Zurich Herald, 1915-06-11, Page 3i4e
LL i7
"Aearric.', St/induct 4 Cyclic Marino Mao," -..-
e Cycle. 4 Cylinder t2 lo H.P, eil,he.t 0ui..
I(0. Shoot 71gri�('Pn� d VIbr,,I,, 05,4001,
coo the acct M0000 C.r 01 eta, erd em0ly
eeonemI,,l on CI odd e'e sof the 00 0.
me,t by oV.r 60 per Oehl. 01 the 1.ne
leedlnpho.t bultdero Cet.lo, oh ennead.
1490 to RIM
on equipment.
MATH FS, co. De71,1 '
10 1.^It 12
d M�•
Young Folks
Fairy . Twinkle -toes' Wish,
He Meant Every
Word He Spoke
Liglltfl fox' tattle ll`ields.
Aocord'ing to the. Army and Navy
Journal, searchlights tare far ob-
vious reasons kept dark until the
field artillery has .ceased firing :ami
the enemy is charging: To Mamie -
ate, a field ovox which the ewtelny, "Fox years I was thin and delicate,
is to advance, star bombs and I lost color and was easily' tired; a
`'`] don't betliee it's true!" yollovi� pallor, pimples and blotches on
Ile I1[zutl Sore I3aciz lint Otl.etr flares are also Used, l+lanes, wlliell my Taco ware not only mortifying to
Little fairy Twinkletoles gave. a q m ul Y + are anterely modified fireworks, are my ieetings, but because I thought m
isalvery laugh as she spoke. "I y Tlta s of Iiidalcy Disease and l,e the fpmiliax red, white and skin ;would never look nice a cin T
don't either !" one of the other Gat Real Benefit from Dodd's blue lights used in Fourth of Tui g
X11137 brow del gndent. Then my appetite
fairies replied. "Not once have 1 Kidney Mlle. celebrations to illuminate stneets, railed. I grew very weak. Various
known 'anybody's wish to come
and parks. Sappers go out in remedies, pills, tonics and tablets T
true the same day!" S'ixty ,Nine Coznems, Ont.; June front of the breaches flames, tried without permanent benefit. A
7 (Spe'cial).••--`-`I am recommending nes s with fin el e visit to in sister put into my hands
g which are thea, Connected with the 4, box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She
Dpdd's Kidney Pills as dile best of headquarters of the officers in coma- placed reliance upon them and no
1VIedlieines.". The speaker was. Mr, xrJand of the first line,, who by set- that they have madew
J. A. Hill, a well-known resident me a well woman
of this ting (hemi off at Intervale tihraugli- 1 would not be without them whatever
pilulae, and l e.deft no doubt out the night can keep the battle they might cost. I found Dr. Hamii-
in the minds of his hearers that he front continually lighted. Star tous •Pills by their mild yet searching
meant every word he said. bombs are also .adaptations of anod action very suitable -.to the delicate
"Some time ago," Mr. Hili con- ei-n fireworks. They are shot from never on of a woman's nature. They
tinneld•, I had a very sore back. •ortars into the sky,where for -never once gripedty.me,yet they grew
It started from a cold and 1 suf- krent . miles theywall give off an lisped' regularity. My appetite grew
fared for six months with , it. I yover Been -nay blood red and pure—heavy
intense light ,a, wide ,circle of rings"under my eyes disappeared and
also had stiffness in my joints and the surrounding country. Before today my skin is as clear and, un-
cramps in my musclets and I felt one bomb dies out another is shot wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr.
'heavy and sleepy latter meals. My into the air. A kind of. star borab, Hamilton's Pills did it all,"
appetite was fitful and my limbs spoil into the sky like an .ordinary The above straightforward letter
were heavy. 'Tlhem I decided to try
Dodd's Kidney Pills. I took four rocket is used by :both armies far from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well
signalling at night. known miller in Rogersville, is proof
boxes and received great benefit sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are
from them. That's why I recant:- a a wonderful woman's medicine. ,Use
mend Dodd's Kidney Pills." Not Unanimous. no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25o.
Every one of Mr. Hill's synlp- Hix — Women are suspicious per box. All dealers or The Catarrh-
tomeshowed that his trouble was creatuir•ee 1 ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario.
of the Kidneys. Mart is why he got Wix—My experience is to the 1�.
such benefit from Dodd's Kidney contrary. For instance, there's 24-H
Pills. They are no cure all, but my wife, she's a women and trusts OURSYSi'E1Fi.:
they •clo cure sick Kiidneyis, and the mea while my grocer, who is a man,
Kidneys are the keystone of health. doesn't • Paper Dials Were Issued in 1886
Napkin Envelopes. THE BEST MEDICINE By the ;eCearl
Envelopes are used instead of NI: A souvenir of the early days of
rings in•some of the pen-
napkin- FOR LITTLE ONES the' C.P.E., in the shape of one of'
cions' of Europe. the original watch dials which the
Thousands of mothers say Baby's company got out when it introduced
White or colored or a. pretty
flowered crepe paper of a heavy Own Tablets are the onily medicine 24 o'clock time in the West, is in
quality is doubled; then cut intothey would give their little ones. possession of one of the officials.
pieces eleven by sixteen inches, one Among them is Mrs. Howard Hod In 1886 the company determim
end rounded at the corners. All Sins,' St. Catharines, Ont., who ed to introduce the 24-hour
-arownd the edge, receives a double says ; "I am a user of Baby's Own saatesn on the western divisions;
row of machd e stitching and the Tablets and think them the best and'to give eanphasis to the
inedieine in the world for little .new departure, and, at the same
gaper thein is folded in three, so'ones." Omoe a mother has used time, help the memory of all con -
the the rounded end is a trifle the. Tablets .she will' use no. ether eetrn:ed it issued
shorter than' the other part. Thepaper dials witlh
short end forms the flap of the en- medicine because cube feels the Tab- the whole 24 'hou'rs completing the
vsieStith at bleothbyends On other
part. lets he flap they are absolutely to bani;shda allows the watches of the employees, which were to be n on the
to fermi-
paste a bit'of white paper one by Th yare
l a sold by edacnneilements of edealers This. settti g upofthe e
new od.
three e inches, on which to write the or by mail at 25 genas a box' from standard was deemed, ,at, the time,
The napkin when folded fits The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., a radioed innovation, ealculated to
meetly into this envelope , case. Brockville,• Ont. disturb the all conservative and
These cases are being used in pen- timid creatures who dreaded
signsall over Europe, a fresh one Among the new .summer' fabrics change. A certain ,sensation was
being given to each persosi•res soon is a cotton material known as produced at• tlhe time; it passed;
as the old one is soiled. In various "Joffre," while 'the .new colors in- the business went on its way; the
colors they also give & pretty touch ;elude ''ha ttleship grey" .'and "Pet- western employees became ac-
to -the home table, rograd blue." quainted with the new time stand-
+ arc, and aocepted it as a, matter of
Ar`le"" Granulated Ekends . eourse; but the sight of one: of the
Eyes inflamed by expo- old dial• plates, which everybody
sure to Sun, Dust and Wind was showing as a euriolsaty in 1886,
Ees gyicklyrelyevedbyMurine as something which was going to
�% E eRemed :No Smarting, revolutionize the common life of
just Eye Comfort. At dile people, recalls the eagerness of
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye the company to arrest the atten-
tialveinTubee25c. Fore 4.erred CO.,Creeask..tion, though, of course, the change
Druggists or Marine Eye$I:medy Co., Chicago was advantageous in itself.
How a Siek Woina
Can Regain Health
"Oh, but then don't forget what
the legend says," another . fairy
broke in. "It says that it happen-
ed only ones in a hundred years.
And nobody knows when the last
time was."
Weld, anyway, here we are 1"
cried Fairy Twinkletoes. "Now,
then, off you go, one by one—and
With a laugh and a rustle of their
gossamer gowns the fairies tripped
forward one gat a time and bent
over the 'Wishing Well, As they
wished they each easta white pearl
• into the water.
Last of all oaane Fairy Twinkle -
toes. Her eyes were sparkling with
laughter, and (she seemed to be en-
joying a little joke of her own ia11;
by 'herself. When she has cast in
her pearl and wished she ran buck
to the others, and they all turned
towards the Fairy Palace.'
"Gracious me ! I've got such a
funny sensation in my legs. They
are stretching!" cried Fairy .Blue-
"Nonsense!" cried Fairy Croons.
"Why, whatever's happening.",
Fairy Crocus stared at Fairy
Bluebell. "You're—shooting up—
just likethe flowers in the spring!"
Elbe gasped.
"What about yourself 1 And
Snowdrop -- and Crocus — and -
look ! look ! look ! we're' a,1l doing
"O11, and look at my feet !" gasp-
ed Fairy. Twinkletoes. "1 never
thought of that !"
Everyone was so aJstonis(hed that
they took no notice of the last part
of Fairy liwinkletoeis' 'speech.
"Lnd my hands! They are
glowing as big as a giant's!" wail-
ed Fairy Web weaver. "I shall
never be able to spin any more
gossamer veils!"
"And my 'shoulders1" wailed
Fairy Slight. "What will Dame
Spring say when she finds I can't
get down the flower -stalks?"
The fairies sat down and heavy
tears began to drop from their
"Look here," said one of the
Flower Fairies at last, "I believe She 'Wasn't Sore.
this means that one or other of us A famous baseball player has a
must have wished just now that we younger sister who is very proud
could grow into giants." of him, although she is not very
"Then do you think, 'whispered familiar with the game. Having
Fairy W'ebweaver in a seared voice, spoken of him one day to a visitor.
"that we ,shall,thav'e to stay like she was asked by the latter what
this for a hundred years --till aurae position her brother played.
one unwlisllies it?"
"Why," she stammered, "I—I'm
it,"1 don't see anything else for not sure, but I think he's a bat -
"I wonder if anyone did wisih les.
it I",14
There was' a long ,silence. Then GET POWER
suddenly a tearful little voice said, Serajevo, the unknown Bosnian
Serajevo, Capital of Bosnia, Losing
Oriental Character.
."Yes, I <did. Only I never, never The Supply Comes From Food. town where the spark ignited that
dreamt it would coaxte truer - Haire get power frown food, why gamed forth into the greatest war of
All the other fairies turned not ,strive to get all the power we the ages, is described by the National
Geographic Society as one of the
round and stared reproachfully at elan. That is•.only possible by se-
Fairy Twinkletoes, who had spoke.. reeling food that exactly fits the beauty spots of the Balkans. It was
en. requirements of the body.the scene of the assassination of the
Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir -
The Wizard • Greybeard'- toiled "Not .knowing how .to ;aeteot the apparent to the thrones. of Austria and
wearily along his way. right food to fit my needs, 1 suf- Hungary, and his wife the Duchess
"Apt I'm a very odd. man now," fend grievously for a long time• of.Hohenberg. •
he muttered to himself, "butI from stomaclh,trouble," writes a Serajevo is built upon the river Mil
Must go 'f o the Wishing Well. This lady from a, little Welsteifn town. jacka, a small tributary of the Bosnia,
will be my thousandth visit." "It seemed as if I would never and spreads over both slopes of the
As he approached thee`fairies who` be ableta find out 'the sort of food narrow valley 'end
the- rugged. 'hills.
looked like ..giants Fairy Twinkle- ,that was blest for me. Hardly any- Partly oriental `and wholly set in the
reen end eald of its and,
toes' eyes'' -brightened. ' thing that 1 could eat would stay o'ti neighbor ng well -wooded hillls,n Sera:
Oh, Wizard ! she cried. Help my stomach. Every attempt gave jevo is frequently called "The Demes-
ne 1" me heart -burn and filled my sto cif of the North." The city lies 122
Then she told (him of what hadmach with gas. I got thinner and miles southwest cf Belgrade. With
happened and how it was all her thinner until 1 literally' became a a growing population of 50,000 and a
own fault, living skeleton and in time wasthriving commerce and industry, Sera-
"Ye,e, I clan help you," he said. compelled to keep to my bed. jevo has been fast losingits eastern
"The legend says that whoever "A few months ago 1 was per- character, reconstructing the old, Turk -
comes faithfully to the well tfo.r the suaded to . try Grape -Nuts food, ish city to conform to the purposes' of
thousandth time earn have any wish and it had ,such good effeot. from Western progress,
granted stiffly he hobbled the very beginning that -1 kept up Its large bazaar is a favorite mar,
Rising Iled over to its.use. I was surprised at the ease kat place for the peasants of the whole
the weld. Presently he turned with,which I digested it. It proved province, while its commission houses
away. Joy shone on the fairies' to be just what I nlele.dled, conduct the exchange of Bosnian ag-
"All m ricultural and mineral products with
faces, for (they were all shrinking to y unpleasant ,syrilplib�mis, the manufactories of other parts of the
their usual size, the ,headt-burn, the inflated feeling empire. It has potteries, silk mills,
"Oh, thank you, thank . you!" which gave sole so much paint, dis- a tobacco factory and a large individ-
they cried, as they tripped forward. appeared. My weigtht gradually ual, or house industry, which produces
The Wizard gave a wise simile, increased from 98 to 116 lbs,, my fine embroideries, rugs, embossed and
"It is one of the privileges of the figure rounded out, my strength filigree work.
old," be said, "to be able to herlp, came back, and 1 awn now sable to Yj.
oun �. and foolish out of their Grapedo my (did b k and enjoy at. Alaska was bought by the United
diStates from Russia for $7,200,000.
a A ten days triad will, show any-
one some facts ,about food,
Felt Ile Must Say Something. Name given by Canadian Posture There are some guests who . ,1-
Callers were at the door ` and Co,, Windsor, Ont: Read, "The most pay for the hospitality. they
Bobbie was told to elbow them into Eoad to Welllville," in pkgs. receive by the pleasure they give
the parlor, He did so, and while "There's a Reason," their hosts by going.
his mothee be sat there was ihefixing embarrassed. herself oneer? A now
Vg appears from and fer road aso above ault time. usmoy Among the tegimnemtal trophies
Presently, seeing the 'visitors interest. _ of the Lanects<hire Fusiliers a
glancing around the room, he said : Life of. Marlborough presented to
"Well, what do you think of our. If, when people are charged with the regiment by Napoleon when
ed,uff, anyway v' ,If,
faults they were eredited they were guarding him in St,
with their good intentions, there Reload,.
And many a pian who is capable would be more satisfactory neigh -
of giving good advice isn't capably, lois in the w'o1iHd llifinard'tl Liniment?�untberruanys ieriend
of earning his ;salt.
Resp neitihrd's Liniment la tho Ilona
8 re Painless
No cutting, no plas-
ters or pads to press
the sore spot.
Putnam's Extractor
makes the corn go
without pain, Takes
out the sting overnight. Never fails
—leaves no scar. Get a 25c. bottle of
Putnam's Corn Extractor to -day,
The object.: of- the National Ser-
vice League,`' founded in 1902, is to
promote ,thanemovement for compul-
sory military' service in Great
Britain: ,•
IKtuard's 1Giniuten• , •' used by - Physicians..
good standing in every neighbor-
hood of Ontario ,and Quebec -Provinces, to
obtain dist- of reliable people mho are in.
terested In ,saving'' money during theso
war times on-urch.ases of staple mer•
ohandiee selected from illustrated cata-
logue of established Montreal Depart,.
mental Store. To the right persons 'rue
offer attractive remuneration. Write im-
mediatel'v giving name, residence, exper.
fence, 'with references. Character is of
more importance than experience, Ad.
dress P. O. Box 441, Montreal.
If you have the consciousness of
genius, do something to show it, The
world is pretty quick, nowadays, ' to
catch. the flavor of true originality;
if you write anything remarkable the
magazines and newspapers will find
you out, as the schoolboys find out
where the ripe apples and pears are,
Produce anything 'realy good and an
intelligent editor will jump at ft.
Don't flatter yourself that any article
of yours is rejected because you are
unknown'. to fame, Nothing pleases
an editor more than to get anything,
worth having from a new hand.
There is always a. dearth of really
ffne articles "for a first-rate journal;
for, of a hundred pieces received,
ninety are at or below the: sea -level;
some leave water enough, but no head;
some head enough, but no water; only
two or three are fro'm full reservoirs,
high up that hill which. is so hard to
At the Yarmouth Y.M.O.A. Boys' Crump,
held at Tueket Falls in August, I found
MINARD'S LINIMENT . most Ibene&aial
for sun burn. an immediate relief' for
collo and toothache.
General Sec'y.
At Any Vaudeville.
"Why do these pipers keep walk-'
ing up and down while they are
"Because it makes them harder
to 'hit."
Ask for, M nard's and take no other.
The official reporter in the
House of, -Lords receives $2,500 a
Sold. b.
� �..Oe dealersl'
cnilyeve ylanermher 'r1,efsmily .
mesa' waziga er isr,Aa.'. 't• - ....ted..
The best bed for a child is one
of chopned straw in a strong un-
bleached cover, It is healthy,
springy. and cheap.
lOntinspeetedfor seed. Only limited. Government
Price, One Dollar per bushel f.o.b. Bram
tOn. ' Also .Connoisseur's Pride and New
Snow, two excellent new potatoes. Pride,
Two Dollare per bushel. Special pr see
for large quantity. Cash must aecom.-
pony all orders. 11 W. Dawson, Brame. '
8cee 1or sale in good Ontario towns.
The most useful and interesting of . ell
bueineseee. Full information on applies,
tion to Wilson Publishing Company, 73 .
West Adelaide St.. Toronto.
Beautifier. Price 25c. Viodora Com.
many, Orillia. ,
V internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment, Write
us before too late. Dr. Bauman Medical
Co.. Limited, Collingwood, Ont,
titlitiMP. tit
"Omerstern" V Bottom $55
Motor ;goat moliq
Freight Prepaid to any Railway Station in,
Ontario. Length 15 Ft., Beam 3 Ft. •9 In.,,.
Depth 1 Ft, 6 In. ANY MOTOR FITS.
't peciltcatlon No. 2B giving, engine prices on request. Get our quotations
On—"The Penetang Line" Commneroial and Pleasure Launches, Row;
boats and Canoes.
ON' T swelter over a hot range this .summer. The
NEW PERFECTION Oil Cookstove keeps
your kitchen cool and clean and does away with all the
ash -pan, coalehod drudgery of the coal range.
THE NEW PERFECTION lights like gas, regulates^like gas,'
and cooks like gas. It is gas stove comfort with kerosene oil.
NEW PERFECTIONS are sold in 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes by
dealers everywhere. If your dealer cannot supply you, write us
01JG1 CAN. ,u
Olt 11
`R�.. it
:a.sk for boats with
this Trade mark.
Peterborough Canoes
VOlttvgas/calf'/or This trade mark on ;.a
f i9 7/wcfe ar Peterborough Canoe is
the 8ow - your assurance of the
highest ttorltitanship and the
into canoenosr thatsr,c can
tor easy paddling, strength
and safety.
In painted' liasewood, Cedar
Iilb, Cedar Strip and Canvas
oeveredTcrrCatalogue. uaThe sPeterb for
canoe Co., 'Limited, kilter•
borough, Canada.