HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-05-21, Page 8" Tits and Ginghanas The new Prints a7,a t4inglaunts have arrived and we have a large assortment Of it ears tool patterns to choose from. We also have tite ftunorts stern egad (771ttett, an extra long wearing cloth. suitable ;or t,hiidrens' dresses, suits ttnd ladies house dresses ew Ourtar, Goods Our range of onrt,ains and curtain materials is now complete Should you require anything in the lineof draperies, ctertains, blinds, etc, 1)0 net fail to call and see our lines before pur- chasing elsewhere. Wall •PapeTs New Wall Papers now to hand, in a large variety of new. up to elate designs at prices that will interest you. Waiso ,wry t3taiifursi311ings, suih as Linolenms, floor Oil Cloths, Rugs, Carpets, etc. No trouble to show goods at any time even if you are not just ready to buy. We would be pleased to have you oome and see all our new lines of seasonable goods. SEED CORN We have a large stock of the following varieties: . Wisconsin No. 7, Improved Learning and WhiteCap Yellow Dent Fresh Groceries always on hand. Produce taken in exchange RIJY and GS011O PHONE 17 +n I1m' rAS e- - e A CLOCK is the most important piece of furniture in the house. We have the kind for the kitchen, fresh from the factory, at $3.50, Oak or Walnut, 1915 Model Movements. Alarm Clocks, $1.50 to x.3.00. We don't, sell the 43 cent alarm clock, usually sold for $1.00. F. W. Hess & eo. Jewellers & Opticians i s es.e- - .ese e a ese:s e -A,S4ses&Sesse5e ase w ♦ ries.ses se ere' i.,. §.: w. -es A FLOUR, FEED & SEED STORE Having purchased the business lately conducted by I, Hudson, 1 beg to notify the public that 1 have a complete stock of Flour: FIVE ROSES, MILVERTON, ROYAL HOUSEHOLD and EXETER BRANDS. Also Feed of all kinds. Alt kinds of Field and Garden Seeds Groceries, Salt, Stock Foods, Etc., Etc. Eggs taken in exchange for goods Oeti :irge McBride Telephonyo 23 COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lac; _aw anna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All sizes ALE SCRUTON `T Hensall,. Gb 11101ATZ111A.N I .eurar.ce Agent Zurich nit High Grade Copper and Aluminum Lightning Gon- d.uctors. Ant very busy, please hand in your orders etrrly,as :l do the work myself, Prices right on easy terms. Telephone 3:1, 1 1 have a carload of Per tilizer on hand. Parties wishing to buy some in any quantity can secure it from me at any time at my farm. Have all king e on hand, ranging from $10 to .140 per ton.. JOHN •U13Y Jr.. Agent for :Canadian Fertilizer Co. BEST BY TEST HOUSE FOR SALE. Millinery Openings We beg to announce to the Ladies of Dashwood and vicinity that we have added a Millinery Department to our business. Our Spring :Opening in charge of Miss Crawford will be held on Tuesday+. and Wednesday March 23rd and 24th and following days. You are cordially invited. G. K L L AN &so LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday.: Butter Eggs Dried Applee Potatoes Wheat .:.........:...... Oats Barley Buckwheat Flour X0.22 20 05 30 '1.40 $1.40' 55 55 65 65 70 , 3.75 4.25 Bran.... ................. ..... $28.00 Short30.00 Low Grade 38.00 Live Hogs fob Hensall 9.00 Local News illr and Mrs W Merner, of Bayfield, visited relatives here on Sunday. Mr P C ltalbfieisch was in Guelph and Galt for a few days this week on business. The vote on the Canada Temperance Act in Perth county will take place on Monday May 24th. Notices to the effect that black knots must be cub from plum and cherry trees are again being sent out. " Rev G Ross, pastor of Knox Presby- terian church, Goderieh, and Rev R Johnston, of Varna, were in town on Wednesday. The Baseball Club have arranged for a game of ball to be played in Dashwood on June 3rd against the Centrailia team. Among those wbo are seriously ill he this vicinity at present are Mr < Adam Albrecht, Mrs Elizabeth Truenmer and Mrs Mary Prang. :{ Messrs -Alonzo Foster -and Jett Hartman have returned from attend- he funeral of Mrs Hartman, which was held: at St Cleuvens recently. Mr Wm McKay, D.».G.M., 1.0.0. F„ of Eiensall, and Messrs P Clark and W Dougal visited the local I.O.O. F., lodge last Thursday. The matter of amii,lgaanating Zurich lodge wilh Hensall lodge was deal with, The banns of marriage were publi- shed in St. Boniface R C church Zurich, on Sunday, of Miss Carrie Regier, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jacob Regier, Goshen Line South, and , Mr Simon Hoffman, son of Mr Frank Hoffman, of Stephen Township. Stir up the hen. Someone should stir up the Canadian hen and make her realize that we are at war, and that every part of the country should do its best. During the last fiscal year Canada imported nearly 12 million dozen eggs. The eggs came from Great Britain, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand and the United States, Ib is only a few years ago that wo were exporting eggs to Great Britain. A'starl has been made on the , well ,t at the fire hall property by the town trustees. After the well hag been slink to the proper depth, a cement tank will be built over it, with enough room in the base for installing a masa- line engine and other fixtures necessary to pump the water into the tank- In time, ib is proposed to extend the system by piping the water to the principal parts of the village and inst.', aping hydrants; and hose coneketions. To seethe force to throw the with ren' E0 a building, in the event of a iii, the piping at the tank is so arranged that the engine will pump the water direct ly intothe pipes connected with the hydrants. This system bas been in- stalled in some of the neighboring towns and seems to be satisfactory.. Fine 12 roomed brick dwelling, newly built, for sale, situated in Zurich I+'erna.ee and modern' itnproyexnerats are installed. Good new stable on premises and onetime e of• land. Will be sold at reasonable price. 1i'or particulars apply to W. II Bender, Zurich. LOOKUP YOUR LABEL Take a look at the label this week We have corrected our subscription list up to May 12 th and those who have paid their subscription account during the past several weeks should find that the correction of date has been made. If you find. that the label does not read Reit should call at the office or write its and we will see that the correetion is made. And by the way, there are a few who have nob had any change roads in their label in some time. Those subscripa tions should be paid at once. The Patent Medicine Stamp Tax The patent uaedioine tier is now a reality, having 'ouwe into effect; on April 15th Until further notioe all patent medioines, plasters, pills, tinctures, powders, liniments, sale es, ointments, pastes, eye waters, essences, oils, pertuunes, toilet pre-- parataoos, toothpowders, grape juices, etc , will he earmarked with a sttuanp in value of ono cent or more, according to the retail value of the article. .packages or bottles retailing for 25c or leas must have affixed a one cent stamp. For each additional twenty-five cents . or fractional part thereof in value of the article, an additional cent must be aged; This mains that the tax will run from 4 to 20 per cent on the retail value of the taxed goods. The stamp is affixed by the retailer when selling to the consuu& er and collected from the purchaser The stamp is to be cancelled by ini- tials and date. - All American patent and toilet ar- ticles sold in Canada are now carry- ing three extra taxes; 1st, the special tax imposed in the United. States; 2nd, the 7i per cent. extra customs duty imposed by the Canadian Government on all imports; 3rd, the stamp tax on patent medicines, etc,, imposed by the Dominion Government. COMMUNICATION. Zurich, R. R. No. 2, May 17th, 1915. To the Editor of the .Herald. Sir: In one of the recent issues of The Herald, there appeared a com- munication from Mr. I. Hudson re sale of his business to me. Why should Mr. Hudson claim that he did ell he could to keep his part of . our agreement when he had not done so, which •T can prove. As .he well knows my reason for not accepting the stock was because he had agreed to low- ( er it to $800, and when .stock was taken it amounted to over $1000. Al- so all verbal agreements were entirely forgotten by Mr, Hudson. I done business with the public in Zurich for two years, and would have been glad to take my old business back if. I could have got it anyways near to what it was when I left it. Also Mr. Hudson had no reason to complain as he was more than: paid for.all the lose he .claimed: to have sustained. - Louis Jeffrey BORN. On the London load, on Wednesday May l2th, to Mr and Mrs Robert. Munn a son. MARRIED At Hensall, on Tuesday May llth, Miss Mary Jane,, daughter of Mrs Sarah J Coleman to James 'Milton Stewart, ef' Seaforth. NOTICE Having disposed of the flour and feed business, I would ask all parties indebted to ane on account to call at niy house and settle for same as soon as possible. s Hudson. Meeting of the Huron County Council. The council of the .corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the first' of June next, ab the hour of 8 o'clock; All accounts requiring settlement must be placed with the clerk before. this date. W. Lane, Dabed •Goderich, May 17, 1915. Clerk Township of . Hay. Court of Revision. Notice is hereby given, that the first sitting of the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Muni- cipality of the Township of Hay for the' year 1915, will be held at the Township Hall at Zurich, on Sntur. day, the 29th. day of May, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. All parties having business at said Court will guide themselves accord- ingly. Dated' at Zurich the 18th day ,of May, 1915, F. Hess, Sr., Township Clerk. HAD THE RIGHT KIND. A young preacher went fishing fo r trout, accompanied by a couple o£ girls from his parish, A farmer who was also out fishing ogled to the young clergyman: iC Kebehin, many trout±'" "I am a fisher of men," said the yentng preacher with dignity. Well," the fanner smiled and then looking at the girls, said: I see you've got theright kind of batt with you.' More Time .For • TI is r .1 Thigtand. This . ?.... ' Burn or Gasoline DETROIT;VAPOR,s E' "Work The above' recreations will be yours by using a .labor saving cook stove. The Detroit- Vaper stove works just like a gas stove- simply light the burners and put cooking on at once. It is cheaper to cook with than wood or coal. Sen styles to select froze costing from $10.00 up. Come to see them. a'We also sell 11"ewrr Perfection. and Florence 011 Stoves e. I-IARTLEIB, HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE :. _.. An Unusually Attractive Display of Smart Waists For Spring and, Bumme' We earnestly ask your inspection. To see theta is- toy want one or more.. Reasonably priced. Now is the time for New Linoleuns„ Oil Cloths and. Curtains during house c•leanh gtime Note these Prices New American percale, 1 yd wide, for 12t0 a yard Organdie, Crepes, Muslins. Piques. 'Mail colors, from 15e to 25c a yard' Child's Suitings Special Suiting for childs wear int plain colors at lac a yard, Underwear We have a large selection of indiites+ children's and men's. underwear for ennimer wear. produce of all Finds wanted 511M 111 - Zurich Ltreeeset,' "74 .e. The . Keystone one -wheel TODgue Truck For Harvesting and Seeding Machinery The truck is guaranteed to give satisfaotion. It is easy on the horses peeks, a comfort to horses as well as the driver. A conven- ience that every farmer should have for his implements, Let us show yon sample, Many now in use in this section. LOUIS PRANG POWER WASH iiC AIS: operated by. GASOLENE In different sizes. 3,' 3 and 3 tub. just what you have been looking for. Why nett serve your wife or housekeeper some d the hard labor by adopting imp,rove3 methods ()all and see n'x kib'111r, in oliel;ation,'