HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-05-21, Page 5THE CHURCHES EVAN. CHURCH SERVICES. Sunday, German 11.00 a, " Sunday School 9.45 " " Junior Y, P. A. 1,00 li. m. "° (Service) English 7.00 " Teachers meeting 8.00 << Mon., Tri -Mn Brotherhood 8,00 Tuesday, Y. P. A. 8.15 " `" Wednesday Payor Moeting 8.00 " Friday Teachers Training: "� Class. . 7.80 " choir praotice' 8.80 " Ladies Aid meets "1st Monday of each month at 7.30 p. m. LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICES tt German, Sunday 10.80 a. m. English " 7.80 p. Bible School 9.00 a. m. Men's Mis'n'ry 8 Tuesday 8.00 p. m. Luther League Friday 8.00 p. m. L A S lstWeds'y of month 8.00 p, in. You are cordially invited to take an active part in all these meetings and services. "Blessedare they that hear the word of God, and keep at: Luke 11.28, DASHWOD SLIOE STORE I havea large stock of all the latest and best in. 1VIens' Ladies and Children Shoes. Call and . n' over our lines before ycir uy elsewhere.. We can- save you..Inoney. . Repairing . Promptly Done: Butter and eggs taken in exchange fol' shoes. David Pfaff Dashwood Ont MASSEY- I-17J RI IMPLEMENT FS Binders, Mowers, all kinds of Cultivators, Discs and Fer- tilizer Drills, best and light- est made. all steel. Manure Spr. aders and all kinds of plows and repairs always in stock. Look at our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies, and Wagons before buying else- where. GRAY MOTOR ENGINES 14 H. P. $75; 2 11. P. $85; 4 H. P.$125; 6 11. P. $175; 8 H. P. $235; 12 H. P. $375;. all warranted first class. At the old Stand::— Square Dealing Our 'Motto" Fr Hess 8 Son rµ� 1{.j LaV♦r��eCiI,IY jt7A.LY.1J.4 �J.�Vf��my dr .Ldru�el7Fel VRt A new shipment just in of Bon Bons, Chocolates, etc.' The best that money can buy A. large,variety of Comic, Patriotic; Scer<ie,. etc., Post Cards, all prices. We.. also have the Mai; Gum, Spearmint, Etc. Leadinj Brands of Cigars: Neilson's Famous Ince Cream McCORMICK'S RESTAURANT i LOCAL NEWS Mr Henry Truernner is on the sick list at presen b. Next Sundaythe churches will ob- serve Pentecost with special services. Mr F E Hess, of London, visited leis home here for a few days this week. The bowling green has been finish ed and the bowlers are now watching the grass grow, Much work has been put on the grounds which present a very neat appearance. It is proposed to make this one of the boanty spots of our village in the course of time. The locatiou is ideal and should be a source of great pleasure and pastime for the members in future years. An agreement has been made with Ontario bytbe Dominion Government which provides for the expenditure of largo amounts in connection with the extension of agricultural instruction under the Agricultural Instruction Act, The agreement entails an expenditure of $266;013, to be divided among the public schools, Guelph Agricultural College and the work of district repre- sentatives of the agricultural depart- ment. Mr Frank Weaver, voice specialist and concert pianist, of London, Ont., is visiting Zurich this week to form a class of pupils in voice culture and piano. Mr Wearer has a first class reputation as a teacher and has large classes of pupils in Exeter, Goderich. Clinton and Wingharn. Mr Weaver's `vocal pupils are soloists in various churches in Ontario. He will be in Zurich every Thursday. For terms, etc., apply to A. F. bless, Herald Office Zurich. The Canada Company has recently sold the following land in Hay Town ship through their local agent: James Dinsmore has purchased 25 acres, Jos Gelinas has purchased 50 acres and William Bender, of the Goshen Line south, has purchased 150 acres. This makes 400 acres sold this spring besides several tracts rented for pasture. At the present rate of sales the Canada Company, who at one time owned nearlythe whole of Hay Township, will haye disposed of their holclins in this township in a few in, re .years. CO11P131JTSATEON ACT ' 112r. Richards, a memberof the staff of the Workmen's Compensatiou Board, of Toronto, was looking up em- ployers and employees in Zurich and surrounding towns last week who come under the jurisdiction of • the Work men's. Compensation Act, which be- came law in 1914. The new law is not fully understood by many, but this misunderstanding will be done away with after the first year of its operation, when employers and em- ployees Will realize the benefit of the Act. The intention is to provide a system of mutual protection on the basis of actual cost. As an illustration of tho manner in which matters will work out, take for example, the clothing industry. The ratefixed in this class is 40 cents. Suppose there is tt pay Poli in Ontario in this class of $2,000,000 in the year 1915, this would realize the Accident Fund the sum of $8,000. If, after the accidents of the year have been provided for, it sbonld be found that only $6,000 has .been needed, the bal- ance of $2,000 will be carried forward into the next year's account to the credit of this class, and the rate the fol- lowing year would be reduced accord- ingly. If, on the other hand, the amount realized from the assessment should prove insufficient, a higher rate would be levied the following year to meet the deficit, • FASHION TIPS TO MEN There have been columns about the new things for women thin Spring but never a word about the men's new bib and tucker. Here are a few things though, that are almost certain to be popular:— Fringe will be popular around the heels, the bottom of the trousers furn- ishing this decoration. Wire nails will still be in vogue in place of an occasional pant button. Ties will be worn around the neck the sauce as formerly, slipping up be- hind the ears and sagging down ; in front to show the bone collar button. Cuffs can be turned upside down on. Wednesdays and remain in this posi= tion until tub; Stiff hats are worn well down on the head, just resting on top of the ears, Canes will only be carried by old men and those who have an income of over $9 a week. White duck pants will be 'sworn by tennis players and bricklayers. --Exch- ange. Notices NOTICE TO PUBLIC I hereby notify the public that •I will not be responsible for anything bought in my name and not paid for. Henry Badoiir. "Rough on Bats" clears out Bats, Mice, etc. Don't Die in the House. 150. and 26e. at Drug and Country Stores.. SEED POTATOES AND OATS A quantity of first-class seed potatoes Silver King variety, for sale. ,Good sample and large yielders. Also quantity of good seed oats for sale. Apply to Alonzo Foster; Babylon Line R: R. No. 3, Zurich. Farms For Sale 210 acres of good farming and fruit land. 2000 peach trees of which 1000 are in bearing, good, plenty of water, good building, well fenced ancl partly drained. For particulars apply to Daniel Smith, R. R. No. 2 Zurich, Zurich Med MARKET DEALERS IN Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc CASH FOR SKINS et, HIDES, Tugbhit& Beichert, HORSLIVIEH! Get . your route bills for 1915 -printed < at the Herald Office. ' Prices reasonable. THE HERALD CLUBBING UST FOR 1915 Herald and Daily Globe ... ......$3 75 Weekly Globe • 1 75 Daily 117ai1 and Em- pire 3 75 1Veely .Mail and Empire 1 75 Toronto Dit,ily Star 2 85 " Daily News 2 85 " Weekly Star.. 1 75 London Free Press Morning. Edition.... 8 50 Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition-- 1 85 London Advertiser Morning .Edition.... 2 90 Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition 1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun • 1.80. CC tt " tt I tt C C4 tt tt tC tt tt tt Farmers Advocate... 2.40 Montreal Family Serald and Weekly t ar 1 85 Weekly Montreal Witness 185 UNDERTAKING 11 Classified ,Ads LEGA[„ GARDS.. PRODUPOOT, 1(ULl.QRAN, & PROUR. FOOT, Barristers, Solicitor', Notaries Public, e. Office,. on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goderiol , Private funds to loon at lowest rates W. Psounroor, K. 0. .J. D. Kir.,LoBAr, W PsouDFoor,; Jit. MEDICAL. CARDS 'BIZ A. J. 111aeKINb1QN' late flora¢ Surgeon, Erie Oounty Hospital, ]3olfalo. N. Y. Late assistant rest,. dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the Houde Staff, New York Palyeliuie IViedical School and hospital Drug store in connection. Office; Zurich, Ont. COUNTE,Check;a` ,aooks For General Stores E are selling agents for Appieford'5 U' ..1 popular counter check books. �. OOIi�. C'ur prices are the safe as city travellers charge you for ihem. Let us know your wants and we will cheerfully showou samples and quote prices. Y Herald Printing C,s. pho 30 _. •sss..•neYalm9n[sa-JL_ ImangsinunalEsmammoimammisIn The Right Idea .A u ine s THE modern merchant filled with the modern spirit carries his . business to his customers' homes; that is, he doesn't wait to be found out or risk the danger of not being found out. The best carr'er of businesses to customers' homes is the newspaper. The Zurich Iier,t1d can carry every b:isines; in Zarich to the homes of this co iimunity with ease and with- out confusion --the business of grocers) dry got ds Inen; . hardware dea'ers, clothiers, s'a ioners, loot• and shoe houses, druggists, jewellers, furniture dealers, fruiterers, but•shers, grain and feed stores and every other .class of busines a. To the Merchants of Zurich Comet your. business into the home and you'll sell goods there. The Zurich Herald can c'':.rry your busiiuesi into more homes then you are now serving. g�k us about the cost of advertising. BUY r'ROM. .ADVERTISERS 7' .,,,:, Ar on yh� zry 24' "Victoria Day" is "Spic and Span Day", when everybody gets out their paint brushes. The "24th" comes just at the right time for you to give the House its new coat of paint—to freshen up the Porch and Front Fence—to do the Floors and Walls—in short, to make your home spic and span, inside and out. PAIN "S AND VARNISHES Prompt Service Moderate r''harges Tailor Shop .and Laundry include everything you need for Paint Day. We carry the full line of "100% Pure" Paint—also Spic and Span Finishes—and will be pleased to give you color cards of these reliable brands. Ask fora copy of our books, "Town and Country Homes" And "Harmony in, Neu -Tone". You will find thew of the greatest assistance when deciding on color schemes for the different rooms Sad also for the outside of the house, Free to our friends, Chas. Hartleib, Zurich, Ont« D. Tiernan, Dashwood; Ont. W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich,— Ontario ,' 'r a•ti ,3. cikaRe' ,, .".w1.4 -t.1+ =r s. v ata.r..X.:ta.:... Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Herald Office Zurich DASHWOD SLIOE STORE I havea large stock of all the latest and best in. 1VIens' Ladies and Children Shoes. Call and . n' over our lines before ycir uy elsewhere.. We can- save you..Inoney. . Repairing . Promptly Done: Butter and eggs taken in exchange fol' shoes. David Pfaff Dashwood Ont MASSEY- I-17J RI IMPLEMENT FS Binders, Mowers, all kinds of Cultivators, Discs and Fer- tilizer Drills, best and light- est made. all steel. Manure Spr. aders and all kinds of plows and repairs always in stock. Look at our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies, and Wagons before buying else- where. GRAY MOTOR ENGINES 14 H. P. $75; 2 11. P. $85; 4 H. P.$125; 6 11. P. $175; 8 H. P. $235; 12 H. P. $375;. all warranted first class. At the old Stand::— Square Dealing Our 'Motto" Fr Hess 8 Son rµ� 1{.j LaV♦r��eCiI,IY jt7A.LY.1J.4 �J.�Vf��my dr .Ldru�el7Fel VRt A new shipment just in of Bon Bons, Chocolates, etc.' The best that money can buy A. large,variety of Comic, Patriotic; Scer<ie,. etc., Post Cards, all prices. We.. also have the Mai; Gum, Spearmint, Etc. Leadinj Brands of Cigars: Neilson's Famous Ince Cream McCORMICK'S RESTAURANT i LOCAL NEWS Mr Henry Truernner is on the sick list at presen b. Next Sundaythe churches will ob- serve Pentecost with special services. Mr F E Hess, of London, visited leis home here for a few days this week. The bowling green has been finish ed and the bowlers are now watching the grass grow, Much work has been put on the grounds which present a very neat appearance. It is proposed to make this one of the boanty spots of our village in the course of time. The locatiou is ideal and should be a source of great pleasure and pastime for the members in future years. An agreement has been made with Ontario bytbe Dominion Government which provides for the expenditure of largo amounts in connection with the extension of agricultural instruction under the Agricultural Instruction Act, The agreement entails an expenditure of $266;013, to be divided among the public schools, Guelph Agricultural College and the work of district repre- sentatives of the agricultural depart- ment. Mr Frank Weaver, voice specialist and concert pianist, of London, Ont., is visiting Zurich this week to form a class of pupils in voice culture and piano. Mr Wearer has a first class reputation as a teacher and has large classes of pupils in Exeter, Goderich. Clinton and Wingharn. Mr Weaver's `vocal pupils are soloists in various churches in Ontario. He will be in Zurich every Thursday. For terms, etc., apply to A. F. bless, Herald Office Zurich. The Canada Company has recently sold the following land in Hay Town ship through their local agent: James Dinsmore has purchased 25 acres, Jos Gelinas has purchased 50 acres and William Bender, of the Goshen Line south, has purchased 150 acres. This makes 400 acres sold this spring besides several tracts rented for pasture. At the present rate of sales the Canada Company, who at one time owned nearlythe whole of Hay Township, will haye disposed of their holclins in this township in a few in, re .years. CO11P131JTSATEON ACT ' 112r. Richards, a memberof the staff of the Workmen's Compensatiou Board, of Toronto, was looking up em- ployers and employees in Zurich and surrounding towns last week who come under the jurisdiction of • the Work men's. Compensation Act, which be- came law in 1914. The new law is not fully understood by many, but this misunderstanding will be done away with after the first year of its operation, when employers and em- ployees Will realize the benefit of the Act. The intention is to provide a system of mutual protection on the basis of actual cost. As an illustration of tho manner in which matters will work out, take for example, the clothing industry. The ratefixed in this class is 40 cents. Suppose there is tt pay Poli in Ontario in this class of $2,000,000 in the year 1915, this would realize the Accident Fund the sum of $8,000. If, after the accidents of the year have been provided for, it sbonld be found that only $6,000 has .been needed, the bal- ance of $2,000 will be carried forward into the next year's account to the credit of this class, and the rate the fol- lowing year would be reduced accord- ingly. If, on the other hand, the amount realized from the assessment should prove insufficient, a higher rate would be levied the following year to meet the deficit, • FASHION TIPS TO MEN There have been columns about the new things for women thin Spring but never a word about the men's new bib and tucker. Here are a few things though, that are almost certain to be popular:— Fringe will be popular around the heels, the bottom of the trousers furn- ishing this decoration. Wire nails will still be in vogue in place of an occasional pant button. Ties will be worn around the neck the sauce as formerly, slipping up be- hind the ears and sagging down ; in front to show the bone collar button. Cuffs can be turned upside down on. Wednesdays and remain in this posi= tion until tub; Stiff hats are worn well down on the head, just resting on top of the ears, Canes will only be carried by old men and those who have an income of over $9 a week. White duck pants will be 'sworn by tennis players and bricklayers. --Exch- ange. Notices NOTICE TO PUBLIC I hereby notify the public that •I will not be responsible for anything bought in my name and not paid for. Henry Badoiir. "Rough on Bats" clears out Bats, Mice, etc. Don't Die in the House. 150. and 26e. at Drug and Country Stores.. SEED POTATOES AND OATS A quantity of first-class seed potatoes Silver King variety, for sale. ,Good sample and large yielders. Also quantity of good seed oats for sale. Apply to Alonzo Foster; Babylon Line R: R. No. 3, Zurich. Farms For Sale 210 acres of good farming and fruit land. 2000 peach trees of which 1000 are in bearing, good, plenty of water, good building, well fenced ancl partly drained. For particulars apply to Daniel Smith, R. R. No. 2 Zurich, Zurich Med MARKET DEALERS IN Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc CASH FOR SKINS et, HIDES, Tugbhit& Beichert, HORSLIVIEH! Get . your route bills for 1915 -printed < at the Herald Office. ' Prices reasonable. THE HERALD CLUBBING UST FOR 1915 Herald and Daily Globe ... ......$3 75 Weekly Globe • 1 75 Daily 117ai1 and Em- pire 3 75 1Veely .Mail and Empire 1 75 Toronto Dit,ily Star 2 85 " Daily News 2 85 " Weekly Star.. 1 75 London Free Press Morning. Edition.... 8 50 Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition-- 1 85 London Advertiser Morning .Edition.... 2 90 Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition 1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun • 1.80. CC tt " tt I tt C C4 tt tt tC tt tt tt Farmers Advocate... 2.40 Montreal Family Serald and Weekly t ar 1 85 Weekly Montreal Witness 185 UNDERTAKING 11 Classified ,Ads LEGA[„ GARDS.. PRODUPOOT, 1(ULl.QRAN, & PROUR. FOOT, Barristers, Solicitor', Notaries Public, e. Office,. on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goderiol , Private funds to loon at lowest rates W. Psounroor, K. 0. .J. D. Kir.,LoBAr, W PsouDFoor,; Jit. MEDICAL. CARDS 'BIZ A. J. 111aeKINb1QN' late flora¢ Surgeon, Erie Oounty Hospital, ]3olfalo. N. Y. Late assistant rest,. dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the Houde Staff, New York Palyeliuie IViedical School and hospital Drug store in connection. Office; Zurich, Ont. COUNTE,Check;a` ,aooks For General Stores E are selling agents for Appieford'5 U' ..1 popular counter check books. �. OOIi�. C'ur prices are the safe as city travellers charge you for ihem. Let us know your wants and we will cheerfully showou samples and quote prices. Y Herald Printing C,s. pho 30 _. •sss..•neYalm9n[sa-JL_ ImangsinunalEsmammoimammisIn The Right Idea .A u ine s THE modern merchant filled with the modern spirit carries his . business to his customers' homes; that is, he doesn't wait to be found out or risk the danger of not being found out. The best carr'er of businesses to customers' homes is the newspaper. The Zurich Iier,t1d can carry every b:isines; in Zarich to the homes of this co iimunity with ease and with- out confusion --the business of grocers) dry got ds Inen; . hardware dea'ers, clothiers, s'a ioners, loot• and shoe houses, druggists, jewellers, furniture dealers, fruiterers, but•shers, grain and feed stores and every other .class of busines a. To the Merchants of Zurich Comet your. business into the home and you'll sell goods there. The Zurich Herald can c'':.rry your busiiuesi into more homes then you are now serving. g�k us about the cost of advertising. BUY r'ROM. .ADVERTISERS 7' .,,,:, Ar on yh� zry 24' "Victoria Day" is "Spic and Span Day", when everybody gets out their paint brushes. The "24th" comes just at the right time for you to give the House its new coat of paint—to freshen up the Porch and Front Fence—to do the Floors and Walls—in short, to make your home spic and span, inside and out. PAIN "S AND VARNISHES Prompt Service Moderate r''harges Tailor Shop .and Laundry include everything you need for Paint Day. We carry the full line of "100% Pure" Paint—also Spic and Span Finishes—and will be pleased to give you color cards of these reliable brands. Ask fora copy of our books, "Town and Country Homes" And "Harmony in, Neu -Tone". You will find thew of the greatest assistance when deciding on color schemes for the different rooms Sad also for the outside of the house, Free to our friends, Chas. Hartleib, Zurich, Ont« D. Tiernan, Dashwood; Ont. W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich,— Ontario ,' 'r a•ti ,3. cikaRe' ,, .".w1.4 -t.1+ =r s. v ata.r..X.:ta.:...