HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-05-14, Page 9Style Sparks. Sports hats are much more femi- nine in cil'araeter than for several seasons. Pananias sport colorful bands, with fringed :bow end's, or reflect military eolors in stripes, for slipping around the crown upon occasion, r, College'oolors seem to have been dropped to recognize the more in- sistent demand for military motifs. Bows' and a bit of foliage make their debut decorating sailors and knock -about hats. Vegetable and fruit designs are popular. Colored leather, highly •glossed, made. into leaf and flower fauns kr flat ,applique decorations, vies with white kid or patent leather made ,foliage for ha trimmings. Ostrich feathers in ironed flatan¢1 starched effects are the smartness for dressy hat trimmings. Dyed i shaded colors which 'complenne rather than in one -tone effects, a the proper presentment for these. Lemon drop yellow is a new co o'rmaterial for taffetas. The colo the material and the mode of co billing it in panels with chiffo which exactly matches the silk wa introduced by Iv artial-Arwiand a dress showing an.unusually mad skirt which .accents the modes fo this year. The long-slepved boli shows a' high, tight -fitting collar 'and the sleeves were of chiffon. an designed with finger -tile reachin cuff flounces. Polonaise styles are sponsored b Worth, Premet and Paquin. Watc the development of this mode, .fo Jenny is the style maker for Paris and for this season is also favorin puffed overskirt designs. Late styles introduce circula skirts to. costumes of taffeta Or 0106 with godet fulness` emphasized a either side—allowing just a 1'ttl fulness, coinpar.atively speaking, a the front and back, thus aceentli acing the flared silhouette. Row of shirring, smocking OT a yoke to, provide the required flat appear :ince at the top. Man; dressmakers are designin puffed sleeve tops • for gowns fax both day ,and evening wear. Those for evening are of shee transparent materials and are no controlled •by bands. For day gowns these additional tops are po's- ed oven ea• full length undersleeve of the costume material. Inspiration would term them epaulet sleeves; in any event,. they area new de- velopment. Premet offers'a pink faille after- noon frock which exploits a new skirt trimming. This is termed a manuscript nem.' It looks like pink wood rolled eh.aving stitched to the under side of the skirt edge. This latter-day rejuvenation of an. old vogue intio'duoes one skirt ex- tender in the form of an insertion of featherbene placed' at the head- ing of the rather wide ribbon -trim- med lace flounce which trims the petticoat. These will be worn !beneath the new full skirts, which depend in a measure -upon, braiding' or corded puffs to extend their . fulnesses to the desired modish width. es n nt re 1- r, m- n s e r os d g y h r g r h e t s p g r t: Why Grass IS Green. Doubtless ,many have .wondered' why" the vegetation of the earth is mostly green. That le—not what makes it green, but why it is that color instead of blue or red or pur- ple. Moisture, it has been foundsewill' bepollected by ,the green foliage in proper quwntities while foliage of other oolor,s will not be. properly nouris'hed;'by the dews and moisture from earth and atmosphere. A rather .'curious experiment proves this.•. Paint a piece of glass yellow, an- other;.;;green and ono red and one black, as d place all these plainted pieces of gllass out in the open air over night during a summer or autumn night. " When examined early' the follow- ing morning it will be found that the yellow piece will be very wet and the green piece only moist, while the red ,andblack pieces will be dry, This is proof that yellow foliage would collect too, much dampness, and the red and .black would gather none: Green, •which collects the medium amount of moisture, •seems to be the. color best adapted to the conditions existing throughout the earth. Yellow foliage has been known to damp o,ff and decay under the same conditions that make green foliage thrive, A few yellow leaved plants are grown under considerable; difficulty under ordinary weatherconditions. She Soon Gained Forty Pounds lDA:ME BOUCHARD FOUND NEW HEALTH IN DODD'S NEY PILLS. Now She Is Advising All Her Friends Who Suffer ;From Kidney Disease to Use "Dodd's s'itliey P1115. Portneuf, Eanliltan C< e, Segue - nay Co,, Que., May 10th (Special). —Perfectly oured by' the use, of Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dame Reue Bouchard, well known and highly reisfTeeted here, is advising ala .her friends who suffer from Kidney dis- ease to use Dodd',s Kidney Pills, "When T commenced to take Dodds, Kidney Pills, I was so run. down I only weighed eighty pounds," Dame Bouchard estates. 'I only took four boxes in all but they brought me back 'to health and now I. weigih one hundred and twenty pounds. You may publish what .I eay if you wish, for Dodd's I idney Pills have dome wonders for me.' Dodd's Kidney Pills do wonders for run-down people because they, cure the Kidneys. Cured Kidneys strain all the impurities, all the poison, out of the blood and tdiv pure blood carriers new nourish- ment, health and life, to all parts of the body. That's why so many people say, "Dodd's Kidney Pills: gave me a, new lease of life." Scotsmen's 9;000 Mile Trip. Eleven ,stalwart Scots arrived in London from Honolulu to join the Kingis' new armies. A11' of them held responsible positions on sugar plantations, the majority being overseers. The party which left' Honolulu numbered fourteen,ibut only eleven reached London, three having join- ed a regiment before reaching Brit- ain. Of the eleven remaining four went north to join the Seaforth Highlanders, two went into the pro- vinces to enlist in the Highland Division of the Royal :Engineers, and one, a Welshman, went west- ward to serve in a Welsh, regiment. The remaining . four, all Scots- men, went to the London Seottish headquarters to join. that • famous Territorial regiment. Three were enrolled; .but -the fourth,' Mr. Frank Brolan, did not pass "'the medical test, and was the most disappoint- ed man in London. A man of fine physique, weighing. 16 stone, looking the picture of health, Mr. Brolan was passed by two doctors before leaving Hono- lulu. Feeling fit and looking fit, he had travelled about 9,000 miles to fight for his country, and had been re- jected. He went 'back to his sugar plantation. '- All the members of the party paid their own expenses. .14 Will Quickly Cure Any Sour Stomach Relieves Fulness After Meals. "When I w,as working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of in- flammation," writes Mr. E. P. Dawkins, of Port. Richmond. "I was weak for a long time, but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels for I had to -use salts or physic all the time. • My stomach kept sour, and always after eating there' was pain and fulness, and all the symptoms of intestinal indi- gestion. Nothing helped me until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting, like' other pills, they acted very mildly, and seemed to heal the bowels. .I did not require large doses to get results with Dr. "Hamilton's Pills, and feel so glad that f have found a mild yet certain remedy. To -day I am well—no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can say Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and my letter; I am sure, proves it." Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, sold in yellow boxes, 25c. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., . Ifingston, Ont. Not To Be Expected. Underdele — His argument was mighty 'weak, Go,bang -- That's strange, too, when he has such a strong voice. , 51nard.'s Liniment tised by Physioiane, Would Try Again. "So you are a believer in 'the Tack to the Farm' idea, are you?" "Yep.' I got any first wife there." Seep 11Rinard' fiihitiient 131 the house. ED. 6. ISSUE 20—'15. GREAI.‘ 17thAINGe s Economical ''Methods of Purchasing Supplies. Nothing in nlunioipal history ex- cited more interest than the recent adoption by the City of New York of the C.P.R. method of purchas- ing 'supplies. New York orders for municipal purchasers total $22,000,- 000 worth of good each year and found that there Nvas much dupli- cation and waste, some of the de- partments paying retail prices for the ,same goods as were purchased. wholesale by others. Under the G.P.R, system everything is cen- tralized so as to •cut out the possi- bility of duplication either" in pur- chase or payment of goods, while. the terms are naturally all the more in favor of the 'railway. New York City sent a special investiga- tor round the Continent. to study methods of purchasing supplies, and he de'cided that the O.P.R. eys- tem was "the best for efficiency and saving." . This was naturally the source of much gratification to Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, who wasa im- self at one time plirchasing agent for the C.P.R., and established the present system. The New York ex- pert investigator hsas been busy ever since answering, letters from other Amerioan .. municipaditie,s, They pour in at the rate of about a hundred a week, ,lull wanting to know about the C.P.R: and its model purchasing department;' with a view to the adopting of •simi- lar methods in other cities. It has been calculated that the adoption of C.P.R. methods by American cities has saved Uncle Sam a waste of over a billion dollar's. SAVED BABY'S LIFE Mrs, Jos. Desrosiers, St. Al- phonse, Que., writes: "I cannot say too much in favor of Baby's Own Tablets, as they saved my little one's life. Before -giving him the Tablets he was greatly troubled with worms and was like a skeleton and cried dayand night. The Tab- lets soon- expelled the worms, and now baby is the picture of health.'" Baby's Own Tablets also break up colds and simple fevers, cure con- stipation and indigestion and make the teething period painless..TThey are sold by medicine deale�rs'or by mail at:.25 rents a box from The: Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. He Stuttered.. "How do you like my new fence ?" "I'd like it better if the pickets were an equal distance apart. Why did you 'build it like that?" `,The only man I could get to build it 6tuttered," •Allmak�ie . Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by expo- ' to Sun, Dust and Wind Eyesqquickly relieved by Atwrtne Lye Remedy. No Smarting. lust Eye Comfort. :At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye SalveinTubes25c. For Book of theEyefreeask Druggists or Murine Lye Remedy Co., Chicago :Hand grenades were first made of glass. General L'Aghs Media. One of the most noted :and inter- esting of the Algerian chiefs, who besides being ' a oomenand'er of the French ]legion of Honor; holds sev- eral ,.thee decorations, 'photograph- ed on a recent visit to Paris, where he went to sere his sons, who " are fighting art the front in the Algerian cont.ingent. for France, ieorisy Palos Vanish Chest Cods Cured o reERVILINE HAS NEVER FAILED ` Q CURE Don't Suffer; Nerviline is your relief, Nerviline lust rubbed on, lots of it, will ease that drawn, tight feeling over your ribs, will destroy 'the pain, will have you smiling and happy in no time. "I caught cold last week while mot- oring," writes P, T. Mallery, from Linden, "My chest was full of con- gestion, my throat was mighty sore, and I had the fiercest stitch in my. aide you could imagine. As a boy I was accustomed to have any mother. use Nerviline for all our minor ail, meats, and remembering what cone- dence she had in Nerviline, I sent 'out fora bottle at once, Between noon and eight o'clock I had a whole bottle rubbed on, and then got into a pers- piration under the blankets.; This drove the Nerviline in good and deep, and I woke up next morning fresh as a dollar and absolutely cured. Nervi - line is now always part of my travel ling kit, and I will never be without it. The large 50c. family size bottle is the most economical, or you can eas- ily get the 25c. trial size from any dealer. —44 THE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL. More Supplies Are Required For Our Wounded Soldiers: We hope that our friends through- out the Province who have so nobly helped us to equip the Hospital, will not misunderstand our tardy acknowledgement of their gener- osity. The shower of Sheets kept on steadily and made it difficult to a,nnannce the result. We have to date received ten thousand (10,000) sheets—so we are still in need of at beast two thou•sand;moN. Zlhere need not he the .slightest fear of over -lapping. All the supplies re- ceived over and above the needs of our hospital are to be turned over to the Red Cross fox use in other, preferably Canadian, ho.spita1a. When our readers hear that now in .some of the hospitals in, France they are usi•n.g sheets a second time for lack of a sufficiently large sup- ply', the housewifely ,souls of our Canadian women will surely rise in rebellion against such conditions continuing. 'We hope and believe that the sad events of the last ten days will Make us more unselfish, more de- termined to provide all possible comfort, not only for our own, but for ALL who need our help-. Sure- ly in this hour every woman feels that all the Empire.'s sons are hers --hers to 'comfort in, every possible way. We still need also about two thousand pyjamas and the same number of surgical night shirts. Wild some of the circles of organ- ized ' workers come forward and help us. JEAN MOPH.JDRAN. 151 Bioor St. West. Money may be sent to Mrs. F. N. G. Starr, 112 College St. 4. His . Host Smiled. A tourist recently stopped for a drink of milk at an Irish cottage. He • noticed on .a dresser a 'brick with a faded rose on the top of it. "Why do you keep these?" "Sure; sir," ,yeas the reply, "there's me- mories' bangin' about them. Do ou see this big dent in my head Well, it was: tithe 'brick done it, ie," "But the rose?" asked the purist. His host ,smiled quietly: `The • rose, . sir, is off the grave of e ,man what threw the brick." • • FIND OUT y 5 th The Kind of Food That Will 'Keep • You Well. The true way is to find out what is best to eat and drink, and then cultivate a taste for those things instead of poisoning ourselves with iinproper, indigestible food, etc. A conservative . Eastern., woana•n writes: • "I have used Grape -Nuts 5 years for the young and for the aged ; in sickness and in heal th ; at first fol- lowing ,directions carefully, later in a variety of ways as my taste and judgment suggested. "But its most special, personal benefit has.b,een Os a substitute for meat, and served dry with eream when rheumatic •troubles made it important for me to change diet, "Served in this way with, the additionof a cup of hot Po:stum ,and 'a little fruit it has been used at my morning meal for six months, during Which time my health has much improved, nerves have grown steadier, and a gradual deoreaee in niy excessive weight adds greatly to my comfort." Name given by Canadian Pnstlum Co,, Windsor, Ont. ' Read, "'llhe goad to Wol.lville," in pkgs. ''There's a Reason."• Ever read the above lottert. A sew ono appears front time to time. They, are genuine, trite, and full of 3luivaie interest. k','rJ l'J�"M RY'i':lfilJfl�t£ia" WiIhelari II. To his dark minions undersea Flashed the Imperial decree; Sin k„E'verything Spare naught! Sink everything that floats : Merchantmen liners, fishing boats; Sink ships on Mercys+errand sped, Dye Chrzst s red cross a deeper red ; .; „, Sink Everything I Sink Honor,h; faith, forbearance, rut' Sink virtue, chivalry, and truth, Sink Everything! Sink everything that men hold dear, That devils hate, that cowards fear, All that lifts Man above the ape; That marks him east in God's own shape: Sink Everything I .% Graciousness of Life. Life is wonderfully gracious to us, It brings so many opportuni- ties of recovery, so many chances of escape. But if we consistently reject tient they inevitably dimin- ish in number. Even if they did not the momentum of your own ha- bits would rush you past them as life grew on. That tendency to resentment, that habit of retalia- tion, the disposition of enmity is growing upon you. Absolutely Painless No cutting, no pias - S ters or pads to press the sore. spot. Putnam's Extractor makes the corn go without pain. Takes out the sting over -night, Never fails —leaves no scar. Get a 25c. bottle of Putnam's Corn Extractor to -day. o 0 r The period from one full moon to another is 29 days, 12 hours, and 44.4 minutes. Minard'a Liniment Lumberman's Friend. Another Poser. "Oh, Tommy, don't ask so many foolish quelstion,s," said his father, "If it were so very foolish you could answer it, couldn't you?" asked Toemny. Ask for Minardrs and take no other. That's Another Story. He—"Ab a football dinner a. man got up and left the table because some one told •a story he didn't ap- prove of!' She—"Oh, how noble of him! What was the story?" ksZ remedy .� � for^ uriburn4 heats t5s ge err goo.et,, sth gss, im ✓f•IlyW ':Itv1 A. s do •fCod_, dll ,t7rweeti and Stored Qa, SEES+ POTATOES. A4LY IRISH COI3i3Ll1It POTAT apeoMily selected and {loves?, inspected for seed, Only limit,xl ciu51 Price, One Dollar, per bushel f,Q.b. Pr ton. Also Gonnoiesour's Pride .arid Snow, two excellent new potatoes. P Two Dollars per bushel. Special p for large quantity. Cash must ac .puny all orders. 11. W. 'Rawson, i}r ton. PNEWSP•APERS FOR SALE: irillOOPITtUANING NEWS AND f013, neer, for ,sale in good Ontario •ta Tho most useful and interesting of. businesses. Pull information ou a'l?Pl tion to Wilson Publishing Company West Adelaide Si.,Toronto. 42ZSCnnzTa7Ei7ti ,. eiANCEIt, TUIIrORS, LUMPS, };l internal and external, cured wi out pain 13y our home tireatment. W us before too late. Dr. 73e111nan Med Co., Limited, Collingwood, .Ont. • America', 5cundcrd 4 Gye1a 14igrine Mptor' { / Cycle, a CYI alar i7 Yo 701 .Y.H1 hag aaua ^"`Pr7• �1tY• allgnt oDarot�an. No v�brgtlon Contrp � Ilk, rho i .I 0 Moor J,,4,,,1,10. Extra o acono,treior tu,l, U.gea, uor 5,d4441 qul -'N,1,'i leading over 5 ro 08nt 0((o) 0 e Y - Io,dln.po00000000, Cqt 0000p'ro,t. 018bt0 0900 dopnntllni, 00 Ogtiipinont; '• KERMAT ?APG. Co, OW, 00001f, Mk. HAWK J3ICYCL An up-to-date High Gra • Bicycle f, ttedwith Ro[IerChaz Neuf Departure Coaster Bra and Hubs, Detachable Th high/grade equipment, Mein ing lsiudggeuards, e99.5 Pump,and Tools 6 rd REE19.15Catalogu 70 pages of Bicycles, Srcptdri anttRepair,Material. You ea buy your supplies from us wholesale Prices. T. %V.,. 00YD & SON. 27 Notre Dame St. Wiest, Hoar COTTER & IJA STER Ford owners write for our catalogue. SEARS -CROSS Speedometer Station. 179 Queen Street West, TORONTO, - . • ONT. Lost His Equilibrium. "Oholly see,ms to be unba]. anced." "Yes. His valet failed td '"par his hair exactly in the middle." I cured a horse of the Mange with MINARD'S LINIMENT. CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS. Dalhousie. I cured a horse, badly torn by a pitch fork, with MINARD'S LINIMENT.I St. Peter's, C. B. EDW. LINLIEF. I cured a horse of a bad swelling by MINARD'S LINIMENT: Bathurst, N.B. THOS. W PA.YNE: Wand'sworbh is the largest 'her• cash in London. Holborn is the smallest. t F k f aa:,a MEALS ARE NEVER LATE HEN you have a NEW PERFECTION Oil Cookstove to help you with the Cooking. It lights at the touch of a match—like gas, adjusts in- stantly, high or low, by merely raising or lowering the wick. It means gas stove comfort with kerosene oil." NEW PERrECTION Oil Cookstoves are mttrle in 1, 2, 5, and 4 burner sizes; if your dealer cannot supply you, write us direct, „.ROYALITE OIL a ii t OWES PER*,c BEST RESULTS 01, 0•}:5 Pale an; Ca II ada