HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-04-30, Page 8Prints and Gingham.s `Me new Prints and (lingbarns have arrived and we have a large assortn'ient of colors std. patterns to choose from. We also have ttae famous steel clad (aiulatea, an extra long wearing cloth'; suitable ion ohiidrens' dresees, suits and ]tidies house dresses. New Curtain Goods Our range of ourtaine an 1 curtain materials is now oomplete Should you require anything in the lino of draperies, curtains, blinds, etc, Do nc`s fail to call and see our lines before pur- chasing elsewhere. Wall Papers New Wall Papers now to hand, in a large variety of new up to elate deeigna at prioes that will interest you. Walso ) ►e .; `.I t s ata a.3'.i;n; 3, sa r't as Lin oleums, Floor Oil Olotlrs, Rugs, Carpets, etc. No trouble t r show goods at any time even if you are not just ready to bay. We would be pleased to have you come and see all tier new hues of seasonable goods. Ey We have a large stock of the following varieties: Wisconsin No. 7, Improved Lea.mhn g and White Cap Fellow Dent, Fresh Groceries always on hand. Produce taken in exchange RUBY and GASOIIO PHONE. 17 tetaktagniNdearligat, .tik. ,, . .. Fey a .V. -i4R;m •*- :art- T1 exiresfeeexecew.eNeeecelxir CLOCK —is the most important piece of furniture iu the house. We Have the kind for the kitchen, fresh from the factory, at $3.50, Oak or Walnut, 1915 Model Movements. Alarm Clocks, $1.50 to ;3,00. We don't sell the 43 cent alarm clock, ustial[y sold for $1.00. . r ess & eo. Jewellers & Opticians wq ;gip..'„ ss :SOXKKis°.! O ,+,• K.,4tal seemas`vtiwa s'Isj'Y.ee. trews s `..Reit" • Ssesi;se; w,:sv:Cllft COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All sizes ALF. SCRUTON Hensall, Zurich Feed Store Leading Brand of Flour, Sho its, Bran and Feed Corn Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. We are agents for Interna- tional and Royal Purple stook food. Also a full line of Grocer- ies on hand. Isaac Hudson New BLACKSMITH SCOP 1 have opened up a. blacksmith shop in Brock's old stand, opposite Town Hall, Ready for business Monday, Mar 1st. Horseshodn • and Repairing w MO LEY FERTILIZER I have a carload of Per tilizer on hand. Parties wishing to buy some in any quantity can secure it from me at any time at my farm. Have all kinds on hand, ranging froth $10 to $40 per ton. JOHN HEY* Jr. Agent for Canadian Fortilizer Co. BEST BY TEST a HO TZMAl, Insurance Agent urich Out High Grade Copper and Aluminum Lightning Con- ductors. A very busy, please land in. your orders early, as 1 do the work myself, Prices right on easy terms. Telephone 34, HOUSE FOR SALE. Fine 12 roomed brick dwelling, newly built, for sale, situated in Zurich Furnace and modern inpeovements are installed. Good new stable on premises and one-half acre of land. Will be sold al reasonable plrice. 'For pa,rticu ars apply to W' H Bander, Z *rich. MONEY For the Farmer. lklake 100% on your money by investing $10 or $20 now. Yon can do this by putting out an apple orchard, OUR, NURSERY IS FREE FRONT DISEASES WE HAVE: NEVER, HAD SAN .JOSE SCALE. A (Beautiful Home for Everyone may be had by planting a few vines and shrubs, as Boston Ivy, Doughty Perkins pink climbing rose, and some ornamental:trees and ever- greens, All orders sent in now, direct to u i will be in time for this spring's delivery. ADDRESS' JOHN STEWA,RT ESTATE R. R. No. 4, Goderich, Ont Goderioh Rural Phone 6 on 7. LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday, Better._. x+0.25 Eggs 20 Dried Apples 05 Potatoes 30 Wheat Oats., Barley Buckwheat $1.80 $1.30 a 5555 70 70 70 Flour , 3.75 4,25 Bran $28.00 Shorts 30.00 Low Grade 88.00 Live Hogs fob Hensall 8.25 Local News Carload of cement received at Hartleib's. Mr John Gascho has moved into the dwelling of 11irs A. Faust. Miss 'Pearl Buchanan, of Toronto, is visiting relatives here this week. Mr and Mrs J Kellerman, of Dash- wood, were guests at the home of Mr 0 Fritz, on Sunday. Mr Peter Iropf, who is opening up a garage at the rear of his dwelling, received his lathe last Saturday. The machine weighs over 2000 pounds and with it any class of work can be performed. Mr Robert ,Lai'mour,' our veteran stage dei vet; began his usual summer work last Monday, after a. rest during the winter months. Mr Larniour has driven the stage between Zurich and Hensall for nearly twenty-five years. The fall wheat throughout this section is showing up splendidly and seems to have stood the winter well. The exceptionally mild weather during the whole of last winter , has bad a favorable effect upon it and the early mpring has given it a good start. We are again handling the popular New Perfection Blue Flange Oil Stoves this season. So simple that any child can operate them. Absolutely •safe. Ready in an instant. Call at our store and see stove in operation or ask those who are using them. J Preeter. Peter Randall, a Zurich boy, who is a sergeant of the Mechanical Trans- port of the first Canadian contingent, arrived in London last Thursday from France, where he received injuri- es to his right leg and foot, which was badly crushed by a team running away, the heavy wheelsopassing over that member. The London papers printed excellent pictures of Mr Randall in last Friday's issue. One of the largest gathering of flax interests ever convened in Ontario was held at London recently to carry out tho request of the government for the production of more flax and fibre, and to see what inducements could be offer- ed to have large linen Tullis started in Ontario. The subject was discussed from all sides, and in order to make the work effective the government is being requested to establish a flax bureau. Those present decided to or- ganize under the Dominion Governm- ent, with an executive of seven from this province. The announcement was made dur- ing the recent session of the Legisla- ture that the Provincial Department of Agriculture swill shortly •rearganize the system .with respect to Farmers' Institutes. The present system has not produced all the results expected, and the change will be made almost immediately. The scheme is to amal- gamate : all local organizations and en- list in some way the oo•opsration of the municipalities and the local hoards of trade. A largerprogrim of jtYdg- ing with respect to field crops and ether branches of agriculture will be introduced, and a fuyther revival of interest in agricultural sducal,ion is planned. WEDDINGS 1311ISSCN--DTJOUARME An interebtingeve' t was celebrated in the Roman Catholic 'church on Tuesday forenoon when Miss Enema, daughter of Air and Mrs Peter Dnch- arme, Bronson Line, Hay, was, united in the holy bonds of wedlock with Mr Louis Brisson, of Drysdale, a son, of Aserich Brisson, of neat St Jogepli by Bev A. A Rondo!: of Drysdale. After the ceremony the wedding party and guests repaired to the home of the bride's parents where they were royal- ly entertained. Mr and Mrs Brisson left on a short wedding trip after which they will take up housekeeping in Drysdale, where Mr Brisson conducts a general store. SIEUON—CFP ARRP.+,TTE Another interesting event took place in the sante church on the sante morning when Rev, A. Stroeder un- ited in marriage Miss Agnes, daughter of 11fr and Mrs B. f;harrette, Sauble Line, Hay, and Mr Frederick Siemon, of Zurich- A.pleasant time was spent by all present at the home of the bride's parents after the ceremony. The Herald joins with themany friends of the young couples in extendnig. best wishes. CARDINAL FACTS This is Canada's war. What will the harvest be? Increaseof knowledge means increase of production, The first essential for thehighest yield is good seed Not only grain growers, but breed- ers and all producers ate making his- tory at this juncture. Value of the crop is increased if treated for smut prevention. Failure to secure suitable varieties is a frequent cause of poor ensilage. All grain intended for seed should be cleaned and graded, in order to retain only the strong kernels. Farmers who have separate houses for their laborers have no difficulty in in securing help. Good labor is worthy employment in winter as well as in spring, summer and autumn. If labor is scarce now, it will not be more plentiful in another year, so it is wise to encourage present help. '=A. bureau of' employment could find useful work in every town of size. Austria has decreed that every _acre oust be utilized for production. Was- ting land is the worst form of extravag- ance. Live stock is the foundation of per- manently successful farming today, as it has always been. The farmer who conserves his best stockfor breeding will profit greatly in the future. When manure is pilled and allowed to heat, the vitality of most of the seeds is destroyed; but when drawn to the field from the stable, or not left long enough in the pile to become well rotted, manure is one of the most im- portant means of seed dispersal. Canada is many time larger in area than Belgium, but in propulation, there is not a great deal of difference, that is, considering Belgium before the war. Britain is the protector of small states. The greater the area and var- iety of area, the more pretection is needed when the occasion arises.. New ads -0. Hartleib, Ruby & Gascho, J.. J. Merner. Formaldehyde for Smut on Grain Best quality there is. 25 and50c bottles A, W. E. Hethphill, Druggist, Hensall Services in the Evangelical church" next Sunday and during the summer. months will be as follows: Sunday School at 9.45 a. m. German Service 11.00 a. m. English Service 7.00 p. rn. The Evening service will be changed to 7.80 a little later on, Everybody invited to these services. Mr Frank Weaver, voice specialist and concert pianist, of London, Ont,, is visiting Zurieh this week to foam a class of pupils in voice culture and piano. Mr Weaver has a first class reputation as a teacher and has large classes of unpile in Exeter, Goderich, Clinton and Wingham. Mr Weaver's v0eal pupils are soloists in various churches in Ontario. He will be in 'Ettrich.every'Thursday. For terns,' etc., apply to A. F. Hess, Herald Office Zuaieh. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, in Zurich, on Saturday, May lst, at 8 o'clock p. in. E. Bossenberry, auctioneer, Mrs s Mary Greb, propicietorese. Of Horses, Cattle, Buggies and 'Harness, at Dashwood, on igaturclay,' May 8th, at 2 o'clock, p. m- 13 Boss- enberry and George Schroeder, prop- rietors; 1i Bossenberry auctioneer, 11 or Gasoline illl`i'" DAUGHTER LIKES lY.t to cook on my new Detroit -Vapor stove. She says its just as easy to cook on as Aunt 11Iartha's city gas stove. I find it costs less than wool or coal, and besides it's so clean. • Comte and see these wonderful stoves. We have just received a large con- signment, They are beauties. Prices $10.00 up. Ten styles to select from. We also sell New Per`ection and iorenoe Oil stores e. 1-174,^at,; • PHONE 13 �#- :� 9 U.IC!- HURON'S LARLEST COMBINATION ::TORE :;=; An Unusually Attractive Display of Sm.art Waists For Spring and Summer We earnestly ask your inspection. To see them is to want one or more. Reasonably priced. Now is the time for New Linoleuns, Oil Cloths and Curtains daring house cleanh igtiine Note these Prices New American percale, t ;'d wide, for 120 a yard Organdie, Crepes, Mnslins, Piques. in all colors, from 15o to 25o a yard Child's Suitings Special Suiting for r..hilds wear ins plain colors at 15s reward, • Underwear We have a large selection of ladies children's and men's ' underwear for Rummer wear. Produce of all kinds wanted J. J. MP1TER, Zurich The Keystone one -wheel Tongue Truck Por Harvesting and Seeding Machinery The trunk is guaranteed to give satisfaction. It is easy on the horses necks, a comfort to horses as well as the driver. A conven- ience that every fanner should have for hie implements. Let us show +ou sample, Many now in use i in this s io this Sectinn. • POWERWASHING MACHINES operated by GASOLENE In different sizes. i, 2 an d,3 tab Just what you' cif, ve ' been looking for. Why not save your wife et Housekeeper some rig the hard lather by adopting in ,.r o`d. rt)etltofl5 . Call and see in :c•tOses iii "'operation. LOUIS PRANG