HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-04-16, Page 4Let nothing keep you away from attending the lasi
four days of the
iih41rade men's, Women's and Children's Clothiiig
Dry . Goods which must be soli. in 10 days to satisfy the claims of Creditors..,
Face to face with the worst demoralized business conditions we have ever had, cost or value is not
to be considered in this mighty great effort to raise ready cash,. Necessity knows no mercy. 'Cash relief
is our only salvation. Circumstances have combined to make this sale important. Conditions have shaped
themselves so that we are forced to sell these goods no matter how great our loss may be. Our capital
is tied up in merchandise, and therefore we need relief.
Ladies' Suits
.A Wonderful Purchase of ladies' and misses Sample
The very cream in the latest fall styles. We closed out from several
factories and wholesale dealers all of their "short lines" ofexelusiye
fall styles, lots too small for them to "sample." The assembled
purchase gives not only the greatest bargain opportunity, but also
the largest, nnost vari< <1 collection ever offered under prices in this
town: Suits. made i f the fir est all-wco] quality Eni.bed and trim-
med with the best linings and trimmings there are made. Prices
from $12 to, $30. • O1:r prices at this big sale, $6,98 to $11.98
You can't afford to miss these bargains.
Here's Some Dry -Goods Bargains
Specials on Dry Goods
Towelling, regular value 10c, our sale price 5c
Table Linen in white, values up to 50c, cur sale price 23c
Table Damask in white, value 75c at 35c. regular $1.55 to $1,50 fog; 69e
Ladies' Tailored Skirts Bargains
These skirts are all fine tailored, made of the finest and best qualities
that money can buy, It will pay you to come and see, whether
you buy or not.
All the latest fall styles, made of fine poplins, Bedford cords serges for
skirts and other all wool material, You can price first at our
store and then elsewhere and see the big moneysaving opport-
Ladies' all -wood Serge Skirts, regular $4 values. Our sale price $1.98
Regular $2.50 values. Special sale .price... 98c
Regular $5 values. Our special sale price .$2.50
Regular $8 values. Our special sale price... ... .. ...$3.98
Ladies' extra size Skirts, belt measure 30 to 38 regular $6 values.
Sale price... $2.98
We hope that you will find in this big sale the biggest money saving
opportunity that has ever occurred.
Special on Girl's Dresses
49c and 69c
Girls dresses made of Gingham, Prints, Madras and other washable
materials in ,all colors, sizes ficin 8 to 17, sell ,everywhere at 75c to
$1.25. Special Sale price 490 and 69c
We Wholesale as well as retail,' Come and see our
goods between the hours of 8 and 10 a. nn.
Special on Ladies' Kimonas
79c. and 98c
Ladies' Kimonas made of fine crepe and flannels, trimmed with silk.
Sizes •32 to 46. Sell everywhere at $1.50 and $3 00. Our price
during this sale 79c and 98.c
29c and 39c
Ladies' Short Kimonas made of fine crepe and flannel. Sell everywhere
from 60c to $1.25. Our price during this sale 29e and 390
Ladies' black Taffeta Silk Waists, sizes 34 to 42. Sell everywhere at
$3.0:0. %O.ur price during this sale 98c
69c and 89c
Ladies white •embroidery Waists, sizes 82 to 44. Sell everywhere
from $1.:25 to $2.00. " Our: price ,luring this sale..- . 69c and 89c
65c ancd 89c
Ladies' white embroidery Petticoats, .dell everywhere from $1.00 to
$2.00. OM price during this sale;... ,.. ... ••. 65c and 89c
39C and 98c
Ladies' Night Gowns made of fine muslin, trimmed with lace and
embroidery. Sells everywhere from $1.00 to $3,00. Our price during
this sale ... ... ... ... ... .... ,.. .. ...
390, and 98c
89c, 98c and $ 1.48
Ladies Princess Slips, trimmed with fine lace and embroidery. Sells
everywhere from $2,00 to $5.00. Our prices during this sate 89c, 98c
and $1.48
Boy's and Girl's Rain Coats, guaranteed rainproof cloth, sizes from 8
to 17. Sell everywhere at $5 to $6. Our price during this sale $2.23
Men's Dress Shirts that, fit, look stylish, a good variety of patterns,
regular $1.00 to $1.50 valuesincTuding some sateen shirts, all colors
broken sizes, our price during this sale 29c
This special item will wake competition sit up and take notice. It
will consist of Men's Navy Blue Serge Suits, masse in the latest
styles, Sell everywhere at i12 00, Onr prices clnring this sale $4.98
Men's Suits
Of Fancy Worsteds and Cassimeres.
Sizes 35 to 40 -in browns, grays and shadow stripes; three distinct
and different patterns; valves from $8.00 to $1.00. Special sale$3;9S.•
Splendid variety to select from, consisting of the renowned Iitenyon
Mills Cassimeres, grays and brown diagonals; Millbrook gray• and
brown worsted stripe and checks and Martis Cassimeres. - Regular
twelve to fifteen dollar values, Our price ... $'6+.9.8
Sizes 34 to 44 will consist of some of the best suits we have.• in our
house. The cloth used in this priced suit is from some of. thle best
mills in the land and is of pure all -worsted; some in self-sa'm e•strip-
es, some herring•bone effects, suitable for men in, all walks oft life.
These come in all colors and shapes-slims,;stouts, pegs, st.uths, etc. •
All the new creations of the season. Values from $15.00 to $30.00
Special sale price $8.98 and $11,9f1
Men's Furnishings
At Saving Prices -Nice selections of up-to*date:.
merchandise •
Men's shirts that fit, look stylish and good variety of patterns.
Men's Dress Shirts, regular $1.50 and $2.50 values at ... 6.9C
Regular 50e values our Special Sale price only ... ... .... 2i7„
Men's Work Shirts, regular 75c. values, new assortment 45c
Men's Braces.50c values at ... .. • ... 1 9
Men's Separate Pants
For Fall \\Tear
Three styles heavy weight, dark stripes Union Worsted Workingen's
Pants, sizes 32 to42, all lengths, value $2.00 for. ... -98c
Another lot of better grade, values from $2.50 to $8.00 for $1,48
We have on band abnut 300 pairs made from remnants, All -wool
Casimeres, Worsted, etc.; fine tailored; values $5.00 to $6,00 at $2,98.
Boys' Double Breasted Suits
Boys' Double•breasted Knee -pant Suits, ages from 9 to 16, in a light
weight worsted goods, knickerbocker pants, $5.00 values only $2.98
Another lot of different patterns, bard tn'i. ted worsteds, regular$6.00
values only ... ... ... .... $3.98
A beautiful lot of All•wool Serge Suits, Norfolks, well evade, values
from 8 to 10 dollams, only •.. $4.98
l`ien's and Ladies Rain -coats
We bought 5C0 Lrdies' and Gents' Raincents at less than halt Wall•
ufacturei's cost. Bow can anyone fail to own a raincoat at these
prices? Cassimeres, silk finish waterproofetoth, guaranteed rlin-
proof or nlnney refunded, all sizes, values up to $15.00. , Yonr
choice at $3.98, ,$4.98, and
••• $6.98
Everybody is going to the Great Sale of the Ontario Clothing Co, Great opportunities efTeied fcr 10 days only. The sale will begin with the most complete line of
Ladies' and Gentsready-to.wear gainaents, dry goods, etc. There are hundreds c dollars worth of desirable goods at the lowest prices ever' offered in Ontario. Come and
be convinced. Every man and woman who attends this sale will Ebare.iaa sl cciai vtilue,ss, which they will Iemenaberfor many a, day, thousands of specials, embracing all
lines. Some of the biggest values are in limited' gnantilies, therefore we have not t,dvertised them all but they will` be displayed on special tables for: quick and easy selling„
Don't miss this great sale. Conte and save from `30 to 50 per cent on tip -to- date cods Lady Clerks Wanted. Call opening day.
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Don't miss the (great Sale, Our trees for this sale. �1 ill make ccm et trcn sat u � and take notice. Come at once to the most stupendous closln�• out sale ever offered to
f bargai s, -la t with full realization. of the .fact that we must .dispose of these goods
the public of this vicinity, Competition will rrrrg'rts bands in terror at elle broadside e ,
we ignore their cry for mercy entirely. Our 0111y object is to dispose of these goods and save expense of hauling them away. Never before, in the history of this viornity, have
the people had the opportunity to buy all kinds of goods in the latest of fabrics and save 40 to 60 per cent, on the dollar. We have a lot of remnants of dress goods which
will be sold next to nothing prices. Come early and get the best choice,
C:n't fie Misled
!L sok For fur
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