HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-06-04, Page 8Prints and Gingirnms The new Prints and Gingbarns have arrived and we have a large assortment of colors farad patterns to choose from. We also have the famous steel clad C ailaatea, an extra long wearing cloth. suitable .:or °hitclrens' d,esees, suits and ladies house dresses. New Curtain Goods Our range of curtains an 1 curtain materials is now oornplete Should you require anything in the line of draperies, curtains, blinds, etc, •J)o net fail to eall and see our lines before pur- chasing elsewhere, Wall Papers New Wall Papers now to hand, in a large variety of new up to• date designs at prices that .will interest you. Walsooarca FI)1n3far.rtsliiuga,suc'1 as Linoleums, Floor Oil Cloths, Maga, Carpets, etc. No trouble to show goods at any time even if you are not' just ready to buy. We would be pleased to have you come and seeall our new linos of seasonehis goods. SEED CORN We have a large stock of the following varieties: Wisconsin No. 7, Improved Learning andWhite Cap Yellow Dent. Fresh Groceries always on hand. Produce taken in exchange RUBY and7 GASOHO FS is .Millinery Openings We beg to announce to the Ladies of Dashwood and vicinity that we have added a Millinery Department to our business. Our Spring Opening in charge of Miss Crawford will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday March 23rd and 24th and following days. You are cordially invited. C. KELLERMAN & SON LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter $0.22 Eggs............ .. 20 Dried Apples 05 Potatoes 30 Wheat $1.30 $L35 Oats... . . ..... . . 55 55 .Barley . ,..:.. 65 65. Buck wheat 70. Flour 3.75 4.� $28.0025 Bra► Shorts Low Grade Live Hogs kb Hensall 30.00 38.00 9.15 Local News. Mr John Thiel spent a few days in Toronto this week. We clearing the balance of our Art Cut. Glassware below cost. F. W. Hess & Co.. For sale— Two good fresmilking m g cows, and two calves. Apply to John Galster, Zurich. Mr J. Hey, Jr., is having a large silo erected on his farm. Mr A. Fost- er has the contract. Mr P. Lamont was called to London Sunday, owing to the serious illness of his brother, Mr James Lamont. Any parties found trespassing on the pasture field which I have rented from Mr H. Weseloh, will be prosecut- ed according to law. Andrew Theil. Nearly 2,000,000 De Laval cream separators now in -use. This is posit- ive proof that itis the best made. See and try one before buying a separator., L. Prang, agent, Zurich. •o -S a",7, � wN.�T,.4,4 =,e,.* ° ET Ji See Our New Flashlights New Neat and SaTe Fine Stock of Jewellery Just Arrived. F. W. Riess & eo. 4r:r:i.. l.L:+ o:w�!,nM`r. i2rr�...tr•.'°sy^v,.ik�:.r.ter:*�''ti..rrLr-r�rr'vo� :s3r .ti° e4; rti FLOUR, FEED & SEED STORE Having purchased the business lately conducted by I, Hudson, I beg to notify the public that 1 have a complete stock of Flour: FIVE ROSES, MILVERTON, ROYAL, HOUSEHOLD and EXETER BRANDS. Also Feed of all kinds. All • kinds of Field and, Garden Seeds Groceries, Salt, Stock Foods, Etc., Etc. Eggs taken in exchange for goods George McBride Telephone 23 COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lac;>aw anna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All sizes ALF. SCRUTON Hensall. G. IIOI.LTZ111'•A1N Insurance Agent Zurich Ont High Grade Copper and Aluminum 'Lightning. Goin ductorsr' Am very busy, .please :hand in your orders early, as I do the work myself, Prices right on, easy terms. FERTILIZER __ I have a carload of Per tilizer on hand Parties wishing to buy some in any quantity can secure it from me at any time at my farm. Have all kinc's, on hand, ranging from $10 to $40 per ton, JOHN HEY Jr. Agent for Canadian' Fertilizer Co. BEST BY TEST Mr Lambert Klopp, of the Lutheran. Seminary, Waterloo, is spending his holidays at his home here. He was successful in passinghis lst year examinations at the college. Next Sunday afternoon will be ob- served as Memorial Day by the con- gregation of the Evangelical church. Special services will be conducted at the Bronson Line cemetery at 2.30 in the afternoon by Rev. G. F. Brown. Don't stand around onstreet corn- ers and growl at the weather, but milk your cows, or in other termsdo what:. your hands may find to do. You will fare much better, be healthier and more ,contented and have far greater possibilities of becoming a millionare doing something for small pay than doing. nothing and squandering the little you have got. PRACTICE SHOOT A. few of the local shooters held .a practice shoot at the fair grounds on Monday evening when the following high scores were made out of a possible ten:. W G Hese 10; C Fritz 9; W O'Brien 8; F W Hess 7 and J Webb of London 7. HOUSE FOR SALE. Fine 12 roomed brick dwelling, newly built, for sale, situated in Zurich Furnace and modern improvements are installed. Good new stable on premises and one-half acre of land. Will be sold at reasonable pride. For particulars apply to W H Bender, 7 i: rh. LUTHERAN SYNOD Berlin, May 27. ----The fifty-fourth annual conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Canada opened. in St Matthew's Lutheran Church here this morning with a representative 'at- tendance of clergy and laymen. Rev E Hoffman, D D, Torontn, president,. delivered the annual synod report, showing grrtifyingprogress. Three new churches in Berlin, Elmira and Han- over were dedicated, Officers for the ensuing year are: President, Rev E Hoffman, Toronto; secretary, Rev H L Henkle, Brant Township; Rev E Balm, Wellesley. This -evening a laymen's missionary meeting was held at which addresses were delivered by Rev J A M Kirsch, Rochester, the delegate from the New York Synod, and Louis Peine, New Hamburg. HAY COUNCIL COURT OF REVISION The council met as a Court of Rev- ision of the 1915 Assessment roll on Saturday forenoon,`' The appeal of Charles Greb against his assessment was not sustained. , A number of chan- ges wsreinade in the dog ,tax.. A large number of changes were made where the property had changed hands since the assessor was on his rounds. The roll, as revised, was then adopt- ed. COUNCIL MEETING Thecouncil met in the afternoon in its regular monthly session, when the following business was transacted. The trustees of the Village of Zurich were granted a credit of $600.00 to be paid back when the taxes are collected, and the treasurer was authorized to advance the amount. The following were appointed com- missioners for the Centre Road. Division 1, Frank Mousseau; No 2. John Hey, Sr; Nn 3. James Sopha. The following accounts were passed; E. Theil, teaming $8.20; Geo. Thiel,: teaming $6; G. T. R. freight $8.05; Bell Telephone Co. April L. D. ' tolls $35.05; Can. Ind. Tel. Co., supplies $118,27; Crawford Cedar Co., carload poles, $199.79. C. Eilber, grading, $66.75; G. T. R., freight on poles, freight and duty on poles, 69.76; E. Deters, cleaning ditch, con. 2,'$14.85. 0, Deters, grading, $1.25. Jacob Ortwein, telephone poles, $11. The council will meet again on Sats urday, July 8rd, at 2 o'clock. F. Hess, Sr., Clerk The Army Worm The Army worm probable above all other kinds of insects which increase in enormous numbers periodically, causes wide spread anxiety among farmers when it appears suddenly in a locality, and in a very short time completely destroys fields of oat and other grains. The Entomological Branch of the Department of Agriculture has just issued Bulletin No 9, on. The Army-' worm, prepared by Mr Arthur Gibson, Chief Assistant Entomologist, who has charge of investigations on insects affecting field crops. In this publicati- on of 84 pages a full description is given of the remarkable outbreak was the most seyere of any which moored in Canada, and the damage caused is estimated :at $800,000, five -sixths of WRECK ON L. H: & B. '. The passenger train which passed through Hensall at 8.11 a. i1,, on Monday, struck a broken rail near tlderton and the entire train of five cars was thrown from the track, and four of them ditched in a ravine at the side of the track. The front baggage car was thrown across the track and the engine at right angles to the track. Passengers, about half of whom. were women, showed the greatest presence of mind when the coaches ground over the ties and left the track. Most of the women refused to leave the train without their baggage. The train crew escaped unhurt, Sixteen persons were injured, among whom the :following are known in this vicin- ity." Percy Wiggins, Hensall, shaken up and bruised. Henry Eilber, M, P. P., Crediton, possible fracture of rib. Miss Clara Schrekenberg, Detroit, Mich., slight injuries. 3, 3. Tilley, Exeter, head bruised, Miss Esther Moore, IIe►isall, shaken up, back hurt W. 3; 1VIallet, owner of hotel, Ilensan. internal injuries. W. II. Bender, proprietor Commercial hotel, Exeter, gash in head and leg. ,More Time For This uaIThs..,tThis r} 4 Burn Oil or Gasoline The above recreations will be yours by using a labor saving cook stove.' The Detroit. Vaper stove works just like a gas stove simply light the burners and put cooking on at once. It is cheaper to cook with than wood or coal. . Sen styles to select from costing from $10.00 up. Come to see them. We also. sell New Perfection and: Florence Oil Stoves G. IIARTLEIS, PHOT E 13 ZURICH HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION 'STORE Aa 'Unusually Attractive display of Smart Waists For Spring and Summer We earnestly ask your inspection. To see them is to want one or more. Reasonably priced. Now is the time for New Linoleuns, Oil Cloths and Curtains during house cleaningtime Note these 1 Child's Suitings Special Suiting for childs wear in Prices plain colors at 150 a yard, 1 Underwear :for 12i,c a yard' We have a large selection of ladies which took place in the province of Ontario. The yalue of the trenching method of control was amply demon- stated. No matter how- big the ad. vancing army of worms were, it was shown that crops could be saved from their ravages. In the bulletin the insect is described in all its stages. and methods of controlling it ars given. k full discussion is included on the life -history and habits of the worm,. its food plants, natural enemies, etc. The bulletin has 19 useful illustrations several of which show clearly the dig- ging of proper trenches and the results obtained in controlling the worms. Copies of this bulletin may be obtained free of charge on application to the Chief of publication's Branch, Depart- ment of Agriculture, Ottawa. En- quiries relating to injurious insects should should be addressed to the Dominion Entomologist, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. LOOK UP YOUR LABEL Take a look at the label this week We have corrected our subscription list up to " May 12 th and those who have paid their subscription account during the past several weeks should find that the correction of date has been made. If you find that the label does not read as ib should call at the office or write tts and we will see that the correction is made. And by the way, there are a few who have not had any change made in their label in same time. Those subscrip- tions should be paid at once. New American percale ;1 yd wide Organdie, Crepes, Muslins. Piques. children's and men's underwear in all colors, from 15o to 25c a yard for summer wear. Produce of all kinds wanted ji. ME EE Zurich ear 414 The Keystone one -wheel Tongue Truck Por Harvesti.ng.and Seeding Machinery The truck is guaranteed to give satisfaction. It is easy on the horses necks, a comfort to horses as well as the driver, A conven- ience that every farmer should have,for his implements. Let us show you sample, •Many now in use in• this section. LOUIS PRANG POWER WASHING MACHINES operated by GASOLENE In different sizes, 1, 2 and 3 tub just what you have been looking for. Why not save your wife or housekeeper;some 'of the hard labor by adopting improved methods Call and see mItchine in operation,