HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-05-14, Page 717.14E' C 1'1 ti' R'Ci ES 'VAN. CIUUROI SERVICES, Sunday, ' German 11.00- a, nl ' Sunday School. ..9,45 " fi Junior Y, P, A. 1.00 p. " (Service) English, 7:00 " 't Teachers meeting 8.00 " Mon., Tri -Mu Brotherhood 8.00 Tuesday, Y. P. A. 8.15 ': Wednesday Prayer Meeting8.Q0 " Friday Teacher's Training A< <i (lags. ' 7.3`0 `r choir practice 8.30 4, Ladies Aid meets lst Monday of. each month at 7,30 i)• tn. LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICES. German, Sunday 10.310 a, m -+ riglish " 7130 p. Bible School 9.90 a. fn Men's 111is'u'ry, S Tuesday 48.00 p. m Luther League Friday 8.00 p. m L A S 1stWeds'y of auaomif)h 8.00 p. You are cordially -invited to take au active part in all tbese ntneetings and services. "Blessed are they that hear th weal of. God, and (keep et. Luke 11.28 ••4.e 1 -Andrew F. Hess CONwiE,YWNCING, ETC FERE INSURANCE PiLAILUL (GLASS INSURANCE A.IQrPr Iffl3ILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN ACtENT'FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE child Office Zurich ALS OO D 'SHOE STORE haled large stock of all the latest and best in Mete' Ladies and Children Shoes. Miall and look over our 1 ixtes - before you buy elsewhere.. We can save, you looney. Repairing Promptly Done Butter x,nd eggs taken iaa excll tinge for shoes. David Pfaff Dashwood - Ont. NU'S `'' 41y a I4RRIS. • IMPLEMENTS. Bins, Mowers, all -kinds of Cultivators, Discs and Fer- tilizer 'Drills, best and light- est made- 411 steel'.. ManureSprzaders and all kinds of :pllevis and repairs always dock. Look at our Cutters Sleighs., Buggies, and Wagons before buying else- where. GRAY ' MOTOR ENGINES if $754 2i EL P. $85; 4 II. P.$125; 6 1L P. $1175; 8 IL P. $235, 12 II. P. $375; gall ,warranted first Mass. At the old Stand:— Square tands—Square Dealing Our Motto" F. Hess & Son. camat A new shipment just in of ]ion Bona, Chocolates, etc. The best that money can buy A large variety of • Comic, Patriotic, Scenic, titer, Post Cards, all pr -ices. We also have the Flag Guru, Spearmint, Etc. Leading Brandy of -Cigars. Neilson's Famous Ice Cream' MCCORMZCK'S RESTAURANT LOCAL. NEWS Dri A J McKinnon and wife spent Tuesday in London. M:r J Decker,. Sr„ has treated, Writ - self and fancily to an automobile. Rev A L Stroeder received his new Overland runabout last week: Miss Pearl Wurtz attended the Patriotic concert held in Clinton Mon- day evening. ' •Messr,s E .'Verner and W . vIerner of Bayfield visited relatives here on Sunday. Mr A Mittelholtz is having a cern- ent porch erected in front of his dwelling. Mr B J Uartrnan has bought a farm near Goderich and will take possession next fall ore in the spring, Mr Henry Schnell has returned to Zurich from Chnpestone, and is work- ing at the car snter trade, Services were load in the Lutheran church on Thursday forenoon, in observance -a'f Ascension. Day. Mr C 'Walter of Hayessvilte, amem- ber of the 'government seed inspector's staff w,s .a enisi tior in Zurich .,on Wed- neday, Judge 'Ffalt and wife, and Dr Holm- es amid .e4fe, -county treasures, of God-; erich, -were visitors in ZnriCh • on Wedefesday.' • On `Saturday night next at midnights Debrdit will set all its clocks ahead -one hour, when Eastern standard time be - 'comes the official time of the pity: This makes the time the• same as' in (Ontario. • Mr J Killer of' Berlin, inapeetor.-of the London Mutual Fire Insurance Co 'Toronto, and -Mr Buskin, of. FIanil ton, Inspector of the Hamilton. Fire Insurance Co, Hamilton, were visitors in Zurich on Wednesday. The race truck at the fair grounds is in first -clasp shape and nightly ex- hibitions of speed can be witnessed on it. If you have any horses that show speed now is the time to get. •them • in shape for the coming races.: At the last reg'rlar meeting of the Ladies Aid of the Lutheran. Chtu'eh the pastor, Rev W (1 Miller, was pre- sented with a handoome gown, for- use in the church services, by the metub:. ers, '.The.pr..stor expressed his sincere' Thanks in ri-short address 'after • the presentation.,. - Mr Andrew ArchiLald, son of Mr and Mrs .Andrew Archibald, Tucker- smith, who has been teaching school'. in Toronto, has enlisted and left lase.'. week for training with the artillery, force at Niagara. Mr Archibald is well known to residents of Zurich 'and vicinity, having been principal of our public school before he left for Toron- to. Mr C Fritz i, arranging for a series, of interesting events for lovers of sports to take place on the fair groun- ds daring the summer montbs. The programme of sports' will be held in the -evenings and will consist of foot races, jumping, etc. This should fusee interesting and 11r Fritz should recei,tto hearty support from all lovers of -Hhe out door life. • Me (Peter Corrivean, of Dresdale, 'bag reempleted the contrnct re -erecting thehla>trge copper cross on the steeple of. St Ben -dace R (3 church,: Zurich, which 'was blown' down during a storm last winter. The work was of a very precarious nature, as, :the steeple is very high bud steep, but Mr Cotriveau •has'shown 'trhat he is an adept in undertakings ,of this nature by placing the cross iaa i ositiori in a short time and he has made a perrnanent job of 11. In a large city, a test was recently made' in advertising. A certain article attractively printed was advertised in the street cars forone month. Seven- ty•nine sales were made. The sauce article was then advertised once in, one newspaper. Two hundred sales were made the next day. If this little straw shows the direction of the profit 'Mak- ing wind it is a pretty good test of newspaper (advertising. The -great mer- chants prefer the newspaper to any other medium because 'returns• are •better and..costeleas.:. The directors of the Hay Township Fire Insurance Company ;net here last Saturday. Routine business was transacted. The claim of Mrs Glen 'Osborne,amounting to $400 --vas passed. The claim of Mr Pothering hate, Tnckerstelbh, whose large barns were recently destroyed, was held over until the June meeting on accountof the adjuster not being present' to re• port on the Toss. One hundred and five applications for insurance were passed; Mr Wni.. Conant, president, presided at the meeting. . p , Notices NOTICE TO PUBLIC Ihereby notify the public that,;' will not be responsible for anythitag• bought in my name and not paid:. for. Henry Badour. "lioudh OR lists" clears out Rats, Mice, etc, Don't Die in the House. 15c, and 25c. at Drug • and Country Stores. SEED POTATOES AND OATS A quantity of first class seed potatoes. Silyer King variety, for sale. Good sample and large yielders,. Also quantity of good seed ,oats for sale. Applvrto A]onso.Foster, ;Babylon Line: R. R. No. 3, Zurich. Farms For Sale 210 acres of good farming and fruit land. 2000 peach trees of :which. 1000 are in bearing, good, plopty'' of water, good building, well fenced;. and partly drained. For :.particulars apply to Daniel Smith, R. R. No 2 Zurich. Zurich - - Meat litARJtT . DEAiaRS IN Frefh anld "Salt' Meats -' Bologna -Sausages, etc CASH ,,FOR SKINS & HIDES 7urgbit. Beichert�� HORSEMEN! Tet your route bills for 1915 printed at the Herald ,O2ee. Prices reasonable. THE HERALD - CLUBBING LEST FOR 1915 E dsra1& and Daily Globe . $8 75 Weekly ;Globe::..... 1 75 u u Daily Maul and Em- pise ... 3 75. `t Weely Mead -and Esnnplrs1 75 Torn oto Daily Star 2 H Daily News 2 85 " Weekly Star,. 1 75 London Free Press Morning Edition.... 50 Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition 11 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition2 00. Evening Edition2 00, Weekly Edition-- 1 75 Farm ;d; Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers Advocate..- 2 40 Montreal Family S'eralcl and Weekly t ar. .... .. 1 85, Weekly Montreal Witness 185 tt• 4' CA tt. tt It tt tt it it st ff AS it CI 4t UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate charges Tailor Shop an d Laundry Cs W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich ch. •- Ontario zalattagtmiM- C ii'tr;,;r.:%. �„tda.AY;a.jw';.v..'�..°,�'u4 m+.t4:wutt'„� 'r 1Ni1G.'i'�.. r4•ia si,..tv.. :nanww.,.• Classified A LEGAL. 4✓AR3$.. PRQVDFOQr, KILLORAN, & PROUD. FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Public &e. Office, on the Squara, 2nd door from Hamilton ' St. Goderiob.. Privai o funds to loan at lowest rates W. PROUDFOOT, K. C. J. 1,,'ISmzortnN. W. PnonnrooT, Jrc, MgDICAL CARDS R A, J. MeoJCINNON late House Surgeon, Erie County Hospital,' Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. 'Late of :the House Staff, New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital. ° Drug store in connection. Office; Zurich, Ont. Rlainedts COUNTER Check For General Stores E are selling agents for Appleford's 1 popular counter check books. Our prices are the same as city.travellers charge charge you for ihem. Let us -kno'v your wants and we will cheerfully frshow you samples and quote prices. - Herald Printing Co. Phone30 �IP ART AMERtfi H G NOW TAGNATiON in one's business is greatly to be feared and greatly to be avoided. Action—arc effort to get ahead --keeps a business healthy, wealthy and wise. Visible action is advertising in the Zn,ich JTEnALn—a fresh advertise- ment each week. The preparation and publication of a new advertise - Ment is a. snre iiilictttion of business energy. "Start Something" is the slogan of to day; Start edvritisir g NOW Keep up the advertising all through the ytnr, slid ycur l,nsiness v~ i11 feel the tonic effect of your action. To the TVlerchants of Zurich i\Take business brisk for you and Zurich by a big and lightly -directed effort --by *elks ,of adequate advertisements in the Zurich Herald. .,Get andKeep.A?le.ad by Planning Ahead. �y(j1 j�� �j�'�'�'j��'' f 9 e. 1 ;11,-.11•- Wj1l�C3f�.i —7' j.�!�r;. • Tomes. Scarf Guelph. dotyratad with lieu -Tone". Home in Montreal, decorated with 'Neu -Tone" "Neu -Tone" 4� n1� Chord, in Nova scolia, decorated with "Neu -Tom for the W1lls ft is so easy and so economical to have a beautifully decorated home, with "NEU-TONE" Flat Finish. The soft, restful "Neu -Tone" tints will delight the woman nrnd man who appreciate refinement and delicacy in the home. When you "Neu -Tone" the walls, you save all fuss and bother of washing and scraping the plaster to re -decorate. Simply apply another coat of "NEU-TONE". in any shade or tint desired. "NEU-TONE" is cheaper than wall paper. It is truly economical ---absolutely sanitary—can't fade, scale or rub off— AND IS WASHABLE. Soap and water cleans a "NEU TONE" wall and takes away dust, stains and finger prints. Marble -lie Floor Finish will withstand all the wear and abuse to which a floor varnish is subjected ; it can be used on hard or soft wood floors ; every cairn- carries..wit1t it. a.. maucy' back guarantee. 4#4*". ');) 007 vp.,40 1043 rr VA tirs'q n.. $ "MADE IN cANA.DA" We bale for you a dopy of each of our two books ds home decoration—"Hetinony in NNleu.Tone" sad' 4Towu scarf Country I oimea". A tk for them whoa you tomb its. !has. riartleib, Zurich, Oct; D. Tiernan, Dashwood, Lint. ''% •