HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-05-14, Page 2rhe Lady o Lancaster
Or, Leonora West's Love.
- ,wP....
"Not too hiele" repeated Lady Lancae-
ear, sagely, "Tho lords of Lanotwter
have married eerie' daughters before to-
Yea, in their palmy dace," said Clive
Lancaster; "but not now, when their
patrimony ie wasted, their lands encum-
bered with taxes, and their tater descend-
ant earning a paltry laving in her tua•
iesty's service."
Lady Adele is as poor as you are,"
said the withered old woman, aigniflcaut-
"But I thought that the Earl of East -
\'rood was very rich"
He was once;' but he and his spend-
thrift sons have xtiade ducks and drakes
of the money at the gaming -table Lady
Adele will have no portion at all. She
will be compelled to marry a fortune:"
"So you have placed yours at her die -
meal?" he said, with hardly repressed
Yes," coolly, 'if she takes my nephew
with it. But, seriously, 'Clive, it is the
best match for you both, You will have
money she has beauty and exalted sta-
tion, Married to each other, you two
will be a power in the social world;
apart, neither of you will .count for
much. You will have rank, but that will
be a mere incumbrance to you without
the ability to sustain ite dignity pro-
wit you only knew how little I care- for
t,ocial power," ha said, "The life of a
soldier suite me. I have no great ambi-
tion for wealth and power."
"You are no true Lancaster if you are
willing to let the old name and the old
place run down!" she broke out, indig-
nantly. "Alt, I wish that I might have
borne a son to any husband! Then this
degenerate scion of a noble race need
never have been roused from his doles
far niente to enatain its ancient glory„'
His lip curled in cold disdain of her
wild ranting.
At least the old name will never be
dishonored by me," he said. "I have led
a life that no one can cry shame upon.
My record is pure."
Glancing at hie flushed face and proud
eyes, she saw that she had gone too far.
She did not want to rouse that .defiant
•'ood inherent in all the Lancastere. She
as afraid of it.
I was hasty," she said. "Forgive me,
live. But I ani so anxious to have you
all in with nay plane. I leave no kin of
y own, and I am anxious to leave my
oney to you,: the heir to my late-hus-
and's title. If you fall in -with, my
iewe T shall give you from the day of
our marriage ten thousand a year, and
fter my death the whole income shall
.e yours. If you cross me, if you decline
o marry as I wlah you to do, I shall
unt up other Lancastere—there are dis-
ant connections in Loudon, I think—and
shall leave everything to them instead
f to you."
, Her black eyes glittered with menace,
nd there was an evil, triumphant smile
n her thin, cruel lips. She knew the
xtent of her power, and was bent on
eing it to the full.
"Money is a good thing to have, Aunt
ydia. I should like to have yours when
en are done• with it, I don't deny that,"
e said. "There may be some thinge bet -
then money. if," slowly, "one could
ave thole, but—"
'Better than money?" _she interrupted,
ngry and sarcastic, and frightened all.
t once, for fear that he was about to
fuse -laxer:•- "Pray tell nae what diose de-
rable things may be."
"You slid not hear mo out," he answer-
. calmly• "I was about to say there
ight be, but I was not sure. We will
of discuss that unknown quantity.'
"1 think not," she answered, dryly. "It
fight be more pertinent to discuss Lady'
•dela. now. What do you say, Clive?
hall you pay your court to her?"
A deep red flushed all over his fair,
andsome face.
-'She might decline the honor," he said.
"Psbaw! elle might be a. fool, but she
n't," said my lady, sharply. 'She will
of decline. She has an inkling of what
mean to do .I have talked with the
•arl; He thinks it would be a pleasant
nd pertinent arrangement for the house
f Lancaster. You know you have to
hink of your heirs, "Clive, and todo the
est you can for their future."
"Yes," he said, sarcastically.
"Well, now I have told' you all any
open and plans, Clive, I want to know
•.hat you are going to do. There- is no
se beating about the .bush," said xny
adv, sbarply.
"1 am troing. t , make Lady Adela's . as=
naintance before I make up my mind,"
e answered,. undauntedly.
"Yes will foil in love with .her. She is
great beauty," my lady said, confident -
y, as he bowed himself out.
That evening when 'sober -suited twl
fight' had begun to fall over -all things,
Viten the •stars began to sparkle in the
ky, when the air began to be heavy
vith odors of rove and mignonette and
!asinine and the odorous, heavy -scented
oneysuckle., Mrs. West came into the sit -
ling -room, where Leonora was .leaning
Yes leaning front the window, drinking
n the peaceful •sweetness of the summer
"Are you lonely here In the dark, my
pear? I will bring a lamp," she said.
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"Not yet, please, Aunt West," said the
girl, "1 love this twilight dimness. I
love to sit in the darkuees and thiuic."
"About your pow paps, dear?" asked
the good woman. Tell me about him,
Leonora, What did he *lie of?"
"It was a fever, Aunt West. Some day
I will tell you all about him, but not
juee yet, ;:lease, I -•-can not bear it yet.
It has been se little a while -select I lost
him—barely two mouths!" ;said Leonora,
with the sound of teary in her voice,
"Well, well, dear, I did not think, Yon
ehail tell me when 'you please. But that
was not -what I came in for. You know
I promised you a peep at the fine 'Dike
when they dined. Well, it is time now.
In a minute they will assemble. Come
with me; I have found a snug place for
Leonora rose and followed her aunt.
They went along some 'dark eon -Worts,
hand in hand, e;lontly, and then Mrs.
'{West taut a key softly into a lock and
turned it. A doer opened, A close,
musty scent of dust and disuse breathed
on their facets. Nie. West drew Leonora
in and shut the door..
"Do not be afraid of the dark, dear,"
she whispered, "It is only a d:suaod
china -closet opening on the dining -hall.
There ts Broken panel. Thio way, Leo-
nora. . Now, look."
There was a broken panel, indeed, that
made an aperture as wide us your hand.
Through it there otreanicd a ber of light.
making visible the cobwebbed corners of
the narrow •pantry, with pikes of cracke;i
and: old-fashioned china arranged upon
the ehelvee, where the dust of years lay
thick and dark and musty. Leonora
laughed a little at the novelty of her
"Aunty, I feel like a naughty little girl
who has hid in the closet to oteal pre-
serves," she whispered.
Mrs. West laughed softly too,
"You will bare something nicer titan
preserves," ehe whispered, reassuringly,
as if Leonora had indeed been a little
girl. "Now, dear, look, look!"
Leonora looked out through the narrow
aperture, half dazzled by the radiant
light for a moment, and saw a magni-
iiceut dining -hall, long and lofty, with
carved oak paneling, and a tiled fire,
place, a tapestried wall, and some glori-
ous Iaintinge by the old mestere, all
lighted by a magnificent chandelier of
wax -lights, whose .eoft, luminous blaze
lighted up a table glittering with gold
and silver plate, costly crystal, and !mag-
nificent flowere. As she gazed upon the
brilliant scene there was a rustle., a
murmur, the echo of aristocratic laugh-
ter, and a gay party entered the room.
Mn,. West, leaning over her niece's
shoulder, whispered, softly,
"There is my lady—in front, on that
ta11 gentleman's arm, dear."
Leonora saw a little, wizened figure in
a glistening brocade, with rubies pend-
ent from the thin ears, a lace cap on the
thin white hair, a locket of diamonds and
rubies on the breast, and glittering
bracelets that mocked the yellow, bony
wrists they encircled, and the -sour,
wrinkled face, rendered even more ugly
and aged by the attem,pts that had been
madeyte render it youthful.
"That hideous old lady in paint . and
powder—do you say that she is Lady Lan-
caster?" Leonora asked; and :when Mrs.
West answered "Yee." she said, irrever-
"She looks like a witch, auntie, dear.
,I &hall be expecting every minute to see
her gold -headed stick turned into a
broom, and herself flying away on it
'into the sky, to sweep the'cobwebs from
on high, "
"0h, fy, my dear! cried the house'
keeper disappointed Shat Leonora, had
not been more impressed with the splen-
dor of the scene and Lady Lancaster's
dignity. "But, look at Lord .Laneaster—
is henot grand in his .blaok .suit?"
"Where?" asked Leonora, carelessly, as
if she were not gazing at that moment
on the tall, superb figure. looking courtly
in ite elegant evening-drees. Ile was walk-
ing by the side of . a lady whose white-
gloved hand rested lightly' op his arm.
Leonora looked admiringly at the dark,
brilliant face and 'stately figure . of this
woman who, clothed in ruby silk and
rich black lace, Joked queenly as eho
sunk into her -chair behind a beautiful
epergne of fragrant flowere.
"Oh, I see him now!" she said, after a
minute. 'Ile ie with that lady . in ruby
silk. Aunt West, who is she?"
"The Earl of Eastwood'.s daughter,
Lady Adei'.. She le a great beauty and
a very grand lady.""
"She is very handsome, certainly," Leo-
nora said. Her gaze lingered on the dark,
brilliant face behind the .flowers. The
dark eyes and red lips made a pretty pic-
ture. ' She wondered if Captain Lances -
ter thought so.
'Tee. she is very handsome, and she
will' be the neat mistress .of Lancaster
Park," Mits. West said,
"She le engaged to Captain—to Lord
Lancaster, then?" said' Leonora. She
looked at the earl's daughter with- a new
No, but every one , knows what is in
Lady Lancaster's mind," said Mrs. West,
"It is dreadfully close here in this
closet. One can scarcely breathe," said
Leonora. "Oh, Lady Lancaster, you said.
What has she to do with Lord Lancaster
and the earl's daughter? It seems to' me
she is a very meddlesomeold lady,"
"She wants 'her nephew to marry Lady
Adele.' Every ono knows it. She invitecl
her here just to throw them together and,
make the match."
"But perhaps he will not marry her
juet to please his aunt!" spiritedly.
He will be apt to do just what my
lady telly bim," said Mrs. West. "If he
does not, she will leave her money away
front him. He can not afford that."
"And will he really soli himself for
money?" Leonora epbke in a stags whis-
"Hush, my dear; not quite se 'latter. As
do selling himself, I don't know that you
could_ call it that exactly. Many people
here marry for wealth and position. Yet,
whyshouldn't these two' young , people
fall in love with each other'f Lady Adela
lies everything in the world that Ise de•
aira,blo except money, and so had he.
Their fortune is made if they marry each
"Happy pair!" raid Leonora, in a ear
clastic voieo, in the darknese, 'Isn't it
stifling in this hole, Aunt West? Let us
They went back quietly to the little s't-
ting'room again.
"Well, how did you enjoy it, Leonora?"
asked her aunt.
"Ohl very much," said the girl.
"I'm glad, Somehow, I thought .you
didn't," vaguely. "They are going to
deuce dire seening, I can manage for
you to -see it, if you like to do so. Should
Aron, Leonora?''
"Ohl very .mush, said the girl again..
0f1Al'Tl1lt XX/I,
It was a beautiful night, bright with
moonlight and starlight, and sweet with
balmy air and the breath of fragrant
floweret. Looatoya• sat at the window and
A Side -Tragedy of the War in Serbia.
A. wounded Serbian .soldier attacked by typhus• fever and unable to
proceed further an his journey. This is not an unusual sight under
the existing carcu2nstanc,es iiia Serbia,
silently drank in the sweet, influences elf
the balmy night. She would have liked
to go out, but she did not suggest it, for
fear of shocking her aunt,
"Aro there any old ruins about here,
*Aunt West, and any pretty scenery?" she
inquired, presently.
"Oh, yee; there are the old .Abbey ruins
about two miles from. here. 'They are
very pretty and picturesque. Artists go
there to eketch, and picnic parties to
frolic. Devonshire is a eery•prettq place,
anyhow. A great many' people come here
to make pictures?' ,
"So I have heard," said Leonora. "Ditty
I go there soma dace to ,.;the Abbey, ,1
mean—and make a pictures Aunt West?"
"You, child? Can you sketch?" ,
"A little," demurely. `Indeed I; hare
some talent for it. I have drawn some
little things good enough to sell."
"Oen you, really?" cried the house.
keeper, in surprise.
"Yee indeed," said Leonora, sniffing.
"To-morrpw I will unpack my trunks and
show yon some pictures I did last year-
some in California, some in New. York
State, some in Virginia, and some ren
\Test Virginia"
"Ail those p,laces? said Mrs, west,
"W-hy, my dear, you must have traveled
a great', deal,"
"I have," Leonora answered, carelesely.
"But could poor Dick—could 'yourpapa
afford it?" inquired Mrs. West, bewilder-
'Sometimes --whenever be .found a Marge
gold nugget he could, said Leonora.
We always had a little trip somewhere.
then. Papa was very fond of traveling,"
"It must have cost a great deal of
money and -weren't you afraid,
dear? I have heard—at leant I leave read
—that there are many Indians in Viz,
"Oh,' my dear aunt!" cried Leonora,
amazed at such lamentable ignorance;
then, in a moment, she added, kindly;
"That was a great many years ergo, aunt
when Christopher Columbus discovered
America, There are not any Indiana
there now."
"Ohl" said Mrs. West, relieved, and
with a sudden overwhelming feeling of
dense ignorance, whioh Leonora saw so
!Mainly that she turned the conversation
kindly back to its &rat channel.
'But you haven't told me yet, aunt, if
I may go and -sketch the Abbey ruins, I
suppose they are out of Lady Lancaster's
jurisdiction," disdainfully,
"They aro not, child, for they belong to
Lord Lancaster; but I don't think there
can be any objection. She never goes
there herself," said Mre. West.
"Then I -shall go there some day and
get a picture. Perhaps it may be good
enough to sell. I'm going to try to help
support myself, Aunt West."
You need not, my dear, for I have
savings enough for us both, and you are
welcome to your share," said , the good
soul, Jtinclly.
1 shall .not touch a penny. I shall
Bell pictures enough to buy my dresses,'.
said Leonora, with s, confident air.
"They will have to :be very good -ones,
dear," dubiously.
"I -shall try to make them so," laugh-
At tbat'monient a burst of etude swell-
ed upon the air—one of Strauss's most
intoxicating waltzes. Leonora's heart
thrilled to the sound.
"How delioioeel" she cried.
"It is the band. The dance has begun,"
cried Mrd:. West. "Come, Leonora, you
'shall have a peep at it."
"Not from the shelter of another hot
china -closet, I hope," said the girl, laugh.
the. "I am afraid of the' cobwebs and
"We will find a better place thea time.
Pet something over your head, Leonora;
we shall have to go out -doors, and the
dew ie heavy."
Leonora wound a dark veil turban
fashion about her head.
Now?" she said.
"Yes that will do; come tam"- Mrs. West
They went on a little balcony shroud-
ed in vines, from which they would peep
unobaeiwed through an .undraped win-
dow into 'the brightly lighted ball -room.
Perhaps'thio will not do any better
than the china -closet, afterall," said
ldrs, West, dubiously. "These vines are
so thiol, there may be buge and spiders
in them, too."
Leonora, shuddering exclaimed; "Ugh!
I tan feel them creeping nowt" and then
declared that ehe would Stay ten min-
utes, anyhow.
"Isn't it a-pretty'sight? Did you ever
see anything so pretty, my love?" ex-
claimed Mrs. ,West, proudly.
It was a pretty scene, The long ball•
xoom was draped in roseate colors and
decorated with flowers, The walls were
exquisitely painted in appropriate jig•
urea, and the waxed oaken floor hoe 'so'
bright that it reflected the figures of the
men and women who whirled .around it
in the soneuous measures of the gay
"Did you ever see anything' so pretty?"
repeated Mars. Wast, with a certain pride
ainblyr thisgrand old family whom She eery-
ed; and her niece answered, lmpertur•;,
"You have? Where?" whiepored the
good soul, incredulously.
"In New York," replied the girl. "I was
at a ball there last winter. It was very
grand—much grander than this."
Neverthelese, she continued to 'gaze
with a great deal of interest at the anim-
ated scene. There were more than a
dozen couples upon the floor, the beauti-
ful, richly dressed women and - black
coated men ehowing to their greatest ad-
vantage in the gay audience. Leonora
saw Lord Lancaster's tall, splendid figure
among them. He had Lady Adele East-
wood for a partner. Hie arm was clasp-
ed lightly 'about her tall, slender form;
her dark, brilliant face drooped toward
his shoulder with rather a languishing
Lady Adele is Lord Lancaster's part-
ner," whispered the housekeeper, "Aren't
they a well -matched pair? He is so fair,
she is so dark, they go well together."
"Very well," said Leonora. She watch-
ed the two figures 'admiringly, and
thought how exquisitely the tight of the
lamps shone down on Lady Adela's ruby
silk and her flashing' diamondet The
black hair bound into a .braided coronet
on the top of the graceful head oontrast-
ed well with the fair locks that crowned
Lord Lancaster's brow.
"Yes, they go well together," • she said
to herself. "Will expediency and inolin
anon go hand in hand? Will he marry
her a"
"Cady Adele has superb diamonds,"
said the housekeeper, in her shrill whis-
Yes, :they are very epee," said Leonora.
"But T have a friend who has much
finer ones. Her father gave them to her
for a birthday present. They coet fifty
thousand doll:are."
"What an odd girl! She is not one bit
astonished at the splendor of anything
she seeShe has seen a great deal of
the world, really, and America must be
a ,much, finer place than I . ever thought
it,' mused Mrs. West to herself.
'fThero, the waltz is over, Aunt West,"
whispered the girl, clinging to her arm.
' Hadn't we better o now? Some one
may Dome out here.'
"Yes, if you have seen enough have
you?" ars. West replied, and Leonora:
"Yee, quite enough, thank you, I 'do
not like to look at such gayety, and my
dear papa so lately dead. Oh, . Aunt
West, please let us walk out in the air
awhile. It is so warm here, and 'these
vines are full of spiders aiid cobwebs,
lust like that china -closet."
/To be continued.)
Fulfilling a Wish.
Do you wish the world were better?
Let me tell you what to do. ,.
Set a watch upon your actions,,
keep them always straight and
Rid your mind of selfish notion+s, let
your thoughts be clean and
You can make a little Eden nE the
sphere you occupy.
Do you wish the world were wiser ?
Well, suppose you make a start
Dy accumulating wisdom in the
scrap -!book of your heart.
Do not waste one ,page on folly ; live
to learn and learn to live.
If you Want' to give men knowledge.
you must ;get it ore you give.
Do yon wish the world were happy
Then remember day by day
Just to scatter seeds, of kindness as
you pass along the way;
For the pleasure of the many may
be oft -times traced to one.
As the hand that .plants the acorn
shelters armies from the sun.
Elia Wheeler Wilcox
rix—Does your wife ever go to
the club for you when you are out
late ? Dir No ; but she gees for
me when I get home.
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Century of Quality
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Alfalfa Hay for Hogs.
A. trial in feeding !hogs an alfalfa
hay was carried on at the North
Dakota Experiment 'Station by W.
H. Peters, Animal Husbandman.
The alfalfa hay was but into half-
inch lengths and was fed both dry
and steamed. The hogs were also
fed a,.grain ration of barley shorts
and tankage. One lot wasfed only
the grain feed, while with other
lots the grain ration was reduced.
and alfalfa supplied in its place,
the aim being to make the alfalfa -
fed hogs to gain as much as the a11 -
grain lot. With young" pigs the
•saving in cost due; to the alfalfa,
was 50c per 100 pounds (gain on the
dry alfalfa, and 40c when the alfal-
fa was.,steamed. With the fatten-
ing hogs, the saving was $1.70 per
100 pounds gain for lot fed the dry
alfalfa, and $2.70 when the alfalfa
was .steamed.
Brood sows were also fed altfil.1a
hay. When the alfalfa was fed the
grain ration (barley and oats)
could be reduced one-third to one-
fourth, and the sows did well on
it. No difference was noticeable*
between 'their litters and those
from the sows fed all grain.
The growing pigs were' fed one-
fifth to one-sixth as much alfalfa
as grain, this being the amount
that they would readily eat and
keep making as .good gains as the
all -grain lot.
Of the dry alfalfa' the flattening.
hogs eat one-sevenh as much as of.
grain ration, and of the steamed .al-
falfa, one-sixth as much. The hogs
did not eat.a,s large a proportion of
the alfalfa as was expelled. It,
however, reduced the cost of mak-
ing the gains so that it was wall
worth while. The price put on the
feeds was one cent per pound for.
the grains, two cents for tankage,
and the alfalfa $10 per ton.
The oibservations of the trial in-
dicate : First, that in coder to get
hogs started to eating alfalfa hay
in winter it is necessary to limit
the grain to such an extent that
the hogs must eat hay or go hun-
gry. Second, that; when handled
in this way, they,will very readily
take to the hay, and a limited
amount of hay can be fed very sat-
isfactorily, securing just as good
results, just as good gains, and ..at
less cost than where grain alone
fed. Third, that the greatest ad-
vantage to be gained in feeding
hay in the winter is the saving of
grain and lowering o'f the cost of
Bad Luck.
A third marriage is _considere•d
unlucky incertain parts of India.
A fourth marriage is not. So when
a man wishes to become a besuedict
after two previous trials and still
evade superstition he evokes a very
clever scheme.
Mr. Man of India goes through
a 'ceremonial with a bird or animal
or flower as the bride in order that
his next wife will be the fourth and
not the tlhir•d venture. Though £his
may sound ridiculous to many of
our American people is it any more
so than the lengths to which per-
sons in this country will go to avoid
the number 1$ or "unlueky days"
and other household bogies '
s•, The middle verse of the 13i'ble is
the eighth verse of Psalm cxviii.
Another na•nle for tomato is "love
"wormy," tltat'e whore the en -meter of 'am. Stomaalt end
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to death: Stohn's Cure will remove the worms, lmlpeeve tibe
appetite, and 'tone 'en; up; all round, and don't"pbyelc,"
Acts on Viands and 'bloocl; Full directions ',jltth each betiWe,
and tolyl 1M all dru .nts,
SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Cltemista "Coghook end, U.S.A
now to Prevent 'Hold in Butter..
The important fosses in butter
through 'the growth of mold upon
the tub lining, wrapper, or in the
butter itself, which injures the
saleability of the proclaee, have led
experts to investigate this subject,
Mold in butter is usually found i.0
three fomes ; (1) Orange -yellow
areas with $ome growth of myce-
lium • under the . surface, (2)
Smudge or dirty green areas,
either entirely inside the 'butter or
with some surface growth. . (3)
Green -surface colonies, either upon
the butter, causing •decomposition,
or upon the container or wrappings
which will injure the appearance of
the butter.
Experiments in producing molds
artificially in samples of butter in-
dicate that a growth of mold in or
about butter is favored by exces-
sive curd, by "leaky" butter, or by
wet surfaces, wet wrappings ' or
highly moist air. If butter ,molds
xeadily, it is an indication of in-
sufficient salting, as salt up to 2,5
to 3 per cent. le sufficient to pre-
vent mold mold or reduce it to a negli
gible amount. The growth of molds.
moreover, is largely reduced by
keeping the butter at low tempera-
tures. Improper storage tempera-
accompanied as they fre-
quently are with moist conditions,
are favorable to mold' in butter.
Unsalted :butter is more subject' to
deterioration from microorganisms
than salted butter. S`uacessful
storage of such 'butter is therefore
dependent upon scrupulously
clean, dry refrigeration. Cellars •
and ice refrigeration rarely furnish
conditions which will prevent mold
iii unsalted or slightly salted but-
ter, although it may be delayed or
reduced. Butter properly made
and normally salted (up to 2.5 to
3 per cent., equivalent to the use
of u. 7.2 to 1.5 per Dent. brine)., will
not show mold under reasonably
careful handling.
Investigators in summarizing re -
suite emphasize the fact that well- —
washed butter is less subject to
mold than that with an excess -of
curd, but the essential factor
molding seems to be water, not.
"Leaky" . butter from which
milky water exudes and collects its
the wrapper or container furnishes.
the best conditions for the begin-
ning of .mold growth. From these.
wet areas colonies may spread to
the abutter itself.
Mold, the investigators find, will
not grow upon the surface of a
piece of butter exposed to air at
ordinary humidities. The water in
the butter is not sufficiently avail-
able to the mold to support the de-
velopment of a colony unless evap-
oration is reduced by a1 high -mois-
ture content of the surrounding
air. In closed' packages, wet or
damp cellars, or carelessly packed
masses with cracks or fissures in
which moisture collects, mold may
seriously injure the appearance of
the packages or acually induce
great changes in the butter itself.
Green molds may damage nor-
mally .i4alted 'butter if cracks and
open spaces are left by bad pack-
ing. Other investigators have
found that paraffining the tubs or
boxes prevents mold on tlie' con- ..
tainer and the liner by preventing
the escape -of water which would
not leave the air . space Necessary
for mold growth.
Very moderate salting prevents
the appearance of the orange -yel-
low patches and the smudges, The
green molds affect normally salted
butter only when it is held under
condition's o'f temperature or moist-
ure that are favorable to mold.
You Mayn Not Know.
The largest cyanide factory in
the world ms located isi Glasgow,
A wine made from the juice of
bananas is being im,ade by two
1+renohmeln living in Cochin China.
The use of an electrib soldering
iron as a surgical cautery has been
demonstrated by a St. Louis, physi-
Tie production of gold in Aus-
tralia, has declined steadily since
l893, the output last year being ,
155,160' ounces less than, -tile year
No more eavesdropping on tele-
phone lienee if a new °invention
works out as .planned. .A novel re-
ceiver ;shuts out the would -bo lis-;.
teTn'h•e,erbest-lighted cities'in Europe,.
in proportion to population, • are
Petrogra,ri, .Vienna,- Paris and Lon-
don, in the order named,
.An Austrian 'scientist has invent-
ed ;a method of eterilizin'g against
insect, germ 'arid fungua life the.
ground into which posts are to be