HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-06-04, Page 5THE CHURCHES EVAN. CHU>CH SERVICES. Sunday, German 11„00 a, en. Sunday School 9.45 " " is Junior Y, P. A, 1.00 `p, in. " (Service) English 7.00 " " " Teachers meeting 8.00 " " Mon„ Tri -Mn Brotherhood 8,00 " Tuesday, •Y, P. A. 8.15 44 44 Wednesday Player Meeting 8:00 " Friday Teachers Training it Class 7.80 choir practice 8,80 ", `t Ladies Aid meets 1st Monday each month at 7.80 p. In LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICES of. German, Sunday English Bible School 10.80 a. m. 7.80 p. Iir. 9.00 a. m. Men's Mis'n'ry 8 Tuesday 8.00 p, Luther League Friday 8.00 p. m. L AS 1st Weds'y of month 8.00 p, in. You are cordially invited to take an active part•in all these meetings and services. "Blessed are they that hear the ward of. .God,;.sad. keep in Luke. 11.2,8,: Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN •CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich DASIHWOOD SHOE STORE I havea large stock of all the latest and best in Mens' Ladies irud Children Shoes. Call and: ok over our lines before y..ctL .. ny elsewhere. We can save you money. Repairing Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. David Pfaff Dashwood - Ont LOCAL NEWS I 141, J Preeter is improving his resid- ence by the addition of a summer sloe ping poreb, Me Louis Prang bas improved the. appearance of his residence and ; his shop by a coat of paint. Mr N Kellerman and wife, and Miss Crawford, of Dashwood, visited relatives hero, Sunday.. Mrs McKinnon, of Caledon East, Ont., is visiting her son, Dr A J McKinnon, at present.. We have jest received a carload of of cedar fence posts. If you require any call at the factory. F C Kalbfl- eisch, Zurich. Mr A. Melick, and Miss s Ethel Willianisn,nd Anna Hess attended, the Sunday Sehoel Conventidn' held at Hensel' last Friday. Mr H Smith, who recently moved to Grand Bend, has rented the Holt hotel anclewill_:condnet.it as e simmer hotel during the season, Airs Al McCoranicic has improved the, appearance of herstore property by the erection of agalvanized Lemming and the addition of a coat of pant. I'ye licked a dozen stamps for, tele- grams I've sent; I licked and stuck one on the cheque with which I paid the rent. I licked a stamp to paste upon a note which I renewed, and then' I licked another one to make the mortgage good.-' I've licked these stamps to show that I respect my country's will, and now I'd like to lick the man who introddced the bill.". AfrFrank Weaver, voice specialist and concert pianist, of London, Ont., is visiting Zurich this week to form a class of pupils in voice culture and piano. ML \\'eager hes 'a first class reputation as a teacher and has large classes of pupils in Exeter, Galer•ich. Clinton and Winghana. Mr Weaver's veinal pupils are soloists in .various churches in Ontario. He will be in Zurich every Thtu.slay. For terns etc , app ly to A. F. Ffeee. It is the intention of the dairy ie spectors to enforce the regulations regarding the branding of butter this year. In brief those regulations' are as follows: .A11 wbey'bntter in pound prints Must be branded, whether it is sold to the patrons of the factory or to the public generally.. All whey butter packed in 56 Ib holes melt bo branded "whey butter." It is compnl- Sory that fanners offering dairy -but- ter for sale in pound prints; wrap the butter in parchment paper, and brand NiAssy., daily butter in letters at least k inch. long. Farmers must also have their ARRIS nwu name of their farm printed on the IMPLEMENTS. Binders, Mowers, all kinds of Cultivators. Discs and Fer- tilizer Drills, best and light- est made all steel. Manure Spreaders and all kinds of plows and repairs always in stock. Look at our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies, and Wagons before buying else- where. GRAY MOTOR ENGINES 14 H. P. $75; 21 H. P. $85; 4 H. P.$125; G H. P. $175; 8 H. P. $285; 12 H. P. $87.5; all warranted first class. At the old Stand: Squrtre Dealing Oa- Motto" F. Hess & Sona Wf'.Ji1: �y .�IV�ae1�7a.:�tyistOn��yntp�a �y .C1A~eC;f17F.L rl�bdt[�U.l.Sil� A. new shipment just i + of Bon Bons, Chocolates, etc. 'Ike best that money can bny A large vat reby of C00lic, Patriotic, Scenic,. e•o., Post. Cards, 1111 priCeS. We also have Lha Plag Gtotn; Spee,l'nhint,' E e., Leading Brands of Cigars. N eilson's Famous Ice Crean' McCORNilICK'S RESTAURANT DEA.TEI OF JAMES LAMONT Tames Lamont passed away at London on Monday in his 62nd year. Deceased hod been in failing health. for some time, and his death was not unexpected. Ho' lived for many years in the state of Wt>~,'lington, returning to Ontario ebouta year ago. The re- mains were brought to the home of his mother, Mrs James E ler,, Varna, and the funeral held on Wednesday, inter• ment taking place in the Bayfield cemetery. "Rough on Rats" clears out Rats, Mice, etc. Don't Die in the Rouse. 15e. and 25c. at Drug and Country Stores. The Western Fair London, Ontario The Western Fair, London's popul- ar Agr.•icultrual Exhibition will beheld this year from September 10th to letth, It is considered by the management that this year, above all other's, should be the one when extra effort:: must be put forth to make the Exhitition a. great success; therefore with ,.1,5istt>,n ce given by the Gemini slit tee no ten of Directors have decided to m rice tt. cash additio•t to bbil prize list of $3,000. Gool as it waft b fore, this wilt cored n ly make London's prize list cry N,t tractive. The list, is now in the hands of the printer end will scan be ready f,n (list rib» Lion . Thousands of. advertising 1n'Lp, anti ]rangers have been, Sent throughout . the comet -re, ,hiring Ihn past week amounting 111e elates, an 1 arr,t,ngaluente are being ,lade'. as quickly 'as possible to a,rsnre Exhibitors and visitors alil(e, that this ,year's Exlt.ibitioll will be the best ever' held at r.13.tar1o11. Aiey information 1egarcing the Exhibition, will be gladly. given ran application to the Sec reisry, A )d thla, Imam), t), Ont. BO1 N. 3e11—In Hay .township, Zurich Road to Mr and Mrs Wm. Bell, a son, Dioh—In Hay township, on Jane 2nd to 11Ir and Mrs GDiek, a daughter. Hildebrandt --In Zurich, oil May 28411 to Mr and Mrs L Hildebrandt,, aeon. Walper—In Stephen, on May 28th, 11 'r and Mrs Jacob Wainer a ann. gh ber. DIED Hoggarth—At Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on May 24th, B. On flogger th, of Hensel], aged 19 years. Ketchen—In Stanley on May 19tb John Ketchen, in his 85th year. Thompson—In Hay township, on May 24th, Samuel Thompson aged 81. years. Lamont -In London, on May 31st,. James Lamont, in his .02nd year. Notice to Creditors In tl.e matter of the ( state of Valentine Kochernsiof thee village of Zurich, County of Huron, Carpenter, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sbatuts in that behalf that all creditors. and others having claims against the estate of the said Valentino Kochems who died on or about the 19th of February 1915, are required on or before the 21st. clay of June 1915, to send by post preraid or deliver to Wendel Smith, li R. No. 2,. Zurich, Ont., Administrator of the estate= of said deceased or to Messrs. Gladman k. Stanbury; of the village of Exeter, Solici- tors for the said administrator, their ehristain and surnames addresses and de- scriptions the full particulars of their claims the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by them. And further take notice that . after such last mentioned date the said Admini- strator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the nclrinistrator will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whpae claims' notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. •' Wendel Smith A(11nir.i traitor, Gladman and Stanbary, S +! citors for Administrator. 1) t,ted a•' . xeter this 2nd day :ofJune 1915. Z irich Meat MARKET DEALERS IN, Fresh and Salt Meats. Bologna Sausage,, etc CASH „FOR S1i1NS Rc JHIDES' Ti ugbiut & Beichert i HORSEMEN! Classitied. Ads LEGAL CARDS. ett0111R00T, K11.].0RAN, & PROUD. FOO',. Barristers, Solicitor., Notariel Public &c. ' Office, on the .Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. floderiob. Private funds to loan at lowo4 t rites Pxor.vrome, X . C. J. L. 111LL0aAXV.. W. PnovrroQT, Ja. MEDICAL CARDS 1111B, A. J. MacIKINNON late House Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Alanllattan Maternity hospital N. Y. city. Late of• the House Staff, New York Palyclinio Medical School and Hospital, Drug More in connection. Office; Zurich, Ont. COUNTER Che Books For General Stores E are selling agents for Appleford's 11 popular countE,r check books. Our Prices are the same as city travellers . charge you for i hem Let us know your wants and we will cheerfully ;`shove you samples and quote prices. Herald Printing Co, Phone30 ASK FOR BUSINESS NLY one's ,lost intimate friends go to one's hone uninvited, and the extent of one's calling list is determined by t.te number of one's calls, step to%n,1ils gating ta+i.l' („ as customer+, a 11:1++e<]tlfii n 111,1YCt+s etlu 1110813 srrely be developed by invitations or calls made through the medium of advertisements in the 'Zurich Timid' In 1 usiness the same facts Bold. Ev t me ha t in Zurich knows scores of fen ilio, 1 ere and in the country round tubo,' . "'1+ se custom he does not 7' s (_" Muhl 1. acquaintance is lite first To the Merchants of Zurich S -0'.v si o 1p.siness by ; sking for it A merchant eller does n tt .: k f r business is p,► -d not to ', ant ( usine s ‘.ery keenly. -Mc re You Are. Invited to Bhoj Get your route ' bills for 1915 printed at the Herald Jffice. Prices reasonable. THE HERALD L UBBIND LST FOR 1915 herald and Daily.Globe.. $8' 5 " " Weekly Globe 1 75 " Daily Mail and Em- pi re 8 75 `< \Neely 117tril and . B1'1101'e 175 Toronto Daily Star 2 85 " Daily News 2 85 it Weekly. Star1 75 London Free Press lltorning Edition—. 8.50. Evening Edition2 90 Weekly Ecl'rtion1 '85 London. Advertiser Edition.— . -Morning -Morningt290 Evening Edition.— 2 90 Weekly Edition1 75 tt tt 'airtw tC Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers Advocate2 40 • Mon tree' Pam ily Serald and Weekly t ar .. 1 13:3:; 'Weekly Montreal Witatese 18g CC it tt tt et CC u iC ti CC tt 'Ct 't 1®erg® EINERWMIDMIE . v Handy� R�4j s for SpIc r 11 3 S a 'a vales Of course, you are going to "Paint Up" this spring. There's the bedroom, parlor or dining room wall to be re -finished. There are Floors to be painted, stained, varnished or waxed. There's the Oil Cloth or Linoleum to be made Spic and Span. There's the Furniture and Woodwork to be brightened.) Here are six SPIC AND SPAN" FINISHES that_we can freely recommend for this work "NEU-TONE" Flat Tints for the walls: "WOOD LAC" Varnish Stains "M.ARBLE-1'I'E" Floor Varnish "LIQUID WAX", for hardwood floors "SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT". the old reliable "VARNOLEUM", to beautify and preserve Oil Cloth and Linoleum, We know that these Finishes are the best of their kind. They are "Made in Canada"—and we guarantee that you will be perfectly satisfied with the resultsyou get when you use any, or all, of them. Yon',ll soon be putting up Pickles and Preserves: You'll need labile for the jars. Come in and get a set of Fruit- Jar Labels—printed and gummed. We give them free to our. friends. "di Chas. Hartleib, Zurich, Ont. D. Tiextaan, Thashwrod, Ont. .✓r.�.! rr ..'.'fit.' .. ..:. ✓'