HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-04-16, Page 7Some of the.prettiest new dress garnitures are so simple that any girl who .can use a needle can make them and: save money. As ,a be- ginner, one. might try her hand at the novel harness of black velvet ribbon. As experience is gained, she may go on to something more elaborate in these dainty accessor- ies. • For harness suspenders, two strips of velvet ribbon three inches wide, and long enough to go froin the waist line back to the same point front, are required, measur- ing it on the wearer. The ends are caught down to a sash of the velvet of the same width as the .s tspend- ees, loops and ends falling in the back. This is the foundation foe a trellis work of narrower velvet set in the frultt from bust to belt, and, as its success depends upon the ac- curacy of arranging this network, the better -plan is to put the skele- ton on a bust form and then very carefully pin in' the strips interlac- ing very evenly the entire length. Plenty of pins should be used and firm •stitches must be substituted kr them upon their removal. This kind of 'bodice is most effective worn over a white or a colored, frock in a dainty • shade. It is especially practical for a matinee, freshening up a passee waist wonderfully. Black velvet is usually chosen be- cause it can be worn over a blouse of any tone, but there is the sug-• gestion of matching the velvet to the skirt worn, setting the garni- ture over a white, waist. This addi- tion would be a great improvement. to the toilette. • A second dress decoration is very pretty for a summer day or an even- ing frock. In fact, the latter, if showing signs of shabbiness, will be quite restored by trimming .as follows : Cub.soft silk or satin on the bias about two and a half inches wide and make into milliner's folds. When finished "they will measure about an inehmin width. To trim, put the waist on the form and ar- range the folds around the decollet- age if •an evening frock and suggest - beg - an outline to a yoke. If a day dress, in three rows about an inch apart. One fold will probably drop over the sleeve top. ]3ring ' these folds to the bust•and then interlace them, tucking the ends'into a. crush - eel girdle or sash of- the' "material used for the folds. Should the skirt need freshening, the folds conk' :be interlaced to form diamonds which could be ap- plied as found practical. The `end of each fold could be gathered and held down to the skirt with a mock jewel, as, say a pearl bead; or they could be just caught neatly down, as preferred,—Helen Horne, in Star Weekly. Why Wo1111'n Change Their Styles. Some one has said that the only reason . women have for changing 'styles so often is that they may, at- tract attention to themselves. Men go on wearing the same style of hab, the same cut of clothes, season af- ter season, year after year. There are some minor ohanges, but no- thing so radical, as a rule, as to make last season's .derby or last winter's overcoat grotesque. Many ]riddle -aged or elderly men, who are conservative in their ideas about dress; have their clothes made on absolutely the sane lines • year after year. • • • Bow different is it with woman, says our critic. One year her skirts are so tight, she, can hardly walk in them, the next thev have gone to the extreme of fullnees. In head gear there" is a veritable riot of change., Broad hats and narrow hats, high hats and low hats, hats with foliage or plumes, and hats without either, follow in quick suc- cession. Men say the only purpose oaf all' this •ehange is to attract their attention. .'1 question whether our critio; or any :other man is able to draw the fine tine that separates the erne - mental from the purely useful, . either in woman's dre,se or id tholes own. May there not be some of the pea -fowl in us all?. But if a woman is thinking only of attracting at- tention to herself, the demure little Qnakeress has the best of 'us all, in vhie riot of change and - of color. Why not place some of the =blame foe. the fast and furious ohanges in woman's styles upon the manufac- turers of feminine garments, Who find it exceedingly profitable to Om out newstyles with every. change of. Beason?--•>T'rances. Frear in Leslie's. The successful.rean roots while his unsuccessful brother stands round and .scjueals.. Doing Wonders For Rheumatism W$A V PETER F. L'=ATTERSON SAYS OF •1ROlDD'S RIDe NET PILLS. Gaspe County Man Gives Advice to All Who Want to be Cured of Kidney Troubles. Haidimand, Gaspe Co., Qu'e'bec, April 12 (Special).—"I have just opened the third box of Dodd's 'Kidney Pills, and find they are doing me wonders of good for the Kidneys and Rheumatism," so says Mr. Peter F. Patterson, a well- known resident of this place . "IVVy troubles came through a cold ..and strain," Mr. Patterson continues, "and I suffered for many years. I had headache, back- ache 'and rheumatism. My steep w.as broken and unrefreshing. I had a bitter taste in my mouth in the morning and I perspired freely with the slightest exertion. I was often dizzy; I was troubled with heart fiutterings; , I was nervous and my skin itched and burned at night. "After using . Dodd's Kidney Pills I recommend them to every- one who wants to be oured." Everyone of Mr. Patterson's ailments was a symptom of Kidney disease. That's why he found such prompt relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills. They only cure Kidney dis- ease. A LIGHTNING CHANGE. The late Lord Salisbury, says Count Paul Va,ssili in his book, "Behind the Veil at the Russian Court," shared with the rest of his family the defect of being rather careless in bis ..dress and general appearance. Lord Ode Russell, who long represented England at Berlin, told Count Vassili ale amusing ,little anecdote in illustra- tion of that characteristic. "One evening," says the count, "Lord Odo and I were chatting about Lord Salisbury's attitude to- ward his personal appearance,—not ill-naturedly, for it • is doubtful which of us had the greater admira- tion for the remarkable statesman in question, --and Loyd Odo l.atigh ingly mentioned to me his surprise when. one day, after the dinner bell' of the embassy had .h'een rung, he found Lord' Salisbury, who was,liv- Ina' there, still busy at work in his study-, "'He rushed out,' said the aan- bassador, 'and before I had time to put 'aside the papers on the table, literally in. three minutes, was hack again ready for dinner. .Nowin that time -he could not even have washed his Bands, yet there.he was. in evening clothes! I could not help asking him bow he managed to dress so• quickly. "Oh, my dear Russell,' he said, "anyone can change his coat at onoe, and I; had black trousers on already." ' " TRE WAY OUT • Change of.. Food Brought Success and Happiness. An ambitious but delicate girl, after failing to go through school On account of nervousness and hys- teria, found in Grape -Nuts the only thing that se•enied to build •her up and furnish her the peace of health, '"From infancy," she says, "I have not been strong. Being am- bitious to learn at any cost I final- ly got to the High School but soon had to abandon my studies on ac- count of nervous prostration. and hysteria. `'My food did not agree with me, and I grew thin and despondent. I could not •enjoy the simplest so- cial affair for I suffered constantly from nervousness in spite of all sorts, of medicines. "This wretched condition contin- ued until I became interested in the letters of those who had oases like mine and who, were being helped by eating Grape -Nuts. "I had :little faith, but procured a pkg. , and after the first dish I experienced a peouliar satisfied feeling that I had never gained from ,any ordinary food, I slept and rested better that night .and in .a few days hem .to grow stronger. "I had a new feeling of peace and restfulness,. In .a few weeks, to my great joy, the headaches and nervousness left me and life be- came• bright ,and. hopeful. I re- sum.ed my studies and later taught ten anonth:s with ease using grape -Nits ,every day. I am now the mistress of a happy home, and the olid weakness has never re- turned." Name given by Oanadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. lead, "',Phe Road to, Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." F36er toad the shove lette=re d sauw ogle atmsand from. time to time. They are peftti8.ter'''true, s=lut fIIU tit human interest. A. Wireless News -Letter. For many months in the year the four or five thousand inhabitants of Idle isolated Magdalen Islands re- ceive no mail oxr newspapers, fer as the =elands lie in the widest part of the Gulf of St, Lawrence, about fifty miles northeast of Prince Ed- ward Island, it is difficult, if not impossible, to run boats to them during the winter, The Canadian Government4iyhas consequently ar- ranged to send weekly to the. clergymen. of the islands a 'wireless despatch of eight hundred words that gives the latest news of, the war and other events. These des- patches the ministers read aloud to the islanders at church every Sun- day. Manures. • • Nitrates and ammonia salts do not give their best results when in contact with fermentable organic matter, The possibility of loss is ,greatly diminvshe,d by using well- rotted manure, and may be still farther prevented by applying the nitrate as a top dressing on the, growing crop .at the, time the crop needs it. Salts of potassium and sodium, superphosphate and sell- phate of ammonium; should not be sprinkled on the manure in the fur- row, but either anixed with the soil before the manure is applied, or sown broadcast after the 'manure is plowed in and before harrowing. If top dressings of ,soluble manures are .used on open soils they should he applied late. Care Children's Colds By External Ii'reaitiiient Mothers Will Find Nothing so Speed- ily and Reliable as Old Time "Nerviline," It's really a shame to upset a young child's stomach by internal dosing, when external •treatment will so promptly break up a cold. When your boy comes in after play with his feet soaking wet, his throat hoarse and sore, his little chest tight and congested, just apply Nerviline. give him' a vigorous, rubbing over his throat, and put lots of Nerviline on his .chest and rub it right in. To make .Nerviline penetrate mere quickly cover his chest and throat with a hot flannel bandage, This treatment WON'T fail: Your boy will be feeling better in half an Dour, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing you have warded off .perhaps a cold, or grippe, or illness that might have laid him up. • Nerviline is mighty good for pre- venting colds and for breaking up a bad one, too. For general family use it cures all "sorts of external aches and pains—you simply can't beat it. Try it for earache, toothache, neural- gia, sciatica, lame back, rheumatism, or lumbago. Wherever there is con- gestion. inflammation or pain in the joints or muscles, Nerviline will cure' mighty quick. • The large 50c.' family size bottle is so economical, so use- ful, it should be in every home. There is also a small 25c. size. Dealers any where sell Nerviline. .A LACI. OF HONEY END WAR. Expenditure Up to That Time Will be 1$16,000,000,600. Edgar Crammond,, a prominent financial writer of London, read a paper befoi:e the Royal Statistical Society recently dealing with the cost of the w,ar. In his opinion the war must end in July through the exhaustion of some of the belliger- ents. Mr. Cramanond estimates the total cost of the war to :the end of July as $16,990,000,000, and the total economic loss, through damage to property and other direct and indir- ect losses at $45,740,000,000. He estimates that Great, Britain alone will spend up to the end of July £708,000,000. The London Times, commenting on Mr. Crammond's figures, thinks he takes a somewhat exaggerated view, although he is in Possession of facts which entitle his opinion to respect, The Times points out that Premier Asquith's estimate of Great Britain's expenditl,>re during the same period was only £500,uto, - 000, but adds: "This certainly now appears too low, even if Mr. Cram- mond's estimate is too high." _— The normal school turns out pro- fessors of philosophy, only the school of life produces philosophers. —Gustave Vapereau. Aunt Liza,'s former mistress was talking to her one morning, when suddenly she discovered ' a little picicaninny standing shyly behind his mother's skirts. "Is this your little boy, Aunt 'Liza?" she asked, "Yes, miss, 'dat's Prescription," "Goodness, what a funny name, auntie, for a, ohild i Bow in the. world did you happen to call li.hn that?" "Ali simply calls hila da.t becuz Ah ha,'s seep hated wuk got - tin' kiln filled;" Men a Woman Suffers With Chronic Backache There Is. Trouble Ahead, Constantly on their feet, attending to the wantsof a large and exacting family, women often break down with nervous exhaustion. In the stores, factories, and on a. farm are weak, ailing women, dragged down with torturing backache and bearing down pains. Such suffering isn't natural, but it's dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. The dizziness, insomnia, deranged menses and other symptoms of kidney complaint can't cure themselves, they require the assistance of Dr. Harni.l• ton's Pills which go direct to the seat of the trouble. To give vitality and power to the kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and liver, to free the blood of poisons, probably there is no remedy so sue- cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For all womanly irregularities their merit is well known. Because .of their mild, soothing, and. healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are safe, and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. 25 cents per box at all dealers. Refuse any sub- stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- drake and Butternut. uI1 A. Two-Ounee Egg. Pullets of any breed should lay a 2 oz. egg atone year old. With very few exceptions all non -sitters lay .white -shelled eggs, and ,all sit- ter 'dark ones. The coloring of wild birds' eggs to some extent protective. Therefore, one would think that domestication should • tend to ridding the shells of color. But we do not find it so, as the Asiatic heavy breeds which lay the darkest eggs have been under do- mestieation in China for =some thousands of years. Therefore, we 'Can no more account for a Leghorn laying a white egg and a Brahma ,a brown one than we can for the wood pigeon laying a white egg and a magpie, also, a tree builder, lay- ing a spotted one. When a boy, the same love of live things domi- nated me that has done ever since, and I: had a collection, self gather- ed, of nearly every wild bird in the Midlands. My pets .also in- cluded hawks, doves, larks, green- finches and many more. No doubt it was this early familiarity with bird life that led me to take poul- try seriously -later on.—F. and Home, Strict, All Bight. "I understand the Blanks are strict vegetarians." "Strict! I should say they are, Whv, they won't even let their Children eat animal crackers." vu Absolutely Painless No cutting, no plas- +' .`S ters or pads to "press the sore spot. Putnam's Extractor makes the corn go without pain. Takes out the sting over -night. Never fails --leaves no scar. Get a 26c. bottle of Putnam's Corn Extractor to -day. Go! 44 LOW FARES TO THE CALIFORNIA ETC• POSITIONS. VIA CHICAGO lc NORTH WESTERN RY. Four splendid daily trains from the New Passenger.,. Terminal,: Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Choice of Scenic and direct routes through the bust oaf the West. Something to see an the, way. Double truck. Auto. matio electric safety signals all the way. Let ns plan your trip and furnish foIdors and full particulars. B. H. Bennett, G.A., 46 Youge St., Toronto, Ontario. Bill had a bill -board; Bill also had a ;board -bill. The board bill bored Bill ,so he told the bill -.board to pay the board -bill. After Bill sold the bill -board the board -bill no longer bored Bill. Don't waste time on inflerI. or salves because they're a few cents cheaper. I have. proved Zaatn"Buk best for Eczema, Piles, Skin Diseases, and In=juries. As; a mother, you owe it to your family to use the best, that's Xatri,- iuk Ali 2.)t L+gtata and Stens. ?7u le:.. -, 1 THOUGHTS FOR TILE DAY. 'Censure is the tax la, loan pays to the public for being eminent,—, Swift. In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.—H. W. Beecher, It many times falls out that we seem ourselves much deceived be- cause we first deceived ourselves, -e-Sir Philip Sidney. True courage is riot incompat- ible with nervousness, and heroism does not .mean the absence 'of fear, but the conquest of it. ---H, Van Dyke. If you have built castles in the air your work need not be lost; that is where they should be built; now put foundations under them.— Thoreau. I do not call the sod under my feet my country, but language, re- ligion, laws, government, blood — identity in these makes men of one country,—Coleridge. For those who do not take to do- ing good as a, profession there is a great deal of sbcial good to be done in putting down gossip, in prevent- ing misunderstandings, and in keeping friends with everybody.— Jowett. .T. BABY'S OWN TABLETS USED ELEVEN YEARS Mrs. McEachern, Glencoe, Ont., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past eleven years for my children and have every rea- son to praise them as they always do good." Once a mother uses t'he Tablets for her little ones she will use no other medicine. They are absolutely safe, pleasant to take and never fail to regulate the bow- els and stomach. They are so=ld by medicine dealers or by snail at 25 cents .a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, •Ont. 4 Wrong Tip. Woman—Does this parrot swear? Dealer—Very prettily, mum, for so young a bird. I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the BEST Liniment .in use. I got my foot badly jammed lately I bathed it well with MINr&RD'S LINI- IIENT, and it was as well se ever next day. • Yours very truly, T. G. Mc11ULLEN. The lady of the house was ex- plaining things to the new maid. "An' what's this, missus?" asked the girl, indicating a metal bottle. "That is a bottle which will keep things either hot or cold, whichever you desire•," replied the mistress. "Well, foh the land sake," ejacu- 1ated the girl. "How is it gwine to know whether you want things hot or cold?" Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. Don't flatter yourselves that, friendship authorizes you to say disagreeable things to, your intim- ates.—O, W. Holmes. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. ark �� ry ri! Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength, Flavored with delicious sauces: They btavoo no equal. SEED POTATOES, F 1 An,LY IRISE( COBBLER POT 1.roji . .C/ specially selected and Government inspected for seed. Only limited quantity. Price, One Dollar per bushel ;P.o.b. Bramp- ton. also Counoiraseur'e Pride and Nov Snow, two excellent new. potatoes Price, Two Dollars per buttbel. Sptei..l pi �•eti for large quantity. (`ash must accom- pany all orders. H. W. Datitceon, l3rnmp- ton. • FOR SALE.. r'riHREE IMPROVED II1LP 4,1E,CTION Jl farms. John Scott, Whitewood, ;ee NURSERY STOCK, TRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, PO- TATOES. Ca•telaguo free. McConnell & Son, Port Burwell, Ont, MISCELLANEOUS. CANCECAP R, TUMORS, LUMPS, EITC., °V internal and external, cured with- out pain by our Home treatment, Write us before too late. Dr. Reitman Medical. Co., Limited, Coilingwood, Ont. OF INVENTIONS PIGEON, PIGEON & DAVIS lea St. Write4oe ntioruwati• Monntcual .;o 'America's Stendard 4 Cycle Marine M ror • 4 CYMe, 1 Cylinder tt 20 0Ii r t(rne,t ry . cry, Silent operation bin vibration. 4oniruls like the finest Mow Cm- engineFlcireniel2 r { economical on fuel C - d -trod rd C ,p. 00 b!• ore^ 0 per ant o. th grid e 1' • !eadio44041 bnllde s C t; �0C oar 7180 to 3700 depending on c4 IDnt..,1 KERAOATH MFC. CO. NO. pelted, Md. ",Others Turned ilim fi1 own. She—Am I the only %einaaa y eu ever loved? He—Well yes—suece -=i r111y . Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, A Bit of an Epicure. Lady of the House—You caul e.el your dinner if you'll chop that pile of firewood.. Tramp I'd like to know de menu first, lady. Granulated Chefs€s, g' Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Oust and. Ekisd quickly relieved by lihirinc Eye Remedy. No Smr�;.tiitg, just Eye Comfort, tui Your Druggist's S0c per Bottle. Murine Eys SaiveinTubes25c. For Book off heEye rrecask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago linerw the Signs. "lean read my wife like a bo{k•" "That so ?" "Yes. Whenever slie,'s a :old to me I know she's going to make is • hot for me." Minard's Liniment for sate everyw:le-a. noes, Skiffs, M a'tor THE PETE BOROUGH LINE, If any canoe can give you satisfaction, it is a "PETERBOROUGH." Always and ever the aoane of service, model, strength and fin- ish. Over fifty Styles and sizes, Write for catalogue. The latest canoe is the Peterborough datives covered. Ask for illustrated folder. Skiffs for the popular Outboard Motors, Power Launches, all sizes and pow- ers. Get folders telling all about these. TICE PETERl3OR0luoi C0111PUUY, LiMi r E', P''ETERaOIROUGH, ONT. vamaDllarBEIIIMmummarnatossarreatammiess=refraM4MYMesexamEmaneame kik%aia 0"Overstern" V Li `tom �..� Motor LSO t Freight Prepaid to any Railway Station in (intario, Length 113 Ft,, Ream 2 Ft. 9 In., Depth 1 ]9'b, d tn. ANY • 111OT"0lt FITS. •Speeiftoation No. 2B•iilving angina pica ••ort,av9 haat. Glet our quotations nn—"!she X'enetang ii',aine' Commercial and Pleasure Lau=nches, now boats and Canes. THE GXDLEY' BOAT CO,. LIMITED, 1,1114ETANG, CAN.