HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-05-28, Page 8Prints and Ginghams
The' new Prints and (ingbains have arrived end we have a,.
largo assortment of colors and patterns to ohoose from. We
also have the famous steel chid Galatea, an extra long wearing
*cloth. sttitable Lor eliiidrens' dresses, suits and ladies house.
'New Curtain Goods
Our range of curtains and curtain materials 1s now complete
Should you require anything in the line of draperies, curtains,
blinds, etc, Do nct fail to call and see our lines before pur—
chasing elsewhere.
Wall Papers
New Wall Papers now to hand, in a large variety of new
up•to date designs at prices that will interest you.
Walsooirry FE is famishing such as Lin oleums, Floor
Oil Cloths, Rngs, Carpets, etc,
No trouble to show goods at any tinge even if you are not -
just ready to buy. We would be pleased to have you Dome and
see,all.our new lines of seasonable goods.
We have a large -stock ofthe following varieties :
Wisconsin No. 7, Improved
Learning and WhiteCap
Yellow Dent.
Fresh Groceries always on hand.
Produce taken in exchange
9 s
rl—is the most important piece of ti
furniture in the house. We have the kind for
the kitchen, fresh from the factory, at $3,50; Oak
or Walnut, 1915 Model Movements.
Alarm Clocks, $1.50. to $3.O0A
We don't sell the 43 cent alarm clock,
usually sold for $ 1.00...
P. W. Hess & Go.
Jewellers & Opticians
teas as K,Sa I t.KSICa;asSaaeara7s sS .. IFIKq*.CSZC ,.. ,say gess.-•y:!.. nese' eZ .'e m r-.KKS may S 7
Having purchased the business lately conducted by I. Hudson,
I beg to notify the public that 1 have a complete stock of Flour:
EXETER BRANDS. Also Feed of all kinds.
All kinds of Field and Garden Seeds
Groceries, Salt, .Stock Foods, Etc., Etc.
Eggs taken in exchange for goods
George McBride
Telephone 23
Deleware, Lac'. >awanna, &
Western Coal Co's
Scranton Coal
All sizes
x 1sT ai co Agent
Zurich Ont
High Grade Copper and
Aluminum Lightning Gon.
Ann very busy, please hand, in
your orders early, as I do the work
Prices right on easy terries.
Telephone 34,
I have a carload of Fer
tilizer on hand, Parties
wishing to buy some in
any quantity can secure it
from: me at any time at
my farm.
(lave all kinds on hand,
ranging from $1.0 to $10
per ton.
Agent for Canadian Fertilizer Co.
Fine 12 roomed brick dwelling,
newly built, for sale, situated in Zurich
Purnaee and modern improvements
are installed. Good new stable on
premises and one-half acre of land.
Will be sold at reasonable primo. For
particulars apply to W H Bender,
Millinery Openings
We beg to announce to the Ladies of
Dashwood and vicinity that we have
added a Millinery Department to our
Our Spring Opening
in charge of Miss Crawford will: be
held on
Tuesday and Wednesday
March 23rd and 24th
and following days.,
You are cordially invited,
aSl'1.'C ooci.
Corrected every Thursday.
Butter $0:22
Eggs 20
Wheat $1.40
65 65
3.75 4.25
Low Grade
Live EIogs fob
Local News
The First Regular Storm Period is
central on the 2nd, extending from
May 31st to Jerre •5th: . The -Moon is
on the eeles!ial equator, and at last
quarter on the. 4th. The period as,
still covered by the Venus'influence,
the Mercnry•period is central on the
3rd, and the summer solstice period of
the Earth is beginning to make itself
felt. We will note, also, that the cob-
junction of Jupiter and the 'Moon -a
fact that cannot be entirely ignored in
this storm and weather business—falls
on the 5th. Putting all these causes
together, we may reasonable say the
first weak in June promises many, and
some dangerous storm c1evelopmen0.
If these storms take the form of daily
thunder showers, the barometer will
not fall to very low readings. But if
the temperature rises very high, and
the barometer falls to abnormally low
readings, with fitful gusts of . south
winds, you had better count on violent
and dangerous storms. We will, name.
Wednesday the 2nd, to Sunday the
5th as central danger days. A. very
low barometer will form in western
extremes by the 1st and 2nd; cloudi-
ness and storms . of wind, -rain and
will start on their eastward march,
and dud ngthe B 44h amid'Sth', they
30.00 visit parts of the country, widening
38.00 out in their scope,and
9 25 growing more
violent in force as they cross the great
central valleys. We will name the
Dr A J McKinnon attended a Medi
ell convention held at Peterboro an
For sale—Two good fresh milking
cows, and two calves. Apply to John
Galster, Zurich.
The apple crop of 1915 is not ex-
pected to be up to the average, is the
report of apple buyers throughout the
The Township of Hay was named
in 1835 in honou ol R W Hay,Joint
Secretary for the colonies with Lord
Mrs H L Peine, and two daughters,
Misses Olive and Helena, of London,
visited relatives here for a few . days
this week,
Mr Ford W Sparks who has been
visiting his parents in Stanley ,town'
ship, left on Tuesday for Perdue, SAW
where he has a business office.
Rev W Miller is attending the an•
nual synod of the Lutheran church
being held in Berlin this week, and
as a consequence no services will be
held here nest Sunday. Mr J Haberer
is attending as a lay delegate.
The Robert Bean murder still re-
mains a mystery, and unless some-
thing unlooked for turns up 11 will
never be solved. The detectives are
looking for the gun ;with which the
deed was done, but so far have been
At the minstrel concert held in
Seaforth last Thursday night, the
members of the Seaforth hockey team
were all presented with handsome solid
leather club bags by the management.
Mr, L. W. Hoffman, of this village.
was one of the recipients of the bags,
A Harvard professor has arraigned
the common cold in severe terms; it.
is infectious and people are asked to
take precautions against its spread.'
While persons suffering from ordinary
colds can not, of course, be isolated,
they should take measures which -will
not stake them common carriers of
the disease. What the patient should
do, in his own interest as well as that
of others, is to stay at home for a day
or two preferably in bed. Better than
medicines is the "rest cure." It pre-
vents the disease from dragging along
and turning into malignant forms.
At this season of the year when colds
are so easily contracted the following
concise advise is given by the Harvard
authority to those who would remain
well: Keep out of the way of sneezers
and coughers; don't handle them or
let thein handle you. for a shake of the
hand, from ane who has recently
coughed or sneezed into bis hand, may
infect you." ---Montreal Star.
'Cake a look at the label this week
We have corrected our subscription
list up to May 12 th. and those who
have paid their subscription account
during•.the past several weeks should
find that the correction of date has
been made. If you find that the
label does not read as it should call at
the office or write us and we will See
that the correction is made. And 'by
the way, there are at few who have
not had any change made in their
label in some time. Those subscrip-
tions Should be Paid at once,
4th as the day of greatest culmination
and danger. Very heavy and general
rains may be expected at this time,
causing dangerous local floods and
freshets. Rising barometer and change
to cooler will wind up this period.
Apiary Demonstrations 1915
Great interest has been shown in
the apiary demonstrations conducted
throughout the Province under the
direction of Mr Morley Pettit, Provin-
cial Apiarist. The attendance at the
fifty-five meetings held during the
season of 1914, averaged 34, while
in 1912 the average was 25, Unex-
celled opportunities are offered those
present to have • their difficulties in
beekeeping explained, and the demon-
strator, having the apiary and the
equipment at his disposal is able to
illustrate his remarks to great advanta-.
The meetings `are" held in the
apiaries: Hires are opened and the
working of the colony displayed.
Attention is directed to the different
kinds of cells, the various stages of the
brood, the queen is pointed out, and
suggestions made on the activities of
the colony. Foul Brood, swarming,
wintering and requeening and also dis-
cussed and
is-cussedand the time is very profitably
spent both for the beginner • and the
experienced beekeeper.
The use of models of a wintering
ease for wintering four colonies out-
doors will be an interesting addition
to the meetings to be held this season.
Already arrangements are under way
for two demonstrations in each county.
The date and place of meeting will
be announced in the ;papers and on
cards sent to beekeepers..
From present indications these me-
etings will be more widely attended
and of greater value to the beekeeper
than ever before.
For particulars apply to the Api-
culture Department, Ontario Agricul-
tural College, Guelph. May, 1915.
Meeting of the
Huron County Council.
The council of the corporation of
the County of Huron will meet in the
Council chamber, in the Town of
Goderich, on Tuesday, the first of
June next, at the hour of 3 o'clock.
All accounts requiringsettlement
must be placed with the clerk before
this date. W. Lane,
Dated Goderich, May 17, 1915. Clerk
Township of "-Hay.
.Court of Revision.
Notice is hereby given, that the
first sitting of the Court of Revision
of the Assessment Roll of the ,Muni-
cipality of the Township of Hay for
the year 1915, will be keld at the
Township Hall at Zurich, on Satur-
day, the 29th day of May, 1915, at
the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M.
All parties having business at said
Court will guide themselves . accord-
Dated at Zurich the 18th day of
May, 1915, F. Hess, Sr.,
Township Clerk,
Is i n :d.. Tf1 i.s ITh s
urn ail or gasoline
"Work Like G
The above recreations will be yours by using a labor
saving cook stove.
The Detroit Vaper stove works just like a gas stove-
simply light the burners and put cooking on at once. Tt is,
cheaper to cook with than wood or coal. Sen styles . to
select from costing from $10.00-np. Come to s,ee the'm;'
We also sell
New Perfection
Florence 01 Stoves
C. 14121RT'LRI13, 'ZURICH
Au tTnusually Attractive Dis;lay of
Smart Waists
For Spring and Summer
We earnestly ask your inspection. To see them is to
want one or more. Reasonably priced.
Now is the time for
New Linoleuns; Oil Cloths and
Curtains during house cleaningtime
Note these
New American percale, 1 yd' wide,
for 12ao a yard
Organdie, Crepes, Muslins. Piques.
in all colors, from 150 to 25c a yard
Child's Suitings
Special Suiting for Childs wear in
plain colors at 15o a yard,
We have a large selection of ladies
children's and men's underwear
for summer wear.
1'roduoe of all kinds 'wasted
J. J. MERNER. Zurich
The Keystone
orae -wheel
Tongue Truck
Per -Harvesting and
Seeding Machinery
The trunk is guaranteed to give
satisfaction. It is easy on the
horses necks, a comfort to horses
as well as the driver.. A conven—
ience that every farmer should
have for his implements. Let us
show you sample. Many now in use
in this section.
operated by
In different sizes, .1, 2 and 3 tub,
Just what you hails been looking
for. Why not save your wife ar
housekeeper' some of the hardlabor
by adopting improved methods,
Call and see msaehitte ha operation,