HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-04-30, Page 3„.. e Fashion Hints • Pails. Notes. Blouse styles beeorne charmingly diversified as their vogue increases. Their general form shows little va-. •riation, All are more or less alike in general'shape.Set-in sleeves give them a more fitted appearance than the kimono and raglan forms pf last season. In their decorative features lies their real .attractive- ness. "Incroyarble” shaped collars, like that on the dainty lace blouse, are great favorites. In this blouse it is combined with revers which outline a V shaped neck. The deep pelerine lace cape is also a style feature of this lace 'blouse. These circular collar -capes, sometimes so deep that they fall to• the waist, are among the most attractive pieces of the new French neckwear designed to be worn over simple blouses or frocks. They are made of linen, batiste or organdie, and are emibroidered in heavily padded designs with mercerized cotton or cut out into dashing openwork re- ticella scrolls, A narrow encircling collar that stands away from the neck is a part of a favorite military blouse a very good collar for any one with a short neck. Made of two• thick- nesses ea:f material and stiffened with three supports, it fences the neck amusingly without touching it. New colored suit and dress braids have been introduced by Paris this season, a welcome variation of the black silk and mohair braids that have returned with a sudden rush to style. This "zouave" braid, in red rind yellow block pattern, bor- ders the blue serge tailored suit which is very popular. Extremely wide plaid braids as supple as rib- bon are shaped into collars, belts, girdles and even vests for daytime suits and dresses. The extension chiffon skirt hem, a most coquettish addition to after noon and evening Paris gown de. signs, is incorporated in the white silk dress. The hear is of wide chif- fon. Problem of the Coat. It is much more of a problem than it used to be, this question •of the right separate coat to go over the morning, afternoon or evening dress. When the number has to be reduced to its lowest terms because of shortened purse strings or be- cause one May need a garment that can be worn without change during the entire day there is much dif- ficulty to find something that is right, modish and at the same time in place. Here is a description of an out- side coat that one can wear through an entire day, say, if one comes to town, goes shopping in the morn- ing, to tea in the afternoon, and stays in town to dine. For this suede cloth or a first class duvetyn is just right. Taupe, dull green, or one of the dull orange or gold- en brown shades can be had in these materials. A king's blue, futurist or Roman striped lining gives life to such a garrnent and lends it individuality when it is thrown back over the chair. For those who can .return home several times during the day there is more choice. The forestry cloths and smart cravenette goods come in splendid neutral tones that look well over any morning dress. Tweed coats on mannish lines are for those who live in the suburbs end need a smart outdoor sport coat. More summery are the bright corduroy and„'golfine coats in strawberry reds, grape purple and battle ship grays. With -a round sport cap to match they make delightful spots of color on the landscape .and are charming over white tennis skirts. Black satin is always charming for an elaborate afternoon or even- ing coat. This year :faille eilk is more fashionable, but the satin is worn none the less for all that. Their 'lip;.ings are white •silk,., with large white flowers, black and white diamond harlequin checks or enormous black and white checker- board patterns. All of the Coats, sport as well as evening, are cut 'on circular lines so that they flare out around the bottom. The more elaiborate ones ..s are nearly skirt length. A. London Joke. The House Agent --"It is an ideal situation, • madam -•--oak panelled rooms, lounge .ball. eleotric light, tennis -court, park, lake, pergola, stabling, garage, hunting and shooting---" The Fair Client: -"But is there room to play Bridge an the cellar in Case of 'bombardment? Goott B e, Uig Rackaci&o Nervilifw Will Fix You ! Stiffness is Rubbed Right Out; Every Sign of Pain Disappears. Gee whiz—think of. it! No more stomach dosing necessary to cure your lame back, Every trace of lameness, every bit of stiffness, every sign of weakness in the back's muscles can be rubbed away for all time to come by good old "Nervilne." No other liniment can do the work so quickly, can penetrate so deeply, can bring ease and comfort to the back -weary sufferer as Nerviline in- variably does. Backache isn't the only malady Nerviline is quick to cure. For lum- bago or sciatica you would go far to find relief so . speedy as Nerviline gives. For chronic rheumatism there are pain -destroying properties in Ner- viline that give it first rank. The way it limbers up a stiff joint and takes soreness out of strained or rheumatic muscles is simply a wonder. If you have an ache or a pain any- where, if you have a sore back, a stiff neck, a stiff joint, a strained muscle— if you have lumbago, congested chest or sore throat, just try Nerviline. Rub it on plentifully—it won't blas. ter, it can't do anything but cure you quickly. The large 50c. family size bottle is the most economical, of course, but you can, from any dealer, also get the 25c. small size of Nervi - line, the king of pain -relieving re- medies. ap HENS CAN'T SWIM. Did you ever see a hen try to swim? Did you ever see one suc- ceed at it i A hen knows better than to try it, that is the reason why you have to say no to those two ques- tions. A duck may 'swim all day long on water with cakes of ice floating around in it, and be none the worse for the experience; but a hen would die in short order if thrown into such water. The duck is built for it, the hen is not. If the Lord, or the forces of na- ture, or whatever your religion leads you to call the great creative genius of the earth, makes hens to live only on the land and the ducks -to live on either the land or the wa- ter, it is but natural to suppose that he also makes some people to be .farmers and others to be doctors, lawyers, merchants and chiefs. If the doctor tries to be a lawyer, or the farmer tries to be a merdhant or dootor, he is just about as sure to prove .a failure at it as the hen is sure to prove a failure at trying to be a duck. The business man—whether doc- tor,' lawyer, or • farmer—;twill find out what he is cut out to be, -and then stick to it through thick and thin. If he does it with concentra- tion and courageous stick-to-it-ive- nese be will win out id the end, and be successful. If he tries the thing he is not fitted by nature to be, or loses his courage in doing the thing he is cut out to be, he will be more or less of a failure. If the Lord meant for you to be a farmer, do not try to be some- t'hing else. If He meant you to be a lawyer or a doctor, do not try to be a farmer. Stiok to your "call- ing," it is just as great and just as honorable as is anything else. In sticking, there is happiness and contentment; in flying off the handle there is {failure; regret and lifelong sorrow. ae __, CAREFUL DOCPOR Prescribed Change of Food Instead of Drugs. It takes considerable courage for adoctor to deliberately prescribe only food for a despeirin patient, instead of resorting to the usual list of medicines. Some' truly scientific physicians recognize and treat conditnons as they are and should be treated. Hr.re's an instance "Four years ago I was taken with severe gastritis, and nothing would stay on my stomach, so that I was on the verge of starvation. "1 heard d a doctor who. had a summer cottage near me—a ape- eialilst—and, as a last hope, sent for him. "After be exasnini ed me oaeref udly he advised me to try a small quan- tity of Grape -Nuts at first, then as my stomach beoaine stronger to eat more. "I kept at it and gradually be- gan to have color in my face, moan.- o1y became cllelalr, where before everything seenlied a blank. My limbs got stroriiar and I could Wart, So I ate,, jy recsesseed, "'Nw after a year on Grape - Nuts I weigh 168 lbs My people were eurprieed .at the way I grew fleshy and 'strong on, this food." Name given by Canadian Peisttlm o., Windsor, Ont. �� NeelNeel"The gad to Neilvill, in pkgs. `There's ai Reason •' Ever read. the above loiter? A new one 'apgearn from timeo BuieWho . Wh are genuine, true, mud rnn of Inman interest. • Are We Downhearted l Certainly not! and aio one less eo than the British Chancellor, Mr. Lloyd George, judging by the pic- ture displayed above. Mr. Lloyd George is extremely busy providing "silver bullets" for the war, and just now he is trying to persuade the people of the Odd Country that they should stop drinking intoxi- cants till the war is over, declaring that alcohol is the greatest enemy the empire has at present. SICKLY CHILDREN PROMPTLY CURED Baby's Own Tablets are an. ideal medicine for little ones. They regulate the bowels and s.toma,clli and promptly cure con;stip:ation, indigestion, cold and simple fevers, expel worms, cure colic, and give baby health and happiness. Con- cerning them Mrs. Fred VanGor- der, Dunnville, Ont., writers : "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my four children and find they al- ways give perfect satisfaction." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. 0' A SQUARE DEAL. In any organization so large as that of the C.P.R., where under normal conditions over 100,000 em- ployees are on the payroll, one great problem is that of keeapin•g the employees, so to speak, dyna mic, part of a living organization and not of mere machines. Zeal and ambition must be kept burn- ing. Just as every soldier of Na- poleon carried a field marshal's baton in his knapsack, so every office boy in the Company must feel he is a p000sible president, not merely earn his dollar a day till pension day. One system intro- duced on the Western lines with this in- mind has proved. exceeding- ly efficient. Each superintendent or foreman or head of a depart- ment makes two reports a, year on his staff. Bright men are thus ear- marked for special promotion. If any man is criticized the report is shown to him and initialled by him before it goes to Winnipeg. He gets a square deal, and if he hes any life in him he mends his ways so that no such criticism can be made twice. Then again there are independent scouts, looking for the bright men, the tidy station agent, the courteous trainman, the man cool in an emergency, the inventive mechanic, the stenograplhe•r who can run the office when the chief its absent. These scouts are search- ing for merit only, not for faults. Over the whole system of the Canadian Pacific ideas and sugges- tions made by employees are not only welcomed, but Head to pro- motion. They ge to the' Record Office, where a statement of the employee's career is attached to the suggestion before it is con- sidered by a committee. If the idea is adopted the record of the eanploylee's career is then before the eyes of the powers that be, and recognition is sure to follow. The needle in the haystack is easy enough to find with a magnet, and there are a, dozen m.agnetts looking out for merit amoaag:.the 100,000 em- ployees of the C.P.R. A Warning. When. M. Poincare returned to his house after his election aa Pre- sident of the French Republic, his mother, neglecting the official per- sonages present, kissed her ,son 1n front of them all, and then, patting his cheek, remarked "I hope, Raymond, tha byou have not undertaken too difficult a job You were never quite so clever as you thought yourself, you know 1" The Dog ]doesn't Know Any Better, "De only dine some men. ever commands any respectful atten- tion," rims 'Cj'ncle E ben, "is when dey whistle to do dog." Suffered For More Than Two Years THEN JOSEPH GAGNE FOUND A CURE IN DODD'S IIID.' N7EY PILLS. Quebec Man Took Itis Wife's Dai- vice and .Is Now Enjoying a Ncw Lease of health. Ste. Marguerite Bay Mills, Seg- ueray `Oo., Que., April 20th (Spies cial).—"Yes you carol tell the public of the great relief I got from Dodd's Kidney Pills," The speak- er was Mr. Joseph Gagne, .a well- known resident of this place, and be has every reason to be enthusi- astir over the great Canadian Kid- ney remedy. ' Tor more than two years I suf- fered from Kidney disease," Mr. Gagne continued. "It finally de- veloped into pleurisy and 1 was a very sick man when any wife per- suaded me to give Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial. "I took just three boxes and they mads me wel1.P Dedd's 'Kidney Pills make their users enthusiastic because they not only owe the particular ailment aimed at but they spread good health all over the body. They do this by curing the Kidneys. Cured Kidneys strain, all the impurities out of the blood. Mat means pure blood and new health all over the body. AN APPRECIABLE GIFT. Appeal for Maple Syrup and Sugar for Red Cross Society. The Canadian Red Cross Society has sent an urgent appeal to Mr. J. H. Grimm, who is well known in the maple syrup industry, for a donation of syrup and sugar for the boys at the front. A letter from Colonel Gorrel,. of the First Canadian Contingent, tells of the enthusiastic reception accorded a recent case from Can: ala containing, among other things, a few cakes of maple su- gar. He states, "the mem went fairly crazy with deeliglht when it was given to them." To a Canadian away from home it would be difficult to conceive of a more acceptable gift in the spring of the year than some genuine su- gar or syrup from "the land of the Maple." There are few farmers who could not spare at least a gallon of syrup or ten pounds of sugar for such a worthy and patriotic object. Those who respond,—and it is hoped there will be many,—are asked to pack carefully and express to The Canadian Red Cross Society, 58 Wellington St., Montreal, Que. The express companies will carry such parcels free if plainly marked for "The Red Cross." Cure -Guaranteed, Never known to fail; acts without pain do 24 hours. Is• soothing, healing; takes the sting right out. No remedy so; au1ok, safe and sure as Putnam's Pain- less Corn Extractor. Sold every - Where -25c. per bottle. 'F Originator. Governess—Who was Christopher Columbus? Wise Willie—He was the original "See America First" advocate, ore Corns Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. I was very sick with Quinsy and thought I would strangle, 1 used MINARD'S LINIMENT and it cured me at once. a I am never without it now. Yours gratefully, MRS. C. D. PRINCE, Nauwigewauk, Oct. 21st, There isn't math use in telling a girl you twhould die for her unless you carry apretty heavy life insur- ance. �i'e.EyEyanu a ed expo, inflamed by y eexpo- sure to Sun, Dust and Wind esquickly relieved by Murine Eye Reasedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At .. Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Merino Cy(9 Salvein'J'ubee25c. ForBookof heEye freeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago To be old enough{ to know better is merely a figure of speech. alanar4'a Liniment need by Physicians.,: Twin hundred, end ten Soots Guards are reported missing. t47tinti arst'e xdtdment Lumbersnattra. wriousl. ED. 5a ISSUE 15---'15. Wit and Wisdom. Of two evils it isn't always rueues- asIvry to choose either, Children are won by eweeebs, wto- ineri by bonnets, men by och,elnsss.' Towhee —a'What is a pedes- trian V' Country 'upil--''A man Who gets run over by au motor," A cynic suggests, the tfree quick est way's to send IIP u essslagee---"Tele- graph, Telephone nand Tell-al.wo-• man 1" Supercilious Youth (to •tram conductor)—•"Zs that 1'�otehse Arkfullyet 1" "i''es, all but the mon- kely. Jump in." "You never 1en,w what you can do till you try," said a writer, "and then you are generally sorry you found out I" An honest Sunday -school boy has explained "esuffeeing for rigthteous- neeise sake" as "having to oom'e to Sunday School!" Not Always.--Papa—"Yes, my son if you want to learn anythingwell you must begin at the bot- tom." Little Boy—"How about swimming, pal" Mr. Rooks — "So you want to marry my daughter. Well, young man, what are your prospects V' Young Man—"Excellent—ii you don't spoil them" A Board School teacher, putting his hand on the shoulder of a boy of doubtful character, said "I believe Satan has got hold of you ." "I believe so, too," was the reply. Gibbs—"I believe in early rising, don't you V' Dibbs--"Weld; there's no abstract excellence in early ris- ing; it all depends upon what you do after you rise. It would be bet- ter_ for the world if some people never got up." 3• Death Nearly Claimed New Brunswick Lady Was Restored to Her Anxious Fam i.ly When Hope Had Gone. St. John, N.B., Dec. 15th.—At one time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White St. would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. "My first attacks of back- ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain has been present. When I ex. erted myself it was terribly intensified. If I caught cold the pain was unen- durable. I used most everything but nothing gave that certain grateful re- lief that came from Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake And Butternut. In- I stead of being bowed down with pain. 1 to -day I am strong, enjoy splendid appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- ties have been instilled into my blood IIII —cheeks are rosy with color, and 11 thank that day that I heard of so grand' a medicine as Dr. hamilton's Pill." Every woman should use these pills regularly because good health pays, and it's good, vigorous health that comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Pills. Sidestepping 'Theon. "Both your admirers are going to be at the ball to -night; are you go- ing?" "Not me; the one that can't dance wants to dance all the time, and the one that can't talk wants to talk all the time." Ask for Minaret's dna take no other. Don't waste all your fiowers on the dead. Throw a few bouquets to the live ones once in a while. Seep Minard'e Liniment in the house. SEED POTATOES, L1 Any IRISIt 00BBL1It. POTA.T018, specially selected and Oovernonont inspected for .seed. • Only limited quantity,. Price, Ono Dollar per bushel f.o.b. Bramp- ton. Mao Ooniaoielseau'e Pride and Novi; anent, twc excellent new potatoes. k'sdoe„ Two Dollars per bushel. Special pr'oee for large quantity'. Cash must a000m• , pally ay 'aJl ordure. if. W. Dawson, Brsoap. len. NEWSPAPERS :FOR BALE._____ PBOFIT-MA1GIN l N'IIJWB AND J033 OIF• ; ee {iced for •sale in good Ontario towns. ; �h o most useful and interesting of all bmolnesees. Full information on app{{ tion to Wilson Publishing CompafY, 23 West Adelaide St., Toronto. 1► IBMILLAINZ0:XE. • (I4NCBE, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC,, J internal and external,' cured with:- out pttin by our home treatment. Write u,a before too late. Dr. Gellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. RMA1 "America'* 6randard 4 Cycle Madge Motor" • . , Cycle a o"pedrr is to r0 H P. BI¢hep qquad- r, , 4 Shen, oporp�on. No Vdrate. Co,ero„ y economical flal of Nater Dpare mine. on fuel, 1.1.ed as ell equdy i .- •i 'cant 6 over ,0 per cant, of the um, � ;`Rj�'yja�, 'cedilla 110 to DM builders. eataeo¢gn mum, KEAMA7K MFtl, CO. Dint.' . DOW, Mich, 2 Just a Scratch Ea LUT it needs looking after. IJh Carbolated "Vaseline" will help it to heal quickly and prevent risk of infection. First aid treat- ment with CARBOLATED Trademark Made in Canada It is a most effective antiseptic dressing for cuts, bruises, boils, and skin irritations of all kinds, such as eczema, poison ivy and barber's itch. Also good for corns. AVOID SUBSTITUTES. Insist on "Vase- line" In original packages bearing the name. CHIISEBROUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. Consolidated. For sale at all Chemists and General Stores. Free bald on rr¢uraf CH.ESEBROUGI.1 MF'G CO. (Consolidated) 1850 CHABOT AVE.. MONTREAL Cano sSkifirs1 Mota» .1. r Boats THE PETERBOROUGH LINE. If any canoe can give you satisfaction, It is a "PETERBOROUGH." Alvtays and ever the seine of service, model, strength and tn- leb, Over fifty etyIes and {sizes. Write for catalogue. The latest, canoe is the Peterboi•o"iigb Canvas covered. Ask for Illustrated folder, Skiffs for the popular; utboard Motors. Power Launches, all sizes and pow- ers. Got folders telling all about these. THE PETERBOROUGH CANOE CO,RImiyr EIMITEP, PETERBOROUGH, ONT. "Over8tern" V Bottom01) Freight Prepaid to any Railway Station in Qntario,15 Ft. Beam 8 Ft, 9 In., apth 1 F�n. ANT MOTOR 'ITS. 9 •S ecifloatleu No. 2B glvfng en ine {rices on request. Get our quotations 'pa—"The Penetang Line" C mmera2al and Pleasure Laurueltfs, Row heats Ilnd Canoes. THE GIDLEY Ii3OAT CO" LIMITED, PENT?+ TANG, CAN.