HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-04-16, Page 8MILLINERY OPENINGB
Eriday and Saturday,
riarch 26th and 27th
Miss Thiel is again incharge of our Millinery Department
and will show tell the latest styles in Ludtes fasbionable hats for
the Spring S;as')n,..
Prints and Ginghams
The new Prints and (9inghams have arrived and we have a
large assortment of colors and patterns to choose from. We
also have the famous steel clad Galatea, an extra long wearing
cloth. suitable for chiidrens' dresses, snits and ladies house
'New Curtain Goods
Our range of curtains ani curtain materials is now complete
Should you require anything in the line of .draperies, curtains,
blinds, etc, llo nct fail to call and see our lines before pur—
chasing elsewhere.
Wall Papers
New Wall Papers now to hand, in a large variety of; new
up to -date designs at prices that will interest von.
Walser oLrry Ktatsfaruishiaet, 3n3'1 as Linoleaves, floor
Oil Cloths, Rngs, Carpets, etc.
No trouble to show goo.ls at any time even if you are not
just ready to buy. We would be pleased to have you come and
see all onr new lines of seasonable goods -re
Fresh Groceries always on band.
Produce taken in exchange
—is the most important piece of
furniture in the house. We have the kind Oak
the kitchen. fresh from the factory,
or Walnut, 1915 Model' Movements.
Alarm Clocks, $1.50 to $3.00.
We don't sell the 43 cent alarm clock,
usually sold for $ 1.00.
P. W. Hess & Co
Jewellers & Opticians
y",z.-5 x'ta'.J r?, ,,-t
Deleware, Lackawanna, &
Western Coal Co's
Scranton Coal
All sizes
Zurich Feed
Leading Brand of
Flour, Shorts, Bran
and Feed Corn
Produce of all kinds ta.lcen in
We are ttgents for Interna-
tional and Royal Purple
stock food.
Also a full line of Grocer-
ies on hand.
Isaac Hudson
1 have opened up a blacksmith
shop in ]3rock's old stand, opposite
Town Hall, Ready for business
Monday, Mar lst.
Horrseshoeing and Repairing
I have a carload of Fer
tilizer on hand. Parties
'wishing to buy some in
any quantity can secure it
from me at any time at
my farm.
Piave all kinds on hand,
ranging from $10 to $40
per ton.
Agent for Canadian Fertilizer Co.
A Steady Income
when you are
over fifty.
Yon may have this by putting out
a 10 to 15 acre apple orchard of the
best winter varieties, begin this by
spring by putting out 100 appletrees
Yon will find
Our Prices Most Moderate
and our stock Al
All orders sent in now, direct to
u'i will be in time for this spring's
R. R. No. 4, Goderich, Ont.
Goderich Rural Phone 6 on 7.
Corrected every Thursday..
Dried Apples
Barley -
Low Grade
Live Hogs fob
'1.25 $1.28
50 50
70 70
3.75 4.25
Hensall 8.50
Local News
Have you bought an auto yet?
Canada now 'has nearly; 100,000
men under arms.
Mr W. G. Hess has erected a garage
next to his repair shop,
Dr E, W. Stoskopf, veterinary, has
received his new Ford touring ear.
We are selling clothes, at surprising-
ly lbw primes.. Call and see:. Et Apple.
The Ontario Clothing Co of Toronto
have opened a branch store in C Eilbers
old stand.
Formaldehyde for Smut etr Grain.
Best quality there is. 25 and 50e bottles.
A, W. E. Hemphill, Druggist, Hensall.
Mrs D Barry„ of Dunnvti'le;, Ont,, is
visiting at the home of her father, Mr
Wendel Smith„ Goshen Line south,
at present.
F C Kalbfleiseh has received two
carloads of shingles. Hastings brand,
four x and five x. Partiesw•lro intend
using some at2111da. weeili to'conte early.
The present season has not been a
very successful one in the rnanufact-
ing of maplh•syrup. Some have boiled
a considerable• quantity, bat as a rule
the expectations of nearly all have not
been reached as to number of gallons.
Stamps On Checks: ,s
Now that the time is approaching
when the War Revenue Act goes into
effect it 11 ill save seine confusionif
the business men and. others make
themselves familiar with the proyisi•
ons of tit: act. Particularly will
some confusion probably arise in re•
gird to clause 8. This clause reads
as follows: "That no person shall
issue a check payable at or by a bank
and no person shall negotiate a bill of
exchange through a bank for collection
unless he affixes thereto a stamp or
the value of two cents; that a check of
other bill of exchange made or drawn
out of Canada in the possession of a
bank in Canada shall before payment
or presentment for payment have affi-
xed thereto a stamp pa the value of
two cents and the valve of the stamp
shall be•chargeable to the person' en-
titled to the proceeds of the check or
The monthly meeting . of ..,_.the
Woman's Missionary Sopiety, which
was held in the church last Wednes-
day, was well attended.
,The .M isses.,Stevens.have returned to
their school after spendingthe holidays
under the parental roof.
Mr A. T. Douglas and son, Allan,
visited friends at Hyde Park last week,
Me Neil Sparks of Clinton spent the
holidays with his parents and other
friends in this vicinity,
Mr Sam Freckleton has returned to
Hamilton after spending the winter
with friends here.
Mr and Mrs R, N. Douglas enter-
tained a few of •their friends•on Friday
Miss Florence Capling and Miss
Ruth Keys spent the holidays with
friends in Stratford.
Miss Anna Bell McDonald of Sea -
forth Collegiate spent the holiday with
her mother and other friend's in this
Mrs John Bechler gave a ejuilting to
a few of her neighbors on Thursday
Mr and Mrs R. Oesch spent
Sunday with friends in the -village.
Mr and Mts Alex Sparks visited
friends on the Bronson Linelast week.
11Ir C. Haugh and family, who have
resided in Ibis neighborhood for a
number of years have mored to their
new home near Brueefiel1;l. We are
sorry to lose such good citizens but
what is our loss will be; Brucefield's
Not much work on the land has
been done by the farmers of this secti-
on, The recent rains will help to put
the ground into shape, by taking the
frost out so much the quicker. By
present indications a larger area will.
be sown than for many years.
The . Department of Agriculture
proposes to further protect the owners
of sheep against loss from dogs. In
the Committee on Agriculture Hon,
Mr Duff characterized as an outrage
the fact that when -a farmer's sheep is
killed he can only recover two-thirds
of his loss from the municipality. The
Minister has announced his intention
of bringing in legislation that will en-
able the farmer to recover from the
fund made up of dog taxes full value
of any sheep destroyed.
Ins nice Agent
'Zurich Ont
High Grade Copper and
Aluminum Lightning Con-
A very busy, please hand in
your orders early, as I do the work
Prices right on easy terms.
Telephone 34,
lido ..a,1,,t.,•..•./.4.,d/,�.e,.+i1?.lb.4.04.1*/+f nr�le4.NesicorZ.e6lV% ' ••.,fryOr/
The government has imposed a heavy war ttaic on wife' fencing.
We were lucky and had a car of IDEAL FENCING; shipped before the'
tax mane' into torce and we will
Sell it at the old Price while the car Ihstst-
First comers reap the benefit.
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J. J. Merner's.
Friend, Makixig and,
Business Extension Saleir
H. K. Eilber, organist of ' the
Evangelical church.. Crediton, for the
past ten years, handed in his resigna-
tion at the annual meeting held a ,few
days ago,
Miss Ida Jctera, daughter of Mr
and Mrs Wm Evans, Sauble Line,
Stanley, waspnited in marriage on
April 7th to James A Cameron, of
Toronto. formerly of Bayfield.
Thomas Jackson, sr a resident of
Clinton since 1854 passed away ab his
home on April 8th in his 84th' year.
He eonducted .a tailoring and clothing
business there for over 30 years and
retired about 25 years ago, wlien his
sons took over the business and con-
ducted it afterwards.as Jaekson Bros.,
and late organized the Jackson Manu-
facturing Company.
A meet ng of the Women's Institute
was held ;t the residence of Mrs Dr.
B A Campbell on Wednesday evening.
The meeting opened with a song by
the members, after which routine
business was transacted, papers were
read by Mrs M Fritz, Mrs Rev Miller,
and Miss Walker, Instrumental
selections were rendered by Mrs B A
Campbell, Jean Campbell and Minnie
Merner. Also a duett by the Misses
Procter and Siebert After refreshments
were served the meeting closed by the
singing of the National Anthem. The
next meeting will'be held on May llth
in the Town Hall at eight o'clock.;
All Ladies are requested to attend as
it will be our Annual Business Meet-
Pine 12 roomed brick dwelling,
newly hunt, for sale, situated in Zurich
Furnace and modern improvements
are installed. Good new stable on
premises and one-half acre of land.
Will be sold at reasonable price. For
particulars apply to NNT it Bender,
A Sale that is not meant to
mike money but to make friends
Below we quote a few sof the
prices that have astonished all
who have seen the goods:
Mens' Dress Shirts, reg $ ll1~00 for 50c
(louse Dresses, regular $11.25 for 7,5c
Ladies' Wrappers, reg $1.25 for 75c
Black Serge Dress Skirts
Regular $6.00:. for $4.00
" 3.00 for 1.50
Remnants Dress Goods at Bargains
There are many unadvertised Bargains
equally as good,
Thos Sherritt of Greenway, accomp-
anied by his wife and family, met
with an accident while driving his car
from Greenway to his home Mr.
Sherritt having had his ear only a few
days was not adept at handling it, and
intending to turn at Stone's bridge one
way he turned the other the car
striking an abutment and turning
over all the occupants were thrown out.
Luckily however all escaped injury,
Take a look at the label this week.
We have corrected our subscription
list up to Apr 14thand those who
have paid their subscription account
during the past several weeks should
find that the correction of date has
been made. If you find that .the
label does not read as it should call at
the office or write us and we will see
that„the correction is made. And by
the way, there are a` few who have
not had any change made in their
label in some time. Those subscrip-
tions should be paid atones. -
J. J. MEMER, Zurich
A pretty wedding was solemnized at
the home of Mr and Mrs Thomas
Richardson on Apr 7th when their on-
ly daughter, Annie, was united in
marriage to `Archie Noakes, a well-
known farmer of Goderich Township.
The knot was tied by Rev. Mr Doherty
of Hensall, Following a wedding re-
past andMrs'Noakes left for their
new home in Goderich Township.
In the last three weeks the Com-
mercial Hotel Reuel' has paid' $400
and costs for sellingli(luov without a
license. The first fine was $100 and
costs and a warning from the magist-
rate and inspector.
Last . Thursday fine was $300 and
costs and a jail sentence promised if
the offense is repeated.
Inspector Torrance laid the case be-
fore Police Magistrate Andrews, of
The Keystone
one -wheel
Tongue Truck
'For "Harvesting and
Seeding Machinery
The truck is guaranteed to give
satisfaction, It is easy on the.
horses necks, a comfort to horses
as well as the driver. A conven—
ience that every farmer should
have for bis implements. Let tis
show you sample. Many now in use
in this section,
Prompt Service .
Moderate (1ha:r es
Tailor Shop
Zuriobt� .. » onto. 0