HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-05-07, Page 1ZURI Vol. XV, ZURICH 1.4..••••••••••••••••8•x•••• ca•••*•••••••a••••q•••••••• ave you:Icrep re . • • SI?R$G OD MINH I • • • •• • • a • • •• ,• • • • e • A e • • • • • • Some seasonable lines which new as well as necessary. • • • are Girl's & Ladies' Middy Blouses A nice line .of ready to 'w ar girls and ladies' middy bolls. es. (Jblors reel and white, tan and blue and white. Very pretty and. reasonably priced. Ladies' and Childrens ii[ose In silk, art silk and cotton, in bleak, tan and white colors. Ladies' Gloves Silk, white and black. Spec- ial at 90c a pair. Ladies' Cuffs ;and ,Collars • �y 4 ,hew line put in stook of :3•dgs` Duffs and Dollarin white organdie. Dress Goods A new line of ., lridiei' Drees Goods for summer wear. Rice cloths, 'organdies, voiles in plain white and fancy colors. Also silk and Chinese Drone, ranging from 15c to $1.25c a yard.x���m. •� Whitewear A new line of ladies' and children's vests and drawers just arrived, with and with- out sleeves, also eonbination suits, Lace .Curtains Special Arab novelty curt- ains, euchre and white and at $3,00, $4.00 and $5.50 a pair, Also a nice range of net lace curtains in wory and and white at $2,00 and $3,00 a pair. Curtain Goods Scrim Curtain goads in Dream and white with fancy borders. Something very nicefor, the parlor and the dining room. New Button Snugfit collar button No bulge, ;perfectly smooth, , tie slides easily, coat collar fits. snug, same comfort as wear- ing no button, lasts a life- time. Only 10 cents Straw Flats For men A new line, all styles. Panamas, special at $3,50, $4 50 and S5.00. Alpo nine line of men's -silk •bats, nice and cool for motoring and bowling, All kings of boys and mens every day straw hats. • 0 • • • • •• • • 0 • • • ••m • • • • • 0 • • • •• 04. Clothes for Men and Boys. •• 'We have a full line. Also single trousers and knickers. • • • •• • • •• •. • • •• • +a • • • • • 4, 4. 4. 4. 4 New Per .glue Flame Oil are the Simple in Construction Ca11 and see demonstration ectio Cook Stoves best • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 . • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • a • • Always Ready of stove at our store THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PA/ITS are made by the largest Paint and Color Factory in the world. . . You often hear of Paint, "as good •as"- . THE Si ERWIN-WILLtANE PAINTS but that won't do. You want the best, we know these paints are "best." . Seasonable HARDWARE FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 7, 1915. NO 4I IPar :ra. ,s14-te a r ' 'c�+ INFERIOR LIGHTNING t4 . �t a t ; t +y o- ZLOCAL NEWS. 4 RODS. SflPillL ag <•` agin I wh to warn the farmers ,�'(( eTwo wks from Monday will he I of Qntaro against inferior lightning aSh � •• Victoria Day, vodr . companies One of the same copani es that bancoed the fanners with iron - centered rods last, year is reported to be selling the same rods again this year, Watch out for therm .There is no difficulty in spotting these noels. The outside covering is a thin sheet of copper, Inside of the copper is a strip. of galvanized steel or iron one-half inch wide and two gal- vanized Steel or iron wires about No. 10. - The copper sheath is twisted ar- ound the strip and wires giving the rods 'a corrugated appearance. The steelor iron will rust out in five to ten years, For photograph of what happened to a rod of this kind in less than eight years see Figure 34, Bullet- in 220, which may be had by writing. • the Department of Agriculture, Tor- onto. Ati Illinois firm is circularzing the trade and others advocating the "Mast" Lightning Rod System, They declare that twistocl cables are positively dan- garoma, claiming they act like, "choke - coils',', that tubes only show ld be used that,nsulators must be used, etc. For . concentrated ' essence of error these circulars surpass anything else I have seen. Beware of the man with the iron - centred rod and the man who claims that twisted cables are dangerous. This Department will be glad to be informed regarding the operations of either. Department of Physics, 0. A. C. Guelph. Wm. H, Day. • - —moo.. ----- Best gasoline, 18 cents .cash, 20 cents charged, at Hartleib's. Mr Jacob Rader, of Dashwood, was, a visitor in town on Monday. Mr J 1P Moritz is visiting relatives in Berlin and. Guelph at present. Messrs P Lamont and 0 Fritz mot- ored to London Sunday, and visited friends. Mr Roy Geiger of Toronth Univer- sity, is spending the holidays at his home here. Mr and Mrs J Bloch have been visit- ing relatives and friends. in Detroit, Mich., for a few weeks. Messrs J Hildebrandt and A Zettle have been busy digging a hard water well for Mr 0 Fritz. Forty Hours Devotional services began in St. Boniface R C church, Zurich, to -day, Friday, at 8 a Ln, Among the more recent purchasers of automobiles in this vicinity are: Mr H Volland Jr., of the Babylon Line, and Mr 0 Zirke, of near Blake. Miss Louise Homme; sister of Mrs C. Schilbe, of the 14th con., left last Saturday for Milwaukee where she will take a course' in a deaconess train- ing school. Screen Doors and Windows Lawn - Mowers Hammocks Calf .meal Garden Tools Wi11iams Paints and Varnishe Produce of all kinds taken PR EETER Teles l.iio No, 9 ZURICH Mr A G Edighoffer took possession of the Commercial Hotel last, Saturday and has moved his barber shop into the front sample room. He.: is slso, making other improvements to the property. Arrangements have been completed for the establishing of a tennis court &opposite the church shed under the: auspices of the Luther League of the Lutheran Chureh. A strong committee. has been selected to look after the levelling of the grounds, and the other n cessary workregtairedlo be :done. Many of our residents have cleaned up around their homes and Zurich may well boast of some exceptionally fine lawns. But it has been noticed in other years, andno doubt the same will be found true in some cases this year, that the lawn or grass between the sidewalk and roadway is not taken care of and usually grows up in weeds and long grass spoiling to a great degree the eiiect of a well kept ]awn around the house. Why not keep this also mowed and there by improve the looks of your own bome as well as the appearance of our whole village. • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• v • • • • ••• • 2 . • • • •• • • • • • • • •• . 4. • • •. a • • • e • 4, Y • • • ,.i. 44+4•++++4.+4•+4 +++++44444 44444.4 ++++++4+4.4+44&++4•++4+ You will want a pair of new shoes to, go with that new spring suit. We handle the "° 1. Invicturnade by Geo. A. Slate., Derby and McPherson for men, and the Gracie "' and M cPherson for adies These are our leaders. Also cheaper grades. • We can: please yrori. See our spring display. �. es FRIhZrich+9i. Buttery and: eggs taken in exchange for shoes. t .0400 .1040434 4.0.4t44 44}4114$04.4080114.0411611+ .404044 4. The Horne of Good Shoes IINNhill!Iltllllil!1101GNIIIIII@IIIli1111111111IIMII!„,„!!„„,„IBIII'„!i,'I, „„„!,!'.. ,,'I!IS!l„,„,,hill„l!iillllllllllilll!111191tllllllll rllu!1!III,„„„llq_i!14 NIIIlllill„l JiMilli!1iII„,„„,„„„ ,,,,„, i[i„„„ • e you .gOin. New ads—J Preeter, E Appel, Ia Hudson. Miss Carrie Gellman, of Clinton is spending a few weeks at her home here, • i. „F .,,.,��tutnber of motorcyclists from Stratford passed through .Zurich on Sunday. Sergtm P A Randall, a member of the Mechanical Transport, 1st contingent, and.whowas invalided home as a re- sult of injuries received while on route to the front, is visiting his sister, Mrs A Zettel, of this yilllage, at present, ASSESSMENT ROLL The following statistics ate taken from the 1915 assessment roll of Hay Township, which has been delivered to the clerk and accepted by the council. Total assessment, $2,419,- 333. Real property assessed, $1,728,- 225, Buildings, $678,730. Value of taxable real property, • $2,401,955, Business assessment $16,478 Income assessment, $900. Number of acres in township, 52,544. Cleared land, 43,185 acres, Woodland, 2,325 acres. Swamp, 6,810 acres. Population, 2,- 882. Male persons, 21 to 60 years, 610. Births, 47. Deaths, 26. Dogs, 328. Nuniber of school children be- tween ages of 8 years and 14 years, 497. Incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS j� BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 93 Branches in Canada A Genera, Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LDTTrl s o1` CREDi' BANK MONEY ORDERS Savings Bank Department Interests at highest current rates Zurich Branch . R. T. DUNLOP, Manager enasiVemimenizanslizeizt to paint this spring? If so, we oan supply you with the famous. ELEPHANT T BRAE'E Ready -Mixed ?dais For floors and verandahs or anything that needs Paint. Nemo better and few as good. New and up-to.date Shoes at popular prizes. More new waists, aprons and ready-made dresses • and dress goods just opened up. All our lines are stocked up with the latest and best that money and.be can buy..Come and see' for yourselves convinced. R. N. DOUGLAS • BLAKE ONTARIO „I, �”;f,;@;q1N,'.NiNIIIINI{IIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiN11111!IIIIINII�:CItFC�llil{Nlli!til;iillllll!Illllllll!IIf111P!(iIINli;1,��11li'II.CI4NIl11:'hiailtlyilNl1i4I1R uIIIIINIIIIIII(;NVNI!111111&1111111111111111IIIIIIIIiIIiIIII��.�iIINIIL�. 1 or YoungSui�� f PeUow 8 BETTER CLOTHES The New English Models in Suits are having the centre of the stage at this writing. They're Smart, they're "Chic” and "Snappy.” 1.-41K We have studied and watched the trend of fashions closely in orcler to supply you with the "Correct.” We are'ready to show you --- the pleasure in doing so is ours. CORRECT MODELS u o pp The Clothier