HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-04-23, Page 5THE CHURCHES
Sunday, Gernln,n 10.00 a, in.
Junior Y, P. A. 1.00 p. ra
Sunday School 2,00 "
(Service) • English 7.00 t` 11
Teachers meeting 8.00 "
Mon,, Tri -Mn Brotherhood 8,00 -
Tuesday, Y. P. A. 8.15 " "
Wednesday Player Meeting 8.00 "
Friday Teachers Training <<
Class 7.80
choir practice ' 8.80 " "
Ladies Aid ]meets 1st Monday of.
each month at 7.30 p. in.
German, Sunday 10.80'a. nz.
English " 7.00 p. m.
Bible School 2.00 p. m.
Men's Mrs"n'try S Tuesday 8.00 p. m.
Luther Leagne Friday 8.00 p. ln.
L A S 1st Tries', of month 2.80 p, m,
You are cordially invited to take an
setive part in all these ]iieetings .and
"Blessed are they that hear the
word of God, and keep it. Lake 11.28,
. Y haven, large stock of all
the latest arul best in 1Zeus'
Ladies and Children Slioes.
• Cali and look over ,our lines
before :you buy elsewhere:.
We can save you money.
Repairing Promptly Done ,
Butter and egigs taken 1n
exchange for shoes.
avid Pfaff
binders, Mowers, all kinds
of Cultivators, Discs and Fer-
tilizer Drills, best an ' light-
est made all steel.
Manure Spraaders and all
kinds of plows and repairs I
always in stock.
Look at our Cutters
Sleighs, Buggies, and
Wagons before buying else-'
1, -
1.1• IL P. $75; 2i [I. P. $85; 4 H.
P,5$125; 6 [d'. P. $175 8 H. P. $285;
12 IL 1'. $875; all warranted first
At the old Stand:—
tand:Square Dealing Our Motto"
F.Eess dc Sen.
Mr Chris, Hess of Varna, was a
visitor in town on Monday.
11Ir C. McAllister, of the Parr Line,
has purchased au Overland automobile.
For Sale --Furniture, etc. As I:
have sold my house I will sell my
furniture by private sale. Apply to
Mrs Greb; Zurich.
F Hess, Sr., has a number of men
working on the new bowling grounds
this week, levelling it and getting it
ready for seeding down.
Mr 1) S Faust visited relatives in
Milverton over Sunday. He also at-
tended the conferencoof the Evangel-
ical church held there.
One of our citizens has taken hi.s
money out of the bank to escape the
purchase of war stamps. Wonder
where he hides it? Hensall Observer.
If you are looking for bargains visit'
the big sale of the Ontario clothing
0 1 on the opening day, Friday April
28 Sniallacambe's store Main St„
The many friends of Mr John
Gasclio wilt be pleat,ed to hear that
he is able to be out agaiiu although'
some time will elapse before he will
regaiia liis fat 113et• good health.
Mr Loris Foster has been engaged
Iiy'O, Cabana, Jr., •to manage the
brick land tile yard at the 14th coli.,
for the season of 191.5. Mr Foster
and family have moved to the dwell-
ing formerly occupied by Mr William
while ,driving to the )gr'st milt on
Wednesday, the team of Joel Bechler,
of the Blouson Line, took fright at
an auto standing in front of E Appel's
store and before they could be pacified
the tongue of the wagon was broken.
Luckily no .f attire r damage re tufted.
A•large ttmonnt.of onion seed is
ag Liu being sowed in this .section..
'T lis industry has grown to largo
proportions in the Inst few •y'ears and
a4 the present time Many people
000131 on thei)(1(1t i+ -d amp tis be one
of the hest revolt' pa'o fusing ander
taking, that they h It is es) boat
ed that over one h t i 1t•«a 1 t 114 or srte
were grol'u in this s •ori )1 last season
The many friends of Rev G. 1'
Brown, pastor of the Evangelical
e'hlaroh !]fare, will be p'atsed to hear
that the stationing committee of the
conference held at Milvertotehas seen
fit to allow him to continuo his wort(
in Zurich, lire lir Brown is an all'
tiring worker and has hacl si,lendid
1 results from his labors among the
members of the local Evangelical
101.00 ell
1t 'I'1141 a.pl) it tl)nlllt'llt (11 trill l,ef;]s'aa-
five grant tdrion,1 schools will be made
this year on a d i f wee t, basis from that
of former years, which will be the
1assessed value of the several 5011001
ceetiota;a The portion • payable on
teachers' sal ties will be a smialler
petceuta.ge than formerly and the
margin en which it is 1a Lyable has also
been reduced. That payable on the
qualification -of teachers applies only
where the t,eaetaer has a permanent
certificate, iirst of so'eond,clasa, Idler•
im certificates and third class certific-
ates are not recognized for this grade.
Owing to the present financial condi-
tion the amount at the disposal of the
:3TB .' f ;1i:..IB$
A new shipment �I1St i of
13on I3ou1i, Chocolates, etc.
The hest that money . can
hely •
~A .bei e v tat iaty t,f Con10.. .
1',i l rlutlt', Seville, t1 (',., oS1
rel. t l 1 prices
\V" ills) ltnvo alta Flag tt
(111111, SIar Brill , 'Eta.
1,cadinti Brands of
Neilson's +'aluou Ice Ceeallm -
l' ev and Mrs A xlellerman; Welland
are visiting relatives lses.
On Thursday. morning there passed
away at the advanced age of 83 years,
at her home here, 'Mrs Justus Weig-
and. Much sympathy is felt for the
husband in his sad bereavement.
Quito anumber from here attended
the sale of the goods of the' late G
joint at Hensall on Tuesday.
'The hone of Mr -and Mrs D - Betts-
ehen was saddened on Tuesday liy the
death of their sou, Lyle, in his seventh
,errs. The funeral will be held to clay
,.Mr Gerrge Sheri has been engaged
as principal of our schr)ol, aiid tonic
over bis new duties last week. We
are pleased to state• that Mr Ten "-,
the former principal, is somewhat
improved in health.
The Cantata given in the Evangeli-
cal church lost Sunday evening wn.S
well rendered and the church was well
Venus --In Hansel', on April 2nd, in
't\.ft' and \.rt's Witi Venu.s,'a 8011,
brad son—In Zurich, on Med nc-scaye'
April 21st, to Mr and \'frs I HIudson,
a son.
Betlschen—At Dashwood on April
20th, T,vle Bpitsnhon. aged 6 years,
4 months and 7 days•..
\Viegand---At Dashwood, on April
21st, the wife of \Tr Justus 'VVeig
and, egad 88 years.
Edighofferr—Either—A Z'irich, on.
Tneedav, April 20th, by Rev. G.111
Brown, Miss Dora E,, daughter of
\[i' and Mrs C. Either, to\Ir A, G.
Edighoffer, both of Zurich,
Stanhnry—Flardv---On Wednesd'13',
April 14th, 1915, hy Rev: J F Mc-
Laughlin of'S 'Victoria CollegeToronto
Elizabeth Jean Hardy, of the Meth-
odist Deaconess Training School and.
danghter of RIr hili M'rs S. Hardy,
Exeter, Ont,. to •TanlesGenrge Strout
l;tala>linry-, 11, A., barrister at law
f;rh--Gerhe'--:1 t_13r'ons.on Lina,7lls,:1
on April 20th. Miss l'E'iTilie, rlatruh-
terofllrnnd \risV Gerber, to 1\Tr
Aaron Erb, of the Bronson Line
north by Rev V Gerber.
A1)\1TNTSTR;1 TO1;'S
'or FAB NT, 111A1l f STOOK, I11PLE-
zl+:N•1S HOF'] 1:10I/1)I',1.1.1 ,('1';
in 1103'
The undersigned has haat] instructed
by the Administrator of the Estate oil
the late John ,Iacnbe, to•sel1 by Pithlk'
A.nctiun, 00 premises 011 HAT['L I)A1", I
APRIL) 24th,- 11)15. ('omtn-'llein'? of
One o'clock p 111., shat p the following
valuable.' protterf.y'
1+"AIt\I. PROI'ERTV :'Che North 75 acres
of Lot 11) L. R -E., and the north 17 zivre, -
of Lot 10, L. R. W., b ,th in the tow l.hip j
f Hay. On the pros,tty is tt ccnnfortah 1 1
lieu e, tiro frame gond fencing!
and draining and an a h•guate supply , t
water. It is 13 mile; from Zurich and 12
miles from Heu51,11.
O11A 1 T 5 L P RO P1 le1'V: 1 1) RSES,
1 Go diet r'sing 0 years, tlenetol Purpose.
1 mare 5peau' old, (, net all Pua•pn•yt, I
arae chisel, 11 years 0111; 1 r rlt 2 rears uhf
O'u'rhl;,re. Cattle: 1 cow rising7 veers Educational .Department is less than 01 1, (lite in ala, , 1 000' vii,intr :, years n'd,
that of former year's, and grants will1 duo in lair a /nets milk n,a,t 3 and 4
be necessarily reduced in proportion. \ oat S old; 2 Ler) y ea- nil lea:t a s, 1 two.
,ye o steer, yeazthn spring >g ca e,
/ti r o tl .r. n 1 collie d r Iyl l'LF\1LN I.OOL ..LPOP ('S Dearing ',itltlrr, hews flossed';'• mower, 0011'
i1 iiIt of t11E1 .11.11ron prow pion Olivertiding 11'""211, "1311; Oliver "."1""gplough, new; 3..t wagon and fans; hay fuck
l+,salttinatnns held int'7 5 No .11, 110. 2 hay rakes, 1'a,tter.on drill, Novel.; dire
Jr IV to "Sr T +'—llrarbcit halblieisalt >tn(1 t -reek, 2 -ct irru harrows, democrat, .
70;nPeal Jaffray' 60n/. hug ie, road curl, curter, pair bohileiglis
neatly new, fuunin nilp 2:5u iby 2°11.°
Sr tit bo Jr [\--•Iul]ett /Glutrrotl.e settles, scutl'let tadu>•ly new, bug trunk,
60/, Samuel Hendricks 70%1 quantity of hay, matting box, Tang plough
Jr III to Sr III—Gertrude Seiade root pulpsr, wheelbarrow, 2 sotshaay ropes
60% Lloyd Hendricks 70 ;ailiesanrt cars'' set teams harness set
+ t+ I+;C7.S. cook stove, box stove, 1*l t ti
65%, Zitii.i Chet'rstt+f 60. c:npboard, lilt ellen aiuk, cream sepa.ralor,
Tr 11 to Sr II—(lla.ra Halbfl i'soh lounge, 3 tai les, organ, 6 dining room
65%,l1ielvinat 5ch•Lde 71, Edna nd chairs, piece linoleum, sugar kettles sew-'
lleOdrielcs 01, Leonard Sara) as 00. ing machine, and other articles to t utnel.-
1't I to Pt T[----tl:al)ei. Scharle 72%ens to inentillr.
, . Terrs.-of sale REAL, ESPAT1 :
Gertrude Devine 70. The f.tt in lend no sold subject to a
E \I Stinson, Teacher' reserved 111.1 and to the approval of
the Official (4na i'di 111. Ten per cent
of the purchase money itlnst be paid
on day of sale and the balance within
80 days witlhont inte.est,
L Pl:OPI111'l'i'::111 sinus
of ,y$10 and tinder, catsh, Over deur
amnia approved joint neater may b0
f;i'Reil al, 6 months, o3' d• i1i-0.>init of 11
nor cent per unioval will L, a'losvo:l '
oe such ,drift for 0-1 .411. Futth(0' ('on -
1 ; (Minns will 1).1 1101 11 httown oil tiny (,i'
!oto or may 1,a, 1,rrl +m online e alt n f:
14' \V 1 [((1(oul t, Ii C Official Guarcli
am, Toronto Ont 0htihnnn & Sit>l-
liury, .Sulicitoas, Exeter, Ont. Ed
Bo'sseltberry1 Austionoer, Zurich, ()tit.
Sr II to Jr Ii[ ---Richard Jeffrey single I.arne-s,rope. Eio[IS1.11OL1)
Zurich ilept
nh;Al.l.r(S I:1
Fresh lard St.Tt IV cat;; -
t:«Tya L ,.y"`e"'ll•: e'^1. 4' Ca, etc
t :\ill FOlt ilii r~
tr1 hi'.i,tDelohert
11 Classified Ads
FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries
public &o Office, on the Square, 2nd
door from I•iamiitou St. (Iorleriei
Priva'e funds to loan tat lowo-t rates
W. naerranoOT, i( O. J. L. larr.L,ultAy.
11', l'awul)i'ooT,
)1t A. M1t.ehINNON late Hernia
burgeon, Erie County Hospital,
Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant - resi-
dent Physician, \fauhatlitn Maternity
Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the
douse Staff, New Yak Polyclinic
1lerlical Schou] and Hospital. Drug
store in connection. Office; Zurich,
,\ rnln1(r of l)nrh:lul and 1.'olstcin
calves for sale. 11.1e(101 I7ueitarnle,.
Bronson Line. •
1n lle '(1 is blurb, Z,nrich. 11,
suirahl • for small store, nits. W 1 e
veennt May 1st. Ap ,ly< to Go,tleib
I12erner, Zurich.
"Itoiniii on Rats" clrnt'tt nut Rats,
ll ie", 0;n. 1)uti't f `in n1 1110 house.
15P. and 25c. at -Drug and Country
A quantity of first class seed pnlatoes
Sill' r King variety, for sale. Good
sample and large yielder,
quantity of good seed oats for We
Apply to Alonzo Mister, Babylon Lit e
li. 11 No. 8, Zurich.
Fa ms For Sale
?ill,,ciesOf ooul 1n•( 1 aid
frail Tani i, _nCO pea.); 1 rel, of w It t b
100 1 o-1'• 111 11 •,r 1. . 1 1.1, 1(1, , 1
waver, good 111104iug, ti,.:'1 fiat
pn4,1.1y drained. 1''or net) O•11lahs
apply to 1)atiiel Smith, It, R. No. 2
Z uri cii .
1- have mode arrangements with Silverwoods
Dairy, Loudon, to take eream at the
Feed Store, Zurich, on Wednesday
of each week until further notice.
(.,I'(•'it111 i,: tee+ted when brought lay my store
111(1 paid for on delivery. Price p^lid this
t"k t1 las 'tis cents per pound.
cream must be at the store not Fater than
1 o'clock, N ednesday aftexnaon.
Zu r ick
Issued for Shor[ Term of Tears
Coupons Payable Half -Yearly
Assets, $7,480,339
01, VI;
-' tirich
COPKfiIGsh?•S &C.
t nyone Bonding a aketcb and description mel,
Solokly ascertain our opinion free whether an,
invention is probably patentable. Cnmmunloa.
Lions striotly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent*
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents,
Patents taken through Munn & C0.reeely.a
special notice, without charge, :n the
ban. maely illustrated weekly. Largest Or,
eo]atau, i.ay scientific ]ournal. Terms - of
d 'Ti;
Osaa0 year, postage prepa(1• Sold by
bA�p ngge��wad1 sh:a..
1t 41 i`7 vCon361Brna''way. paliv%ik..lrt
l ti e
E 04
nZ CS?
have a large stock of these
n hand. Estimates given and con-
t-z.,cts taken. All kinds of exterior
.hi error• finish for houses made
to order \'Ve hand re all kinds of
Building- Material. Can at Planing
I e—
oaL'TL-i ' nave•
Z U R4_G
,, :, , ' .,:,1, a .,-: is-tirS, k�. r...;;,—,1.74:0,4K.1,-.0 -..' ofl c4,ei'x[ : r _7 ."7 -,�\d��'f\\^T...„ a 1` r`:7':"t a 't r?h..:,, 41xf „.„,„
ktrot'''' \IgilfkCSI \gi!\.\\\\\\\:\\\\\1 \
1's A.. Joy orces on
1 J.t U 399 eta
the man iae�t, door and theman
Let's interest across t-_..
street in this "Clean Up and Paint Up” Movement.
If they will do their share and go after their neighbors, you
can all make a glorious success of this practical, helpful, sensible
plan of civic improvement.
Whole -hearted co-operation is what is needed for
Do your part carefully and loyally. If the House looks
dull, the Porch is worn,or the Fencescarred, a
u oriscoat
100/ Pure" Paint will put yourplace in the Spic and Span class.
If there is any freshening ort brightening to be done inside
the house, we have the Paints, Stains, Varnishes and Enamels
to do the work easily, satisfactorily and economically.
In foot, wo carry EVERYTHING you need to "Paint Up" with the good,
old, reliable i\. rett'ti Sc. ;qtr Paints and 'v .rnisltos—MAllE IN CANADA—and
sold with our p/, .<a (cd g,,tat a nt c e_ satisfaction. 70
Chas. Hartleib, Zurich, Ont.
D. Tiernan, Dashwood, Ont.
Andrew F. Hess
Herald Office Zurich
. Y haven, large stock of all
the latest arul best in 1Zeus'
Ladies and Children Slioes.
• Cali and look over ,our lines
before :you buy elsewhere:.
We can save you money.
Repairing Promptly Done ,
Butter and egigs taken 1n
exchange for shoes.
avid Pfaff
binders, Mowers, all kinds
of Cultivators, Discs and Fer-
tilizer Drills, best an ' light-
est made all steel.
Manure Spraaders and all
kinds of plows and repairs I
always in stock.
Look at our Cutters
Sleighs, Buggies, and
Wagons before buying else-'
1, -
1.1• IL P. $75; 2i [I. P. $85; 4 H.
P,5$125; 6 [d'. P. $175 8 H. P. $285;
12 IL 1'. $875; all warranted first
At the old Stand:—
tand:Square Dealing Our Motto"
F.Eess dc Sen.
Mr Chris, Hess of Varna, was a
visitor in town on Monday.
11Ir C. McAllister, of the Parr Line,
has purchased au Overland automobile.
For Sale --Furniture, etc. As I:
have sold my house I will sell my
furniture by private sale. Apply to
Mrs Greb; Zurich.
F Hess, Sr., has a number of men
working on the new bowling grounds
this week, levelling it and getting it
ready for seeding down.
Mr 1) S Faust visited relatives in
Milverton over Sunday. He also at-
tended the conferencoof the Evangel-
ical church held there.
One of our citizens has taken hi.s
money out of the bank to escape the
purchase of war stamps. Wonder
where he hides it? Hensall Observer.
If you are looking for bargains visit'
the big sale of the Ontario clothing
0 1 on the opening day, Friday April
28 Sniallacambe's store Main St„
The many friends of Mr John
Gasclio wilt be pleat,ed to hear that
he is able to be out agaiiu although'
some time will elapse before he will
regaiia liis fat 113et• good health.
Mr Loris Foster has been engaged
Iiy'O, Cabana, Jr., •to manage the
brick land tile yard at the 14th coli.,
for the season of 191.5. Mr Foster
and family have moved to the dwell-
ing formerly occupied by Mr William
while ,driving to the )gr'st milt on
Wednesday, the team of Joel Bechler,
of the Blouson Line, took fright at
an auto standing in front of E Appel's
store and before they could be pacified
the tongue of the wagon was broken.
Luckily no .f attire r damage re tufted.
A•large ttmonnt.of onion seed is
ag Liu being sowed in this .section..
'T lis industry has grown to largo
proportions in the Inst few •y'ears and
a4 the present time Many people
000131 on thei)(1(1t i+ -d amp tis be one
of the hest revolt' pa'o fusing ander
taking, that they h It is es) boat
ed that over one h t i 1t•«a 1 t 114 or srte
were grol'u in this s •ori )1 last season
The many friends of Rev G. 1'
Brown, pastor of the Evangelical
e'hlaroh !]fare, will be p'atsed to hear
that the stationing committee of the
conference held at Milvertotehas seen
fit to allow him to continuo his wort(
in Zurich, lire lir Brown is an all'
tiring worker and has hacl si,lendid
1 results from his labors among the
members of the local Evangelical
101.00 ell
1t 'I'1141 a.pl) it tl)nlllt'llt (11 trill l,ef;]s'aa-
five grant tdrion,1 schools will be made
this year on a d i f wee t, basis from that
of former years, which will be the
1assessed value of the several 5011001
ceetiota;a The portion • payable on
teachers' sal ties will be a smialler
petceuta.ge than formerly and the
margin en which it is 1a Lyable has also
been reduced. That payable on the
qualification -of teachers applies only
where the t,eaetaer has a permanent
certificate, iirst of so'eond,clasa, Idler•
im certificates and third class certific-
ates are not recognized for this grade.
Owing to the present financial condi-
tion the amount at the disposal of the
:3TB .' f ;1i:..IB$
A new shipment �I1St i of
13on I3ou1i, Chocolates, etc.
The hest that money . can
hely •
~A .bei e v tat iaty t,f Con10.. .
1',i l rlutlt', Seville, t1 (',., oS1
rel. t l 1 prices
\V" ills) ltnvo alta Flag tt
(111111, SIar Brill , 'Eta.
1,cadinti Brands of
Neilson's +'aluou Ice Ceeallm -
l' ev and Mrs A xlellerman; Welland
are visiting relatives lses.
On Thursday. morning there passed
away at the advanced age of 83 years,
at her home here, 'Mrs Justus Weig-
and. Much sympathy is felt for the
husband in his sad bereavement.
Quito anumber from here attended
the sale of the goods of the' late G
joint at Hensall on Tuesday.
'The hone of Mr -and Mrs D - Betts-
ehen was saddened on Tuesday liy the
death of their sou, Lyle, in his seventh
,errs. The funeral will be held to clay
,.Mr Gerrge Sheri has been engaged
as principal of our schr)ol, aiid tonic
over bis new duties last week. We
are pleased to state• that Mr Ten "-,
the former principal, is somewhat
improved in health.
The Cantata given in the Evangeli-
cal church lost Sunday evening wn.S
well rendered and the church was well
Venus --In Hansel', on April 2nd, in
't\.ft' and \.rt's Witi Venu.s,'a 8011,
brad son—In Zurich, on Med nc-scaye'
April 21st, to Mr and \'frs I HIudson,
a son.
Betlschen—At Dashwood on April
20th, T,vle Bpitsnhon. aged 6 years,
4 months and 7 days•..
\Viegand---At Dashwood, on April
21st, the wife of \Tr Justus 'VVeig
and, egad 88 years.
Edighofferr—Either—A Z'irich, on.
Tneedav, April 20th, by Rev. G.111
Brown, Miss Dora E,, daughter of
\[i' and Mrs C. Either, to\Ir A, G.
Edighoffer, both of Zurich,
Stanhnry—Flardv---On Wednesd'13',
April 14th, 1915, hy Rev: J F Mc-
Laughlin of'S 'Victoria CollegeToronto
Elizabeth Jean Hardy, of the Meth-
odist Deaconess Training School and.
danghter of RIr hili M'rs S. Hardy,
Exeter, Ont,. to •TanlesGenrge Strout
l;tala>linry-, 11, A., barrister at law
f;rh--Gerhe'--:1 t_13r'ons.on Lina,7lls,:1
on April 20th. Miss l'E'iTilie, rlatruh-
terofllrnnd \risV Gerber, to 1\Tr
Aaron Erb, of the Bronson Line
north by Rev V Gerber.
A1)\1TNTSTR;1 TO1;'S
'or FAB NT, 111A1l f STOOK, I11PLE-
zl+:N•1S HOF'] 1:10I/1)I',1.1.1 ,('1';
in 1103'
The undersigned has haat] instructed
by the Administrator of the Estate oil
the late John ,Iacnbe, to•sel1 by Pithlk'
A.nctiun, 00 premises 011 HAT['L I)A1", I
APRIL) 24th,- 11)15. ('omtn-'llein'? of
One o'clock p 111., shat p the following
valuable.' protterf.y'
1+"AIt\I. PROI'ERTV :'Che North 75 acres
of Lot 11) L. R -E., and the north 17 zivre, -
of Lot 10, L. R. W., b ,th in the tow l.hip j
f Hay. On the pros,tty is tt ccnnfortah 1 1
lieu e, tiro frame gond fencing!
and draining and an a h•guate supply , t
water. It is 13 mile; from Zurich and 12
miles from Heu51,11.
O11A 1 T 5 L P RO P1 le1'V: 1 1) RSES,
1 Go diet r'sing 0 years, tlenetol Purpose.
1 mare 5peau' old, (, net all Pua•pn•yt, I
arae chisel, 11 years 0111; 1 r rlt 2 rears uhf
O'u'rhl;,re. Cattle: 1 cow rising7 veers Educational .Department is less than 01 1, (lite in ala, , 1 000' vii,intr :, years n'd,
that of former year's, and grants will1 duo in lair a /nets milk n,a,t 3 and 4
be necessarily reduced in proportion. \ oat S old; 2 Ler) y ea- nil lea:t a s, 1 two.
,ye o steer, yeazthn spring >g ca e,
/ti r o tl .r. n 1 collie d r Iyl l'LF\1LN I.OOL ..LPOP ('S Dearing ',itltlrr, hews flossed';'• mower, 0011'
i1 iiIt of t11E1 .11.11ron prow pion Olivertiding 11'""211, "1311; Oliver "."1""gplough, new; 3..t wagon and fans; hay fuck
l+,salttinatnns held int'7 5 No .11, 110. 2 hay rakes, 1'a,tter.on drill, Novel.; dire
Jr IV to "Sr T +'—llrarbcit halblieisalt >tn(1 t -reek, 2 -ct irru harrows, democrat, .
70;nPeal Jaffray' 60n/. hug ie, road curl, curter, pair bohileiglis
neatly new, fuunin nilp 2:5u iby 2°11.°
Sr tit bo Jr [\--•Iul]ett /Glutrrotl.e settles, scutl'let tadu>•ly new, bug trunk,
60/, Samuel Hendricks 70%1 quantity of hay, matting box, Tang plough
Jr III to Sr III—Gertrude Seiade root pulpsr, wheelbarrow, 2 sotshaay ropes
60% Lloyd Hendricks 70 ;ailiesanrt cars'' set teams harness set
+ t+ I+;C7.S. cook stove, box stove, 1*l t ti
65%, Zitii.i Chet'rstt+f 60. c:npboard, lilt ellen aiuk, cream sepa.ralor,
Tr 11 to Sr II—(lla.ra Halbfl i'soh lounge, 3 tai les, organ, 6 dining room
65%,l1ielvinat 5ch•Lde 71, Edna nd chairs, piece linoleum, sugar kettles sew-'
lleOdrielcs 01, Leonard Sara) as 00. ing machine, and other articles to t utnel.-
1't I to Pt T[----tl:al)ei. Scharle 72%ens to inentillr.
, . Terrs.-of sale REAL, ESPAT1 :
Gertrude Devine 70. The f.tt in lend no sold subject to a
E \I Stinson, Teacher' reserved 111.1 and to the approval of
the Official (4na i'di 111. Ten per cent
of the purchase money itlnst be paid
on day of sale and the balance within
80 days witlhont inte.est,
L Pl:OPI111'l'i'::111 sinus
of ,y$10 and tinder, catsh, Over deur
amnia approved joint neater may b0
f;i'Reil al, 6 months, o3' d• i1i-0.>init of 11
nor cent per unioval will L, a'losvo:l '
oe such ,drift for 0-1 .411. Futth(0' ('on -
1 ; (Minns will 1).1 1101 11 httown oil tiny (,i'
!oto or may 1,a, 1,rrl +m online e alt n f:
14' \V 1 [((1(oul t, Ii C Official Guarcli
am, Toronto Ont 0htihnnn & Sit>l-
liury, .Sulicitoas, Exeter, Ont. Ed
Bo'sseltberry1 Austionoer, Zurich, ()tit.
Sr II to Jr Ii[ ---Richard Jeffrey single I.arne-s,rope. Eio[IS1.11OL1)
Zurich ilept
nh;Al.l.r(S I:1
Fresh lard St.Tt IV cat;; -
t:«Tya L ,.y"`e"'ll•: e'^1. 4' Ca, etc
t :\ill FOlt ilii r~
tr1 hi'.i,tDelohert
11 Classified Ads
FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries
public &o Office, on the Square, 2nd
door from I•iamiitou St. (Iorleriei
Priva'e funds to loan tat lowo-t rates
W. naerranoOT, i( O. J. L. larr.L,ultAy.
11', l'awul)i'ooT,
)1t A. M1t.ehINNON late Hernia
burgeon, Erie County Hospital,
Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant - resi-
dent Physician, \fauhatlitn Maternity
Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the
douse Staff, New Yak Polyclinic
1lerlical Schou] and Hospital. Drug
store in connection. Office; Zurich,
,\ rnln1(r of l)nrh:lul and 1.'olstcin
calves for sale. 11.1e(101 I7ueitarnle,.
Bronson Line. •
1n lle '(1 is blurb, Z,nrich. 11,
suirahl • for small store, nits. W 1 e
veennt May 1st. Ap ,ly< to Go,tleib
I12erner, Zurich.
"Itoiniii on Rats" clrnt'tt nut Rats,
ll ie", 0;n. 1)uti't f `in n1 1110 house.
15P. and 25c. at -Drug and Country
A quantity of first class seed pnlatoes
Sill' r King variety, for sale. Good
sample and large yielder,
quantity of good seed oats for We
Apply to Alonzo Mister, Babylon Lit e
li. 11 No. 8, Zurich.
Fa ms For Sale
?ill,,ciesOf ooul 1n•( 1 aid
frail Tani i, _nCO pea.); 1 rel, of w It t b
100 1 o-1'• 111 11 •,r 1. . 1 1.1, 1(1, , 1
waver, good 111104iug, ti,.:'1 fiat
pn4,1.1y drained. 1''or net) O•11lahs
apply to 1)atiiel Smith, It, R. No. 2
Z uri cii .
1- have mode arrangements with Silverwoods
Dairy, Loudon, to take eream at the
Feed Store, Zurich, on Wednesday
of each week until further notice.
(.,I'(•'it111 i,: tee+ted when brought lay my store
111(1 paid for on delivery. Price p^lid this
t"k t1 las 'tis cents per pound.
cream must be at the store not Fater than
1 o'clock, N ednesday aftexnaon.
Zu r ick
Issued for Shor[ Term of Tears
Coupons Payable Half -Yearly
Assets, $7,480,339
01, VI;
-' tirich
COPKfiIGsh?•S &C.
t nyone Bonding a aketcb and description mel,
Solokly ascertain our opinion free whether an,
invention is probably patentable. Cnmmunloa.
Lions striotly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent*
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents,
Patents taken through Munn & C0.reeely.a
special notice, without charge, :n the
ban. maely illustrated weekly. Largest Or,
eo]atau, i.ay scientific ]ournal. Terms - of
d 'Ti;
Osaa0 year, postage prepa(1• Sold by
bA�p ngge��wad1 sh:a..
1t 41 i`7 vCon361Brna''way. paliv%ik..lrt
l ti e
E 04
nZ CS?
have a large stock of these
n hand. Estimates given and con-
t-z.,cts taken. All kinds of exterior
.hi error• finish for houses made
to order \'Ve hand re all kinds of
Building- Material. Can at Planing
I e—
oaL'TL-i ' nave•
Z U R4_G
,, :, , ' .,:,1, a .,-: is-tirS, k�. r...;;,—,1.74:0,4K.1,-.0 -..' ofl c4,ei'x[ : r _7 ."7 -,�\d��'f\\^T...„ a 1` r`:7':"t a 't r?h..:,, 41xf „.„,„
ktrot'''' \IgilfkCSI \gi!\.\\\\\\\:\\\\\1 \
1's A.. Joy orces on
1 J.t U 399 eta
the man iae�t, door and theman
Let's interest across t-_..
street in this "Clean Up and Paint Up” Movement.
If they will do their share and go after their neighbors, you
can all make a glorious success of this practical, helpful, sensible
plan of civic improvement.
Whole -hearted co-operation is what is needed for
Do your part carefully and loyally. If the House looks
dull, the Porch is worn,or the Fencescarred, a
u oriscoat
100/ Pure" Paint will put yourplace in the Spic and Span class.
If there is any freshening ort brightening to be done inside
the house, we have the Paints, Stains, Varnishes and Enamels
to do the work easily, satisfactorily and economically.
In foot, wo carry EVERYTHING you need to "Paint Up" with the good,
old, reliable i\. rett'ti Sc. ;qtr Paints and 'v .rnisltos—MAllE IN CANADA—and
sold with our p/, .<a (cd g,,tat a nt c e_ satisfaction. 70
Chas. Hartleib, Zurich, Ont.
D. Tiernan, Dashwood, Ont.