HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-05-28, Page 1ZURIC HERALD " Vol. 'XV. ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING. MAY '28, 1915. NO 44` r ••••••••*v4P•a .40 ••• a 4 • • • • ♦ • • • • • • ♦ ♦ • • *• Night Gowns ♦ Anew line of ,ladies' Night` Gowns, made of white seer- sucker crepe which needs no ironing. Sizes 56, 58,.60. Also a line macre of white nainsook, neatly trimmed, Sizes 56, 58, 60. : Corset . Covers A nice line of Crepe and Cambric Corset Covers trimmed I, with lace and embroidery. Assorted sizes, 25o„ 40 0„ and 50 0, �.3 t ITEWE We are having a Special, Display of Ladies' Whiteweal'. Space will not' permit us to describe ally but below will be found a few specials that will interest you.. I 0"000 • 4 • ♦ ♦ e • e • e ♦ : • e : •• ♦ • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 0 0 0.0 0`0 0000 Ladies Petticoats Just received a new line of Ladies Pettiooates nioly trim meted with oluny lace Assorted sizes, at $2.00. Ladies Vests and Drawers Just received a few nice lines of Ladies Cotton Vests and Dr's. Also a good line of Combination Children's Vests al Drawers in all sizes. Dresses Embroidery Flouncing for A big assortment to chose from. Corset Cover Embroidery laces and insertion. a .dies Serviceable Umbrellas at Moderate Prices Just received a good assortment of Ladies Umbrellas with -y, Ivory Handles in silk oases at $1 25.: $1 50 -and $2.,00. y�♦ Also a full line of Men's Umbrellaswith assorted bandies At $1.25• 4 Dont Forget We still have Baloufull ranges n dof Ladies' ent nd Children's Middy • •• Just Receivd .a nice line of Men's Dress Sh'irt's with and without Lounge I collars, also Men's Work material 50Cand$1 and roomy, of good 0. • Special line of Men's + Linen Handkerchiefs Extra good value at ;e0c,each. '4 • A nice Dinner Set this Spring? We have a big • and prices are advancing. Come and take a look,' 4.• r A Big Assortment in Fancy and plain patterns. • We Also Have What About A Big Assortment of the following to chose from Hats, Caps, Braces. Ties, Collars and Underwear Toilet Sets ,Some Snaps in Soaps. ♦ ♦ ♦ 2 2 Bars of pure Castile Soap 250. 2 Bars of Honie soap 25c. 8 "Cakes of Toilet Soap for 26c. We also have in stock Panshire and Lttx, for laundry use. stook We are sole selling agents for Zurich for the famous Plymouth.. Twines & Ropes LOCAL NEWS. au aw �.ycy�c 0'44,44,44 "4+ Mr and Mrs J. D. Merrier, and Miss Swat theflyl M. McDougall, of Hespeler, visited Have you picked. your seats for the relatives and friends here over Sunday. Mrs Wagner, of Sbakespei re, visit- ed her parents, Mr and Mrs Wm Elope, over Sunday. ' concert, Friday night? Many from Zurich and vicinity at tended the races at; Mitchell on on; lay. Huron County ;.Council meets in Mr and Mrs M J Rau, and son, left for Detroit, Mich., on Tuesday where they will make their future home. Mesdames Joseph and Andrew Goderich next Tuesday for ib .. regular Krauskopf, of Dublin, attended the June sesssion. wedding of their niece, ,Mies Regier, M Mr and Mrs A' oritz, and Miss here on Tuesday, Flossie Kibler, of. Guelph, visited re- Thr singing school in the Bronson latives and friends here over Sunday. Line A M church will be conducted Mr Conrad Theil..has improved the every Tuesday evening beginning next Tuesday at 8 p m. Mr. P. Deichert, Jr., and Mr Fred. Their were delegates at the convention of the Lutheran church Berlin on Monday. Empire Day was loyally observed in Zurich Public School last Friday afternoon. A program, consisting of patriotic s ongs, recitations, eta., was tendered by the pupils. H. Bossenberry of Dashwood, with lois' horse, Capt. Greene, took fourth Money in the 2.50 class at the Mitch - .ell races on Monday. G Troyer's en- try, Fullti de, took 2nd money in the green race. : e . • • • e •• • • e • • • 4 • • • 4 • 4 • • • • •• • 4 • 4 ♦ • •4 • • • : •- • appearance of his dwelling by the addition of a handsome cement porch. Mr Alvin Surerus, an honour grad- uate of Toronto University, has ac- cepted a position as teacher In moder- ns, in. Appelby Boy's school, Oakville. Mrs Ohler, and daughter Mrs Keine of Sebringville, called at the home of Mr D S Faust, on their way to •visit their son-in-law, Mr John England, of the Goshen Line south. The directors of. the Zurich Fall Fair met in the Town. Hall last Fri- day evening and appointed the judges for the annual fair, which will b'e held this year on September 22nd and in the springtime the young men's 23rd. hearts turn to thoughts of love and Dr E S Hardie, dentist, will visit dress. A.'good appearance is absolute - Zurich again on Wednesday, June 2nd. ly necessary for many occasions. It After June 1st he will visit Crediton is thea you should go to E .Appel's every Tuesday, Zurich on Wednesday, merchant tailor, and furnisher, and Hensel) on Thursday and Fri 'Zulieh. �rr4tM4#####I�IM4 444iwa/MiF# #4#fit • rix Shoes t 1 4 Mr1�44 +M�4# ++►BMs#:4rMM #4iwt* U 1PM� 4! +i•O�f4AMr�# day of each week. Mr Oliver Johnston, of Clinton, who was license inspectorfor Centre Huron You will.want a pair of new shoes to go with . that new spring suit. We handle the Invictus, made ` by Geo. A. Slater, Derby and McPherson for m en, a nd the Gracie and McPherson for, tidies. These are our leaders. ,Also cheaper grades. We can please you. See our spring display. e. FRITZ Zurich Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. The Home of Good Shoes Di the examination results of Toronto University, we notice the suc- cess of the following from Zurich and .11 iiimmu mu o III mil § mos 1116 m on mint 111111(11111i IIIIIIIIIIIn!11ism !NNIi!!I!II;NI!I;IIIIIl !to illut m rai for a number of years has received the. 'vicinity: Fourth year, 3. A. Surerus; appointment of inspector of Public 2nd year, W, O. Robinson; 1st year Works under the Dominion Govern- R. M. Geiger. Mr Robinson won. the ment and has entered upon his new -duties, ' • • • • 4 SherwiuVTllhiamSI ' Paints and Varnishes 1 Produce of all kinds taken • is R EETER Telephone 13o.q Z O R 1 C N t 4444+++++++++++++.P++4"' 4.. +4• +. i+�.++++++++ .++++.4 • HOLIDAY VISITORS Among the many who visited relat- ives and friends here over the 241b, we noticed; Mr II Klopp, of Niagara Fails. Mr, W. F. Goodwin, of Goderiah. Mr. Roy Appel of Stratford. Miss Eleanor Hartleib, of Toronto. Mr. E, J. Hess, of London. Mr. E. Axt, and daughter, Miss Alma, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dumart of Berlin . Mr James Howard and family of Goderich. Mrs. G. Bissett, and sister, Miss Flora Hess, of Goderich. Miss Mildred Brown, of Crediton. HOFFMAN—REGIER • An interesting event took place in St Boniface R C church, Zurich, on Tuesday, when Rev Father A. Stroeder, united in marriage Miss Carrie, dau- ghter of Mr and Mrs Jacob Regier, Goshen Line, and Mr Simon Hoffman, son of Mr Frank Hoffman, of Stephen Township. The wedding march was played by Mrs S Dietrich. The church was crowded by relatives and friends to witness the ceremony. The guests cumbering nearly one hundred, then repaired to the home of the bride's parents where they were royally enter- tained. Mr and Mrs Hoffman will take up housekeeping on the groom's farm in Stephen, where the good Wishes of their many friends follow them. • • • • Robert Johnston prize in Hebrew. "ulia-re�xea'efve'd > enquirii"s . as , to whether private notes -were _ illegal without the war stamp .being attached. We Wouldstate that a note given by one person to another does not require the war stamp, unless the said note is takento the bank for collection, or for negotation. When the bank figures in the transaction in any way a war stamp is required. Incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 93 Branches in Canada A Genera, Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR TATTERS O OF DIt 13ATii MONEY ORDERS Savings Bank, Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Managetosesosiressaresmormeerevenomemme Are you going to paint this spring? If so, we oan supply you with the famous ELEP iANT BRAND Ready -Mixed Paints For floors and verandahs or anything that needs paint. None better and few as good. sm 1.4iw and up-to-date Shoes at popular prices. M More new waists, aprons and ready-made dresses I and dress goods just opened up. All our lines are a with the latest and bent that xmoney stacked up 1 and" be. � can buy, Come and- seefor yourselves- convinced. m R. N.. -DOUGLAS BLAKE ONTARIO • a �h",'i' DilillmmiIII!III!!IIUIIIIIII!NIII!IIIIIU!!I!iil�lllllllii!IIOiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIII!II!NI!II!Il!IINni!!!Ii aIlllmill!811111111!Illlllllllllli!1 �III111111111111NIIlift!11111fIIN1111111dIIN111111118.IINNI L�.0 iib alle•MP4MP4..4111"111P'411"11."111"1111"1■04111P411041 411,400•114-41s04414 1110•0114 Suits for Young Fellows t4 N.l' e• BETTER CLOTHES The New English Models in Suits are having tho centre of the stage at this writing. They're Smart, they're "Chic" and Snappy." We have studied and watched the trend of fashions closely in order to supply you with the "Correct." We are ready to show you--- . the pleau re in doing so is MU. CORRECT MODELS E. Appel, The Clothier