HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-05-07, Page 8Prits and Ginghams The new Print: and (linghanas have nrrived and we have ,a large assortment of colors :.nd patterns to abo0se from. \'i'e .also have tine famous steel clad Galatea, un extra long wearing cloth. suitable for elLii'dreens• dresses, snits and ladies house dresses • . ±4ewrel Goods Our range of curtain; an 1 curtain materials is naw oomplete Should you require anything in the line of tlrkLperies, curtains, blinds, ete, leo n,:t fail to 01111 and see our lines before pur- chasing elsewhere, Wall papers New Wall Papers now to haul, in a large variety o new up to date designs at prices that will intersst you. Walso 1 Lrrfa t 4111:14i, sa )1 as Liao—lawns, floor Oil Cloths, Rugs, Carpets, eto. No trouble to sh•aw goads at any tinge even if you are not 3ust ready to buy. We would be pleased to have you come and see all oar new limns of seasonable goods. EE We have a large stock of the following varieties: W isconsi R F No. 7, Improved Learning and White Cap Yellow Dent. €+'resp Groceries always on hand. Produce taken in exchange RUBY and GASOIIO PHONE 11 494.44450) .w,...,n.'.'Ma 1 r'eL.M klw".tl A CLOCK rig —is the most inaportan.t piece of furniture in the house. We have the kind for the kitchen, fresh from the factory, at $3.50, Oak or Walnut, 1915 Model Movements. Alarm Clocks, $1.50 to $3,00. We don't, sell the 43 cent alarm clock, usually sold for $ 1.00.. F. W. Hess & eo. Jewellers & Opticians sy IIFti1T^•-e i ! .��:, «:�.� .�V.. we.«�"y e�'•6.i'A 3�Y'M�'!��°jL-_�'i��.as?':�..•","�`-'ra!•f.s14?�r�'�aR.�s:!V�hi�%� `COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All sizes ALF. • SCRUTON Hensall. New BLACKSMITH SHOP I have opened up s dacksmith shop in Brock's old stand, opposite Town Hall, Ready for business Monday, Mar_lst. ialorseshoeing and Repair'int A. W. 1VIORLEY FERTILIZER .Al' Insurance Agent Zurich Ont High Grade Copper and Aluminum Lightning Oon- ductors« Atn very busy, please hand in your orders early, as I do the work myself, Prices right on easy terms. it'en ttp .•tnt'L'C Is um4u11.1; u.. ♦,Li,M i•I.,. avian a TL,'ttr *Q..i. 1 have a carload of Fer tilizer on hand. Parties wishing to buy some it any quantity can secure it from me at any time at my farm. Have all kinds on hand, ranging from $10 to 890 per ton. JOHN HEY Jr. Agent for Canadian Fertilizer Co. BEST BYTEST; zqcom Millinery Openings \Ve beg to announce to th3 Ladies of +vo0(1 and 1'ieinity that we have added a Millinery Department to our business. Our Spring Opening in charge of Miss Crawford will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday March 23rd and 24th and following days. You are cordially invited. G. KEL M M 1 AN & SON ZliwO vd. MONEY For the Farmer. Make 100% on your money by. investing ii10 or $20 now. You Cap do this by putting out an apple orchard.. OUR NUR;..;ERY IS FREE FROM DISEASES. WE HAVE NEVER HAD SAN Km; SCALE. A Beautiful . Home for Everyone may be had by planting a few- vines and shrubs, as Boston Ivy, Doughty Perkins pink climbing rose, and orae ornamental !trees' and ever- greens, All orders sent in now, direot to u; will be in time for this spring's delivery.. ADDRESS JOHN STEWART ESTATE R. R. No. 4, Goderich, Ont. Goderioh Rural Phone G on 7. LOCAL MARKtiTS Corrected every Thursday. I3u Iter. Eggs Dried Apples........ ........... Potatoes Wheat $1.55 Oats Barley 70 Buckwheat Flour Bran Shorts Low Grade Live flogs fob Hensall $0.25 20 05 30 $1.35 55 55: 70 70 8.75. 4.25 $28.00 80.00 38.00 8.40 Local News Mr E J Walper, of Dashwood, shipped a carload of cattle from here last Saturday. To -day, Friday, is Arbor Day at our public school. Flower' beds, etc.,. are being arranged and planted, and the boys and girls are busy brightningl and brushing up things gererally. During the hot weather two weeks ago, no less than twenty' horses ' suc- cumbed to the intense heat in this section, eleven of these being lost by fanners of Stephen township. HOUSE FOR SALE, Fine 12 roomed brick dwelling, newly built, for sale, situated in Zurich li'urnace and modern improvements re installed. Good inew stable on ''enises and one-half acre of land. \\Till be sold at reasonable price. For particulars apply tn. W H Bender, Zurich.. NOTICE While returning to their 'home on Saturday might, Mr and Mrs J Hey,. Jr., metwith an accident which might' have resulted more seriously. They collided with a buggy coming in the opposite direction and Mrs Hey was thcowtf out of the . rig, sustaining a number of bruises, 'While there is not much prospect of increase in teachers' salaries this war year, the report of the Minister of. Education shows that during the past five years the average salaries of lady teachers, has increased in the rural schools from $382 to $524 and of male teachers from $462 to $500, In urban schools the average has advanced from $560 to $647 for ladies and from $995' $1,225.="-"1 b1k: INLAND REVENUE STAMPS Enquiries having bead received in regard to postage stamps being used for the prepayment of war duties on bank cheques, bills of exchange, pro- missory notes, express money orders, proprietary' or patent medicines, per• Emery, wines or champagne, as well as upon letters and postcards, postal notes and post office money orders, notice is hereby given that this use of postage stamps is in strict accord- ance with the provisions of the special 'War Revenue Act, 1015, which pro- vides that postage stamps may bo used in lieu of inland Revenue War Stamps. in fullfillment and discharge of any requirement under the Act that adhesi- ve stamps be affixed. The public is at all times to use postage stamps for any 'purpose for which Inland Reven- ue War Stamps may be used, but it is especially provided in the Act that Inland Ravenna War Stamps are not to be used on letters, postcards, postal notes or Post Offnee . money orders, the only 'Fiannps allowed on these being ordinary postage stamps or portage stamps upon which the words `War Tax" have been printed. Having disposed of the flour and feed business -4 would ask all parties indebted to me on account to call at my house and settle for same as soon as possible., I Hudson. PASTURE FOR RENT Have good pasture for 40 head of cattle, Call 1 on 84 for ,.terms or apply to Wm Bender, Goshen line .4. I *151 i,` 1. Er aay..1 .•,.... r IIAV COUNCIL The mew hers of Bay counoil met in the Town 1lall, Zua•ieb,oan liktnar day afteruoit . All the members wet present. 'file 1915 assessment roll was, accepted from Liao assessor and _e. (Joust of Revision of the sane . will be held on Saturday, May 29th, at 10 o'clock, a iu, 'The following accounts .vei'e passed: •Dr 13 Campbell, examin- ationof ()Rupp, $5;Alun iCipral World, supplies, $1.80; G. T. 11,, freight, $16,66; Cau, Tncl, Telephone Co.,'. supplies, $210.58; A. Z.ettel, work telephone, $12.50; Bell Tel. Co., L D tolls, Murch, $88.03; 0 Eilber, attend'- ing smallpox cases, $b.60; 0 Eilber, grading Centre Road, $21:00; P Bunn, damage to plow, $2.50; G Blackwell, assessor's salary, $96.00 The council will tweet again on Sat- urday, May 29th, at 10 o'clock, a, m, F. Hess, 'Sr,, Clerk. Co-operative Experiments in Weed Eradication. During the past three years (1912- 18-14) the Department of Botany of the Ontario Agricnitnral College, in connection with the work of the Ontario Agricultural and Experiniental Union, carried on 0o -operative Experi- ments in the Eradication of . Weeds. Some forty five farmers co operate in this work. The weeds experimented wills were Perennial Sow Thistle Twitch Grass, Bladder Campion, Wild Mustard and Ox -eye Daisy. Some very interesting and yaluable results were obtained. Those who, took part in these experiments profited by the experience. In nearly every instance they cleaned the field experiment- ed with, and demonstrated to their own satisfaction the effectiveness of the methods tried, and at the same time the results furnish practical in- formation to others. Some of the practical informaaion gained from these Co-operative Weed Experiments: 1. That good cultivation, followed by rape sown in drilla, provides a means of eradicating both, Perennial Sow Thistle and Twitch Grass. 2. That rape is a satisfactory. crop to use in the destruction of Twitch Grass than buckwheat. 8. That rape gives much better results in the eradication of Twitch Grass'. and "'Perennial Sow Thistle when sown in drills and cultivated, than• it does when sewn broadcast. 4. " That through deep cultivation in fall and spring, followed by a well cared for hoe crop, will destroy Blad- der Campion.. 5. That Mustard. may be prevent- ed from seeding in oats, wheat and barley by spraying with a twenty der - ;cent solution of iron sulphate, These co-operative weed experimen- ts will be centiuued this year. The weeds to be :experimented with are Perennial Sow Thistle, Twitch Grass, Bladder Campion or Cow Bell, Wild Mustard and On -eye Daisy. All who ave any of these weeds on their harms are invited to write to the Dir - f ctor of Co-operative Experiments in eWeed Eradication, C A 0, Guelph, Ontario, who will gladly furnish in- formation concerning this experiment- al work. BORN. Nelson -In Exeter, on April 26th, to Mr and Mrs Thos Nelson, a son. Sehlundt-In Dashwood, on April -27th, to Mr and Mrs John Schlundt, a son. DIED Orr --At Bauble Line, Stanley, on April 27th, Robert Orr, Sr., aged 80 years and 5 days. McAsh—At Varna, on May 3rd, T J McAsh, aged 68 years. Logan—At Parr line, Stanley, on May 3rd, Mr Logan, aged 83 years. Burn Oil or Gasoline Y DAUGHTER LIKES to cook on my new Detroit -Vapor stove. She says its just as easy to cook on as Aunt 1\rartba's,city gas stove, I find it costs less than wood or coal, and besides it's so clean. Come and see these wonderful stoves. We have just received a large con- signment,They are beauties. Prices $10.00 up. Ten styles to select frons. _ We also sell Tow Perfection and Florence Oil Stoves e. I41RTLEIB, PH1 ONE I3 �UC�'CH HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE Formaldehyde for Smut on Grain Best quality there is. 25 and50c bottles A, W. E. Hemphill, Druggist,' Hensall The -railway commission has ruled that if railway coxnpanies in Canada fail to refund the price of au unused ticket within 30 clays from demand on one class of ticket or 60 days on another they are .liable to a fine of ,$25.. Mr Prank Weaver, voice specialist and concert pianist, of London, Ont., is visiting Zurich this week to form a class of pupils in `voice culture and piano. Mr Weaver has a first class reputation as a.teacher and has large classes of Pupils in Exeter, Goderich, Clinton and Winghain. Mr Weaver's Vocal pupils ale soloists in various churches in Ontario. He will be in Zurich over. Thutsday. For terms, etd., apply to A, F. Hess, Herald Office Zurich, �tiYCt'. Aa Unusually .Attractive Display of Smart Waists For Spring and Summer We earnestly ask your inspection. To see them is to • want one or more. Reasonably priced, Now is the time for New Linoleuns,` Oil Cloths and Curtains during house cleaningtire Note these Prices New American percale, 1 yd wide, for 12c a yard Organdie, Crepes, Muslims. Ptques. in all colors, from 15o to 25o a yard Child's Suitings Special Suiting for chi]ds wear in plain colors at J 5c a yard, Underwear We have a large selection of ladies children's and men's underwear for summer wear. Produce of all kinds wanted J. J. MEPTER1 ZUriOli 4m The Keystone one--whee; Tongue Truck . For Harvesting and Seeding Machinery The truck is guaranteed to give satisfaction. It is easy on the horses necks, ti comfort to horses as well as the driver. A oonven- fence that every farther ehouid have for his implements, Let us show you sample. Many now in use in this'seetioaa. LOUIS PRANG POWER WASH I NG, MACHINES, operated by CH A S O L- E N E In different sizes, i, 2 and 3 bub. ,hist what you have been looting for. Why not save your wife or housekeeper some ot. the hard tabor by adopting improved methods' Call a`tid see machine in operation,