HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-04-30, Page 1ZURI Vol. XV ■ ALD ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 30, 1915. NO 40 44,•*•400e•041•40e4**•001.A•o• cr••e.fl+•••e*••e*'••o♦•••••• Some of the New Goods now on display yi,EIT'S DIEMTJVIEFT,„ • — • Dress Shirts • In many patterns, well made '•• and dressy. $I,0.0, $1 25, $1 50 • Odd Knickers • Boy's odcl knickers, made of best worsteds and tweeds, hand tailored, sizes 20, 30 and 32. Prices $1 25, $1.50, $1.75pr Underwear Fine mesh underwear, com- bination, cool and comfortable with short sleeves, 85c a suit Another line of worsted rib under, combination suits, bet- ter quality at $1 50 a Suit Two piece underwear, good quality: from $1 a suit up Men's Belts Something entirely new in men's belts, Colors black, tan and grey. 25c and 50c Men's Socks We have them in all colors and qualities Special white lisle socks at 25c a pair. Two Specials Extra Value Men's Shirts 79c :Well made, of good material, and in many different pat terns. Special value at 790 Overalls 79c A special line of men's over - alis, blue striped, will wear well, specially priced at 79c Also a full line of Peabody's famous overalls and smocks, Hats and Caps For spring and summer wear, All late styles and colors to choose from, A new shipment of hats just in Popular colors this season—Navy, Royal, Mouse, Logan and Java. II i t \ 9 Evurryi House Dresses With desting cab to match at $t each, light and dark colors Silks Just arrived a large shipment of silks, in all colors Duch. esti, Puilette, Shangtung, etc. Also ('Ilene silk for dress. trimmings, Waists Special line of ladies' waists which we are selling at $1.00 Extra good value, short sleev- es and well made Also a lot of nine waists, latest styles,, ranging in prion from $1 25 to $4 00 each. Wash Dresses For children, sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14. 25c to $1 75 each. ii io en ms . and floor Oils In many patterns and sizes. .olorfast Matting Guaranteed not to fade in sun or rain. 50c yard PURE PAINT DOES NOT necessarily mean anything Cheap, low-priced paint may be pure—pure benzine in. stead of Pure Linseed Oil, and yet be abominable paint. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS ore honest paints. We know them, and know when we recommend them that we can do so honestly. Gold Medal Harvesting s g Tools, etc. We are sole agents for the above famous brand of all kinds of farm tools, Vile cannot buy better goods, they do not make them, Every Tool guaranteed. Kerwin -Williams Pnts and Varnishes roduce of all kinds taken PR ESTER ,e Ile No.9 1+4.+++++++f+*+++1+'•4+•+++'+1++++4•+++4.4+ 4.44+++++ Z 1:U R. I • •• • • • • t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • e .$ • t • ••• • • • • • • • • t • • • • e • • • • • • 0tr NEWS. aoa saalianitaa v.a '{ May Day tomorrow. Misses 0 Woods and E Finkbeiner, of Dashwood, called on friends in Zurich last Friday evening. A fine line of ladies' pumps. Your spring costume will not be coratylete without a pair of these. C, Fritz Miss Mary Brown, who has been at Berlin for the past three month, re- turned home last Thursday evening. Huron County will be under the Canada Temperance Act for at least three years, commencing .Saturday, May 1st. 11fr Chas. L, Welsh and sun, Messrs J. Swanson, W. Waterhouse and Roy Appel all of Stratford were guests at the home of Mr E. Appel on Sunday, They motored up. Mr George McBride, son of 5 McBride, Sr., of this village, has pur- chased the flour and teed business from Isaac Hudson, and takes posses- sion next Monday. Mr 'Hudson will continue the cream businss as usual. Mr II. Smith and family are mov- ing to. Grand Bend, where Mr Smith will conduct the "midway" in .,the park during the summer month's 1VIr. Smith has purchased the various attractions from the estate of the late W. Clark. The auction sale last Saturday of the farm, etc., of the late John Jacobe was largely attended. The farm con- sisting of 92 acres was purchased by Mr W. S. Johnston for the sum of $4300. Mr E. Bossenberry was the auctioneer. The members of the Iocal branch of the Women's Institute have decided o hold - a, grand concert on the • even- ing g of Friday, May 21st. A strong programme committee has been ap- pointed and they are busy getting up the different numbers. Mr Alfon Foster has moved into the house vacated by Mr Louis Foster, while Mr and Mrs D. Bennett are moving into their home vacated by Mr Foster. Mrs C. Price has also moved into the house vacated by Mr J Gazebo, which Mr Andrew Price re- cently purchased. Michigan has adopted an automo bile regulation which requires the headlights of automobiles to be frost- ed at the edges so that the light is thrown only on the road in front of the machine. The ordinary disk casts a glare which illuminates the whole road from fence to fence and many feet in the air. The new typo of ill- umination is said to be less alarming to horses and less annoying to pedestrians on the side -walks. The Executive Committee of the West Huron Teacher's Association met in the Exeter Public School on Saturday the 24th inst, to arrange for the next teachers' covention. It was decided to hold it ,in Exeter in October and to request the Depart- ment of Education to send us Dr. Dearness of London, as their repre- sentative. An interesting program was provided for. Those present were Miss M. A. Ellis and Messrs, Manson Howard, Spark and Johnston beside the Exeter teachers. Incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS S BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 93 Branches in Canada A Genera, Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDI' BANK MONEY ORDERS Savings Bank Department - Interest at highest eerrent rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager saisoanzwasassameancoserimiessirem FIRE PROTECTION FOR ZURICH. At a special meeting of the Police Trustees on Wednesday evening, the initiatory steps for inaugurating a water supply system for fire protection for our village wore taken. This is a Icing step in the right digestion, as the psesnt arrangements for water in case Of a fire has been a very unsatisfact• ory one, and of what use are our fine sidewalks or pretty streets if the first big fire that comes along wipes out Mir business places and houses on ac- ceunt of an insufficent supply of water to quench the flames. The work of sinking a deep well on the fire hall premises will be started at once. Also the building of a large cement supply tank, twelve feet in diameter and twenty-five feet high, which will be built next to the fire hall, A gasoline engine will be used to pump the water into this large tank. and wheu filled it should) hold enough water for all purposes. MERCHANTS WHO HARM THEIR TOWN A recent address on advertising 'by a recognized authority in one of the Southwestern States contain - eda statemsntwhich is worth repro duping here, as well as elsewhere. This is the paragraph : "There are two kinds of merch- ants who hold baok the develop- ment of a town. One does not ad- vertise at all. and the other adver. tises untruthfully. The merchant who advertises judiciously takes no more chance than he takes when he walks down to his store in the morning. Advertising is not a chance, it is an essential part of 'business. v.",'WlarshaliField & Co„ of Chic ago does an annual business of $10,000,000, Three per cent of this amount is spent in advertising. Some of the department stores in New York City spend 6 per pent of their total sales in advertising. The Proctor ac Gamble Co boys more than $200,000 worth of adver. tising a year in the Saturday Even ing Post to sell 5 cent Oakes of soap Other advertisers advertise accord- ing to similar methods and to equal extent. This advertising is not an expense, but is a means of increas- ing business. "Advertising with an honest line of goodsand courteous treatment is the remedy for preventing the en- croachment of the large chain of stores and mail order houses on the small city and town trade, Makeeverything about a business up-to-date, mike the advertising campaign long, earnest and honest and their is no doubt as to the sue cess of the business, Dr. Hardie, dentist, at Dominion House, Zurich, on Wednesday and Thursday, May 5th and 6th. POSTAL LAWS OF CANADA. Under the Post Office Act, Sections 65 and 66, the Postmaster General has the exclusive privilege of receiv- ing, collecting, conveying and deliver ing letters within Canada. Bills and accounts whether in open or sealed envelopes, as well as circulars or other printed matter enclosed in envelopes sealed or ready to be sealed, are "Letters" within the meaning of the Post Office Act. There is a penalty under Section 136 of the Post Office Act which May amount to $20.00 for each letter un- lawfully carried. 11 has been brought to the attention of the Post Office Department that some business firms desiring to avoid paying the War Tax which became effective on the 15th April, propose making arrangements for the delivery of accounts, bills, circulars etc., through means other than the Post Office, con- trary to the Postal Act, and a warning is hereby given that the Post Office Department intends to insist that the lav shall be rigidly lived up to, and will in no circumstances allow these parties to avoid paying the one cent tax which has been imposed for war purposes. • All letters conveyed, received, col- lected, sent or delivered in contraven- tion of the Post Office Aet will be seized and necessary steps immediately .taaicen for the prosecution of the offend- ers in ail cases where the law has been Beni ,tr11vanedw Farm for Sale Lot 17, con. 3, Tuckersmith, Huron County, contains 100 acres, well drained, well fenced with wire, and in a good state of cultivation. On the premises are two bank barns 54 by 60, with cement stabling. Water in stable, room for 30 Bead of cattle never failing well at house, with windmill and cement tank at barn, One and one- half story brick house, in good repair, one acre orchard, half mile to school, on good road, 2i miles to Seaforth, 1 miles to Egmondville, telephone and on rural mail route. Purchaser to have privilege to work on farm at once. Farm must be sold to close an estate. Further particulars made known by applying on the premises or address Mrs Caroline Grieve, R. R, No 3. Seaforth, Ont. pd 40, Millinery Openings Vire beg to announce to the Ladies of Dashwood and vicinity that we have added„ a Millinery Department to our business. Our Spring Opening in charge of Miss Crawford will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday March 23rd and 24th and following days. You are cordially invited. G. KELLERMAN & SON flew 44100100++ ++10rl i+i lb+4 4+ ole4 .1104001114400011+ 1 1 ow Sprig Shoes You will want a pair of new shoes to go with that new spring suit. We handle the Invictus, made by Geo. A. Slater, Derby and McPherson for men, and the Gracie and McPherson for adies. These are our leaders. Also cheaper grades. We can please you. See our spring display. 1 1 1 1 e. FRITZ ?; rich Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. The Horne of Good Shoes 444l44 r -r s 444 4e 1 4+40810€4 rM�r++1 44**44# 4*' monemammr IlIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiNlllllllll!1111!III!I!IIAiIIIiHllllllllltllillllHIIIIIflIIIIIINC8111!Illll!!IIIIII!Ill 11i;211111Cit�;lllilillllllIII!IIIfiIIIIIINI!II!!!!I!UIII!IIIIII!h'li!I!�t n 'VIi1i �flti'!11!lil(Idllil'lllfil�l''! ri'i!Illt g ELEPIIANT BRAND Are you going to paint this spring? If so, we oan supply you with the famous Ready -Mixed Paints ' For floors and verandahs or anything that needs paint. None better and few as good. New and up-to.date Shoes at popular prices. More new waists, aprons and ready-made dresses and dress goods just opened up. All our lines are stocked up with the latest and best that money can buy, Come and see for yourselves and be convinced. R. N. DOUGLAS BLAKE ONTARIO lllll!i!'ii!II!liitll!IIIIIIII'",ill 11 :H!!Ilfl!111111!11111111!111!fii!!11111111111111111!If!I!!'J!Bit!''r!ilriii'I6''t911!!tl1!!i!@Glil;;P!!!;4;i!!;li:Hllfillii4l!i!III'' i!i(I''!" �!i �Ll,llllul!Illlllltl, Ilhlh I!l,115 . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ e . .y, +i+ 0 0 4. 4. 4. +i+ ,1. • • Robinson Folding Bath Tub. • An invention that should be hailed with delight by every person who does not have access to a regular bathroom. The great majority of people in small townsand in the country are deprived of this great luxury and necessity This is your opportunity to supply your home with modern bath facilities at a very few dollars costs. We have secured the agency for the +i+ +1+ e 4. 4. 4, 1.° Appel •+ata€^+$°'R"i +4-2+£"3+ •^& 3•aaaaa 4x4• a++++++°II++44-4441, 0'i .g••$.•1,++++1,- 'Thousands already in use Guaranteed against any defect of lna,nufltcttlro for 10 years.