HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-06-04, Page 3131W1SIi WARSHIP IS SONI{
Like the Triumph, She . Was Submarined . While
Supporting Land Forces on Gallipoli Peninsular
A despatch from London says t
The British ;.battleship 1VIaj'e'stie,
()apt, H. F. G. Talbot, was torpe-
doed and sunk by an enemy sub-
marine while the battleship was
Oupporting "the allied land forces
On the Gallipoli Peninsula. Near-
13r all ;the officers and mien •were.
It is supposed that the submarine
that ,sank the Majestic was the
tn'e that sent the British battle
Trittmvph to the bottom on
Tuesday least.
The Majestic wads completed in
the year 1895, and was the oldest
- battleship on the active list of the
navy. She was one of nine vessels
known as the Majestic class. Hex
displacement was 14,000 tone,
length 390 feet, 'speed 17 knots, and
she carried four 12 -inch, twelve 6 -
inch and sixteen 12 -pounder guns
of old pattern, with five torpedo
tubes. Her nominal complement
wins 757 officers and 'mem. '
The :sicking of the Majestic is
said to have ocourred off Seddul
Bahr, at the southern point of the
Gallipoli Peninsula, This state-
ment is. made in a Constantinople
despatche received by way of Ber-
A despatch to the Mimes from its
Mud•ros correspondent says that
460 men of the crew of the battle-
ship Triumph, which was sunk
Tuesday in the Gulf .of Saros, were
saved. The officers and crew. on
board the Triumph in. peace times
numbered about 700 men.
Crew. of 250 and 78 Workers Perish
on Fortner O.P.R.. Boat
at Sheerness.
A despatch from London says:
The Prin•oess Irene, a British mine -
laying ship, was literally blown to
atoms with at least 326 .men aboard
as she lay at andhor in Sheerness
harbor Friday morning. The ex-
plosion apparently was internal,
its origin being marked by complete
mystery. Only one twain has sur-
vived, a stoker, named David Wills,
who was picked up badly injured.
It is understood that all but
three of her crew of 250. men were
aboard the steamer, as well as 78
dockyard xnen carrydng out repairs.
The Daily Mail asserts that in addi-
tion" to the 78 shipwrights there
were •on beard 100 workmen from
Chatham, as well as 240 inembers
of the crew, which would give a to-
til of 418 person's on the steamer
at the tib ne.- she wars blown up.
The disaster has immediately re-
• callled the fate of the British battle-
ship Bulwark, which was myster-
"ioiisly blown up on November 26
at pritetioally the identical spot in
which rested the Princess• Irene,.'_
with the lass of some 736 officers
and men. The destruction of the
Bulwark was never explained.
There were rumors at the time that
a German submarine had slipped
into Sheerness harbor and launched
a torpedo at the warship, 'subse-
quently stealing away without de-
tection. It has since seemed more
probable, however, that 'the But-
work was blown up by an internal
explosion—the inference being, of
course, that aspy accomplished the
The Princess Ireme, which is a
Canadian Pacific liner requisitioned
,by the Go.vernment,e was lying at
hear moorings, 70 yarcis. off Port -Vic-
toria, her decks, crowded with busy
workmen. The harbor *as filled
with vessels, of all descriptions.
Nothing of an extraordinary nature
had oocurred to arouse suspicion.
Flags of the Allies
Displayed in Paris
A despatch from'Varis says: The
flags of the European powers allied
against.. Germany—France, Italy,
Great Britain, Russia, Belgium and
Serbia—were, by order of the
French Government, displayed in
groups over many of • the public
buildings and anonuments of Paris.
Among the edifice's thus decorated'
are the residence of the President
of the republic, the Senate and the
Chamber of Deputies, and all the
It keeps lazy men busy putting
things off till to -morrow.
French Troops Win a Decided Suc-
cess in. the Region of
A despatch from Paris says
French troops have won decided
suooesseis in the region of Arras
lately, ,and have seemed possession
of a greater part of Ablaain. In
addition they have driven the Ger
mans from -their strongly fortified
positions in the Cemetery near
Ablain and have adviancedfor some
During this fighting, says the
.Wear Office report, the German
losses were very heavy. Nothing is
said as ' to the price in lives at
which the French made their pro-
gress. It will be remembered that
Carency was ooeupied .by the allied
troops several days ago, who were.
subsequently forced to retire by the
violence of the German counter-
O'therwis'e in this sector, where
the principal fighting of the last
few clia,ys has.ocourred, the French
have taken some of Sh,e German
trenches southwest of Sanchez at
A French aerial squadron, oom-
po.sied of 18 aeroplanes, each one
carrying 110 pounclis of projectiles,
bombarded a chemical factory at
Eizdwigshaf.•en, on the Rhine, oppo-
site Mannheim.
Fire broke out in several of the
factory buildings as a result of this
bombardment. This factory is one
of the most important manufactor-
ies of explosives in all Germany,
The French .aviato•re were in the air
for six hours, and covered- more
than 400 kilometres (240 miles).
This expedition against an impor-
tant German establishment was the
French reply to the attempts of
German aviators on the City of
Britain and Italy
Exchange Messages
A despatch from London says : It
was announced' officially that Pre-
mier Asquith had sent atelegram
to Premier' Saliandra of Italy ex-
pressing his pleasure that "the
long-standing relationship between
the two countries had ripened into
a more intimate relationship."
Premier Salalndra •responded with
the hope that "a long era of liberty
and peace may be opened in Eu-
rope „
Little Robert: "Ma, was Robin-
son Oru•so•e an acrobat 2"
Mother: "I don't know. Why ?"
Little Robert: "Weld, here it
reads that. ;after he had finished his
day's work he eat down on his
Enemy's Attack Was Paralyzed and He Was Forced
Into the Open and Suffered Heavy Losses
A despatch from London ,says:
"Canadian and Indian troops suc-
ee,ssfully repulsed at the point of
the bayonet a vigorous German at-
tack near Riehebaurg. Having de-
stroyed the
e-stroyed'the British wire defences by
nn;eans; of a terrific larbillery fire, the
cnezny launched.a'strong ,attackand
succeeded, despite severe losses suf-
fered in the open, in reaching' our
trenches here," says a Central
News message.
"They were met with an inferno
of rifle and machine gun fire before
which tilley wavered, then the Can-
adians and Xi:Ohmss leaped from the
trenches and abet the German re-
serves with the bayonet as the lat-
ter ewaranied up to 'strengthen the
thinned first line•. The oolonials,
fighting with terrific vigor, simply
paralyzed the ,abtask of the enemy,
who were pursued into the. open,
Our losses were heavy, but the de-
feat suffered by the Germans utas
severe both morally .and material-
ly, The progress made justifies the
belief that the German hold on the
region of La Basses will very soon
become .unteinablie` Bund necessitate•
a withdrawal to, a new line of de-
Men who will be the sailers of the Italian Forbes in the W ar for National Expansion.
Rapidity of Italian Advance Has
Paralyzed .the
A despatch - from London stays :
With ithe ocoupation of the town, of
Grads, on the Gulf . of Trieste, the
Italian front in the advance over
the eastern frontier into Austrian
territory, now 'forms a continuous
line of about 40 miles, stretching
from Caporetto, on the left flank,
to She sea. The farthest advance
into Austrian territory is at Mon-
falcone, on the railway to Trieste,
the Italians being' thus within ` 22
miles of that port.
The Daily Chronicle correspond-
ent says I hear that the Austrians
are in. full retreat along theWhole
of their defensive line, burning
houses, stores, orope and forage
and destroying roads and bridges,
in fact, laying waste entire pro-
The Italian forces which invaded
Tyrol from the south.ein frontier of
that region have advanced as fax
as the mouth of the Ohdeze River in
Lake Idro, occupying alPbhe rugged
terrain between the lake and Lake
Garda, to the east.. There have
been artillery engagemiemtis at the
Toin•ode Pass, where very strong
Austrian forts bar the progress of
the Italians, and on the 'Aistiago
plateau, on the eastern frontier of
Tyrol, toward which the _invaders
proce,eded up Val , Suaana.
Italia -n
gunboats on Lake Garda
gave effective 'support to the troops
operating on the eastern shore of
the lake, enabling then to noocupy
several 'strategic points around
Monte Baldo, of which an import
ant peak, Monte Altiissimo, 5,690
feet high, was captured yesterday.
The objective of these troops is
Mori, on the • railroad connecting
Riva and Arco.with Rovereto and
Trent, thus cutting off from the.
rear the Austrian garrison at Riva
and the Austrian forces at the
mouth of the Adige. •
To Secure Enrolinent of 200,00Q
Men Under 50 Years
of Age.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
The militia reserve of Canada is to
be organized and will be thus avail-
able as recruits for active service,
it has been announced. Details of
the plan are yet lacking. It is esti
mated that there are upwards of
200,000 men in 'Canada under 50
years of age who ,are connected
with or have been iconneoted with
the active militia. They will be,
to an extent not yet announced,
organized and will thus formi a
third line of defence, ready in case
of 'necessity.
Naturalized Baronet
Sails for. New York
A despatch from. London slays :
Sir Edgar Speyer, who ,reoently re-
signed ;his Privy. Oouncilorship on
account of criticism based on the
occupancy of such a position by a
native 'of Germany, sailed for New
York on the isteam,ship Philiade•1-
palia, IIs said he was going ,on,
short holiday.
Washington Instructs Navy Officers to Use Shells
if Any German Boat Attempts a Dash to the Sea
New York, May 30. Naval of-
ficers in New York City were in-
tensely interested in unexrypeeted
orders that came from Washington.
to' sink any German ship that at-
tempts to leave this harbor. The
orders were ;based, it was learned,
upon reports submitted to Govern-
ment officials at Washington that
in the event of hostilities between
this country and Germany an ef-
fort will be made at once to bottle
up New York harbor by sinking at
an advantageous spot in the Nar-
rows one or more of the big Ger-
man. steamships that have been
tied up at Hoboken piers since the
European war began.
It was also .admitted that the
same •orders regarding German
steamships .attempting to leave
the: port were transmitted to tha
commanders of all the forts that
guard New York City.
No effort was made yesterday in
responsible quarters to conceal the
fact 'that the reports •submitted
from these several sources main-
tained that there ;was a. real basis
for fear that Germany has decided
already upon a way to isolate New
York City, at least temporarily, in
the event of a ,break in relations
with the United' States. The state.
ment that the sinking of the Vater -
land, the largest steamship afloat,
and perhaps others of .the German
commercial fleet held here, to bar
passage through the Narrows
would (be embraced in the first
German effort has been believed in
Washington as a result of the veri-
fication. offered thy .the unusually
large corps of investigators. The
orders reoeived regarding the 0= -
dna of officers of (both army and
navy here could not be mistaken.
They were simply to sink any Ger-
man vessel that did not immediate-
ly respond to an order to stop.
Gerniaits Submarine American
Steamer That Carried No
A despatch from. London says;
The steamer Nebraskan, of the
American -Hawaiian Lin11, under
charter of the White Star Line, and
flying e U.S. flag, was torpedoed
by an unseen 'submarine 40 miles
south -by -west of South Cliff, which
is near Fastnet.
The Nebraskan was outbound
from Liverpool to Philadelphia,
which .robs the Germans of any
claim that the ship was • carryin.g
contraband into England. The ves-
sel received the torpedo in the for-
ward part of the ship about nine
o'clock at night. In these regions
Mathis time of the year it is still
light .at nine o'clock, but whether
the flag could be distinguished even
if flying is something which must, be
cleared' up later.
The Nebraskan had herr panne in
giant letters on both sides, haw -
ever, and being an American ship,
she doubtless carried her ship's
which vessels of belligerent
countries nowadays do not do,
which would suggest to a submar-
ine commander her innocence. Be-
sides that the vessel was in ballast,
and if it was clear enough for a
submarine to fire straight to the
mark it 'must have . ' been clear
enough to discern the ship riding
weal out of the water.
The torpedoing of the Nebraskan
arouses the intensest interest. It
was freely ,said that this was the
answer to the American note.
There zxre two Galicias in Europe.
One forms a part of Austria, while
the other is a province in Spain.
"Did you Bear about the terrible
fright Bobby got on the day of his
wedding V' "No ; but I was at the
church and saw her." in the trans-Atlantic trade.
Steamer I1Iorwenna Was in the
Passenger Trade on the St.
A •despatch from London says:
The Canadian steamer Morwenna
was torpedoed and shelled by a
German submarine off the Welsh
coast. One member of tier' crew was
killed. The others, including three
wounded, have been landed at Car-
diff by the Belgian trawler Jacque-
line. The Morwenna was bound
from Cardiff for Sydney, N.S., in
The Morwenna hailed from Mont-
real, and was owned by the Black
Diamond Line. Since early this
pear she has been under charter
to the Red Cross Line. She was
built at Dundee in- 1904, and be-
fore the war was a well-known pas-
senger boat on the St. Lawrence,
plying ±stween Montreal, Gulf
ports and Sb. John's, in the sum-
mer. She was 260 feet long and
commanded by Captain Holmes.
The members of the crew of the
Morwenna say that after the ves-
sel was torpedoed they lowered
their boats, one. of whish had not
entirely been freed from its tackle,
when a ,shell from the submarine
blew off the head of one of its
occupants and wounded three other
• The skipper of the Jaqueline says
when he usaw the submarine attack
the Morwenna he started the
Jaqueline full steam ahead, in-
tending to ram thei
5tlbnLal n•c. The
underwater boat, however, evaded
the 'tr.awler and fired many shells
at her, but all. of them misused their
The Danish steamer Betty, 1,207
net tons, was torpedoed and sunk
in the North Sea. Her crew was
rescued. The Betty was a freighter
Torpedoes a Transport in Harbor and Sinks Am.
F Hale Police Force I munition and Supply Ships in Sea of Marmora
+ el
Organized in Italy
A despatch from. Paris says : The
Romecorrespondent of the Temps
telegraphs that nearly 11,000 wo-
men have been enrolled in a,: female
police force ,authorized by the Ital-
ian Government,' These wonnen be-
long for the most part to the mid-
dle classes. Theywill undergo spe-
cial physical training and wear uni-
A despatch from London says:
"The submarine E-11,Lieut.-Com-
mender Martin - E. a u ith, has
sunk in the, Sea of IV,Larmto to a ves-
sed, cpntaininga great quantity of
alninunition, 'comprising •charges for
hevy howitzers; several gun
niountings and a six-inch gun, She
also chased a supply ship with a
heavy cargo of stores and torpe-
doed her alongside a pier at Ro-
dosto. A small store ship was also
chased -a and rlln' ashore.
"The submarine E-11 entered
Constantinople and discharged a
torpedo at a transport alongside
the arsenal. The torpedo was heard
to explode."
Toronto, June 1,— 1anito1a whe4t--No,
l Northern $1,61; No, 2, 91,58; No, 3,
$1,56, on track, lake ports,
Manitoba oats—No. 2 0,W„ 66 3-4- No.
3 C.W., 64 1 4o; extra No. 1 feed, 64 1-40;
No, 1 feed, 63 1-2o, on track, lake ports,
.A.merican corn—No. 2 yellow, 79 1-2c:, r Ji
track, /alto Torts.
Canadian corn—No, 2-yeiiow, 79e, Ira
traelt, Toronto.
Ontario oats --No, 2 white, 50 to 69c;, No,
3, 50 to 590, according to freights,
'Ontario wheat—No, 2 Winter, per coax
lot, 51.42 to 91.44, according to freights.
Pear—No. 2 •nominal, per earn Iota, $1.60
to 91.65, according to freights,
Barley—Good malting !barley, 73o• feed
barley, 65 to 70o, according to freights.
Rye --No. 2 nominal, 91.17 to 91,20, no.
cording to freights.
Manitoba flour—First patents, in 5ute
base $8.10; second patents, in jute bags,
$7.60; sarong bakers', in jute bags. $7,40,
Toronto; in cotton bags, 100 more,
Ontario flour—Winter, 90 per cent. pat-
ents, $6. seaboard, or Toronto freights in
MflIfeed, car lots --Bran; .per ton, 926;
shorts, per ton, 928; middlings, per ton,
929; geod feed flour, per bag, $2, deliver-
ed Montreal freights,
Country Produce.
Butter --Choice dairy, 22 to 24e; inferior,
20 to 22c; creamery, prints, 30 to 32e; do..
solids. 27 to 29e.
Egggs—a to 22o per dozen, in area lots.
Beans -93.10 to 93,15 for .grime, and 93.20
to 93.25 for hand-piclked.
Poultry—Ohic3rens, yearlings, dressed,
18 to 20c; Spring chickens, 50c; fowl, 13
to 15e.
Cheese -19 3-4e for large, and at 20c . for
Potatoes—Ontario, 55 to 600 per bag,
out of store, and 45e in ear lots. New
Brunswieks, ear lots, 6 to 600 per bag.
Bacon—Long clear, 13 3-4 to 14e per lis.,
in naso lots. Hams --Medium, 17. to 17 1-2o;
do., heavy, 14 1-2 to 15e; rolls, 14 to 14 1-2c;
breakfast bacon, 18 to 200 backs, 21 to
22o; boneless backs, 23e.
Lard—The (market is quiet, with prices
steady; pure Sard, tube, 11 3-4 to 120; do.,
pails, 12 to 12 1-2c. Compound, tubs, 9 3.4
to 10e; do.. pail, 10 to 10 1-4e.
Baled Hay and Straw.
Straw is quoted at 97 to 98 a ton in oar
lots delivered on track here.
Hay—No. 1 hay is quoted at 917 to 17.50;
No. 2 at $15 to 916, and No. 3 at $13 to
Business in Montreal.
Montreal, June 1.—Corn—American No,
2 yellow, 81 to 82c. Oats—Canadian west,
ern, No. 3, 67 to 67 1.2e; extra No. 1 feed,
67 1-20; No. 2 local whits, 66 1-2; No. 3 do.,
651.20; No. 4 do., 64120. Flour --Dian.
Spring 'wheat patents, firsts, $8.20: sec-
onds, $7.70; strong bakers', 87.50; Winter
patents, choice, $7.90; straight rollers,
97.40 to 97.50; do., bags, 93.50 to $3.60.
Rolled oats, barrels, $7 to $7-15; do., bags,
90 lbs., 93.35. Bran, 926. Shorts, 928. Mid-
dlings, $33 to 934. Mouillie, 935 to 938.
Hay. No. 2, per ton, ear lots, 919 to 920.50.
Cheese — Finest westerns, 18 3-4e; finest
easterns. 18 to 18 1-4e. Butter—Choicest
creaanery, 281.20; seconds, 261-2 to 27e.
Eggs—Fresh, 22 to ZSe; selected, 24 to 250;
No. 2 stock, 20e. Potatoes, per bag, car
lots, 42 1-2 to 45e. Dressed hogs, abattoir
killed, $14 to 914.25. Pork Heavy Canada
short guess, bbl,.' 35 to•46 pieces 929; short
cut 'bade, tads., 45 to 55 pieces 988.50.
Lard—'Compound, tierces, 375 1b,;., SOc;
wood pails. 20 lbs., net, 1012c; pure
tierces, 375 ribs., 12e; pure, wood pails, 20
Lbs. net, 121.20.
Winnipeg Wheat.
Winnipeg, June 1.-Wheat—No, 1 Nor-
thorn, 91.55 3-8; No. 2 Northern, $1.52 3-8;
No. 3 Northern; $1.44 5-8; No. 4, $1.45 7-8;
No, 5, $1.39 7-8; No. 6, 91.34 7-8. Oats—No.
2 C.W., 62 5-8; No. 3 G.W., 60 5-8c; extra.
No. 1 feed, 60 58c; No. 1 feed, 59 1-2c; No.
2 feed, 581.2c. Barley—No. 3, 71c; No. 4,
650; feed, 63c. Flax—No. 1 N.W.C., 91.77;
No. 2 C.W., 91.74.
United States Markets.
1lfinneapolis, June 1.—Wheat--No. 1
hard, $1.5? 1-8; No. 1 Northern, 91.54 to
91.56 5-8; No. 2 Northern, 91.51 to ,,1.63 5-8;
July, $1.46 5-8. Corn --No. 3 yellow, 71 to
71 1-2c. Oats—No. 3 white, 52 to 52 1-2e.
Flour and bran unchanged.
Duluth, June 1—Wheat—No. 1 ]yard.
81.54 3-4; No. 1 Northern, $1.53 3-4; No. 2
Northern, $1.48 3-4 to $1.50 3-4; July, $1.49.
Linseed, cash, $1.97; July, 91.99.
Live Stook Markets.
Toronto, June 1.—Butchors cattle he:ce,
98.10 to 98,45; do., good, 97,40 to 97.30; 3o.,
medium 96.85 to 97.25; do., e,.aumo r $6.25
to $6.75; butchers' 'bulb, choice. 96.60 .o
97.50; do., good bulla, $6 to $6.75; do,
rough bulls, $5 to $5.75; but -chew.' rows,
choice, 96.50 to $7; do., gond, $6 to 96.35;
do., medium, $5,25 to 95,75; do„ common,
$4.75 to $5.25; feeders, good. 95.50 to $7.25;
stocken;, 700 to 1,000 lbs., 86.25 to $7.75;
canners and cutte=e, 94.90 to 95; milker,*,
choice, each, $60 to 9100; do., common ind
medium. each, 935 to 945; springers, 950
to $75; light owes, 97 to 97.50; do.. h•avv.
$5 to•$6.30; do., bucks, 93.50 to 94.50; yearl-
ing lambs, 97 to 29.50; calving lambs, 95 to
$9s calves, $4,60 to 99,75 hogs, fed and
watered, $9.60; do„ off ears. 99.85; do,.
f.o.h , $8.15.
36ortron1, June I —There nvtse no e.ho ce
steers on the market. The very beat. r)f-
fered sold at 98.50, and the lower grades
from that down to 87. Mitchell; eow,a
brought from $4.50 to 97 and bulls from
94,50 to 97 fer cnvt, A feature of the trade
in shall meats .wac the weaker .feeling in
the market for sheep and lambs, feeing
to the more liberal suppliers coming for-
ward. The demand wa,, only fair, and
sales of sheep were made at $5 to $6 per
cwt., and Spring lambs at 94 to $7 each,
rte to rate and quality. Thr trade in
calves was active tit prices ranging from
92 to 910 each, The market for hogs was
strong. The demand was good, and sales
of selected lots not re made at 910 to 910.35
per cwt , weig,1;ol e17 c:rri:.
trtilicry Banner 7(Iati ;'s Among to
eient and Faitlous Trophies.
For the first time in history .a
Canadian flag flutters amid the ban-
ners of old in Westminster Abbey,,
Oneday recently the :colors of the
Twenty-second Battery of the Can-
adian Field Artillery were received"
by the Dean and carried into Henry
the Seventh's Chapel. The flag VMS
originally presented by the Vet•er-
Ons of Kingston, Ontario. The pre-
servation cif a Canadian flag among
the histori:sal trophies in the Ab-
bey will be an interesting renainis-
cense a,f the great war,
In all, 145 distinct languages are
spoken in India.