HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-06-04, Page 1ZURICH
Vol. XV
1/44444•4############4414••• ••••••*•••••••440•••••444•4
i We are having a Special Display
i of Ladies' Whitewear. Space will
i not permit us to describe all, but
't below will be found a few specials
that will interest you.
-• :***********0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .
i Night Gowns
A new line of ladies' Night Gowns, made of white seer-
.. sucker crepe which needs no ironing. Sizes 56, 58, 60.
-1 Also a line made of white nainsook, neatly trimmed,
3 Sizes 56, 58, 60.
• 1 Corset Covers
-• A nice line of Grepe and Cambric Corset Covers trimmed
-• with lace and embroidery. Assorted sizes, 25o„ 40 o„ and 50 0,
• Ladies Petticoats
0 0
Just received a new line of Ladies Petticoates nioly trim
1. med with eluny lace .Assorted sizes, at $2.00.
Ladies Vests and Drawers
Just received a few nice lines of Ladies Cotton Vests and
• Dr's' Also a good line of Combination Children's Vests a,ms
si• Drawers in all sizes.
Embroidery Flouncing for
A big assortment to chose from. Corset Cover Embitoidery
laces and insertion.
• ' 1110...=....... .1••••1•140.
• • .
1 • Ladies Serviceable_ Umbrellas
... . 4.
4 -
at Moderate Prices , :
Just received a good' assortment of Ladies Umbrellas with •.
Ivory Handles in silk oases at $1.25, $1 50, and $2,00. •
Also a full line of Men's Umbrellas with assorted handles •
At $1.25.
• Dont Forget :
We still have a full range of Ladies' and Children's Middy :
Blouses in different colors, •
Just Receivd •
• A nice line of Men's Dress Shirts with and without Lounge •
• collars, also Men's Work Shirts large and roomy, of good •
• •
material at 50c and $1,00. •
Linen Handkerchiefs Extra good value at 20C:each.
Special line of Men's .
We Also Have •
.A Big Assortment of the following to chose from Hats,
Caps, Braces. Ties, Collars and Underwear •
What About I
A nice Dinner Set this Spring? We have a big stock •
and prices are advancing. Come and take a look,
Toilet Sets
A Big Assortment in Fancy and plain patterns.
Some Snaps in Soaps
2 Bars of pure Castile Soap 250.
2 Bars of Home soap 25c.
8 Cakes of Toilet Soap for 250.
We also have in stock Panshire and Lux, for laundry:use.
We are sole
selling agents for
Zurich for the
famous Plymouth
Twines diD Ropes
Paints and Varnishes •
Produce of all kinds taken •
: •
4.. e
• * Telephone No. 9 - - - ZURICH:
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Mrs. P. Hauch is visiting relatives
in Guelph and Berlin for a few weeks
Mrs T. Johns of Exeter visited at
the home of Mr Wm. O'Brien, over
A 2 -cent postal card will be issued
by the post office department, covering
both postage and war tax,
Mr A Porter, of Goderich, public
scale and measue inspector, paid an
official Visit to Zurich this week.
Misses Pearl McCormick and Pearl
Johnston are visiting friends in Berlin
and other eastern points at -present. -
Mr E Bossenberry is the newest
addition to those who have treated
themselves to an automobile tliis year.
He bas purchased a Ford from Mr
Snell, Exeter.
- We have moved our shoe repair shop
to A. G. Edighoffer's old stand. All
kinds of boots and shoe repairing.
New boots and shoes made to order.
P. Bender,
Alderman H Pauli and wife, Mr
William Klopp, Jr., and wife, and Mr
Doerr, all of Stratford, were guests at
the home of Mr William Klopp, of
town, on Sunday.
• Miss Clara Schrekenberg, of Detroit
visited her sister, Mrs (Rev) W Miller
last week. She left for her home on
Monday and was slightly injured in
the wreck on the L. H. & B. near
"Girl wanted for general housework.
Must be able to do plain cooking.
Comfortable home with all convenie-
nces. Interview can be aaranged if
desired. For futher particulars apply
to Mrs H E Hodgens, Goderich."
On Wednesday evening June 9th,
the Welsh choir will give a conceit
in the Town Hall, Hensall, under the
• auspices of the Patriotic Society.
This willbe a rare treat for lovers of
good music. Seats 35 cents and 25
Word has been sent to various
municipalities in the province that
the provincial war tax must be collect-
ed in full, even if the town does not
collect from the tax -payers. The
amount must be equal to one mill on
the dollar of the taxable ;assessment.
• The Y. P. A. had charge of the ser-
vices in the Evangelical church last
Sunday evening. • Rey. R. Geiger and
Misses Lydia Faust and Anna Hess
read interesting papers on timely sub-
jects. The balance of the programme
consisted of songs, trios, etc.
We cmanot publish any news items
unless the sender's name is signed
thereto. • The name will not appear
in print but we must have it to show
the good faith of the sender. We are
always willing in fact we want, all the
interesting news that happen in this
vicinity and will gladly publish same
if the above rule is adhered to.
On another page will be found an
advertisement of the Toronto Daily
Globe. This is one of the foremost
daily papers published in Canada and
if you want the war news or the latest
market reports, or a reliable daily
paper in every way, you can do no
better than subscribe for the Daily
Globe, Our -clubbing rate with the
Globe is $3.75, to old or new subscri-
Incorporated 1855
93 Branches in Canada
A Genera. Banking
Business Transacted
Savings Bank Department
interest at, highest current rates
Zurich Branch
R. T. DUNLOP, Manage
The concert given in the Town
Tall an Friday evening under the
auspices of the local branch of the
•Women's Institnte, was a success. The
hall was well filled and the proceeds
amounted to nearly $75.00. The
song, « We'll never lA the Old Flag
fan," by theladies of the Institute,
was well rendered.. The Bachelor's
Reveries, a dreana of his many sweet-
hearts on the eve of his marriage by
the bachelor was also interesting. The
young ladies who acted as sweethearts
,done their parts very well. The next
number on the programme was a piano
-Instrumental by Miss Minnie Verner,
which was very ably rendered. The
big number of the show then followed.
• This was a short play entitled; "Jumbo
June," the principal character being a
comical darkey who managed to get
things pretty well upside down. It
would be a difficult matter to pick out
the Aar performert in this play as all
took their parts in a satisfactory man-
ner, and it showed that we have talent
in our village which need not be afraid
to undertake more difficult work in
this line. . The drill by ten small boys
and the songs by the Zurich Quartette
were also well received. Altogether
the evening's programme was an in-
teresting and entertaining one, and
those who had charge of the training
of those taking part deserve credit for
the way it was presented. After the
concert, those taking part, were en-
tertained at the home of Mrs J. Preet-
er, Where the ladies of the Institute
served refreshments.
The First Reactionary Storm Period
will fall on and touching the 8th, and
9th, This, it must be remembered,
is at the crisis of magnetic and elect-
ridatexcitation,Which falls annually
on and about the 10th to 15th of June.
•The filth day of June, as a rule, may
be put down as the center of a period
in which many peculiar, cosmical
phenomena are manifest, Return of
falling barometer, warmer weather,
and storms of wind, thunder and rain,
may be expected to center on the 8th
and 9th.
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New Spring Shoes
I .
You will want a pair of new shoes to go with ...
• that new spring suit. We handle
Invictus, made by Geo. A. Slater, Derby
... and McPherson for m en, a nd the Gracie ...
• and M cPherson fo r adies.
These are our leaders. Also cheaper grades.
• We can please you. See our spring display.
Zurich 2:
• Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes.
The Home of Good Shoes
4.404111-11100011 40,00440.4114 illests*B-1400.•04 .044,414-4441641004441•4444+
Aire you going
to paint this spring? If so, we oan supply you with the famous
Ready -Mixed Paints
For floors and verandahs or anything that needs paint, None
better and few as good.
New and up-toglate Shoes
at popular prices.
• M.ore new waists, aprons and ready-made dresses
and dres& goods just opened up. All our lines are
stocked ttrwith the latest 'and best that .money,
can buy. • Come and see for yourselves and be
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Suits for Young Fellows •
"s' :•••^ „
• The New English Models in
Suits are having the centre of the
stage at this writing.
• They're Smart, they're "Chic"
and "Snappy."
We have studied and watched
the trend. of fashions closely in order
to supply you with the "Correct."
We are ready to show you --
the pleaute in doing so is ours.
RI 00 A
I, The 'Clothier