HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-05-14, Page 1011110111111101111.11111.111.11111110 ILMI Fri�ats and Ginghams The new Prints and (inghams have arrived and we have a ge aseortnient of colors tAnd patterns to choose from. We o have the famous steel clad Galatea, an extra long . wearing aaaetat. suitable £or ehiidrens' dresses, suits and ladies house 1 yew Ourtain Goods ata rop our range of curtains an], curtain materials is now complete n j ould you require anything in the line of draperies, curtains, veti.n.ds, etc, Do net fail to call and see our lines before pur- ,rasing elsewhere, to th, New Wall Papers now to hand, in a large variety of new 'np•to date designs at prices that will interest you. stc. Walso ctrey FI malafnrntisinga, sushi as Linoleums, Floor and Cloths, Rngs, Carpets, etc. e No trouble to show goods at any time even if you are not elnst ready'to buy. We would be pleased to have you come and °lee all our new lines of seasonable goods. ea es ae it We have a large stock of the following varieties: Wall Papers SEED CORN Wisconsin No. 7, Improved Learning and White Cap Yellow Dent, se ass rw 6 Fresh Groceries always on hand. Produce taken in exchange RUBY and GASCHO PHONE 17 4a4 :: 4,{,.y'.v�v.�e..R `a_:..rCCCO:ev°.K°..CKK . Vis. % . ttt°v:°:4-; t. t CLOCK eaereateateaaaq is the most important piece of ia furniture in the house. We have the kind for tt the kitchen, fresh from the factory, at $3.50, Oak or Walnut, 1915 Model Movements. cl Alarm Clocks, $1.50 to $3.00. tl We -don't sell the 43 cent alarm • clock, usually sold for $ 1.00. F. i n F. W. Hess & Lo Jewellers & Opticians l lti FLOUR, FEED & SEED STORE Having purchased the business lately conducted by I, Hudson, I beg to notify the public that 1 have a complete stock of Flour: FIVE ROSES, MILVERTON, ROYAL. HOUSEHOLD and EXETER BRANDS. Also Feed of all kinds. All kinds of Field and Garden Seeds Groceries, Salt, Stock Foods, Etc., Etc, Eggs taken in exchange for goods George McBride Telephone 23 COAL! COAL! )eleware, Lac:cawanna, & i Western Coal Co's Scranton Goal All sizes ALF. SCRUTON Hensall. G. 1101/17 MAN ,surauce Agent Zurich Ont High Grade Copper and Alumiin m Lightning Gon- ductors4 Am very busy, please hand in :your orders early, as I do the work nmyeelf. Priees right 011 easy terms, oof itiTc lepho»ie ,3= ,r.. 3. Confining inalee except FERTILIZER I have a carload of Fer tilizer on hand Parties wishing to buy some in any quantity can secure it from me at any time at my farm. Have all kin') s on hand, ranging from $10 to $40 per ton. JOHN HEY Jr. Agent for Canadian Fertilizer; Co, BEST BY TEST MiU nery Openings We beg to announce to the Ladies of. Dashwood 'and vidinity that eve have added a Millinery Department toou> business.: Our Spring -opening in charge of Bliss Crawford Will be ,held on Tuesday and Wednesday March 23rd aind 24th and following days. You are cordially invited. G. KELLERMAN & S. ON LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every. Thursday. Butter Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat $1.35 Oats Barley...... Buckwheat Flour, Bran Shorts Low Grade Live Hogs fob Hensall Cultivation and Care of Corn. Attention Early, Late and.Uftea Necessary for Successful Yield Corn is one of the greatest of the fooder crops of this country. , It can and should be grown more extensively' on Canadian farms. If it is planted on a warns, well.drai.ned soil; ;i suit- able yariety chosen, and its habits and preferences catered to, .,,it will give a good yieid even in a district where the growing sensori is short. No agt icultur- al plant will more readily respond to generous treatment in the way •of thor- ough cultivation and care. The land should be worked well and a good seed bed be prepared before planting, as no amount of cultivation after the corn is planted can make np for the poorly prepared field. Successful growers begin to culti- vate after planting, before the corn is up. Countless weeds will have X60,24 germinated before the corn, acid unless 20 these are destroyed while small, they 05 will cause serious trouble. For this 80 .purpose the weeder is a splendid im- plement to mplement.to use before the corn is up. and until it is seven or eight inches high. If a weeder is not available, a light drag harrow may be used and will do effective work. Of course, a small amount of the corn will be des- troyed, but the loss` of the extra seed which should be sown to permit har- rowing, is more than compensated for in the fewer weeds, in the conserved moisture and in aeration of the soil. The regular corn cultivations should be started ;rust as soon as the rows are visible. The first cultivations should $1.35 55 55 70 70. 70 3.75 4.25 $ 28.00 " 80.00 38.00 8.75 Local News Mr C Brill was in Milverton : on Wednesday on business. J be deep and wide, and as the corn 1'.Iiss Marjorie Fritz entertained her ( roots develop, the cultivations should young friends to a birthday party last I be more shallow. Friday.I Too many farmers stop cultivating Mr Peter Lamont, our popular + ton ear]y, which is a great mistake. drover, received 75 head of cattle on i When the corn becomes too tall for Saturday, which he has put out on the two -row cultivator, the one-horse grass.cultivator may be used. Friday was a wet disagreeable' day Corn requires an immense amen nt so Arbour Day was duly observed on of water at all stages of its growth, Mondaschool. afternoon, at thepublic demandsand just `hen it is making upon the soil manys farmers school. stop cultivating, with the result that Mr and Mrs R Schwartzentruber, when rain comes it packs the soil, and Mrs Moses Erb and Mr J L Gerber if the ground is heavy it will bake and visited relativesin New Hamburg and other points for a few days last week. crack. After the corn , has receives] Miss Liella Seibert, daughter el Mr W L Seibert, had the misfortune to fall down the porch steps at her hoarse on Tuesday evening,; receiving severe njuries thereby.' Mr Narcisse M. Cantin, of St'Yosephi s in town today. Mr Cantin is again giving his attention to the development of the lakeside "city;•• which some years ago was the centre, of great inter- est—Goderich Signal. HOUSE FOR SALE. Fine 12 roomed brick dwelling, newly built, for sale, ,situated in Zurich Furnace and modern improvements are installed. Good newe stable an premises and one-half acre of land Will be solei at reasonable price. Fo particulars apply to W 1I Bender Zurich. in other ukeed of pavement i Y, rvlsm Y» i',n4. ,14vr r Mrs A Church, who has oceupied the house of Mrs E Truemner, coved her househeld effects to Welland last week where Mr Church lids, secured a permanent situation with the Bell Telephone Company. - There are two hundred a,nd fifty - thousand words in the English, lang wage, and most of them were torsed last Sunday by a lady who' discovered after coming out of church, that her new hat was adorned with as tag on which was written. Reduced to $2.- 68. Mr F Hess Sr., is completing a large cement tank, which will be used in cennectton with the water system he put in some years ago. The tank will hold, a large quantity of water and will be a means of supply for seven houses, the bowling; green and other purposes its early thorough working, Cultivate shallow, often and late, is a matt o that every firmer can safely follow. HICKS' R CASE'S -The Second:. Reactionary Storm Eeriod falls centrally on the 16th,1'7th and 18th. This period is at the center of the Venusequinoctical period, at theCrisis of the solar focus, in its sweep n&rtbward from the equator, with the Moon at its extreme declination north. On and touching the 16th, 17th and' Mahethe barometer, hygrometer and thcrrnoneter will react toward renewed' storm conditions, and cloudiness, rain, wind and thunder will visit most parts. as they move east wardly across the country. It is possible and probable that the disturbances of thisreactionaryx' storm period will, to a great degree, bridge the interval between the regular storm periods, central on the 10th and 22nd, thereby causing a prolonged spell of wet and steemy weather through all the central part of May. The presence of the. Venus hilleence, which is central on the 18th will 'in •teneify these disturbances, causing the. warmth which precedes them, and -the. cool which followsthem to be unsea- sonable, or abnormal. Quick revuls- ions frcnn one extreme of temperature to another attend the Venus periods., This section was visited by a slight `especially at the oncoming, andat the; frost last Sunday night, bat 1t is re- ending of the regular, and the react, ported that the damage done was light, ionary.storm periods. The dampness of the ground and other conditions prevailing at the time, were responsible for this. The time for frosts will soon be past and if we should escape a severe one a bumper crop in this part 'of Ontario is assured. The total number of men nuder arms at the front and in training for service, is, et the.pre,sent time as foll- ows; England, 8,000,000; Russia, 6,- 0(0,000; France, 4,000,000; Serbia, 300,000; Belgium, 200,000. Total for the Allies, 13,500,000. Germany 6 to 8,000,000; Austria, 4,000,000; Turkey, 1,000,000. Total 11 to 18,' 000,000. The automatic resignation of the hundred odd License Coininissions Wednesday, : when the new Board assumed charge, marks the ending of a system, which has prevailed in Ont• ario for 40 years, Since 1872 the meth cd of local commissions appointed at; the suggestion of legislative -embers has been iii vogue, and all provincial license affairs have subscribed to its regulations. In that time the number of licenses has been reduced by nearly 4;000. When.the suggestion of Hon Adam Crooks became law there were 6,000 licenses in Ontario, and now there are but 1,600. being I which the east of maintenance r.rs,I ir.:itivrrrltliiimk: s Messrs G R Hess and H Gellman were in London on Wednesday, on business. Rev Father Tierney, of Mt Carmel and Rev Father Rondot, of Drysdale assisted Rev` Father Stroeder . M tne Forty Hour's: Devotional services held_ in St Boniface R C church.las ' week. ' Mr Frank Weaver, voice specialist and concert pianist, of London, Ont., is visiting Zurich' this week to form a class of pupils in voice culture and piano. - Mr Weaver has a first ekes reputation as a teacher and has large classes of pupils in E:ceter, Coderich, Clinton and Wingharn. 1VIr Weaver's yowl pupils are soloists in various churches in Ontario. He will be in Zurich every Thursday. , For terms, etc., apply to A. F. Hess, Herald Office Zurich. 1 NOTICE' Having disposed of the flour and feed business,1 would ask all parties indebted tome on account' to call at my house and settle for same as soon ns possible, NO .t I3tudson 1 Burn Oil or Gasoline 'DETROiT VAPOR STOVE "vv .ork Like Gas J JY DAUGHTER LIKES to cook on my new Detroit -Vapor stove. She say8 its just as. _easy to cook on as Aunt Martha's city gas stove. .I find it costs less than ` wood or coal, and besides it's so clean. Come and see these wonderful stoves. We have just received a large con- signment, They are beauties. Prices $10.00 up. Ten styles to select from. IVe also sell New Perfection and Florence 01 Stoves Gam. HARTLEIB, PHONE 13 ZURICH HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE' sommialogiefluomma An Unusually ii,ttractive Display of. Smart W00s For Spring and 3uner We earnestly ask your inspection. To see them is to want one or more. Reasonably priced.. Now is the time for New Linc teuns, Oil Cloths and Curtains' during house cleaningtime Note these R Child's Suitings Special Suiting for childs wear in Prices plain colors at 15c a yard, New American percale, U yd wide„ for i'2•Ap a yard Organdie, Crepes, Muslin's. Piques. in all colors, from 15c to 25c a yard){ Underwear We havea large selection of ladies children's and men's underwear for Rummer wear. Produce of all kids wanted J. J. MRNEI%.J.. -Zurich 111111111=1=11.1111111111. 011111MEMEMINIER • The Keystone one --wheel - Tongue Truck P01" Hai -cresting and Seeding Ma cl�titrteiry The truck is guaranteed to give satisfaction. It is easy of the horses necks, a comfort to haeuses. as well as -the driver. A oonven- ience that every farmer m+li+,nisi have for his implements. Lot ns. show you sample, Many now in r se in this seotian. LOUIS PRANG POWER WASH I NN MACHINES operated by GASOLENE In different sizes, a 2 and 3 tub." Just what you ba,ve been looking for. Why not saye your wife or housekeeper some of the laarci labor by adopting itrrproveti,'iitetborts Oall and see inaclilite in operatio ,; U nIcI1