HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-05-14, Page 3fihl IA k'° f the Lusitania nothing was heard r 1 officially at any of the wrreiess stn noire ttar,ti.ish�� y after 2 o'clock, when the wireless operator at S L'and's End, Ireland, ,caught this hurriedly : "Come at once, Big list; position ten miles, south of Kinsale." That was all that ever carne out of the ships° far as can be learned. It would not have been sufficient to have blown.. tip:- the boilers to stop the wireAss, Tee the emer- gency batteries. were `there to work with. Something snapped the whole thing: out. The • word Iron Land's End was out to, the world in an- other two minutes. Every port of the Irish coast 'was , notified and passed the word along. Men on the jump from 'Waterford clear down to Cape Clear rushed into sma11 boats and large boats and, dashed out to sea. Old Head of Kinsale was the next to send a little word. A murine observer there with powerful glass- es made out the big ship ten miles out, listed to one side almost on the point of turning over. There wale only a brief flash of this, and then carne the word, "Save has gone." Asa matter of fact, it is estimated the Lusitania was hit around 2.15 o'clock and was under water by 2.45. Lloyds officially: places the time as that. Them the observer made .out the small boats on the spot left when the big ship vanished. Fastest ocean Liner in the World- Sent to Bottom by German Pirates More than thirteen hundred lives were lost when the Cunard liner Lusitania was torpedoed without warning off Old Head of Kinsale, Ireland, by a German submarine Friday afternoon, sink- mg'within thirty-five minutes. Out of a total number of 2,104 persons aboard, passengers and crew, with over 200 Canadians and 189 United States citizens, between 800 and 900 are reported ashore at Queenstown, Kinsale, Galley. Head and Clonakilty, but a late bulletin received by the Cunard Company in New York .from a chief steward expressed his belief that no more than 500 or 600 were saved. Among the survivors, it is reported, are many wounded, who have been taken to -the naval hospital at Queenstown, thus estab- lishing that the explosion must have been terrific, or there was a second interior explosion. • Lass of Life Enormous. The very latest bulletins received enumerate so few survivors that it is feared that more than 1,300 fhave perished. Out of the 2,104 passengers and crew aboard the ship, 1,254 passen- gers and 850 crew, there is definite information concerning lase than 700 of them, and even the uncon- firmed reports of rescues at vari- ous ports add very few more to the list. The latest bulaetian comes from Queenstown by way of Liverpool through the Cunard Company. It reads: "Queenstown wires that the Stormcook is landing about 160 passengers and crew. It is re- ported by the Admiralty that the ,trawlers Dock and. Indian Empire have about 200; the tug Flying Fish 100; three torpedo boats have 45 ' living and four dead. "We are, putting these up at the different hotels and boarding houses." London, May 7, 5 p.m. The Lusitania was sunk at 2.33 this afternoon off Old Head Kinsale by a torpedo. Assistance has been sent to her. Queenstown, May 7. -The Cu- nard Line steamer has been tor- pedoed and sunk. The Lusitania sailed last 'Satur- day from New York. Cunard Gives Text of Telegram. New York, May 7. -The .Cunard Line gve out the following cable- gram received from Liverpool "Lands End wireless reported distress calls made by Lusitania, as follows: `Coarse at once; big list, posi- tion ten miles south Kinsale.' Sub- sequently received telegram from Queenstown that all small craft in harbor dispatched to assistance." The see.ond message read: "Queenstown.—Old Head Kinsale wire begins, , "About 20 boats of all sorts belonging to Lusitania are in vicinity where sunk." Before the Lusitania sailed some nervousness was caused because of the publication in the papers of an advertisement warning intending travellers that a state of wax exist- ed between Germany and Great Britain and her allies; that the zone of war includes the waters adjacent nt to the British Isles; , that in accordance with �ioticte given by the Genian Government vessels flying the flag of Great Britain are liable to destruction in those wa- ters and that travellers sailing in ., the war zone on whips; of Great Britain ea her allies do so at their own risk. This advertisement was. signed, )'Imperial German . Em- bassy.'' This warning apparently did not clause many cancellations, for the whip sailed with .a very full passen- ger list. Charles P. Sumner, general agent of the Cunard Line, was at the pier, and in a statement made• then, said that the voyage of the Lusitania would not be attended by any risk whatever, as the liner had a speed of twenty-five and a half knots, and was provided with unusual watertight bulkheads. in commenting on the report of. the torpedoing of the Lusitaaiia, marine men pointed out that in their opinion the Lusitania could not be sunk by a single torpedo. The Lusitania carried Alfred Gwynne :Vanderbilt, Elbert Hub- bard, Charles Frohman, and other well-known. people. Just before the steamer sailed away many of the passengers received telegrams trona a mysterious source warning them not to make the voyage as something was .goring to happen to the big liner. The Lusitania was coaxm,anded. by. Captain W. T. Turner, Royal Na- val Reserve, and Staff Captain J. C. Anderson is his assistant. On board were anumber of British re- servists going back to join the colors and representatives of many American and .Canadian firms who deal in war materials: The Lusitania, carried :a crew of about 700 :and 1,300 passengers. This included 200 passengers who were taken aboard from an Anchor Line steamer which urns com- mandeered by. the British Admir- alty Hit WithottPt Warning. There is no doubt that she was hit without . warning. Liverpool shipping men have announced that Captain Turner would not think of stopping for any Germansubma•r ine, but would rely on . his speed the moment he saw a periscope in sight. It would only be by chance that a torpedo would strike home unless there were a number of the undersea boats in line, each of which would discharge a torpedo in her path. None could stop her, none could keep up with . her. Therefore, it is believed to -night that there was a great loss of life: A unessage received from Queens- town by tale Cunard Company The Daily Mail in an editorial says of the sinking of the Lusitania and the loss of life "It was not an act of war ; it was a case of sheer cowardly murder. To the. American people who suf- fered this felons' :blow equally with ourselves we address no words of. impertinent counsel, but we do venture to offer to them from the bottom of our hearts a. message of profoundest sympathy. It is at such times as these 'essential by the kinship of the. English -,speaking peoples that we make unmistakably manifest that we share their indig- nation, loathing and contempt for the assassins who sneak under the water to wage a campaign of mur- der against unarmed defenceless passenger ships, merchant vessels and fishing trawlers, and we pro- mise them that, so fax as in us lies, the deaths of these American citi- zens 'shall be avenged." says: ' "Chief Steward Jones thinks about 500 to 600 saved. This in- cludes passengers and crew. In the meantime the injured and' the dead are taking up all our atten- tion." The Cunard Liner Lusitania, Sunk by the Germans. SURVIVORS TELL OF . THEIB. ESCAPE Sent Only One Wireless. After the early afternoon report �ZA�E IViPORTANT ADVANCES JOffre's. Forces Report Gains S.ir John French Chronicles Attacks by His ° First Array A despatch from Paris says: Im- portant French advances in Alsace were recorded by,the War Office in 5aturda,y's officinal cormmntnique. The forces which for some time have Tl been gradually workiog their way toward M.etzorail, an important cen- tre, some ten miles east of the Rhine, pushed forward for' a dis- tance of one kilometre over a front 100 kilometres in length. The progress'made was along the banks f the River Feoh,t. French troops have made impor- tant gains ,:youth sof Carenoy. Two and in tame cases three, lines of German trenches were taken over a front of four and a hall miles, T y bit - 1e German fortifications at these pll�sta�nwere very y h�eovy', pad the re- sistance, arc�e, whilefutile, was ver ter. l ritleli fonetee recovered on Sat- Talks With Toronto and Ontario People Saved Front the Lusitania. A despatch from London says: Stories of Canadian survivors are reaching London. Frank Hook, an 11 -year-old boy passenger on the Lusitania, was re- turning to England from Toronto ,with his father and sister. He was pitched overboard as the boat went down and suffered a broken leg by -striking a piece of wreckage. The hoy sank, but came up again and clutched an upturned boat. He be - "came separated from his father, .who did not know the boy was alive until he found Jain in a hospital in Queenstown. Says 200 Americans Dead. New York, Saturday, May 8.--- More .--More than 200 Americans, are among the dead in the Lusitania disaster, according to a London cable to the Tribune, whose cor- respondent places the total loss of life at from 900 to 1,400, the latter estimate by First Officer Jones. It is supposed there were 400 Ameri- cans on board. Resolution to Ratify Uses of Gases in War Mrs. Lohden's Experience. Mrs. Rose Lohden and her daugh- ter, of Toronto, survivors of the Lusitania disaster, bell a pathetic story concerning two English wo- men who were rescued by the boat in which the Loaders left the steamer. One woman had buried her baby at sea. .The other, with pan infant held tightly to her breast, on being taken fromi the Seca intothe boat, looked for a moment at the child's face, and then ,said "Let me bury', my baby," at the same time plac- ing the body in•the water, Vincente Egana, a young Span - tared, saved innumerable women, Mrs. Lohden says, before the ship went down. He carried them to boats and, standing beside Cap- tain Turner, went down with the steamer; bedng :later picked up in the water. Mrs. Lohden says she saw a peris- cope between 200 and 300 yards dis- tant from the Lusitania, She had no idea what it was, and asked a steward. The latter replied : "My God, a submarine," Almost im- mediately the explosion lifted the ship. ious to hear from relative of tl' boys, to whom they would be sex. Mrs. Gardner fainted when the tc pedo struck, and went down wi- the 'ship. The elder eon, who sto• by his mother, went down with b ship, but carne to the stale where he was hauled into a boat which his father was lying' un cc scious from shock and •chill. T` Bather died soon afterwards, a the boy, believing himself alon the world, was taken to Queer town, where' he found bis young brother .alive. They are at a he near Euston Station, the you,n0 suffering from exhaustion. It thought they will return to Cat ads, where they have relatives. . Lost Mother and Babe. Thirty survivors of the Lusitar arrived at Euston Station, Londe Sunday evening. Among them s*',Something" is the slogan of Mrs. F. C. Stevens, of Mantra St'aet rcaerrtisii NOW wife of a wounded army officer jr g over from Flanders. She coil , the advertising all thro>�gh not believe that those she look for were not among the 30 until tie, ea a pee lms;ness to ill' SMYRNA CllT b'F� FROM STRAIT tish Aviator Drop's r13ornbs o Panderwa. Bridge, Destroy- lig It. A despatch from London stye, Deeperate fighting is in progress ti the Gallipoli. Peninsula. The Turk have been reinforced by a division and the allies are now endeavorin to prevent this force from joinin the other 'bodies of Turkish .troops The losses on Toth si+ es a heavy. The allies at other point on the Peninsula are strongly es tablished, and are advazicing slow ly but steadily, overcoming nth Turkish resistance everywhere.' A dlesn.atch. to the e Exchange{Tele A despatch from London says: 'The suggestion that Great Britain adopt measures in retaliation for the use of gases in battle by the Germans has taken concrete form. Joseph King , representing the North District of Somerset in the House of Commons, announced his intention of introducing a resolu- tion on this subject. The resolution sets forth "that this House agrees to such me a- . sures of retaliation as is essential to prevent success attaohing to such gross and unparalleled viola- tion of the rules of war; a,ubject, however, to the condition that in the preparation of any gas used by his Majesty's military forces the ut- most regard be paid to the dictates of humanity.' urday .the kine of trenches lost' on Friday to the Germans cat Hill 60, according to a report from. Field Marshal Sir John French. Field Marshal French sent the following report of the operations" onthe western line : ',`The enema continued his at- tacks east of Spree, sand made fur- ther attacks; w+lii le have all been repulsed With heavy losses. Our line there is firmly. established.. Our final army attacked the enemy's line between Bois Greiner and Fes- tubera,' and gained ground south and .east toward 'F'roxri�elles. The fighting. in this areiarea,'continuer , `'Our. airinen rlacle successful at- tacks on the St....Andre railway junction n or•tb it Lxl.le. ; and on the canal bridge at Dok, Funises., Her - lies, Illiese, Marqueldaee and La Basset',Basset',were lam bombed." No,,Demonstrations On King's 'Birthday A. despatch from Ottawa says: A message from Right Hon. Lewis Harcourt,, Secretary of State for the Colonies, has been received by the Government in regard to the celebration of the King's birthday. The cable ,states: "I be feared and greatly to ahead --keeps a business had spoken with every once of the: She waits word of her mother aie tonic effect of your her 18 -months -old baby the rnotl was bringing to London. Prominent Dead. The body of Charles Frahm,: the. New York theatrical produc) f Zurich has been identified in the tesnpee ary morgue ,at the Queenstown Town Hall, and it is practically certain that ,among the other well- known persons to perish were Al; fred Gwynne ,Vanderbilt, Charles Klein, the playwright; ,Dr. F. S. Pearson, Justus Miles Forman, author and playwright, and Mr, and Mrs. Elbert Hubbard. It has been impossible to find dyes& bodies Parents Lost, Sons Saved. Eric -•and William Gardnerr, aged 16 and 11 respectively, of Toronto, passengers on the Lu sitand,a•, were saved, but their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner, were lost, according to news received by the Cunard Line here. The family was on its ,way to. New Zealand. The Cunard officials said they were aux- iOT OF �C among the 200 in Queenstown, but word from every point of the Irish coast fails to bring any reassuring tidings. It is now definitely established. that there were 1,917 persons aboard the ship when the German submarine smashed two torpedoes into her starboard side, literally tearing two great sections of her hull in pieces. There were 290 first - cabin passengers. Only 79 of these have been reported alive. There were 599 in the second cabin, and the 'survivors' list so far reaches only 100. There were 361 persons in the third class, and there were 667 in the crew. '4 Women applied last year in the United Kingdom for no fewer than 350 ,patents. I1VIFORTilCL Temporary Success Can Do No More Than belay the Russian Advance Into Hungary A despatch from London says: between The battle now progressing the Vistula and the Carpathians is thus described by the correspon- dent of the Daily Mail at Petro- grad : "`For the moment masses of Ger- man and Austrian troops who for 1 th a ran - his some weeks past have been ooncon- ty's wish that on e sec s tenting at Cracow have, by mere Majesty's birthday this year flags weight and superiority should be flown, but no dinners, reviews, salutes.or other celebra- tions'sdnouild take place."out Tustruelions have been sent t by the Militia Department to' ofn cars•-comnnanding divisions and' die- trictsi to carry out the Kings wish- es thronghout their respective com- nnands. Will Stop Exports 01 Coal and Coke e atch from London says: A d spabout to prohibit Great Britain is abs olze to the exportation of coal and c aI.l countries abroad other than l3ri- fish - oseeaSi0ne and Protectorates lr and allied countries. A committee will be appointed, however, t6 con - these !note to prohibited destina- tions. ' of num ei s, forced the Russians along the Dun- ajec to draw back. The .operations in this region began a week ago when an Austrian force approached the Biala River south of Tarnow. At first they were held in check, but soon German reinforcements arrived, including many first line troops not before used in the Car- pathians. At the same time at Krasnow, on the upper Vistula, a very vigorous offensive began. Six times the Russian positions were attacked and eacah time the enemy was driven off. Finally, the enemy being greatly weakened, a battalion of Russians was ordered to charge, and did so with :complete.success, a whole regiment of Lanclwehr troops being put out of action and 400 survivors being made prisoners. r'`Then came the movement of the Threw Arsenic Into the Water. A despatch from London says In support of charges that the Ger mans had poisoned wells in th South-west African . cainpaig Lewis Harcourt, Secretary of Stat for .the Colonies, has issued a s co munication in which he say Ali - when Gen. Louis ' Botha, comma, dee of the Union of South Afrin forces, occupied Swakopmund h discovered that six wells had bee poisoned by an arsenical entti wash. As a remonstrance Gen. Both sent a communication to Col Francke, commander of the Ger man forges. This elicited a, re sponse, according tothe staternen of Mr. Harcourt, that the Germ troops had been given orders the "if they possibly can preventces t not to allow aiwate,r Supp fall into the bands. of the enemy di a form which allows it to be use for mean or beast. When Swakopmund was evacuat ed, the reply of Col: Frawcke con tinucd, the officer in chargeha several bags of cooking salt throw into the wells, but it was found tha this "could in a short time be ren dered ineffective." Thereafter 061. Francke's letter said, "w tried the copper dip, and foun that by using this material an enemy occupying the: town wouli for some time have to rely on wate From elsewhere." The communication says that de spite Gen. Botha's protest the prat tics continued. A message said have been from Capt. Kruger,'.'o the German protectorate troops, i quoted in the communication a saying: "The patrol at Gabib ha been instructed thoroughly to infeo mine. k 1 with disease the Idap preach Swakop and the Ira mini with extreme caution. Don't wate. there any more.'s Since their evacuation of Aus Warmbad and other places, Gen Botha says in •a letter, "the Go. man troops have consistently poi soned all wells along the r.ailwal line in their retirement v•. enemy for which !these attacks had been preparatory. A very large force of Germans crossed the Duna- jec and under cover of a heavy and concerted artillery fire made an ad- vance, No sooner had they gained the right bank, however, than they were stopped by the fire of the, "Rus- sian gunaers. Orders were these sent to the Russians to retire on their strong second line defences, and this was done after a fierce en- gagement in which the enemy's looses were very heavy. ' - "In connection with this move- tuent other ,attacks were made by German and Austrian forces on the Nide, south of Lohuchno,..and. the Gorlice .district. The first ven- ture failed, all attempts to cross the Nide being repulsed and the enemy being driven back on the left bank, which he had occupied for some time. At Geelice the advance was more serious. The object of: the Germans here is to compel the Russian armies in the Carpathians to retreat by threatening their line of ceinnaunicatien•S. . "Nore ardin • the. result anxiety g � is felt here, and it is not believ,ed. that the new Austro -German offen- sive ffersive can do more than delay the Russian advance into Hungary." Italy Has Prepared '>,"�tatenteut.: A despatch from Rome says ; 1l addition to military prsparat ionl the. Italian Government is: Lakin; all measures possible in a diel matic way in anticipation of a•pa, sible outbreak of war. Foreign Minister Son.tino '11A prepared a. long statement for pail 1i -cation the moment Itale joins t allies, in ease she decides upon th This statement is desi nm action, g to justify Italy's action before fl world. It sets forth the historic raicial, economic and strate-gic. reasons influencing the nation, ver dwells upon the "intolerable pe; tion" of Italy in the Adriati : on her eastt.rn frontier. .,,t,, is fc•