HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-05-21, Page 1•
Vol. XV.
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- . We are having a Special Display I
- f of Ladies' Whitewear. Space will
• not perniit us to describe all, but
- I below will be found .a few specials
' t ' that will interest you.
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Night Gowns
• A new line of ladies' Night Gowns, made of white seer. -40
• sucker crepe. which needs no ironing. Sizes 56, 58, 50. .
• Also a line made of white nainsook, neatly trimmed, Z
• SiZei 56, 58, 60. •
• 4
Corset Covers :
• A nice line of Crepe and Cambric Corset Covers trimmed .
. with lace and embroidery. Assorted sizes, 25o,, 40 o„ and 50 0, •
• •
• . Ladies Petticoats
Just received a new line of Ladies Pettiooates nicly trim. :
med with oluny lace. .Assorted sizes, at $2.00. •
i Ladies Vests and Drawers
410 Just received a few nice lines of Lathes Cotton Vests and
-; Dr's, Also a good line of Combination' Children's Vests and •
i Drawers in all sizes. •
Embroidery Flouncing for •4'.
: A big assortment to chose from. Corset Cover Embroidery
*laces and insertion.
* . , •
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• ; •
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4. Ladies Serviceable -Umbrellas
at Aloderate Prices
Just received a goocl assortment of Ladies Umbrellas with
Ivory Handles in silk oases at $1:25, $1.. 50, and $2,00.
Also a full line of Men's Umbrellas with assorted bandies 44
At $1.25. , *
Dont Forget
We still have a full range of Ladies' and Children's Middy 41
Blouses in different colors, •
Just Received
A nice line of Men's Dress Shirts with and without Lounge
collars, also Men's Work Shirts large •and roomy, of good
material at 500 and $1,00.
Special line of Men's
Linen Handkerchiefs Extra: good value at 20c each.
We Also Have
A Big Assortment of the following to chose from
Caps, Braces. Ties, Collars and Underwear •
What About
A nice Dinner Set this Spring? We have a big
and prices,are advancing. Come and take a look,
Toilet Sets
A Big Assortment in Fancy and plain patterns.
Some Snaps in Soaps
2 Bars of pure Castile Soap 25c.
2 Bars of Home soap 250.
8 Cakes of'Toilet Soap for 25c.
" We also have in stook Panghire and Lux, for laundry use.
stook •
' •
We are sole
selling agents for
Zurich for . the :
* famous Plythouth I
. •
t 'Twines etc Ropes
. • 4.*
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Telephone No.9 - -. - z 1.1,1,Z I. c ti t
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Produce of all kinds taken
ea 'Ilk. eit.vewe
To -day is Empire Day.
Monclay, May 24th, is a public holi
day, All business places will bo
Miss E 51 Stinson, of the Sauble
Line, visited her friend, Miss 0 Green
over Sunday.
Mr and Mrs Jacob Moyer, Sr., of
the Goshen line south, are vieiting re,
latives in Baden this week.
Mrs 0 Fritz was called to Listowel
on Tuesday, owing to the serious ill-
ness of her sister, Mrs ChaPirtart-
Mr Michael Troyer, and sister, of
Toronto, were visitors at the home of
Mr Wm O'Brien on Sunday.
Miss Lucy Uttley, of ths Tecumseh
House, London, and Pte G Th ackle-
bury of the 33rd Battalion, London,
were guestion Sunday at the home of
the formers parents, Mr and Mrs W
Uttley, of this place.
Shareholders of the Farmers Bank
of Canada are liable under the double
liability clause of the Bank Act. This
was the decision of official Referee J
MacAndrew, given Friday in Toronto
in a test case brought by Mr James R.
The date for the concert to be given
under the auspices of the local Wom
en's Institute will be held. in the Town
Hall, Zurich, on Friday evening May
286h. A good programme, consisting
of plays, songs, etc.'has been prepar-
ed. See large bills for particulars.
The annual meeting of the members
of the local branch of the Women's
Institute was held in the Town Hall or
the evening of May 12th. The folloW-
mg officers were elected for the year:
President, Airs M Fritz, 1st Vice—
President--IVIrs J Preeter, 2nd Vice—
President---Mrs J Douglas Seeretary---
Mtss K Campbell; Business Director—
Mrs (Dr) A J McKinnon, Press Corres-
pondent—Mrs W Hey.
A sad fatality occurred at Wolseley
Barracks, London, last Saturday, when
Pte. Chester C. Fitzgerald, 32 years of
"age, of 592 Dufferin avenue, London,
a cook in the Army Medical Carps,
33rd Battalion fell downstaire in the
hospital quarters, and died in a few
minutes from a broken neck and
fracture of the skull. Pte. Fitzgerald,
before the war was employed with the
Canadian Express Company. For
many years before he was a letter car-
rier in London. .He had spent most
of the morning over at the fair grounds
and on getting back to Wolseley Barr-
acks went to his quarters. He had
started downstairs to help get dinner
and in hurrying along missed his foot-
ing and fell headfirst about 15 feet.
Several of his comrades who were
standing near at once went to his as-
sistance, brit he expired in about three
minutes. He was very popular 'With
his comrades. Besides his wife, who
was Miss Beatrice Steinbach, formerly
of thisvillage, he leaves two children,
his father and mother, and several
brothers and dne sister. The many
friends of.Mrs Fitzgerald in Zurich and
vicinity will sympathize with her in
her deep bereavement.
I Incorporated 1855
93 Branches in Canada
A Genera.flankin
Business Transacted
Savings Balk Dp Mont
titeresb at highest current rate$
Zurich Branch
R. T. DUNLOP, Manage
•• .e.„p .`40,• •g
MAY 21, 1915.,
Huth thou sounded the depth° of
yonder sea, and counted the sands
that under them be? Haab measured
the heights of heaven above? Then
mayest thou speak of a mother's love.
Hest thou talked with the blest, of
leading on to the Lamb of God some
wandering son? Hast thou witnessed
the angels bright employ. Then
mayest thou speak of a mother's joy.
There is not a grand inspiring thought,
there is nob a feeling pure and high,
that may not be read in a mothers
eye. There are teachings of earth and
sky and air: the heavens the glory of
God declare; but far more bright bene-
ath, above; Ile is heard to speak
through a mother'slove.
The services in the Evangelical
chuich last Sunday morning and even -
log were of a particularly interesting
nature. The main thought for the
clay was Mother and this was fully
emphasized by word and song. In the
morning the paster, Rev G F Brown,
delivered an interesting sermon on the
subject, which was appreciated by all
present. In the evening an interesting
programme of songs, readings recita-
tions, etc., was given by members of
the School and the eho ir. Among
themany appropriate mirabersrendered
those deserving of special mention are.
The song,"Love at Home," sung by
the mothers the reading by Miss Pearl
Wrirtz and the selections sung by the
Dr E s Hardie, dentist, will visit
Zurich again on Wednesday, June 2nd.
After June 1st he will visit Crediton
every Tueeday, Zurich on Wednesday,
and Hensall on Thursday and Fri-
day of each week.
Mrs Elizabth Wein, of Crediton,
,rec:ived word on Friday that her son,
1 DaVid 0 Wein, was among 'the miss-
ing at the battle front in Belgium:
He was a private in the 2nd Battalion
and had joined the army out west where
he had been for four or five years.
His mother, three brothers, John and
William, of near Dashwood, and one
in Detroit, besides three sisters, are
his nearest living relatives. Mr Wein
was employed in the harness shop of
Mr R F Stade, of this place, a few
years ago.
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Tiu, Snos
You will want a pair of new shoes to go with
that new spring suit. We handle the
Invictus, made by Geo. A. Slater, Derby
and McPherson for m en, and the Gracie
and M cPherson for adies.
These are our leaders. Also cheaper grades.
We can -please you. See our spring display.
C. FRITZ Zurich
Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes.
The Home of Good Shoes
Are you goilis
to paint this spring? If so, we oan supply yen with the famous
Ready -Mixed Paints
For floors and verandahs or anything that needs paint. None
better and few as good.
New and up.to-date Shoes
at popular prices.
More new waists, aprons and ready-raade dresses E
and dress goods just opened up.' All our tines are I
stocked up with the latest and best that money
can buyCome and see for yourselves and be E.
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Suits for for Young Fellows
The New English Models in
Snits are having the centre of the
stage at this writing.
They're Smart, they're "Chic"
and "Snappy,"
We have studied and watched.
the trend of fashions closely in order
.• to supply, you with the "Correct."
We are ready to Show you --
the plea ure in doing so is ours,