HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-05-07, Page 4Clt
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TITS 1.116.-.- '}.LD
issued every 'Thursday afternoon frau the
• VW:se a St. Zurich, by
ANDR5t W k'. KESS and CHESTER L. Shi 1;1 II
U. S' stibscrtptoa $ir,so strit;th' in :ulvnne.: ,
ADVERTISING .'liE:tiwril$.
Rates for display avail contractadv,crtisements wilibe
given on appliattnn.
Transient notices sstclt,.as legal, Rai poration, satiel
etc., so cents per late for first tnwrtiott mad 5 centsper
Inc for each subsequent ins t1ton.
Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which aft
adtniss lon,fen is charged or a spec ial•ct tl .-tion taken
will be charged for at the ru alar advestisut� rat es
Notices of religious or ether meetings r eke object of
which is the benefit of she community and not for per-
anal or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheerndy
nserted free.
Estray advs. St forgo ne insertions.
No paper discontinued until altarrearagea are paid.
Changes for contract.udck'totisetnents musft) a in the
office by 6 p, tu. Tuesday, otherwise they will ee left
over until the following week.
Advertisntents without specific ditections will be
inserted untitl forbid and charged accordingly. Tran.
sient advertismenrs must ne pa,:d for in advance.
Ad Rem. w'ittlnuntcations to
l -LS HERALD,;•:rice
T H U R SD i L .>.. , £ LL A I' 6, 191.5
• High Blood Pressure. lo
Aufferers from high Wood
;pressure must lend a quiet life,
1free from excitement and strain.
The ,diet must be kept free from NE
stimulating foods and drinks,
One must give up eating red 1,t
meats, drinking coffee and oleo- e'
111 holic beverages. A moderate diet
4 of green vegetables, fruits, ce-
reals, nuts, eggs and bacon (spar- pr
ingly), bread, milk, butter and it
• fruits will be nil the food needed ,.
Al If the pressure Is highand there
4 is true nrterioselerosis. If the is
blood pressure Is high from other
,® causes the above diet is not suf.
4 decent. except as an occasional
• treatment, two or three times a IY
1 year. Baths must be taken to I►
4 make the skin acct (exciting i .'r-
1 spiration and relieving h:',h l'
eil blood pressure) every day. A. hat 110
1 bath at bedtime and a hot Ic;n-
.s onade after one is in bed will c•r- Io d
I cite free perspiration. Mloder-
,9 ate daily exercise, fresh air and
® sunshine will relieve all cases of the
4 high blood pressure. A. patient's Al
• life should be regulated by the ,
1 physician having him under ohlo
,4 servation. Seemingly the favor-
4able cases improve and 11we earn-
Portably for ninny years under E
careful treatment,ell
The Fatal Force of Habit,
How the force of habit may endanger
an otherwise perfect disguise is illus'
trated in a story told by an .Italian
count who arrived recently in New
York. When the war broke out he
was motoring in Germany with his
:wife and chauffeur. At Carlsbad he
met a British officer who was an old
friend and who asked permission to
join his party in order to get out of
the country: The chnntfeer th•;'cording-
Iy became a manservant Lind the obiter
took his place. The motorists were at.
rested mine times before they safely
reached France, and only once was the
officer suspected. That was when he
Instinctively returned the military
salute of a sentry who stopped the
lar. -Manchester Guardian,
llright's Disease.
There are two forms of Brigbt'S
disease, acute and chronic, which,
according to statistics compiled
by the United States govern-
ment, kills thousands of persons
every year. The duration of
the acute form Is on the average
from two to six weeks. The
treatment prescribed by the at-
tending physician must be rigidly
-carried out, for if this is not done
death is apt to occur.
1 Chronic 13ri'hht's disease is
4.4 sometimes sec•ttnrtary to the acute
: form, but it is very often pri-
• maiy. The treatment of this
" chronic disease is largely dietet-
ic and hygienic. The patient
must live a life of quiet and rest.
+ The diet must be free from meat
and all foods which cause in-
digestion. ;Sometitnes an all milk
diet provry4 to he the most sllit-
± able. The avtivity of the skin
',t,+, mast be int., r•1 =ed by daily warm
42. baths. The net, of alcoholic bev-
i erages must bo given up abso•.
4 ]utely. The i11ie;1tina] canal avast
+ be kept fl'i'p from undigested,
+ fermenting totals. 'For this pur-
• pose a daily Ouse of epsom salts
• should bo given -two teaspoon-
fuls in throve -quarters of a glass
of e'oltd water Iltiif an hour before
breakfast every morning. Med-
ical treatment alone is of little
* value. Unless the entire mode of
living Is changed mild bad habits
given tip there Is small chance of
We have Jut put. into stock a large
range of new meii's, ladies' and child-
ren's shoes wh%ia will be sold at vary
low prices for cash. 'Butter and eggs
taken sante RS cash. Call and see
our values, D !Pfaff.
The following is the report of room
2, of Dashwood Public School based
on attendance, diligence and- general
Jr IVth-Ira Daman 69, Oscar
Graupner 65, Mary Miller 63, Cecelia
Germette 60, Mai•naae•Genttner 60,
Leeland Guenther 58, Wilbur Ehlers
Sr IIIrd-Luella Schatz 70, Mil-
dred Schroeder 69, 'della Rader 68,
Ella Desiardine 65, Sydnoy Baker 60,
(ahsent), John Gossman 3,0 (absent).
Jr IIIrd-Rosie Guenther 65, Clif
ford Pfaff 64, John Rader £,, Louise
Graupner 62, Glad vs Guenther 60.
Albert Tyler 58, Verda Fassold 55,
Percy Willert 58, Garnet Willert 52,
Myrtle Koch 50, Edna Cameron 48,
Tillie Hamacher 47.
Se II -Lucinda Willert 68, Roselle,
Koch 65, Della Baker 64, Abraham
Vincent 62, Edwin Rinker 60, Howard
Schroeder 58 (absent), Barnet C ossman
55, Willie Bender 50, Freda Stire 40..
Olma M Woods, Teacher.
The following is the report of the
room 1, for the month of April, based
on attendance, deligence and general
Sr II -Mervyn Tiernan 71, Albert
Evoland 68, Czar Steinbagen 60,
Anna Vincent 55.
Jr II -Violet Bieber 69, Adolph
Genttner 64, Peter Germatte 61, Jack
Guenther 59, Harry Rader 54, (absent)
Charlie Snell 61 (absent).
Jr II -Leo Eveland 79, Henry
Bieber 72, Harry Zimmerman 70,
Lillian Willert 68, Urban Zimmer 65,
Courtney Eidt 62, Victor Tyler 60,
Luella Stire 58, Sololnon.Bettchen 56,
Lucile Willert 42 (absent).
Jr Pt II --Alice Hoffman 88, Percy
Iileinstiver 82, Oscar Miller79, Verde
Baker 75, Reggie Armstrong 71, Elmer
Zimmer RI Alice Grigg 60, Clara
Bender 55,Milaa1 BlYi1ier 50, Edith
Genther 49 (absent).
Phi (n) -Lorne Tiernan 80, Arnetta l
teinhogen 71, Harold nellerlon 08.
Eddie Hamacher 62, Almeda killer 50,
Pearl Gabel, Ethel Gabel and Loreen
Baker(absent). Aver age attendance 87.
A Finkbeiner, Teacher.
Next Sunday evening, the local
lodge of Oddfe]lows will attend divine_
services in St. Paul's church, when
Bev Rurii1 Dean W J Doherty will
address them.
Moore Bros., hardware and repair
shoti1're extei a, „ • ca and
t ,auaaaK recur aunu.sw.r ..-.
Mr G G" Pat y' who owns the` -.building
thy; occupy, intends building an addi-
tion to it to accomodate the changes.
Hensall now has twenty automobiles.
Miss Lily Yungblut, of Waterloo,
visited relatives here last week.
Mrs H H Little has purchased the
house on Oxford street from Mrs
Win Murdoch has sold his residence
in Eglnondville and has purchased H.
Ingram's residence and lots on Oxford
:itreet, and will return to Hensall.
3 Miss Maud M Petty, daughter, of G
r Petty, of Hensall, was married in
afinneapolis, Minn., on April .3rd, to
P F Kennedy, of Winnipeg.
T Sharp has -opened another black.
with shop opposite the station yard
Report of S S No 11, gay, for the
.,-«th of Ap1i1, names are in order
c, TV --Evelyn Cha rette, Herbert
-. 1l,flwiseb.
T TV -Juliette Char�retfe
TII- Lloyd
Hendricks, Gertrude
TII---Richard Jeffrey,Giffie'
ootte, John Schade,'
TT-Leonard Sarares, llf '1vixia
le Clara Halltfleiseh, Edmond
e 'ricks.
TT•--Noh'r tan C'harrette.
TT --Gertrude Devi n e, Lawrence
holt, Mabel Sehade.
P tuner• ---Erwin Scbade, Donald
.1 I (.t) --•-Victor Taylor.
(n) Francis Overholt, Eleanor
Mr and Mica Louis Brisson hose re-
turned from thein wedding' tei;p and
have settled down in their home there
this week.
The rain on Tuesday was most wel-
come and every thing is growing now.
Trees are in blossom andoats sowed ,a
few weeks ago are already,tp.
On. Tuesday April 21111, there
passed away at his horse oh,title Bauble
Line north, Robert Orr, Sr., .at the
age of 80 years and 5 days. Deceased
had been in poor health for soma time,
twenty-two years ago he was stricken
with blindness and had to remain in
the house during all that time. His
widow and a grown up fariily of eons
and daughters survive him,
The council of the Township of
Stephen convened in the Town Hall,
Crediton, on Monday, the Bial day of
May 1915 at 1 p. m. All members
were present. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read and adopted
Webb -Love, That the courtof revisi-
on to hear and determine appeals
against the assessment roll be held in
the Town Hall, Crediton, on Wednes-
day, the 26th day of May next at 10
o'clock a. in. Carried.
Love -Webb: That by-law No 219
to appoint Township officers and by-
law No 280 to license, regulate and
govern transient traders,. each having
been read three times, be passed, and
signed by the reeve and clerk and the
seal of the corporation attached thereto
The following orders were passed:
Lateen Stone. Mc0linchey's Statute
Labor, $8 00, Post -master -Crediton,
War -stamps $1.00, A Ireland grading
$3.50, Wm Yearley grading $3.50,
Chas Kienzle grading $97.40. •
The council adjoined to meet again
for general business on Wednesday,
the 26th of May next at 1. p. rn. . At
2 p 1n gravel contracts will be let; by
Henry Eilber`, Clerk.
There passed away on Monday at
her home -on- the Parr Line, Mrs Log-
an, at age 83 yearn. She is survived
by one son and three daughters. The
funeral was held on Wednesday.
T J McAsh, the veteran post -master
of Varna, died from the effects of blood -
poisoning on Monday, after an illness
of five weeks duration. A sliver,
deep in the man's hand, brought on
the poisoning, which later ]esilljed
seriously. He was in his 63rd ' year.
Besides his wife, one daughter and one
son survive. The funeral was held on
Miss Irene Hardy has taken a posi-
tion in the office of M and W Snell.
Two new oil tanks have been com-
pleted at the depot forl9the British -
American Oil Co. •
The old 'Presbyterian church at
Exeter north, whish has been used as
a hay barn has been torn down.
Dr. J. G. Reid, veterinary, has gone
into partnership with Dr W Sweet.
John -Grigg, who since his accident
last fall, has not recovered as rapidly
as expected, is spending a few weeks
at the Guelph sanitorium.
Chas Lindenfeld has moved his
family and household effects to Park-
hill ; Ntfe. it
re. Mr W 0 Frits, of Guelph, hes been
transferred to the local branch of the
Bank of Commerce. He takes the
place of Mr G 1 Bu•rdette, the present
teller, who has been moved.
Thero is solus talk of celebrating
the 24th of Dray in Exeter.
H. Eilber, .M P. P., has received
his new Overland automobile.
The baudfavored our citizens with
several selections the other evening.
They are busily engaged in practicing.
Mrs Geo Holtzman had the misfort-
une to fall ofa chair a few days ago
wlile*papering and break her arm.
1, Jones, of Victoria College, Tor-
onto, is spending his holidays at his
home here,
1Vr. _ .�.... t1t
We will send. Thel:Ieraid to any.
address in Canada to Jan lsb, 1916,
for 60 cents.
The Patriotic Society of Bayfield
has donated $53 and 59 pair of socks
to .the University Hospital of Toronto.
Dr 1+' W M Smith, of Bayfield, and
Dr A II Macklin, of Goderieh, have
accepted commissions in the Royal
Medical Corps.
The old Queen's hotel, Clinton, is
being made over into two modern
dwelling houses by the owner, Wm
W R Smillie has sold bis 100 acre
Mann on the London Road, near Bruce
field to Thomas Dickson, of Seaforth,
for $8,500.
Joseph Mero, of Godericb, has pur-
chased100•acre farm of Mr. Clare,
Hullett township. for H7,800 and
takes possession on Oct 1st.
Miss Annie•Bissett, one of Exeter's
most popular young women, died rat-
her unexpectedly on Tuesday even
ing. Her illness had extended over a
period of months, but had not been
eonsi d er edil anger) us.
J W Ortwein, .of Hensall has pur-
chased from Mrs R Beek, her fine
property on the corner of ,Oxford and
Nelson streets, Hensall', • There are
two lots and a fine stable in connection
with the residence. Mr Ortwein has
been fixing up the property.
Application has been made for a
charter for the reorganized Hidden
St Marys R Exeter Telephone Com-
pany which recently acquired the
Medina rural line. The new company
will be known as the Kirkton, St
Marys '&'s Medina Telephone Company
and will be capitalized at $100,000
to meet the present demands and allow
for future expansion. The new, com-
pany will start with 1,000 phone
The following particulars are taken
from the assessor's roll of Tucker -
smith township for the , year 1915:
The assessed valve of the land in the
township is $1,616,976 and the value
of the buildings is $483,810. The.
total amount of .taxable real property.
is 2,100,786. The valua of property
exempt from 'taxation is $84,900. The
business assessment is $5, 850 and the
taxable income $1,850, The total
assessment is $2,107,986, There are
107 children between the ages of 5
and 12, between the ages of 5 and 16,
423, The population of the tewnship
is 2,082. There are 2,948 days of
statute labor, There were 86 births
and 7 deaths daring the year. There
are 240 dogs in the township. "There
are 253 children of school age.
The Farmers and The
Red Cross SO
We publish to day a second ap-
peal on behalt of the Red Cross
Society, by Dr James W Robertson'
Dr Rol5ertson is best known
tc the farmers of Canada as Profen
stir Robertson He began his and.
al public service at the Ontario
Agricultural College nearly thirty
years ago. Twenty-five years ago
he went to Ottawa as Dairy Com-
missioner for the Dominion. The
Dairying Serviceo f the Department
of Agriculture soon became known
and trusts(' throughout Canada.
From Prince Edward Island to Alt*
eke, farmers profited by the illus-
tration Dairy Straticns and the
Travelling Instructors. The out-
put of cheese and butter in Canada
added to the reputation of its rural
Other public) service, of oontinn
ing and growing value were inangu
rated, while Professor Robertson
was Commissioner of Agriculture.
Among them were the Live Stock
Branch,, the Cold Storage Service,
the Seed Grain Competitions, Trial
Shipments of Fruit to the United
Kingdom, and Extensions of Marls
Besides there were the Manual
Training Movements, ibe. School
gardens, Household i ciente, and
the Consolidated Rural Schools.
In more recent years, Dr Robert
son was Chairman of the Royal
Commission on Industrial Training
and Teehncial Education Farmers
in all provinces are familiar with
the Survey :of Farms by the Com-
niission of Conservation and the
Illustration Farms of its Committee
on Lands, of whichhe is Chairman
In these and rrienv Other ways,
Dr Robertson has given the farm-
ers of Canada the best that was in
Mini. He save he is their debtor,
fir many armor tunities, for. much
kindness and for wat'm approiations
is debtors. too. And
they are h A d
he nnw reminds them :of that for
the first time in order to tisfa.biivh
+n .,t.rh,r, end privilege to apnea fto
"Rough On eats" clears out Rats,
'Mice, etc. Don't Die in the House.
15c. and 25c. at Drug and Country
Stores. '
A quantity of first class seec1.potatoos
Silver Ding variety, for sale. Good
sample and large yielders. Also
quantity of 'good -seed oats for sale.
Apply to Alonzo Poster, Babylon Line
R. R. No. 3, Zurich.
Of Horses, Cattle, Buggies and.
Harness, at Dashwood, on Saturday,
AIay 8th, at 2 o'clock, p. ni. B Boss-
enberry and George Schroeder, prop-
rietors; .H Bossenberry auctioneer,
1 for Short Tcrin cf Years
t en,au5 .
Hest Agent
Zurich Ont
OVER C5 ''t'EA'-
Anyone sending a sketch and description ma;
4utokly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communise.
tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent)
sant free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
'special notice, without charge, lathe
SCRntift Rottman.
A las ' •:y illustrated weekly. Largest til:
eulatio, es any srieutitio journal. Terms for
Canada, 83.76 a year, postage prepaid, bold by
an ne vsdealere.
ifiliNN tin Co New a6l0rordway. ( leil
FY M.O . w 1,+J
• �r u^, Jcn, Rf 77' 1.ashint tun.'` •• R
Prompt Service
Moderate riha-raes
Tailor Shop
Zurich. - C)nata.rio
FOR 1915
Herald and Daily Globe.... ...... $3 75.
Weekly Globe 1 75
" Daily Mail and Em-
" • Weely Mail and
Toronto Daily Star
Daily News
" Weekly Star
London Free Press
Morning Edition3 50
Evening Editioia2 90
Weekly Edition1 85
London Advertiser
Morning Edition2 90
Evening Edition2 90'
Weekly Edition-- 1 75
Farm & Dairy 1 75
Weekly Sun 1.80,
Farmers Advocate2 40
Montreal Family
Serald'and Weekly
t- ar ,. 1 85
Weekly Montreal
Witness 185
3 75
1 75
2 85
2 85
1 75
$1,000F00 Practically Given Away.
Here is a bargain if ever 't.here was a bargain, especially for any
Young Canadian who wants a start. The owner of one of the best
situated farms in the famous clay belt of "New" Ontario is- obliged to
return to the U S in June. Almost -all lots in that neighborhood have
been settled for sometime. Neighboring lots cannot be purchased for
less than $2,000 00 to $2,500.00. This man will sell .at a wonderful bar.
gain, owing to his circumstances. There is apost ofd.ce and school at
corner of lot, a store close by and railroad station 3 miles dtreotly
north, and the famous Porcupine turnpiked and graded road running
t'll the way along the front to Matheson. The residence duty on the
lot has all been performed. and 6 acres will he ready for oropliing in
June and several more chopped ready for burning off The house is
neat and cosy and most conveniently situated His price is $800 on time
;lr $7O0 cash.. For particulars supply at
Herald Office,
Zurich, Ontario
I have made arrangements with Silverwoods
Dairy, London, to take eream at the
Feed store, Zurich, on Wednesday
of each week until further notice.
Ci e s,r is tutted when brought to my store
and paid for on delivery. Price paid this
. week was 33 cents per pound.
Cream must be at the store not later than
1 o'clock,Wednesdayafternoon.
I. IIUDSON, Feed Store Zurich
Lumber® Shingles! aths!
We have a large stock of these
on hand. Estimates given and con-
tracts taken. All kinds of exterior
and interior finish for houses made
to order We hand re all kinds of
BuildingBuilditig Cali at Planing