HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-04-16, Page 5TH OtHURCHES
Sunday, Germane 10.00 a, m
., Junior Y, P. A. 100; p. m.
Sunday Sehoiil 2,00
4 (Service) Engliell 7.00 "
cc Teaehers 'nesting 8.00 "
Mon., Tr'i•Mu Brotherhood 8.00rr as
Tuesday, Y. P..A.e 8.15 ar
Wednesday Prayer Meeting 8.00 •" "
Friday Teachers Training cr
Class 7.80.
" choir practice 8.80 "
Ladies Aid meets 1st Monday of
each month at 7.30 p.m.
German, Sunday 10.80 a. m.
English " . 7.00 p.
Bible School a 2.00 p. ru.
Men's Mis'n'ry S Tuesday 8.00 p. m.
Luther League Friday 8.00 p. m.
L A 8 1s Tues'y of month 2.80 p, m.
You are cordially invited to take an
active part in ell these 'meetings and
"Blessed are they that hear the
word of God, and keep it. Luke 17..28,.
Andrew F. Hess
Herald Office' Zurich
I paved large stock of all
the latest and'besr, in. Melts'
Ladies and' Children Shoes
Call and look over our tines
before you buy' elsewhere.
We Can save you nr)ur'y.
Repairing Promptly Done
Butter and eggs taken in
exchange for shoes.,
David - Pfa(
Dashwood Ont
Binders, Mowers, all kinds
of Cultivators, Discs and Fer-
tilizer Drills, best and light-
est made all steel.
Manure Spr.aders and all
kinds of plows and repairs
always in stock.
Look at our Cutters
Sleighs, Buggies, and
Wagons before buying else-
1t H. P. $75 2 • I L P, $85; 4 H.
P.$125; 6 H. P. $175; 8 H. P. $285;
12 H. P. $875; all warranted first
At the old Stanch—
' Spare Dealing Our Motto"
P. lless & Bon,
/': {,tv77µµtl1
ti(iy z14r5.,, //0/1l'1311:h1 ,V/1y/1,,y},I t,/'3
A 110W shipment jaet in of
(don 13ans, Chocolates, etc.
'1'hci best that money Can
'1'r3i y
A Ling vnric y crf Comic,
P.id,t iot'<ie, Scenic, etc.,' • Post
Cards. n 11 pl leve.
\t';• also have thci Flag
(rune, Speed: line ]ere. •
Leading Brands all
Neilson's Famous Ice Creat
• Mies Marie Duchartne, of Godericb,
is visiting at her hone .ofi the Bronson
Line, at present:
Mr Jacob >toweld is i•inpproving, bis
•propert by moving his stable fur they
back to the east oe his lot.
New•ads in this issue R N Douglas,
E Appel, Stewart Estate, L Prang,
Ontario Clothing Co, Auction sales.
School re opened on Tuesday with
a full attendance. Nearly twenty-five
youngsters started in for the first time.
Mrs M McCormick is having soine
improvements (made to her store and
dwelling which greatly improves its
If you are looking for real bargains
visit the Ontario Clothing Co's last
four days sale, Saturday, Monday and
Tuesday and Wednesday.
• Mr Elias Wideman, of Pigeon
Mich., is visiting at the home of his
father•in-law,,Mr.Solomon Martin, sr,
of the Babylon Line, who is seriously
ill ett iiresent.
I fe Ernst Gies received the sad news
on. Wednesday of the death . of 'the
wife of his brother, Mr Henry Gies
of k t Jacobs, Ont., which took place
on Wednesday morning. Mr Gies is
atten.ling the funeral which will be
•bald on Saturday.
At the last meeting of the Hay
Township•council the clerk. was in
structed to order material for cross-
arming the telephone poles between
Zurich and Wagner's corner. This
work has become necessary owing to
the numberof lines needed to serve
the n1111181'0115 en heed beret.
The banns of marriage were pub
Relied in the St Boniface R 0 church
Zurich, last Sunday of bliss Emma
1)urcharme, daughter of Mr and Mrs
PJhicharme, Bronsin Line, and el r.
Louis Brisson, of Drysdale, Also of
'Miss Agnes Charrette, dnngliter
•Mr and Mrs Benjamin Charrette,•
Bauble Line, an 1 Mr. •Frederick
Siemon, .Znrieh.
• 'Ibe Brussels Post speaks thus cnr-
'recently on Iwo essential household
;requisites: "Quite a nnruber of fit run
:ers have expressed•thenl elves as nisi
favorable to ,•the plan proposed by
Robert Thomson, Ita'nssels, of gill/line
butter and eggs and paying for anality.
This tends to improve peoduotion aL,hrl
at onceestablishes a better condition
in outside markets, The chty of land
butter should about have passed, As
t: ith better cows, newer• niethuale alur1
cash as. well as trade for the products,
the.indaeouients are much grea'er
than years ego to put only gilt edgy
butter on the market, :line!' the s,a.nfr•
C ,naiitieina exist in the egg trade. Urii
furca sizat, gno11 Titre., niaticettel early
ani in clean tidy fashion, means bet Lel
prices and 'se tislied cost()niers. Earuier
have lunch to do in aiding the produce
dealers in seeing In better the situate
A. quantity of first class seed potatoes
Silver Kung variety, for sale. Gond
.ample and Inr)ro 'yielders. Also
quantity of good seed oasts' for sale.
\hely to Alonzo ! \ 'h r, Babylon Line
IL Re No. 8, 'Ant i r h,
Notice to Debtors.
In the estate of Jeremiah A.
(7ot•r'i\•eatt late of Drysdale, (bttatrio.
\1 orchan t. 1 ecetbstel .
Notice is hereby given haat the hese
ness .lately carried on by the Into
Jeremiah A. Cori iven,n at l hr•y;s i 'e,
has been sold. I have handed ()vet
the book accounts of the said cdoeen,sell
to John leepnrte, lig t.t, No `?, '/lrtriele
for collection, tvl+ 1 has fall nilthln'jby
t•) collect and give i ecipts for' sante
All accounts itratst ba settled by lilt
'31st (ley of Apr 1 1915, alai any n
counts remaining unsettled at that
.late will he linnde,l to my F olicit.ors
a t Goclerich for collection.
Dated 27th March, 1015..
Seraphim Corriveau, Administratrix
nstni.o of Jerlt.inlaIi A . Corte von u,
(ecensorl .
r A.LFanS 1 V
1 1 c,1 a. r. d alt 1b". eats'
I'ologno. Sat1eages, plc
A811 .D'O1, S1ifNS
Sit , JOSEPH . .
Mr N. M. Cantin is spending a view
days a1dsborne e hoio
Mr D.. H. McGinnis, teacher,of the
Separate School here, bas returned
and resumed his duties. kle spent
the, holidays with .his parents in
Wallaeoburg, .
Miss Rachael Bedard, who has
been hi Chatham for the past three
menthe, returned hone last Saturday. `
Mr Wm. Proudfoot of Oodericli was
in St.Joseph on Tuesday.
A number more laborers have
arrived and by all indications St.
Joseph will be a busy burg in the near
A »umber of Dui ham and Holstein
calves for sale. Edward Duchen le,
Bronson Line,
In 11lerner's block, Zurich, shop,
suitable for small store, etc. ' Will be
vacant May 1st. Apply to Gottleib
elel•ner, Zurich.
"Rough on Rats" clears out Rats,.
Mice, etc. Don't Die in the House.
15e. and 25c. at Drug and Country
Stores. •
Horses, Cattle, Implements.
Mr Thomas Cameron has been in-
structed by the Administrators of the
lute George Joynt, I•iensel!, to sell by
Public Auction at
Hensall Tuesday, April 2d
Commencing. at one o'clock p.. in, sharp
the following
HORSES: One entire horse Mac ,.Wilks,
with a record on track and in show ring;
1 driving race horse, Master Mac,'a prize
winner; I team 3 years. old geldings, Agri-
CATTLE: 10 head stock steets, 1000
lis weight; 19 steers and heifers 2 years
.ahl. A number of hens and pullets.
IMPLEMENTS: 1 rubber tired' buggy
new; 1 second hand buggy; l..cutter in
good replir; I up. to ,date racing cart
nearly new; l set single harness; 1 lumber
wagon; t gasoline engine, Connor make,
h< bhles; brushes; pails; tools and sundry
(thea articles too numerous to mention.
BEANS: 40 bushes of seed be•.lus.
Terms of Sale: $10 and . undei•.
cash`Ovel• that amount 6 month credit
axill he given on furnishing approved
joint notes. 6 per cent per aliaiitni oll•
for cash on credit amounts. • • •
Gladman&Stanbury, Solicitor's for
Administrators. Thomas Cameron,,
in Iiay Township.
The undersigned has been instructed
by the Administrator of the Estate of
the late John Jacobe,to sell by Public
Auction, cm premises on SATURDAY,
kPRI et2Jth, 1015. (lnmmencing at
;)ne o'clock p n1., sharp the followim
valltabie property viz:----
FAE iL PROPERTY': ' he North 75 acrcs
tf Lot 19 L. R. E., 311,1 the north 17 mores
of Lot 10, L. R. tt',, b'th in the township
of Hay. On the prnl•erty is a eomfnrtah e
igen e, two frame {tarns, good fenr.iw,
Lad draiinirrgand an adequate supply .1
rvat, tr,- It is (3 mites from Zurich and 12
miles from Ilensl,ll,
1 G3'ding rising 9 yea,.., (;eneral Purpose,
1 mare 5 year', old, (1enelal Purpose; 1
nate driver. 9 year ni,l: 1 (cit 3 years old
(arriage. Cattle; 1 cow rising 7 years
,1 1, due in Maw, 1 cow rising 5 years old,'
due in .luno; 'L new milk cows, :1 hurl 4
eats old; 2 two•year.nld heifers, 1 two,
yerr-old steer, 3 ,yearlings, 2 spring calves,
5 dozen hens, 1 collie dy,. IMPLEMENTS
l)ear•ilrg hindr, r, orta ; 1)ear'in inner, 13012.
')liver titling plough, new; Oliver walking
'110134 ,11, new; :let were and box; hay rack
hay rakes, Patterson drill, Noxon dice+
'nrl truck, 2 ,et ion harrows, democrat,
''ag -1t, roaci cart. cutter, pair bobsleighs
nearly nr'ty. finning in111, 250 lbs hon -e
.sales, ;muffler 1tea,rlr new,' high trnek,
quantity of hay, nutting h`1x giro;; plough
rrot pulpae, wheelbarrow, 2 sets hry relies
llullaes and mars; set team harness, acct
single harness, rope. (I0Util':ld 0 LI )
EL+"NI'0'FS: cook stove, ho:: stove, gla•s
nllhoactcl kit 01111 sink, cve(un separator,
'dune, 3 tables, organ, (i dining 1)011)
chairs,piece linoleum, sugar kettles sew-
ing machine, and other articles to unule'-
uta to mention.
Tertzisef sale REAL E5'('A i'E:
The f lent will hostile snlrject to n
es11rveil 1 i 1 and to the 11))prnvlal of
rbcs Official (1nereiatl. Ten per cent
of the parchnsee money milst be• paid
:in allay of sale anal 1.130 balance within
30 days without in,tai•esh,
if $10 and ander, cash. Over that
,nxr)r1;31 approved joint dotes mny be
given a(r6 'months, o1' A (Use -mat of El
1)01 cent per 0134)110) will be allowed
on such sums for cash. I1u1•ther con -
be made linowo oiiday of
al0 or Mar lilt had on application 1')
1~ W llnrcottl t, d'% C. Official (1turrui'
0.11, Toronto, Ont Gitelman & Stan -
h'itt, Solicitors; ors; Exeter. Ont l;d,
13osse •lbera•), 4u°„ti0naer, Zurich, Ont,
.t RYSI),l.LE
Mr Peter Oorriveau has Dare axed
ebalf acre r
c 1a nd
i from 111r Joseph
ieelinas opposite the blacksmith shop
in Drysdale, lie has alsoarch( d
I se
fro() Mr Brieson the old hotel build-
ing located•aeross the road. We un-
derstand that lir Corrineau intends
tearing down this building before next
springandre-modelling and re-buil:ling
it on his new lot,
The Uniclne (ilnb hod it eery in-
teresting meeting hist Tenrsdav
evening The fen;ture waasee debate :
Rexoivrd filetTndi't is if greater
Viltne to England than (),tnerin
Strong points were ..eiyen by f)oth
siders.'rho jtitig1;• g,, ve their de.
ois,lnn in favor of the affirm aativs,'
they winning by threes points.
Our sconnl has reopened with
Miss E R Keys of: Varna, a fernier
teacher, 1n charge,
Mr Meaner Eilber of Znricb,
spent Sunday evening in our burg.
]Miss Ida Trnemner has returned
after spending a week visiting her
sisterilat Benmiller.
Miss Pearl Pale is spending a few
weeks with friends in Milverton.
Mrs Wm Rader had a',umber of
I 'c•' invited to a quilting last
Miss Marl Ltvingood bas return-
ed to Berlin after spending the
holidays at her home here.
Menne Sharp of Clinton has
opened a blacksmith shop in llen.sal'.
ells Close of the London rend an
old lady of over 90 years fell while
crossing the floor n. few days ago: and
fractured her hip. •
NIr and llfrs J. Caldwell, jr , and
fairlily have left for their home (tear
•Lawson, Sosk. •
The nein firm, ltittelbollz and
Johnston, have taken aver the butcher
business, Ieeeitely purchased froth :Mr
G, (.1't i l y.
15'. Sni,Il anulbebas 911'1'1 ac1 Pylar
800 tone of nl,ione so fee teik Serio!'.
This ie Ilse lergeste s:;iprrl, nt ever
Mr A :NI tt'hti' 1n1 i5 1111p1U'ill,44
sion 1 10.11) h is rt. cc nc illoess.
`E"Ilrra'\l tr,l >c!1 and I''. Biu tlli,culnl
have each btu ht a1 Ford a1111.13101).lo.
$1,000,00 Practically Given Away.
Here is an bargain if'e 'er there was a bargain, especieiil'y for e'y
young(,nn.rdiun who .1 c vcunts it ,ataar`t. The owner of ons of the best
sltultted fame in the fisnitins clay belt of ''New" Ontario is nbiige'd:to
rr'1'urn t•n t 11 8 in :lune: Almost illi lots in+ 'het neighborhood have
h Jen sell led for sometime Neighboring :lots cannot be purobased for
les thnn,t2,00Q 00 to $2,500 00, This man will sell at a wonderful bar -
.gain, owing to his circumstances. • there is it post office and sohool a•ti,
corner of lot, a store close by and railroad station 3 miles directly..
north, chili the famous Porenpine turnpiked and graded load running
ell the way teeing the front to Matheson. 7'lae residence duty on the
lot has allhoen perforated end e0 acres will be ready for cropping ie
..1•nna3 and ovorai more (,bopped reedy for horning.eff. Tthe honse is
neat and cosy rand roost eon veniently situntr cl Iais prise is $t:00 on time •
oe 1710 eesli. For pan'ticulars apply at
Herald Office, Zurich, Ontario
I have made arrangements with Silverwoods
Dairy, London, to take eream at the
Feed Store, Zurich, on Wednesday
of each week until further notice.
Cream is teslted when brought to nay r.tore
and paid, for on. delivery. Price paid this
.week was 34. cents pE'1' pound.
Cream must be at the. store not later than
1 o'clock, V .ednesd,n v art•ernoon.
I. llUDSON, Feed S
rek rich
r llta g is! SI ` i1 `Ic .9•
We have a large stock
:)n hand. Est rnatE~s given and con-
tract!. taken. AU kinds of exterior
and inl er or finish for houses made
to ore r \\c handle all kinds of
Building- Material, Ca!! at Planing
l. g thst
of these
E. --
F^E, 1
Your FF : ors Y e pi k in
Paint preserves the wood. Paint keeps
floors sanitary and healthful. Painted floors make
the rooms bright and cheery. Painted floors are
easily cleaned—a damp cloth keeps them free of
dust and genus. Paint your floors and thus have
thein always Spic and Span.
is all ready to brush on—anyone can apply it
evenly and smoothly. And it gives a hard,
durable, lustrous finish, that stays fresh and bright,
and wears, and wears, and wears.
It costs less to use than other floor paint,
e more surface and wears
because it coverslonger.
We have Senour's Floor Paint in 14
beautiful colors, suitable for every floor in the
house from kitchen to garret.
Come in. for at color card, and a copy of our
entertaining book, "Tlie IIouse That Jai.ck Built".
'Written for children, but "grown ups" get a lot
of ftui out of it. 1 ree to our friends.
Chas, Hartleib, Zurich, Ont.
D. Tiernan, Dashwood, Ont.