confusing to the reader- The Globe maintains its position as "Canada's National Newspaper," as is proven by the fact that its circulation of 87,000 is much larger than that of any other- morn- ing paper in the Dominion. - Elsewhere in this issue appears an advertisement of The Globe, offering the paper sent to any address in Can- ada for $3.00 per year. A special clubbing offer of The Globe, Daily, and The Zurich Herald !o the end of 1915 for $2.00 is ' nQw; made, thus ensuring the best metropolitan daily and the best local paper at a cut rate. A start has been inade on, the large cement tank which the police trustees are having built at the fire hall for use as a water supply tank in ease of a fire. Misses L Koch and L Brown, and Messi,s DI Cook and J Sheldon, of Lon- don visited at the hone of Mr and Mrs Elmore Theil on Sunday, a week. They made the trip by. auto. Besides the nsnal big supper and. auction sale of useful articles at the social on the 24th of June at the Lutheran parsonage, an interesting program of songs, music, etc., is being prepared. "Girl wanted for general housework. Must bo able to do plain cooking. Comfortable home with all convenie•, noes. Interview can bo aaranged if desired, For £tither particulars apply to Mrs II E Hod;ens, Goderich." In the nets revised S,tntntes, chap-. ter 2-17, section 7 the clause rolaatiia;; to poultry, formerly including ducks and geese, now includes all poultry and say: If the'owners 'of peen or other poultry refuses or neglects to prevent the sande from trespassing; on his neighbor's premises after a' entice .in writing .has bead served upon him of their trespass, bestial' lacuna penalty not exceeding $10, ENPORC1NG TEMPERANCE ACT Huron connty council met at Gado= rich last week. One of the matters np for discussion was in regard to the Canada Temperance Act, a letter hav- ing been received' from lion. W. J. Manna, Provincial Secretary, notify-. ing the council that the sum of ti2500 will be required to pay the expenses of enforcing the Act in this county for. the year eonimenoing May Ist, The Provincial board of license missioiiere estimates the expinna•s as follows: Inspector's salary +1,+200; in. speetor's travelling expenses Cost of prosecution, .�inciluding u(,nst ables'witnessess, etc $500; Council feee .$200; Office pxponees 1+100, 3the letter received from he Prov- incial day incial Secr,itary the county council is "hereby notilic;d to depo<it said s tir11 of 132,500 to the crp(lit of the license fund account tor the county of Huron : in the Canadian Bank of Commerce in the town of Gnderich," We have moved our shoe repair shop to A. G. Edighoffer's old stand. All kinds of boots and shoe repairing, New boots and shoes made to order, P. Bender. Seed corn, radish seed, cabbage seed, and other seeds threatened' by birds or root worms may be saturated with common coal oil by dropping ,a small quantity into the seed and stir- ring it nihil every seed has been expos- ed to the fluid. The taste of the oil will. keep the birds from pulling out the Corn and the worms from eating the roots. Try your cabbage plants etc, when set out. The coal oil remedy also be applied to seed grain and po- aloes where the wire worths are threat tning, a few drops at a hill; the cost es small, bettor than theloss of a good crop orpotatoes. LOOK UP YOUR LABEL Take as look at the libel this week We have corrected our subscription list up 'to 'May 12 th and those who have paid their .subscription account during the past several weeks should f ncl that the - correction of date has been made. If soil find that the label does not read as it should call at theoffice or write ns and we will see that the correction is n.iade, And by the way, there are, a few who have not had any 'chanemade in their label in some tine. Those' subscrip- tions should be paid at once. The first con *ietiolz of a hotelkeeper under the Canada Temperance Act was registered against the . Bedford .hotel, Godericb, • County Constable Pollow inado a search of the hoZford a few days days ago and secured a gttantity of beer and the case was settled by Bedford plead- ing ;silty before Pollee Magistrate Trolly and paying a fine of $75 and costs, • Those fines are now paid to the comity treasurer and the expenses of enforcement borne by the county. Burring the Otto years the Canada TemperanceAct was. in force 2; ears 1 y ago there WAS over $10,000 collected in lines and the expellees were $5,000 leaving a balance in the license fend of the county of over $4,000, with interest, on hand to secure the enforce- ment of the act, More Time For This n tis od burn iI or soline The above recreations will be yours by using a labor saving cook stove, The Detroit- Vaper stove works just like a gas stove - simply light the burners and put cooking on at "once. It is cheaper to cook with than wood or coal. Sen styles to select from costing from $10.00 up. Como tosee thein. We also sell New Perfection and Florence 011 Stoves HURON'S LARGEST COM PHONE 1. 'ZU CH INATooN :;TOR ligallMirasSEMMEEMEMSMEIRMIEM .;•AiKVIC.WINERIE z Gey as. -a.. tm An 'Unusually Attractive Di play of orrt aist G�.lAF(�f9, r g u e�� �Y r.. y a'}. ®moi rill a at ,�. i8 a "�,` ..ti +5e `,.. We earnestly ask your inspection. To see them is to want one or more. Reasonably priced. Now is the time for New Linoleuns, OH Cloths a d Curtains during house elea.nhigtlnie Note these Prices New Amerioan percale,-' yd wide, Child's Sffltrn s Special Suiting for ehilds wear in plain colors at 1bc a yard, Underwear for 12ho e. yard We have a large selection of ladies Organdie, Crepes, Musiins, Piques. ohildren's and men's underwear in all colors, from 15c to 25c a yard for Anna./nor wear. krei reduce oti ,1 h L5 wanted Zurioh The Keystone one -wheel Tongue Truck For Harvesting avid Seeding Maclutinery The truck is guaranteed to give. satisfaction. It is easy on the horses necks, a comfort to horses as well as the driver. A conven- ience that every fanner should have for his inwlements. Let as show you sainple.,Many now in use in this section, UI N.ztlRANG POWER WASH l ope aced by GASOLENE. In different sizes, 1, 2 and 8 tub, Just what you have been looking for, Why not save` your wife o housekeeper ho a; ti. x sono of the hard labor by adopting improved methods Gall and :lee nutehtne in operation, I,;; mre .:,a