HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-05-07, Page 5THE CHURCHES . . CYAN. 01-10,R0 ll SEM Tu1S• Sunday, German 11.00 a, m. Sunday School 9.45 °` •• i4 Junior Y, P. A. 1.00 p. ill. :` (Service) English 7.00 Teachers meeting 8.00 `�` Son., Tit -Mu 13rotherhood 8.00" Tuesday, Y. 1'. A. 8.15 <<. " ,4 Wednesday. Player !Meeting 8.00 " Friday Teacher's Training -• Cass 7.80 " choir practice 8.80 " Ladies Ailt. nneets 1st Monday of each inon.th at 7.30 p. LUTHERAN( CfIuRCi[ SERVICES Gerinlatny:$ilttday 10.80 a. m. English " 7.80 p. 111. Bible School ' 9.00 a. ►n Men's 141is'n'ry 8 'Tuesday 8,00 p. m. Luther League 1r'rids 8.00 p. u)., L A S 1st•\VGtl:':y of mond! 8.00 11.4n., You are cordially invited to take a1, active part in all these meetings alnn'cl Services. 'Blessed are they that hear 'libel . 'woad of God., and. keep it. Lltke l 1.28, r Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, neTC FIRE INSURANCES PLATE GLASS I TSU'LRt1-'9S:OE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS'IttO IiOMSN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT I'.F'Sfp'RANCE Herald Office Zurich ll^w� LOCAL I EWS i A carload of cement received. Praetor. Mr H Smith and family moved to Grand Bend on Tuesday. .Mr Liubcrt Klopp of Niagara hall y, visited his parents here on Sunday. Mr George McBride took posses -ion of the flour and feed store on i\loni ay. Second Hand Keinpnlanuro spread IT good as new, for sale at a right bargain. Lonis Prang. Dr. Hardie, dentist, at. Dominion FTousc, Zurich, on Wednesday and ThursclaY, 11'ray 12th and 13th. The next meeting of the local branch o'f the Women's Institute 'will be held i.n 'tire Toivn hall, on Wednesday (wooing at 8 o'clock. All tnenibers are invited. Mr Louis Prang' has ,arranged n device whereby he Pharprns lawn mowers with the use of his gasoline engine In t)iis way he can do the work gllielcll and in aP first alaLss, manner. 41 Word was received on Tus'sday of the death at St Clemens of Mrs Joseph Hartman, wb.ich took pknce on Mon- day evening. Among those who at- tended the funera,on Thursday from this sectioti'were. Mr andMrsWendell Smith, Mr and Mrs. Alonzo Foster, Mrs V Cochems, and Mrs. Hartman. The deceased was a resident of Hay' Township many .years ago. ASIMOO OO 3 D SHOE STORE I havea 1 tr•t'e stock or al' the latest an l hes; in 1•Ieiis' Ladies: and Children SI OHS. Call and look otverou inns before you !briny elsewl We can save you money. Repairing Promptly Done , Butt' r and eggs taken in exchange fol. •shoes. David Pfaff Dashwood - Ont 1471 tmPLEME.N • Binders, Mowers,all kinds of Cultivators, Dines .,and Fer- tilizer Drills, best maid light - Lest ' made. all steel. Manure Spr.°,adeer5s anal all !kinds of plows and rrepairs Always in stock. Look at our Caat>tlters Sleighs, Buggies,, and '!Wagons before buying '-else- where. GRAY MOTOR Ei''iGINES d,- H. P. $75; 2 .11. P. ;Ir85:, H. P41,2-5; 6 H. P. $175; 8 H. 16.$235; 112 IH. 1P. $375; all warranted' =first cE'etas.% 'At the old Stan4h- 6 Sitciar'e l.)ettling Otic. Motto'„'i. F. ess Mr Henry Talbot brought st numb -1 er of stalks of Alfafa to C Fritz''s shoe: store the other day which measured' twenty-one and one-half inches in length. The alfafa was paned !from a field on Mr Menno Steckley's farm Bronson Line, Stanley, on May '1st, and shows remarkable growth for -this time of the year. Mr • Fritz 'would, like to bear if any farmers in 'Hay township can beat &its. STILL A MYSTERY The murderer of Robert 'Been. the Colborne tow'ns'hip fanner, is still at large, and although detectives have been working on the ca�e since, the murder was ,ceonuli'itt' td •no arrests have been made. 'Tri 3 motive for the murder is a mystery, as it was thought that Me Rean•hadno enemies. His lli-aney among ting to $17, and a watch were not touched, indicating that the motive was not •robbery. ill► BLAK•E Mr and Mos , Geo Ldighoffer of Dashwood visited :at the home of Mr Russ Johnston on 'Sun daay.. . Mrs G Eneetktletou ha, returned home after .it pie -sant s'isi t •wi•,tn friends near 'Drysdale. Me 0 Zitk.amine(of eti't°aniost'hr'ogres- sive fa.rnioLs, iso -1 txpirteil 'himself to .tin a11t1) %:ft Z1t'ti ,keeping rip with the titnt+-1. tf 01:t;rk of 1$mi;'.1.11iedlcl., •\lisitetd his ltrother an 1 flintily a 1 Sunday last. Vi iht. E41,a'n'.ifiif r (.tf 1€eafforth, vi,;ited hes' motile. ,no•I ,(titter laiieuds recurs Ll y. U't .Tor O h %" a411'til=u+i .^laic Fist. I [' ' !o;tiry friend: h +,qos if,tr :11, .,speedy Ms anti \[h•;; '!, t a'f o+if \\I[iie !niiglana visited at tilt It gilt' ''f 'VII' III[• au,Llsfe for a fete days law-, we,4r. . 1 ti5;4 V •J•Ii`nh( '1)e1lt, '1+,4l' 1�L\1' 1Ml'+l'Ih 'her friend, Jlt a tfaLtitie ticgt4a,'ols. B7.AVER .NEEkl)OWW • The fari'ngrs in tlLI, vicinity his'e Cniallt d sp 1dit1, n• +;l are looking f•ir ,word to a hanoteo•1 a llarvrst, tfr \V .1 Wt',tf f,n'lrl't'1, spelt atoll '1'hn,',r1riy n.t •1 W I1orner'0. —., ks,,t1 :pont. in,4t 5nlydav with the lettleis -111. ul Airs Percy Clatlk of 110 mil �, s BIXAr t� Il'lartllt-•4, 1T1'a11(1Mrs.Jeoe (ItLsclto. PINS 1' eCdJ`iN �U)'V' -) A liov' sl)iptatlont just in of Bon fl,a.ils,•Cllncolal.tes-, site. Tito hest thrtt'. a)1tta4ly can :tiny A'harge vat iety :at Comic, Pt1.1i,ttir , .t"conic, e.c. Post, 0,1,e10, tft lr4'i(00. \V1� 0.101 liovo rho Flag Olt 01, 81ic nl'tli,ill'1 Etc. Leading Brant! ett;idcrs. Nellson's Flamm ice Create MCCORMICK'S RESTAURANT 11114'44„wrs Alpert and Ed Ktll'fl'isch .low0t ilatzt Wednesday at (labii! 110.11,11 • X14' 11 '1ni. I''rioter has taken chit two tf 1.1e0; fr;'tis;la'r't li'i,c ,yn,r'tls n id .baa •omua'ila,Ctirl \.11.11 \ri'h a full sr,ili of 'then. A e1+111t l3i' of ()11.' young men, spent nil +\' p'Pe'si'lj;' n•t 1):L511wood, sone .,ttraeti 1101 Eh b•,ya, hfi' T) twk1 ( tads.! of Idaho, k vi ash. "!,+ fl'in'114 Item, after being away for aw(a'iLtt:'i \'caul ,ind Mrs .7 Gaiser of 1.3hipka, milt 1,1.E Monday at 1 ft' . Wm. 1'1'111111111 01:18. Mr stn 1 1Trs alloses Geiger of Zurich .+tnnt Snnalay at the home of Mi. and NIPS E 13 1 o nev', Zurich Merl MARKET Dl AL)1IL$ ;1A Frekh and Salt " Meats Bologna Sausages, etc CASK 4.1'01.1 S1KINS .k flIll S un bi' t Doichert EN! Classified Ads LgGAL CARi'DS. PROO1)F00T, ISILT,AItAN, & PROUD. FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd � door from I'Ialniiton St. �God.ericli. I Private funds bo loan at 1owo.t rates I W. Piott'ol'aar, K. C. J. L. Kijr.onAN. \\'. PnoUDFoOT, Jn. MEDICAL CARDS 1 A. J. MlteKINN''ON late Hous* Surgeon, Erie County i lospital, 1lufTalo N. Y. Late assistant resi• ,lent Physician, tfa.tahn.tinn Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Irate of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic 3h dical School and. I lnspilal. Drug store in et nnestion. Offi!o; Zurich, Ont. Get your route bills for 1915 printed at the .Herald Office. Prices reasonable. J Farms F 1r Sale 210 acres of good 1,�Lrining ami fruit -land. 2000 peach trees of which 1000 Are in bearing, good, plenty of water, good building, woll fenced and partly • drained. ' For particulars apply to Daniel Smith, R. R. No. 2 Zurich, Unfair. Jinkers — No ase talking; there's Fumethi ng wrong with civilization. Things must ;be reformed. Patience has ceased to be a virtue. I'.linkers—What's happened? Jinkers—Here I'in n"ssessecl $1 deg tai for a miserable little two'centeur that my boy picked up someFvhere, while my rich neighbor with a 4300 thoroughbred dogs not have to .pay a •penny more. -New York Weekly. Explaining ate Escape. wipe you ever limon•;;' cannibLTs5F' asked Miss Silligal. "yes," replied the eotastamt traveler.. - "And they didn't have yon for din- ner?" "Certainly not! Let ane see, 'r met some cannibals just before Easter." "Oh, 1- see. Flow lucky for you that you met them during Lents"—Wash- ington Star. Chip. 'Women are the spice ut lite." "That's the time. yon said some thing. "And life without spice would be"— "Spice? • 1 thought you said spies!" replied the man whose wit'e had found 1 poker chili in his pocket.—Eoustoil Post. He'd Raise Them. rllatma ti 'n1 Professor—flow do Yogi [kinky C oqu;ll \? Sporty Pirtle — if I only knew I wouldn't bt' litok1' so (11.1111. --tit. 1.41115 Republic... He Didn't Go to Lovers' Lane., 1n 1 hp r; mmtin • u?1 my darling. ' 111o,dt .n.. sore'mix( eight and nine!" \Vas 11x1' 11=e"ssnev that she' sent Ina. Ann 1 sh„uu'd. Is 11r1a! 131h alt mid,,1 iu t wns frantic. Vainly e !naked r,11 ilfsr ram, 1 1\•e•• l,,t "' f rIn^rn'n�- 131es..rd tf ! ani ''1 rtnd 111• c.'1„' He Is Funny. Mao is in funny rreatnre. • FIe'il lose $16 ON ,.1 !horse race and never s iy t► word, but let him drop a eptfrter through .1 ,erne!: in the four, anti he'll want 1n tear it lie house down.--•hlot•id;l Times- Union, With ivla-in•law's Help. Tie—i 1111 hilt \vi,rthy of con. She—Never 11111111 1hot. I fe'e'l that 1 am ennoble of sinking nil the neves- 001'3' itnin'u\ 10'((1ls—,Ne'\\' Volk Thugs, Unknown. "1 sot, that iIlll i'bodr sot's untny u 101111 15 a part without : kno\vin it." "\Veil: that's something we're. got tc be tIt111ki`n1 for."—New Viirk \1'orl0. TherWrecker, Piro can Wreck the Milne aro leave it Desolate and In despair: 13urstin Ltro plumbing also Sratiers ruin everywhere; Paperhangers have a knack or Topsy .turve ing a place. And a healthy boy can always Change its neatness to disgracee., But there's nothing; so completely Puts the home upon the blink As a bttsy little baby ' And a nickel's worth of ink. —Detroit Free Press, Costly Buff. Crawford --Is he son y he boasted so much to 11i9 wifA phm,'t,. 1a;a 4nnnm6., 5,2 .,A.:: ".`r'.'rl ('I t..." Cil -yr,r i k'r,^ COUNTER' N Ail E ' Check colo For General Stores ,C (E are selling agents for App]eford's J popular counter check books. Our. prices are the same as city travellers charge yon for Them. Let us know your 'rants and we will cheerfully show you samples and quote prices. Herald Printing- Co. Phone3O A. Lesson From the Aeroplane THE force that makes the aeroplane—a heavier than air machine—over— come the law of gravity i the propulsive power of the motor. Stop the engine and gra\ ity exhibits its laws. In much the same way the pro- pulsive power of tcivet g tn'ehes a business trinn'1ll over dragging - down tentlencit0; personal iuerta, quiet tithes and general depression. business Advertising is the propeller. The mercnant is the pilot. His business is the machine. His community h'd tt.s ainit g medium. If yon want business to soar, start the motor of advertising. To the People in and about Zul i ch r, lit' l i!pi s (.f t \try nl l,t!l'ant and ino;.'les: ive Lusiness in. Zurich are using the propelling force of advertising in some form or other. rI'he most powerful ford! uf• 11,.\ ertising is newspaper publicity. Advertisernen t s' S ave yourT ne and Mo "'ley •.. •: r,iJ.: �o\ ooeo���...:..-- 4'. . n�4 f � �• IGi„ ,7 • We'll tell you how in three words—use less gallons. That's the thing to go by in Paint—not the price per gallon, but the number of gallons required plus the length of time it will wear and look well. "100% Pure" Paint costs about half as much, counting the surface it covers, and wears two or three times as long as ordinary paint. You pay by the gallon—both for thepaint and for putting it on. The Paint that is cheapest for you is the paint that spreads easiest and covers the most surface, ii Pl.J E" P "MADE IN CANADA" T has a covering capacity of 900 square feet of surface per galion one coat, as against 500 square feet covered by hand -mixed Lead and Oil—or 600 square feet covered by low priced prepared paint. And as further proof—if you will send us the dimensions of your house, we will tell you the number of gallons of "100,% Pure" Paint required to cover it thoroughly. No charge for this service. Ask for a copy of our interesting Soak "Town and Country Ironies", It is free to our friends, Chas. Hartleib, Zurich, Ont, D. Tiernan, Dashwood, Oat. /• 66